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Australia a progressive country


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So funny how only when an innocuous thread becomes controversial, certain people like to step in


Like a moderator?  :laugh:

Let's do our best to keep it civil, folks.  Everyone's welcome to post on this thread, but let's all treat one another with respect. 


Challis  ;)

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So funny how only when an innocuous thread becomes controversial, certain people like to step in


Like a moderator?  :laugh:

Let's do our best to keep it civil, folks.  Everyone's welcome to post on this thread, but let's all treat one another with respect. 


Challis  ;)


Well, ideally. Lol.

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Thank you for your input.... perhaps you can take your views to another more relevant thread


Perhaps you might leave it to moderators to be asking people to refrain from making valid comments.


I am aware that Diaz-Pam can speak for herself but I would like to congratulate her on her impressive restraint when provoked with arrogant and incorrect statements.


Please read your title: Australia a progressive country


Just about any topic on earth would be covered by this. Perhaps you could start another thread with a title which describes what you are talking about.



I don't know who certain people. I generally keep to a few threads with little drama. Seems even this one has to have a note of drama.


anywho.. I did want to add that I agree with the above. DP didn't provoke the sarcasm and dismissiveness she got dished to her. She was merely offering her opinon on the topic of the thread, as outlined by the title.

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I'm sorry smiff, I don't agree with what the person you quoted said...I just think it's a little unfair to towardsthesun. Honestly, we cannot come up with perfect titles for threads. It was just a general statement, and it got blown out of proportion. It was intended to be a positive thread, I think, about positive news regarding Australia's laws on benzos. I am sure we could come up with a million reasons why Australia is not progressive but that is beside the point of the threads intention.


I am not speaking for towards but I understand why she is being defensive, it seems like her topic got taken over and taken out of context. I think it is just a little unfair to start the thread off with a slightly argumentative post. It was just a simple news announcement and she happened to not pick the "perfect" title.


I am sure many women suffer with untreated menopausal symptoms in Australia, I'm not denying that at all, and I'm sure there are many who have severe symptoms as DP stated. I just think there are better places to voice that opinion...and hopefully we can now talk about the actual topic of Xanax rescheduling, if anyone actually has something to say about it...

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I cannot get more on topic than this. It is an excerpt from the article link provided in the opening post. By the way, this is getting a bit old as it is dated February 3, 2014.


Alprazolam officially up-scheduled

Alprazolam officially became a Schedule 8 medication on Saturday due to evidence of widespread misuse, according to the TGA.

The controversial drug dubbed “the champagne of benzodiazepines” has become infamous among injecting drug users as a preferred drug for abuse due to its high potency and short onset of action. (My emphasis.)

The up-scheduling will see alprazolam officially recognised as a drug of addiction and will apply to all forms and preparations of the drug.

The original brand name Xanax has already been discontinued on the Australian market with only generic versions now available.


I am not quite sure why it is stated that alprazolam will be 'officially recognised as a drug of addiction' as it's addictive properties have been well known for the past 30 years (as indicated in the old package inserts and the prescribing manual, MIMS. (I can quote from this if necessary as I have access to it through my husband who is a university research fellow.)


“the champagne of benzodiazepines” has become infamous among injecting drug users as a preferred drug for abuse due to its high potency and short onset of action.


This is the main reason that alprazolam has been the targeted benzodiazepine. I have previously posted article links to this fact. My own GP has also said this is why it was the one chosen.


The original Xanax brand by Pfizer has been discontinued for commercial reasons only. I emailed them to verify this.


There have been many scare stories floating around this forum about people being cut off from the supply of alprazolam. Some people who were prescribed and encouraged to use the medication for anxiety/panic attacks many years ago and want to continue doing so (because it does keep working for some) will not be affected by this new scheduling. Those who need their supply to taper will not be affected.


Hopefully the people towards whom the new restrictions are directed WILL be affected.


These are the people who: doctor shop to procure large amounts of the drug to sell illegally for huge mark-ups on the street; take huge doses (>10mg per day) - hopefully these people will be given professional help; heroin or other illegal substance users who use alprazolam as part of what can become a lethal cocktail.


People who go to a regular GP and don't abuse their medication have nothing to fear about getting a drug that they were needing at some stage and now find themselves addicted to.


So I agree. We are a progressive country. We are dealing with this problem of mixing illegal and legal drugs in a way that will not compromise those who have been responsible with their use.


I could go on to say how we are progressive in banning the use of guns, trying to provide education and medical services for all, rich or poor, wiping out sexism and racism  etc etc


At present we are regressive in looking after this beautiful country of ours because we have a new government which is wiping out many gains that took decades to acquire. But one could write a book about that and it could be construed as political, even though I believe looking after your beautiful environment and wiping out cruelty to animals is beyond politics.




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I'll just point out that I made one comment at the beginning of the thread about the title. It was not an "argumentative" post, and could easily have been ignored by everyone if they so chose. However, the thread was then "taken over and taken out of context" by those who chose to respond to my one-off comment. So it is those people who have chosen to take the thread "off topic". I merely responded to their direct comments to me.


Having said that, while I'm flattered that I'm being discussed, if you really want to get back on topic perhaps doing so, instead of discussing past posts, might be a good idea, don't you think? Perhaps the reason few people have really made any actual comments about the subject of the thread is because this is a topic that has already been covered on numerous other threads, and it's not really new information. Maybe this information could have just been added to one of the already existing threads, but I'm not moderator, so I don't tell people where or if they should post something.


PS ---- just noticed Xana has brought the subject back on topic, so maybe we could leave it on topic, and stop blaming me for taking it off topic.

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And so the saga continues ::)


Xana, that was informative, thanks. Well, I will say I agree again, Australia is progressive in making sure Xanax is not abused as best they can. US not so much.


What do you mean by "wiping out gains that took decades to acquire"? Just curious.

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Drug of addiction is a medical term that categorises drugs in the medical profession.


Actually it seems that the correct medical term being used is 'Controlled Drug' which is printed on the new boxes but was not before.



wiping out gains that took decades to acquire


I was talking about protection of marine life in National Marine Parks, protection of endangered and functionally extinct native animals by keeping land as natural habitat and preventing its development or use for other purposes, protection of old growth forest from wood chipping... it goes on and on. Every day on facebook I see more depressing environmental vandalism (which is a term used by international protection authorities giving warnings to this government). Added to this, money is  being taken from human causes eg support for women with breast cancer - small amounts of money for a government but hugely important for the lives of the people who are suffering.


Some people have fought the good fight all their lives to see our wildlife and country protected from those who see gain only in money. Their fight has been in vain.


Now you have really made me go off topic. Was that a trick?  :D

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Drug of addiction is a medical term that categorises drugs in the medical profession.


Actually it seems that the correct medical term being used is 'Controlled Drug' which is printed on the new boxes but was not before.



wiping out gains that took decades to acquire


I was talking about protection of marine life in National Marine Parks, protection of endangered and functionally extinct native animals by keeping land as natural habitat and preventing its development or use for other purposes, protection of old growth forest from wood chipping... it goes on and on. Every day on facebook I see more depressing environmental vandalism (which is a term used by international protection authorities giving warnings to this government). Added to this, money is  being taken from human causes eg support for women with breast cancer - small amounts of money for a government but hugely important for the lives of the people who are suffering.


Some people have fought the good fight all their lives to see our wildlife and country protected from those who see gain only in money. Their fight has been in vain.


Now you have really made me go off topic. Was that a trick?  :D



I think it best I dont argue with someone who is not in the medical profession

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I have been searching for a comprehensive description such as this for a while and here it was in dear old Wiki - right under my nose! Hope someone finds it interesting. I did.






PS I wish I hadn't read that alprazolam was considered the 'champagne of benzodiazepines'. It makes it sound so nice.  ::)  Pink champagne is was my very favourite drink. Preferably strawberry flavoured with an actual strawberry in it. With the bubbles coming up around the strawberry.

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Well if Xanax is the champagne of benzos, ativan must be the http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5y2zvb4dbEg/UlZqADWwrkI/AAAAAAAADis/JT789i7Nqqg/s1600/emoji-E05A.pngy light beer
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Well if Xanax is the champagne of benzos, ativan must be the y light beer


Never could develop a taste for beer of any sort! :laugh:

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Our US friends would probably be amazed that you can't get melatonin without a script...




It is true that here in the States there are many pharmacies were you can purchase a pack of smokes, a fifth of bourbon, a benzo script, an adderall script, melatonin tabs, a dozen energy drinks, every snake oil known to man, a pack of rubbers and a bible all at once.  And that may not seem like a good combination at first.  That is until you realize we counter that risk by offering the customer a firearm.  See?  Makes sense now doesn't it?  :idiot:


Because the only thing stopping a bad burbon chugging benzo popping smoker sporting a condom who's all hopped up on adderall, ginseng, and caffeine running through the streets with a bible in one arm and an assault rifle in the other yelling he's the son of god is a good burbon chugging benzo popping smoker sporting a condom who's all hopped up on adderall, ginseng, and caffeine running through the streets with a bible in one arm and an assault rifle in the other yelling he's the son of god. 

That's how we roll.





Putting drugs through rigorous screening would be a progressive stance from where I'm standing... er sitting... er slouching.  Ideally Australians would have a robust task force assigned to categorical approval of drugs as to not endanger the lives of those who needs them on the market pronto.  However blind trust of industry is regressive not progressive.  Those who work for our drug approval department often go on to work for the very drug companies who's fortune rests on their shoulders.  If you want to apply for a position at a particular drug manufacturer are you more or less inclined to green light their products?  Sometimes  they come from the drug companies to the FDA for a stint, then return to the company.  The old revolving door. 


Efforts to preserve/conserve this system would be considered "conservative."  Efforts to progress away from this system to mandatory independent thorough analysis with a contractual clause would be considered "progressive."  All depends on where you're standing.

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I agree, Triste. This country is...not sane.

Your post makes lots of sense, plus it made me smile..to keep from swearing..

thanks for this.


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Our US friends would probably be amazed that you can't get melatonin without a script...




It is true that here in the States there are many pharmacies were you can purchase a pack of smokes, a fifth of bourbon, a benzo script, an adderall script, melatonin tabs, a dozen energy drinks, every snake oil known to man, a pack of rubbers and a bible all at once.  And that may not seem like a good combination at first.  That is until you realize we counter that risk by offering the customer a firearm.  See?  Makes sense now doesn't it?  :idiot:



Because the only thing stopping a bad burbon chugging benzo popping smoker sporting a condom who's all hopped up on adderall, ginseng, and caffeine running through the streets with a bible in one arm and an assault rifle in the other yelling he's the son of god is a good burbon chugging benzo popping smoker sporting a condom who's all hopped up on adderall, ginseng, and caffeine running through the streets with a bible in one arm and an assault rifle in the other yelling he's the son of god. 

That's how we roll.





Putting drugs through rigorous screening would be a progressive stance from where I'm standing... er sitting... er slouching.  Ideally Australians would have a robust task force assigned to categorical approval of drugs as to not endanger the lives of those who needs them on the market pronto.  However blind trust of industry is regressive not progressive.  Those who work for our drug approval department often go on to work for the very drug companies who's fortune rests on their shoulders.  If you want to apply for a position at a particular drug manufacturer are you more or less inclined to green light their products?  Sometimes  they come from the drug companies to the FDA for a stint, then return to the company.  The old revolving door. 


Efforts to preserve/conserve this system would be considered "conservative."  Efforts to progress away from this system to mandatory independent thorough analysis with a contractual clause would be considered "progressive."  All depends on where you're standing.



There may be people and places like that ..... but definitely no pharmacies like that in Australia  :laugh:



It takes many years for something to pass through our TGA process... the equivalent of the American FDA.  Later this year Australia progresses further with new guidelines for practice and prescription of benzos.  There has been much work and research on here like in the UK.  Our Drs know better now and will have far more strict guidelines to reflect same.

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Our US friends would probably be amazed that you can't get melatonin without a script...




It is true that here in the States there are many pharmacies were you can purchase a pack of smokes, a fifth of bourbon, a benzo script, an adderall script, melatonin tabs, a dozen energy drinks, every snake oil known to man, a pack of rubbers and a bible all at once.  And that may not seem like a good combination at first.  That is until you realize we counter that risk by offering the customer a firearm.  See?  Makes sense now doesn't it?  :idiot:


Because the only thing stopping a bad burbon chugging benzo popping smoker sporting a condom who's all hopped up on adderall, ginseng, and caffeine running through the streets with a bible in one arm and an assault rifle in the other yelling he's the son of god is a good burbon chugging benzo popping smoker sporting a condom who's all hopped up on adderall, ginseng, and caffeine running through the streets with a bible in one arm and an assault rifle in the other yelling he's the son of god. 

That's how we roll.





Putting drugs through rigorous screening would be a progressive stance from where I'm standing... er sitting... er slouching.  Ideally Australians would have a robust task force assigned to categorical approval of drugs as to not endanger the lives of those who needs them on the market pronto.  However blind trust of industry is regressive not progressive.  Those who work for our drug approval department often go on to work for the very drug companies who's fortune rests on their shoulders.  If you want to apply for a position at a particular drug manufacturer are you more or less inclined to green light their products?  Sometimes  they come from the drug companies to the FDA for a stint, then return to the company.  The old revolving door. 


Efforts to preserve/conserve this system would be considered "conservative."  Efforts to progress away from this system to mandatory independent thorough analysis with a contractual clause would be considered "progressive."  All depends on where you're standing.



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So we are left with anti psychotics thrown at us left right and centre and why? So we get forced to get off the benzos onto the anti psychotics.
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Tis true Benzoworld


Australia seems to be in the grips of a love affair with seroquel.


I partly blame the fact they haven't approved some other sleep meds like Trazadone and Hydroxyzine.

Those two have been around forever. I don't know why they can't be approved.

And most of the seroquel scripts are for off label insomnia. Treating insomnia with seroquel is like trying to break an egg with a sledgehammer.

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Tis true Benzoworld


Australia seems to be in the grips of a love affair with seroquel.


I partly blame the fact they haven't approved some other sleep meds like Trazadone and Hydroxyzine.

Those two have been around forever. I don't know why they can't be approved.

And most of the seroquel scripts are for off label insomnia. Treating insomnia with seroquel is like trying to break an egg with a sledgehammer.



Benzoworld and Smiff



So true about the Seroquel - Unfortunately being an anti psychotic it is known as a "dirty drug" meaning Drs dont quite know how, why or if it will work!!!!! Apparently it is thought to be the safest out of this class of drug.  Hey I guess we should be glad barbiturates are no longer prescribed here as they were killing people!!!!

Our TGA is quite strict as it has taken many years to get Xanax re-scheduled, it is also hard to get drugs passed through.  Its a double edged sword!

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