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About this blog

I will create this new blog just in case I feel like restarting my mission of maintaining a narrative of symptoms and progress but also as a means to maintain connections to this incredible community. I was poly-drugged on 8 meds (Trazodone, Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Adderall, Lamicatal, Lamortrigine, Lithium, and Klonopin.) I rapid-tapered off all these drugs in a row except I waited to stabilize before I rapid-tapered Klonopin because I didn't know better. I had been on as high as 4 mg/per day of Klonopin but had reduced to 1 mg before the rapid-taper. I took 3 months of cutting and shaving the pill, but didn't use a scale so doses were not even. As I said, I had no guidance or knowledge of what I was doing. My doctor was unsupportive and told me to do it in 2 weeks so I knew I couldn't do it with her. I jumped off my last crumb of Klonopin on July 19, 2017 and total hell ensued. I thought I would improve and stabilize just as I did from my 7 other rapid tapers, but I was so wrong. Benzos are a different beast. As months rolled by my brain could only be described as dying... dead brain or black brain. My cognitive function continued to diminish to the point of being unable to process any information or language, my memory was destroyed, I lived in total insomnia for years,  my physical and mental fatigue was extraordinary and migraines and head pressure wrecked me daily. I had hundreds of completely debilitating symptoms over the years. It has been 6 years now and there have been some big improvements but I am still dealing with enough issues that normal life is not possible. This is my blog. Please connect with me as I have been THROUGH it! 

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Hello old friends...

Posting my first blog just to say hello to any and all old (and new) friends. I guess our old blogs are archived and will be phased out eventually? Has anyone found a way to save their old blogs, perhaps save them offline. It serves as record of the past 6 years of my life so it might be nice to save for future reference.  Anyway! I hope everyone is hanging in there and finding their way on the new site. It took me so long to fugue out the old one, so I imagine it will take me awhile t


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