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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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Do you find tapping helpful??


I do. It is my go to coping strategies now. Especially early morning, but you have to believe it and let it work. And keep doing it.




I hope you get some relief in the evenings.


No I don't. It stays the same all the time. I don't have any time of relief. In fact, it is now 7:40pm here and I am worse so no relief coming my way. It's been this way since this started yrs ago. Be glad you have some relief moments. That would make all the difference to me.



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Do you find tapping helpful??


I do. It is my go to coping strategies now. Especially early morning, but you have to believe it and let it work. And keep doing it.




I hope you get some relief in the evenings.


No I don't. It stays the same all the time. I don't have any time of relief. In fact, it is now 7:40pm here and I am worse so no relief coming my way. It's been this way since this started yrs ago. Be glad you have some relief moments. That would make all the difference to me.






You're almost done ~ hang in there. And, although there is no guarantee of immediate relief, it does close the door on further benzo interference - 'down-regulation' - and it does usher in the next phase - healing w/out inhibition, and the process of permanent 'up-regulation'. Praise God.


You've done great, in the face of some horrible withdrawal. You are much braver and stronger than I, to keep moving steadily despite symptoms. I'm holding you up in thought these next few weeks as you finish :hug:


Mrs. :smitten:

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Do you find tapping helpful??


I do. It is my go to coping strategies now. Especially early morning, but you have to believe it and let it work. And keep doing it.




I hope you get some relief in the evenings.


No I don't. It stays the same all the time. I don't have any time of relief. In fact, it is now 7:40pm here and I am worse so no relief coming my way. It's been this way since this started yrs ago. Be glad you have some relief moments. That would make all the difference to me.






You're almost done ~ hang in there. And, although there is no guarantee of immediate relief, it does close the door on further benzo interference - 'down-regulation' - and it does usher in the next phase - healing w/out inhibition, and the process of permanent 'up-regulation'. Praise God.


You've done great, in the face of some horrible withdrawal. You are much braver and stronger than I, to keep moving steadily despite symptoms. I'm holding you up in thought these next few weeks as you finish :hug:


Mrs. :smitten:


Thanks! I feel so miserable. I posted on the other board about just getting this over with by cutting these last two doses out over the next five days. If I am in acute already and it's not going to get better I would much rather begin the process of healing by being done. I don't know. I just want this over.



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Do you find tapping helpful??


I do. It is my go to coping strategies now. Especially early morning, but you have to believe it and let it work. And keep doing it.




I hope you get some relief in the evenings.


No I don't. It stays the same all the time. I don't have any time of relief. In fact, it is now 7:40pm here and I am worse so no relief coming my way. It's been this way since this started yrs ago. Be glad you have some relief moments. That would make all the difference to me.






You're almost done ~ hang in there. And, although there is no guarantee of immediate relief, it does close the door on further benzo interference - 'down-regulation' - and it does usher in the next phase - healing w/out inhibition, and the process of permanent 'up-regulation'. Praise God.


You've done great, in the face of some horrible withdrawal. You are much braver and stronger than I, to keep moving steadily despite symptoms. I'm holding you up in thought these next few weeks as you finish :hug:


Mrs. :smitten:


Thanks! I feel so miserable. I posted on the other board about just getting this over with by cutting these last two doses out over the next five days. If I am in acute already and it's not going to get better I would much rather begin the process of healing by being done. I don't know. I just want this over.




I felt the same way towards the end. I called it "ripping the bandaid off". Babyrex actually talked me "off the ledge" so to speak, though - and I finished my taper at the same speed I was moving. Glad I did, in hindsight. I think it saved me from having a second 'acute'. Feel free to do what you feel is best for you, of course. This was just my personal experiences.


What are your most bothersome symptoms? Or are you in "the blur"? You know, that place where one symptom is like all symptoms ~ equally intense, and equally (*ahem*) 'challenging'... What a ride. Ugh. For me, the next "phase" after 'the blur' was something I called 'rapid cycling' of symptoms. Its where things could change in a moments notice - from intense, painful waves to a clearer-headed, lightened 'relief' (dare I call it a 'window'?) - and it could shift hour to hour, or minute to minute... But hey, no complaints back then...it surely beat 'the blur', where there was no relief, really. Welp, anyways :) Hope you're feeling better very soon, G. Have a restful, peaceful night.


Mrs. :smitten:

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Hey Starfish,


I will chime in to let you know that, unlike my amazing buddies Vangogh & Challis, I unfortunately did not have a very easy going taper. BUT -- that did NOT, and does not, mean that I couldn't taper and get free :) I came on here to let you know that, even if it is hard or gets hard, you CAN do it! When things got "ouchy", I slowed down and/or held my dose for a good while. I water tapered very slowly, as I was very sensitive to even a small cut like 0.0625mg (1/4th of a 0.25mg tablet) - it was too much for me at one time to cut.


I am currently just over 2 months xanax free, and am in many ways what others would consider "fully functional". I still have healing to do, but it is moving along quite steadily. I was also able to continue working, to some capacity, all throughout my taper and withdrawal thus far (see my signature line for details). My taper and withdrawal was very challenging many times, yes, BUT. I believe that I am at where I'm at today because I heeded the advice of moving slowly AND listening to my body when it said "too fast" (rather than plowing through just to get "off"). I will state that a slow and steady taper does not guarantee an "easy" withdrawal, - but I do believe that it increases your odds of an easier time and lesser symptoms. Although my taper was, in my opinion, a bit tougher than most moving at my rate of speed, I can say that I believe it could've been made much worse by a "cold turkey" cessation, or a more rapid taper rate than I took.


I hope that this post is hopeful and encouraging to you, SF - I will say it again, that no matter which 'type' of 'withdrawler' you are (having an 'easy' time, or having a 'hard' time), you CAN do this, and you are NOT alone. There are plenty of buddies on this Xanax thread who have had a bit "bumpier" of a taper, and will be there to help comfort you and pick you back up & get you moving along again, if necessary. And, if it is an 'easier' ride (as I suspect it probably will be ;) ), there are plenty of buddies like you here as well, to encourage and relate to your situation and taper as well.


All bases are covered, buddy. You can do this. Now, do your "homework" and research/ask questions/etc to help you figure out what type of taper regime you feel is best for you AND that you are comfortable with, and have at it  :thumbsup: Love to you, buddy - you GOT this.


Mrs. :smitten:



Thanks!  I think im going start my taper after my monthly cycle..sorry tmi, but i dont want hormones to play a part in wd sxs. Im already super sensitive to by body. Im so scared to get heart palpitations again. I know xanax has never stopped them but i dont react to them with panic on xanax. Does anyone else get them? I don't know how to keep myself calm when they come. I need a coping mechanism, especially when im at work. Thanks for all the support everyone!! Please give as much feedback as you would like, i love to hear from you all. It gives me hope and makes me feel more confident  :thumbsup:


Not TMI at all, lol :)  Many female withdrawalers notice an "uptick" in their symptoms as their 'monthly cycle' progresses & commences.  I am not a doctor, of course, but I think it has something to do with our hormone production while in withdrawal.  There is actually a support thread for those who have experienced symptoms associated with menstruation, and it's located here: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=109103.0  There are some really neat ladies over there that have been mightily encouraging to me and others through this process :)


I understand how heart palpitations can be a bit unsettling, SF.  May I ask, how do your palpitations present themselves?  Is it a PVC (a sensation of a "skip" or "delay" in a beat)?  Or is it some tachycardia (elevated heart rate)?  Either way, I have experienced both while in withdrawal.  May I ask you - how long have you used Xanax?  Have you ever had ANY other history of benzodiazepine usage, prior to 2014?  Even if it was very occasional, PRN usage?  I ask because I became VERY inclined to panic/anxiety/panic attacks from my very first Xanax pill ~ the "rebound" withdrawals happened almost immediately for me.  Must be a bit genetic, too, because the same thing happened for my grandmother when she was put on Ativan (lorazepam) ~ rebound symptoms from the first pill.  Anyways, I say all that to mention that I would venture to guess that MUCH of the panic and anxiety you are currently feeling may just be from interdose/tolerance withdrawal to the Xanax.  The past few months, the "benzo fear/panic/anxiety" has been peeling away, layer by layer, for me...and I am amazed at how much it was the root of the fear/panic/anxiety I experienced.  The same may be for you as well :)


One thing to understand about palpitations, SF - palpitations are completely HARMLESS.  A full evaluation from a cardiologist will reassure you of the same thing. They are about as concerning (and annoying) as a "hiccup".  Know that, and rehearsing that over and over again as they occurred, was very helpful for me.  For reference, I experienced the "skipped" beat sensation that you described ~ similar to you, in that it was not 100s of times per day, but one here and there.  I also experienced tachycardia ~ with a resting rate of 90s-100s, and with short 'episodes' that it would do a brief "peak" at 150-160-170bpm and come back down (argh!) -- and I mean honey, talk about a BAD time to have panic arise, when your heartrate is already moving at 150bpm!! :D I of course went to see a cardiologist, and  I wore a holter monitor -- for thirty days, at my request.  We recorded some of the "worst" feeling tachycardia episodes, along with some PVCs.  ALL were normal.  It was wild ~ every time I called in to "empty" my holter monitor of its recordings (it would only hold ten recordings at a time), I thought FOR SURE this time they'll be calling me in after seeing these recordings...only to get no phone call :o:P  I leaned on my cardiologist often when I was dealing with irrational fears ~ mine had this steady confidence and casual attitude about what I was experiencing that really helped set me at ease.  I thought, well SHEESH -- if he's not running around, calling for backup, concerned for my safety and well-being...than why am I?  When it comes to heart-related things, it is my personal opinion and experiences that doctors don't "mess around"...so if there is even a hint of a concern there in the tests, they take it very seriously.  So, with mine, I took it as a VERY good sign that there was NO ONE but me (at first) concerned about things (I am absolutely NOT concerned like that now). 


I was also prescribed something called a "beta blocker", in a low dose to be able to take "as needed" for tachycardia and/or palpitations.  From my limited understanding, beta blockers are effective in helping reduce the physical response associated with anxiety and/or physical/emotional stress and/or panic.  They were very helpful for me in reducing my heartrate, softening the "pound" sensation, and reducing the incidences of PVCs.  I also took a very specific form of magnesium called magnesium glycinate.  Now, not everyone believes in or agrees with taking supplements, so feel free to do what you feel is best for you.  I had read some information and materials written by Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of "The Magnesium Miracle".  She writes about her experiences as a cardiologist, as well as her personal experiences dealing with an arrhythmia of her own.  She writes about how she was able to eliminate the usage of a pharmaceutical drug entirely by taking an effective daily dose of a highly absorbable form of magnesium (in the form of magnesium glycinate, in her experiences).  I had found the same to be true for me as well, in taking an effective-for-me daily dose of magnesium glycinate -- I found it to slow my heartrate by 10bpm, smooth out almost all PVCs (from a couple per day to 1-2 per week), and as a side benefit it helped calm my anxiety and panic symptoms (roughly a 30-60% reduction in intensity and frequency, personally).  Again, I must emphasize that my experiences are NOT everyone's experiences, and nothing is for everybody.  But, these were and are my personal experiences with heart-related symptoms, and I wanted to relay them to you, in case it could help encourage you.


There is a support group for those withdrawalers experiencing palpitations also, located here: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=101734.0  Again, some great folks on there that had helped completely set my mind at ease :)  There is a couple buddies, Garton and Wondernova, that have been especially helpful to me.  Both have had experiences with palpitations pre-benzos (I believe).  They are wonderful sources of comfort and support.  There is another buddy who does not frequent the forum as often anymore (yay for healing), and her name is Hopefulgirl.  I won't tell you her personal story for her, but she had some very involved heart symptoms prior to benzodiazepines, and has (IMO) INCREDIBLE insight on how to handle them utilizing natural methods and coping skills.  You can try to PM her, to see if she may come back and give you some suggestions.  Allow her a little time to respond, since as I mentioned that she does not frequent the forum as often anymore :)  I think she still gets email notifications of PMs though, so she may respond :)


I should be off for now, as my "Mr" has returned home from work today.  Love to you SF - you're going to overcome this, and you're going to be okay.  Once you're out on the "other side", you'll be stronger and better than you've ever been before all this, I believe :)  Take care tonight, and I hope that through some of this rambling I've done, you've found something encouraging to "chew" on :smitten:


Mrs. :smitten:




Awww,  Mrs! You brought tears to my eyes! I cant thank you enough for you kind and inspiring words, you are very appreciated! ! It is a great feeling when someone understands. My husband sure doesn't although he tries to be supportive, he doesnt understand why i cant "just stop taking them".


As for the PVCS, uuhhh, those darn things, ive had a full cardio workup and dr did say he saw pvcs/pacs. On my 72 hr monitor. He wasnt concerned whatsoever. I even demanded to see an electrophysiologist, and he was pretty much chuckling at my sxs. He told me some people walk around with a pvc every other beat and they are out living their lives playing tennis...ect. I have had tachycardia 150bmp + with the pvcs every few beats, thats when i FREAK! i can handle the occasional thump here and there but the runs of them with a rapid heartrate really put me over.  I know my fear is irrational, but i continue to think my heart will go into a life threatening rythem and I'll  drop dead. It just feels sooo terrible,  how can it be ok?  Thats my irrational thinking. It drives me INSANE. Ive had the occasional pvc since i was 18, ive always dismissed them and went about my day. Im 34 now had an episode april 2014 which the pvcs were constant and i went flying to my dr and he said, "its just anxiety,  heres a script for xanax...so it began there. Im trying to increase my magnesium by eating spinich salads everyday. Hopefully that helps.


I took 0.5 for about 3 months, quit ct. Couldn't handle that so i got on klonopin for about 8 weeks then tapered off that.  It wasnt soo bad. I was off benzos for 2 months then hand a scary  pvc/tachy moment and caved and took some old left over xanax i had and ive been taking it since so its been almost 3 mos at 1 mg a day. I break it up and take .25 4x/day. Seems like I have the worst anxiety  between 10am-2pm. Weird. Anyway thanks for letting me ramble. Hope to hear from you soon, take care and God bless you. 




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Do you find tapping helpful??


I do. It is my go to coping strategies now. Especially early morning, but you have to believe it and let it work. And keep doing it.




I hope you get some relief in the evenings.


No I don't. It stays the same all the time. I don't have any time of relief. In fact, it is now 7:40pm here and I am worse so no relief coming my way. It's been this way since this started yrs ago. Be glad you have some relief moments. That would make all the difference to me.






You're almost done ~ hang in there. And, although there is no guarantee of immediate relief, it does close the door on further benzo interference - 'down-regulation' - and it does usher in the next phase - healing w/out inhibition, and the process of permanent 'up-regulation'. Praise God.


You've done great, in the face of some horrible withdrawal. You are much braver and stronger than I, to keep moving steadily despite symptoms. I'm holding you up in thought these next few weeks as you finish :hug:


Mrs. :smitten:


Thanks! I feel so miserable. I posted on the other board about just getting this over with by cutting these last two doses out over the next five days. If I am in acute already and it's not going to get better I would much rather begin the process of healing by being done. I don't know. I just want this over.




I felt the same way towards the end. I called it "ripping the bandaid off". Babyrex actually talked me "off the ledge" so to speak, though - and I finished my taper at the same speed I was moving. Glad I did, in hindsight. I think it saved me from having a second 'acute'. Feel free to do what you feel is best for you, of course. This was just my personal experiences.


What are your most bothersome symptoms? Or are you in "the blur"? You know, that place where one symptom is like all symptoms ~ equally intense, and equally (*ahem*) 'challenging'... What a ride. Ugh. For me, the next "phase" after 'the blur' was something I called 'rapid cycling' of symptoms. Its where things could change in a moments notice - from intense, painful waves to a clearer-headed, lightened 'relief' (dare I call it a 'window'?) - and it could shift hour to hour, or minute to minute... But hey, no complaints back then...it surely beat 'the blur', where there was no relief, really. Welp, anyways :) Hope you're feeling better very soon, G. Have a restful, peaceful night.


Mrs. :smitten:


The jaw swelling/pain, neck pain, anxiety and panic, insomnia, ....but ya...a blur of misery. Thanks for the encouragement!

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My vote is to stay the course, G.  I tried to jump at .25 and nearly went insane within 72 hours...stay the course, don't blow it now...you're almost there the wisest way.


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My vote is to stay the course, G.  I tried to jump at .25 and nearly went insane within 72 hours...stay the course, don't blow it now...you're almost there the wisest way.



I am going to. Just going to white knuckle it. I don't have a choice. I cut again tom down to .0625 and then take my last pill on Fri. A bit longer than your last two cuts but not as long as others last couple cuts. Somewhere in the middle. I believe I am in acute right now. Things have gotten really bad. Just have to make it thru tomorrow cut and one more on Fri and whatever that brings. Hopefully not any worse than now bc it's bad now.

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My vote is to stay the course, G.  I tried to jump at .25 and nearly went insane within 72 hours...stay the course, don't blow it now...you're almost there the wisest way.



I am going to. Just going to white knuckle it. I don't have a choice. I cut again tom down to .0625 and then take my last pill on Fri. A bit longer than your last two cuts but not as long as others last couple cuts. Somewhere in the middle. I believe I am in acute right now. Things have gotten really bad. Just have to make it thru tomorrow cut and one more on Fri and whatever that brings. Hopefully not any worse than now bc it's bad now.


When do your symptoms peak after a cut?

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My vote is to stay the course, G.  I tried to jump at .25 and nearly went insane within 72 hours...stay the course, don't blow it now...you're almost there the wisest way.



I am going to. Just going to white knuckle it. I don't have a choice. I cut again tom down to .0625 and then take my last pill on Fri. A bit longer than your last two cuts but not as long as others last couple cuts. Somewhere in the middle. I believe I am in acute right now. Things have gotten really bad. Just have to make it thru tomorrow cut and one more on Fri and whatever that brings. Hopefully not any worse than now bc it's bad now.


When do your symptoms peak after a cut?


It's been weird all the way bc I didn't really have many peaks. Just constant without stabilizing. But when I get a peak it has been the next day following a cut. These last few that have hit me have come the next day. So I guess within 24 hrs after a cut. I cut on Wed and got slammed on Thur this last week. It only really ever gets a little better. The neck pain came on hard with this last cut along with the zero sleep and jaw issues again. Everything else never eases up, just stays. I am guessing I need to come off and take my last dose for anything to improve.

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I am proud of you, G. This is where the rubber meets the road, sister. I sure wish I could tell you for sure that it won't get worse...but I can tell you that I believe you're going to make it. Plan to give yourself only "rest/respite" time this whole next 4-6 weeks -- get your comfy clothes ready, your 'comfort' items ready (i.e. soft warm blankets, a favorite comforting stuffed animal, some fav 'comfort' foods, favorite TV sitcom, etc), and get a whole bunchafalotta distractions ready and in place and ready to use... It'll may be a "ride", but it'll pass. I can't tell you when, but it will eventually. My "acute" lasted about six weeks, and then it was that "rapid cycling" I mentioned prior for about 4-5 months. All in all, my "ugliest" time was about six weeks long, and then it was "ugly" for about six months. After that, it slowly began to improve and progress. Its been about six months since it switched from "ugly" to "slow/steady progress" - so its just over twelve months of that total timeframe. (If that makes sense? :idiot: )


Anyways, I'm rambling :P Long story short -- hang tight, send PMs, post, call trusted family/friends, etc for support -- we're here for you. Love to you G. I mean it -- hollar if you need something. :)


Have a good night, sweets :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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My vote is to stay the course, G.  I tried to jump at .25 and nearly went insane within 72 hours...stay the course, don't blow it now...you're almost there the wisest way.



I am going to. Just going to white knuckle it. I don't have a choice. I cut again tom down to .0625 and then take my last pill on Fri. A bit longer than your last two cuts but not as long as others last couple cuts. Somewhere in the middle. I believe I am in acute right now. Things have gotten really bad. Just have to make it thru tomorrow cut and one more on Fri and whatever that brings. Hopefully not any worse than now bc it's bad now.


When do your symptoms peak after a cut?


It's been weird all the way bc I didn't really have many peaks. Just constant without stabilizing. But when I get a peak it has been the next day following a cut. These last few that have hit me have come the next day. So I guess within 24 hrs after a cut. I cut on Wed and got slammed on Thur this last week. It only really ever gets a little better. The neck pain came on hard with this last cut along with the zero sleep and jaw issues again. Everything else never eases up, just stays. I am guessing I need to come off and take my last dose for anything to improve.


I only had peaks (72 hours later) when I cut too much.  That's how I knew I cut too much.  Otherwise it was, as you say, just continually miserable.  I did not have any windows at all.  None. 


I asked about the swelling in another thread and can't find it...did you say you're pretty sure it's w/d related and not something else?  Swelling isn't something I read about much here.  Jaw issues from clenching and grinding, ya.  I lost two teeth in two months from clenching.


As Mrs. says...keep on with the comfort tools... I'm not going to jinx it with any other chirpy positive words, G.  :thumbsup:

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My vote is to stay the course, G.  I tried to jump at .25 and nearly went insane within 72 hours...stay the course, don't blow it now...you're almost there the wisest way.



I am going to. Just going to white knuckle it. I don't have a choice. I cut again tom down to .0625 and then take my last pill on Fri. A bit longer than your last two cuts but not as long as others last couple cuts. Somewhere in the middle. I believe I am in acute right now. Things have gotten really bad. Just have to make it thru tomorrow cut and one more on Fri and whatever that brings. Hopefully not any worse than now bc it's bad now.


When do your symptoms peak after a cut?


It's been weird all the way bc I didn't really have many peaks. Just constant without stabilizing. But when I get a peak it has been the next day following a cut. These last few that have hit me have come the next day. So I guess within 24 hrs after a cut. I cut on Wed and got slammed on Thur this last week. It only really ever gets a little better. The neck pain came on hard with this last cut along with the zero sleep and jaw issues again. Everything else never eases up, just stays. I am guessing I need to come off and take my last dose for anything to improve.


I only had peaks (72 hours later) when I cut too much.  That's how I knew I cut too much.  Otherwise it was, as you say, just continually miserable.  I did not have any windows at all.  None. 


I asked about the swelling in another thread and can't find it...did you say you're pretty sure it's w/d related and not something else?  Swelling isn't something I read about much here.  Jaw issues from clenching and grinding, ya.  I lost two teeth in two months from clenching.


As Mrs. says...keep on with the comfort tools... I'm not going to jinx it with any other chirpy positive words, G.  :thumbsup:


I am sure it is. I don't have teeth pain and there isn't anything else wrong and it comes a day after I drop dose. So it has to be. My neck gets super tense and that prob pulls and aggravates the jaw. All those facial and neck muscles are one of my biggest issues right now. They just ball up in horror! I prob have saved my teeth from all the clenching bc I still wear a orthodontic clear retainer at bed. Guards the teeth. I don't know what else it could be and well...if it's muscle spams what are they going to do for me put me on a benzo :idiot: So, just icing and heat and message and keep on keeping on. Thanks buddy!

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Morning Grinch,

How are you? 

Just wanted to let you know you were on my mind and that I admire your stealy determination to push through this nightmare.

I wanted to share that I have had some success with Tiger Balm for the jaw pain. I slather it on and enjoy the deep heat it provides, that stays for 20+ minutes.

Hope you day is improving from yesterday and that your neck & jaw relax some.

Take good care,


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I'll just step in here to stop the positive spin cycle for a moment.


For long term, high dose users, quitting Xanax or any other benzodiazepine is a Herculean effort.  For many of us, this process can take years.  I am now entering my third year of horrific withdrawal which does include my 11 month taper.  I am bedridden most of the day. 


My husband tapered at the same time and was recently able to return to his full time job. He has remained 75% functional throughout.  But he admits he is in no way healed.  And he's scared too.


The B.S. in here is knee high from a few moderators.  That's right Challis, I don't like you at all.    ;D


You don't like Challis because she had an easier time withdrawing?  Hmmm, that seems a little harsh, don't you think?  Challis and I both were long term Xanax users and our w/d experience was almost identical.


You're right w/d was difficult!  Everyone handles emotional and physical discomfort differently, and that's a fact.  The worst part of w/d for me was insomnia, (which I still struggle with), benzo belly, and exaggerated aches and pains.  The worst mistake I made in the very beginning was cutting 5mg from my 2mg dose, and that was a nightmare!  Once I began cutting .0625 every 10-12 days w/d became much more manageable.


I just wanted to add my two cents.... > :sick:





Hey Charlie!  good to see you, and well said.  :)  I'm down now to .1875 and will be jumping soon, in a few weeks.  Thanks for all your great advice and sharing back when I was new here and scared out of my wits! 


I think it's good for new people to get the experience of all kinds of people, but I don't think it serves anyone to scare them half to death.  I feel for people who have a really nightmarish time tapering, but not everyone has it that bad, and I think we need to keep everything in perspective.  People need to hear both positive and negative sides of withdrawal.




My vote is to stay the course, G.  I tried to jump at .25 and nearly went insane within 72 hours...stay the course, don't blow it now...you're almost there the wisest way.



I am going to. Just going to white knuckle it. I don't have a choice. I cut again tom down to .0625 and then take my last pill on Fri. A bit longer than your last two cuts but not as long as others last couple cuts. Somewhere in the middle. I believe I am in acute right now. Things have gotten really bad. Just have to make it thru tomorrow cut and one more on Fri and whatever that brings. Hopefully not any worse than now bc it's bad now.


When do your symptoms peak after a cut?


It's been weird all the way bc I didn't really have many peaks. Just constant without stabilizing. But when I get a peak it has been the next day following a cut. These last few that have hit me have come the next day. So I guess within 24 hrs after a cut. I cut on Wed and got slammed on Thur this last week. It only really ever gets a little better. The neck pain came on hard with this last cut along with the zero sleep and jaw issues again. Everything else never eases up, just stays. I am guessing I need to come off and take my last dose for anything to improve.


I only had peaks (72 hours later) when I cut too much.  That's how I knew I cut too much.  Otherwise it was, as you say, just continually miserable.  I did not have any windows at all.  None. 


I asked about the swelling in another thread and can't find it...did you say you're pretty sure it's w/d related and not something else?  Swelling isn't something I read about much here.  Jaw issues from clenching and grinding, ya.  I lost two teeth in two months from clenching.


As Mrs. says...keep on with the comfort tools... I'm not going to jinx it with any other chirpy positive words, G.  :thumbsup:


I am sure it is. I don't have teeth pain and there isn't anything else wrong and it comes a day after I drop dose. So it has to be. My neck gets super tense and that prob pulls and aggravates the jaw. All those facial and neck muscles are one of my biggest issues right now. They just ball up in horror! I prob have saved my teeth from all the clenching bc I still wear a orthodontic clear retainer at bed. Guards the teeth. I don't know what else it could be and well...if it's muscle spams what are they going to do for me put me on a benzo :idiot: So, just icing and heat and message and keep on keeping on. Thanks buddy!


You know, I honestly believe that one reason why I think my taper has been easier than some others is because I've been in chronic pain for years, so I'm already used to experiencing it.  When I read symptoms like this, I just say to myself, "oh, is that an actual symptom?  Because I have that too."  I suppose that's why I always go on about having a positive outlook, and saying that your state of mind is important.  I've had tmj and jaw tension for decades.  (In fact, you might want to check and see if you have tmj.)  My yoga teacher used to always tell me to relax my jaw in class.  That's where I hold most of my tension, unlike other people who hold it in their back or somewhere else.  I grind my teeth unconsciously, causing neck tension and headaches.  I've had insomnia off and on since I was a teenager.  I've had tinnitus of an on for years as well.  So I suppose that has helped me cope with these symptoms a lot better than people who never had them before.  Although I have to say, the tinnitus I have now is screaming loud and unending.  But it's gotten better as i've gotten lower in dose.  And now I have a cyst on one of the discs in my back, which is causing pain and weakness in my left leg, all the way from my lower back, into my butt and hip, behind my knee and into my ankle.  It hurts no matter what I do, even laying in bed is painful, and if I do anything physical at all, even walking to the kitchen to get something to drink, it causing it to spasm and then I have intense waves of unbearable pain.  I'm having surgery next week, so hopefully that will help and I'll be better.  But honestly, with that kind of pain, it's kind of hard to think about anything else. 


I'm super happy for you Grinch!  I hope once you jump, things will start getting better and easier for you.  <3 <3 <3




~K    :smitten:

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Made my first cut this morning since joining the forum. Was on .25 twice a day. Today I cut the morning dose to 0.125. Big leap so I hope I don't regret it but nothing ventured......wish me luck.


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ozbeargrowler, that is a pretty huge cut, you're right.  It's possible nothing will happen and you'll be fine.  You just never know with this stuff.  You might want to start to cutting at .0625 instead of .125, especially if this cut causes you problems.  If it doesn't, well then, you might be one of those people who can do a more rapid taper with larger cuts.  At any rate... Good luck!




~K    :smitten:

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ozbeargrowler, that is a pretty huge cut, you're right.  It's possible nothing will happen and you'll be fine.  You just never know with this stuff.  You might want to start to cutting at .0625 instead of .125, especially if this cut causes you problems.  If it doesn't, well then, you might be one of those people who can do a more rapid taper with larger cuts.  At any rate... Good luck!




~K    :smitten:

Excited to report I made it through the day without any withdrawal symptoms. I will be mindful over the next few days but I think I got away with the bigger cut. Its so exciting to be that little bit closer to my goal of being benzo free. I'm now on .125 in the am and .25 in the pm. I'll sit on this for the next week and then I will try one more .125 cut, this time in the pm dose. Once I am down to .125 twice a day I will definitely go for the smaller .0625  cuts and take things slowly. Thanks for the support. Oz.

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ozbeargrowler, that is a pretty huge cut, you're right.  It's possible nothing will happen and you'll be fine.  You just never know with this stuff.  You might want to start to cutting at .0625 instead of .125, especially if this cut causes you problems.  If it doesn't, well then, you might be one of those people who can do a more rapid taper with larger cuts.  At any rate... Good luck!




~K    :smitten:

Excited to report I made it through the day without any withdrawal symptoms. I will be mindful over the next few days but I think I got away with the bigger cut. Its so exciting to be that little bit closer to my goal of being benzo free. I'm now on .125 in the am and .25 in the pm. I'll sit on this for the next week and then I will try one more .125 cut, this time in the pm dose. Once I am down to .125 twice a day I will definitely go for the smaller .0625  cuts and take things slowly. Thanks for the support. Oz.


The majority of people I think can come off with very little issue. The minority suffer. Hope you find yourself in the majority. That would be great for you!!

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I am kind of new here and didn't know about the xanax support group.  I must have missed it in the introduction thread.  Anyway long story short I was taking between .125 and .25mg of Xanax for slepp during an injury at the most for 2 months and my body became dependent very fast since I am sensitive to meds.  Went through hellish w/d symptoms not knowing it was the benzo!  I finally figured it out and my psych doc switched me over to diazepam and started a slow taper so I could keep my job and work full time etc...  So far it's been going well with Diazepam.  I can function at work and life but I am not 100% that's for sure.


My concern is since I was on such a low dose I might have had an easier time tapering from Xanax directly?  Since the dose was so low my psych doc did not do a crossover, could this be a concern?  It's been last mid November since I've taken my last xanax dose of .125mg.


Hopefully I am on the right track with tapering with Valium?  You're the experts in my mind.  :)


Thanks goodness for this site and all of your efforts in supporting everyone going through this.

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Congrats on becoming a moderator, Grinch!! :smitten:


One more cut to go!! :yippee:


Mrs. :smitten:


Wow, that's awesome!  I wouldn't have know if you hadn't said something! 


CONGRATULATIONS GRINCH!!! :balloon::yippee:


I also noticed you jumped Grinch, so CONGRATULATIONS on that as well!  woo hoo!  :balloon: :balloon: :balloon::yippee: :yippee:

We should throw a cyber party or something.  ;D  (I can't help noticing, don't those balloons look sort of like "swimmers?"  hehe)


~K    :smitten:

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I am kind of new here and didn't know about the xanax support group.  I must have missed it in the introduction thread.  Anyway long story short I was taking between .125 and .25mg of Xanax for slepp during an injury at the most for 2 months and my body became dependent very fast since I am sensitive to meds.  Went through hellish w/d symptoms not knowing it was the benzo!  I finally figured it out and my psych doc switched me over to diazepam and started a slow taper so I could keep my job and work full time etc...  So far it's been going well with Diazepam.  I can function at work and life but I am not 100% that's for sure.


My concern is since I was on such a low dose I might have had an easier time tapering from Xanax directly?  Since the dose was so low my psych doc did not do a crossover, could this be a concern?  It's been last mid November since I've taken my last xanax dose of .125mg.


Hopefully I am on the right track with tapering with Valium?  You're the experts in my mind.  :)


Thanks goodness for this site and all of your efforts in supporting everyone going through this.


arcade, I was planning on crossing over to v until I found this group.  I read a lot of posts from people who had crossed, and asked questions of those who stayed and tapered directly off x, and I made the decision not to cross over unless it became absolutely necessary.  So far that has been the right choice for me.  I'm almost done now.  Since you've already crossed over though the point is moot.  I don't think it would be advisable to cross back over, but others who have been here longer can chime in and give you more informed opinions.  Since it seems to be going well for you now that's all that matters.  I hope it continues that way and you're free soon.  :)




~K    :smitten:


*edit*  btw, there is probably a group here specifically for people who crossed over to valium.  You might want to check in with them as well.  Again, good luck with your taper!

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Jumped. Took my last dose today. The pressure in my head is the worst I have ever experienced. Don't know how I am going to make it  :'(



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