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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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Thank you for taking the time to write and explain in detail. I will consider the options and hopefully, find the a way to taper off the remaining .82 mg.

Hearing others journey, what worked and what didn't, is helpful.

I know there is no ducktape for withdrawal, but sharing "tips" is the next best thing!





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Thank you for taking the time to write and explain in detail. I will consider the options and hopefully, find the a way to taper off the remaining .82 mg.

Hearing others journey, what worked and what didn't, is helpful.

I know there is no ducktape for withdrawal, but sharing "tips" is the next best thing!





Right?! :thumbsup:


Mrs. :smitten:

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Another day another cut. Today dropped PM dose by 0.0625mg. Now on 0.0625mg twice a day. Hopefully another 2 weeks and I jump. Cheers Oz.
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starfish, it would be helpful if you could start getting the .25 pills as they're easier to cut into manageable doses for tapering.  Halving a .25mg pill gives you doses of .125mg, and quartering it gives you doses of .0625, which is what most people start cutting at once they get down to around 1mg.  I think most people will cut every 7-14 days, depending on how they feel and how bad their symptoms are, but some will hold for a much longer time, like 3 weeks to a month or longer.  I think a lot of that depends on how sensitive their CNS is, and how soon they experience symptoms after they cut a dose. 


Don't be scared though.  I think most people are able to taper with minimal symptoms that are manageable, but a small percentage do experience very horrific symptoms.  Do you have any reason to believe your taper will be especially difficult?  Are you already experiencing interdose withdrawals?  At any rate, I'm sure more people will chime in here and give you good council.  I've found this place, and the people here, to be very understanding and encouraging.


For me personally, I stopped CT because I had no idea you couldn't do that, and I went into acute withdrawal.  So I went back on and stabilized at 2mg/day, and then began cutting.  My first cut was .25mg, after that I started cutting .125mg, and once I got below 1mg I began cutting .0625.  So far it's been OK.  I'm almost done now.  I started out cutting approximately every 10 days, and once I started cutting .0625 I started cutting every week or so, sometimes every 6 days.  My symptoms show up almost immediately, so it's easier for me to judge, I suppose.  I don't know if I could have done it without the people here, because I sought out a few people who had tapered directly from xanax and been successful and asked what they did, and that helped me decide how to handle my own taper.    (Right now I'm holding because I just had surgery, so I'll probably hold for another week and possibly two, to allow my body time to heal from the surgery before commencing with my taper.)


Just don't allow your fear to control you, because fear is funny thing, and it can end up causing you to experience whatever it is you're afraid of.  So try not to be too afraid.  Some fear is unavoidable, but just don't obsess about it or allow it to rule you.  And remember always, your symptoms are just that... symptoms.  They will eventually get better and go away as you heal.


Good luck with you taper!  There is a thread here somewhere where you can get help with a taper plan (I think) if you need that.  Just remember to listen to your body and you should be OK.




~K    :smitten:




Thanks. I tried to get my doc to change my script to .25 mg pills for my refill coming up on the 3rd and he wants to see mE before. I can't  even get into see him for another week or so so im stuck with the .5mgs for now. I dont know if im having interdose wd. I have horrible headaches almost daily, anxious, depressed. Would that be wd? I am super sensitive to by body so i feel everything! thats why im thinking i might have a hard time. Ive never exceeded 1mg but that might not even make a difference.  I think fear of the unknown is.what really bothers me. I dont know what to expect.  Heart palpitations scare the crap out of me, it seems like since ive been on xanax they are more frequent. They are the main reason i got on xanax to begin with. Im not sure how i will cope with them. Its just all so scary to me. I know i should be stronger, i just feel im in a really bad place right now :(


Well, that could be interdose wd symptoms, but since you had some of them before, then probably not all of them are.  If I were in your shoes, I would probably wait until I saw the doc and got the lower dosage pills before cutting, but you could still do it with the .5 pills if you wanted.  A quarter of a .5mg pill is .125mg, which would probably be OK to cut from a 1mg dose.  I cut .125 two more times after reaching 1mg and I was fine.  But not everyone will be.  You could try dividing the pills into eighths, and that would be a .0625mg dose, but it might be a hassle.  Or you could do liquid titration.  I know nothing about that though so I can't give you any advice or anything on how it works.  Hopefully more people will chime in here at some point.  Just don't be afraid.  Fear of the unknown can be a powerful thing, but the unknown isn't necessarily bad.  It can be good.  So just try to be positive about it.  :)




~K    :smitten:


I began cutting .0625 at 1.25mgs and under 1 mg it got harder. Maybe you could make one .125 mg cut and see how it goes. I would switch to .0625 mgs as soon as possible if you get hit hard with syxs with that first cut.




Thanks all,  for taking the time to respond to me :) ....so i did a pretty big cut.  Not last night but the night before i acutally forgot my pm dose of .25mg ( I space my .25mg  doeses throughout the day to equal  1mg) and i seemed ok. So the next night i didn't take it either and was ok. Freaking out in my head but no physcial sxs. So this is night 3 on .75mg. Would i generally feel something by now of this huge cut was gonna hurt me? I hope im getting off easy here! I dont plan on cutting by .25 mg again. Any thoughts?

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I would wait 7-10 days to see if any syxs pop up. Everyone seems different on when they do. Some are the next day, some are day 3-4, some are day 8. I would guess that if you have no syxs by day 10 you are in the clear. I wouldn't freak out though, I would just ride the wave....whatever it will be. You might very well have an easy wd. I sure hope so! Remember most people who take benzos do  :thumbsup:



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Started to taper again. I started my taper again monday, I had to pause from ie because I found out my now Ex I had been with for 13 years was cheating and since he him and his gf have made my life living hell. I am scared to taper with all this stress. I am now rasing 2 kids full time alone with no help from anyone and because of him making up lies having to constantly drive 45 mins to court just to prove that hes lying and one of my biggest triggers s the highway he knows all this about me and he is now doing everything he can to break me. I dont know how I ever waswith someone that is so truly evil
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I would wait 7-10 days to see if any syxs pop up. Everyone seems different on when they do. Some are the next day, some are day 3-4, some are day 8. I would guess that if you have no syxs by day 10 you are in the clear. I wouldn't freak out though, I would just ride the wave....whatever it will be. You might very well have an easy wd. I sure hope so! Remember most people who take benzos do  :thumbsup:





Thanks G. Im trying not to even think about it. I think ill cut .125mg next Friday if all goes well And continue to cut every 10 days or so. Hopefully ill be off this crap at least by the end of march, i probably shouldn't put a time frame on my taper. I want to be off these pills so bad!

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I need some thoughts X BB's

Since cutting 5% last Sunday my body has been in tremendous pain. I feel like I've been in a car wreck: extreme muscle tension from neck down to legs, paresthesia in feet & legs as well. I hardly am able to stand I feel so weak and extremely fatigue.

I've tried massage, Tiger Balm, showers, bath, increased magnesium all for only a few minutes of relief.

In much pain. Sure could use some suggestions.



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M, whatever you decide to do is completely up to you :)


From what I've observed others do in similar situations, as well as observing myself in similar situations while tapering, there are two options that come to mind. One is to hold - for a good while - until the pain subsides. Another option is to "micro updose" - going back to the point where things felt bearable. These two, of course, are not the only two options. They are just the ones that come to my mind when seeking relief from a harsher cut. Each has their "pros" and "cons" as well - ultimately the decision is yours :)


For me, when a cut impacted me with a harsher set of symptoms, it was usually a good sign that I was moving too quickly and that I needed to hold :) Again, this was just me :) Either way, I hope you're feeling better very soon -- very, very soon :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Yes, I have decided to hold. That I will do - and doctor will agree to as well. He will not permit an updose though.

Weathering this week has taken its toll. Needed to hear from friendly wisdom - thank you Mrs😘


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Yes, I have decided to hold. That I will do - and doctor will agree to as well. He will not permit an updose though.

Weathering this week has taken its toll. Needed to hear from friendly wisdom - thank you Mrs😘




Perhaps some light & gentle yoga might help the muscle pain? I seem to remember Carita mentioning yoga as one of her "go-to" tools :) Sleep tight friend :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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I participated in a yoga class yesterday Mrs, thinking the same.

It felt wonderful while moving and involved; followed by horrific muscle contractions and then complete tightness. So I tried walking it out, applied Tiger Balm, and hot shower too. Nothing has helped;sadly, not even a bit.

And now, it's 5:30 am and both feet and the left side of my body is conducting electricity. Burning & tingling, pulsating, throbbing.

It's going to be a challenging day. 😐


Thanks for brainstorming Mrs!







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Aww M :therethere:


There is a buddy, ABCD, that has dealt with his share of muscle tightness. I think it was (is?) his main symptom - you could perhaps reach out to him and see of he has any suggestions?


Feel better, toots :smitten:


Mrs. :smitten:

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Update from deep in the trenches.


Symptoms were outrageously painful and moved to a few mental: fear, free floating anxiety, crying jags.

So, I did micro up dose and am now waiting for my mind & body to respond.

I recalculated my excel taper spreadsheet, downgrading from 5% every 14 days to 2% every 14 days. Hope this will keep me moving forward for a while.


Thanks for reading.


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Update from deep in the trenches.


Symptoms were outrageously painful and moved to a few mental: fear, free floating anxiety, crying jags.

So, I did micro up dose and am now waiting for my mind & body to respond.

I recalculated my excel taper spreadsheet, downgrading from 5% every 14 days to 2% every 14 days. Hope this will keep me moving forward for a while.


Thanks for reading.



Deep in the trenches = no bueno.  But, you're gonna make it :)  This will pass soon!


Happy Sunday to you! :mybuddy:


Mrs. :smitten:

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This is my first time posting here. I had a question I wanted to ask. I know most people tapering off Xanax jump at the .0625 mark. I am wondering if you felt a big difference or not going from .0625 to 0?


I am at .1875 and doing pretty good. Do you think that if I am still feeling well at .0625 that I should be o k ? My biggest fear is going from to the lower doses and eventually jumping to 0.


Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

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This is my first time posting here. I had a question I wanted to ask. I know most people tapering off Xanax jump at the .0625 mark. I am wondering if you felt a big difference or not going from .0625 to 0?


I am at .1875 and doing pretty good. Do you think that if I am still feeling well at .0625 that I should be o k ? My biggest fear is going from to the lower doses and eventually jumping to 0.


Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

I'm in a similar situation. In 4 days I'll be going from 0.0625mg twice a day to once a day dose. I'm very hesitant at making this step and would love to hear from people who made it. Cheers Oz.

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Welcome Saul43 & ozbeargrowler,


I do not have advice on went to jump, will leave that for the experienced ones, but wanted to say hello, glad to see you are nearing the end; and, fantastic that you are feeling well!


Good luck!




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This is my first time posting here. I had a question I wanted to ask. I know most people tapering off Xanax jump at the .0625 mark. I am wondering if you felt a big difference or not going from .0625 to 0?


I am at .1875 and doing pretty good. Do you think that if I am still feeling well at .0625 that I should be o k ? My biggest fear is going from to the lower doses and eventually jumping to 0.


Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.




I did not feel any difference when I jumped form 0.0625.  I was more scared and nervous about what I would feel than how I actually felt.  Good Luck! :)

Thanks in advance!

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I think you will be ok. You have been pretty lucky so far so I would just keep on schedule. Don't let your fears take over. I was scared too. But honestly...it doesn't matter what happens...you have to go through whatever is your journey to get off. Just have a mindset of getting free. Focus on that. I really think you will be fine with your last few cuts. So don't be afraid to keep moving as planned. Good job!!


Grinch  :)

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This is my first time posting here. I had a question I wanted to ask. I know most people tapering off Xanax jump at the .0625 mark. I am wondering if you felt a big difference or not going from .0625 to 0?


I am at .1875 and doing pretty good. Do you think that if I am still feeling well at .0625 that I should be o k ? My biggest fear is going from to the lower doses and eventually jumping to 0.


Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!


Hi. You can look at my signature and see what I did with my last few cuts. I was scared too, but it has to be done to be free. I took it one step further but I was already in real bad shape. If you feel more comfortable cutting to .03125 like I did that's an option. However, I wouldn't have if I was feeling ok at .0625. I would have just jumped.



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This is my first time posting here. I had a question I wanted to ask. I know most people tapering off Xanax jump at the .0625 mark. I am wondering if you felt a big difference or not going from .0625 to 0?


I am at .1875 and doing pretty good. Do you think that if I am still feeling well at .0625 that I should be o k ? My biggest fear is going from to the lower doses and eventually jumping to 0.


Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.




I did not feel any difference when I jumped form 0.0625.  I was more scared and nervous about what I would feel than how I actually felt.  Good Luck! :)

Thanks in advance!


Thanks Monique!


This is reassuring. I feel well right now and think if I continue, which I think I will, that I should be o k when I jump. I have read some of your posts in the past and was thinking of you recently because you are one of the people I have heard of that successfully tapered off Xanax.


Appreciate the response!

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This is my first time posting here. I had a question I wanted to ask. I know most people tapering off Xanax jump at the .0625 mark. I am wondering if you felt a big difference or not going from .0625 to 0?


I am at .1875 and doing pretty good. Do you think that if I am still feeling well at .0625 that I should be o k ? My biggest fear is going from to the lower doses and eventually jumping to 0.


Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!


Hi. You can look at my signature and see what I did with my last few cuts. I was scared too, but it has to be done to be free. I took it one step further but I was already in real bad shape. If you feel more comfortable cutting to .03125 like I did that's an option. However, I wouldn't have if I was feeling ok at .0625. I would have just jumped.




Thanks Grinch,


There were times in the past when I was scared to move forward, but after reading your posts, got enough encouragement to move forward.


Thank you for that!

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