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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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A direct cross over from Xanax to Valium can be brutal but then I've *really* decided to kick Xanax into outer space. Headaches can be managed with Advil or something..sleeplessness with Nyquil..


In the end it will all be worth it the day I am 100% benzo free.


If you have more syxs than that be sure to know it's Xanax wd. I have over 20+ syxs a day and am bedridden most days due to Xanax wd. Advil and NyQuil do nothing for me. The headaches aren't an "I will just pop an Advil" type of headache. Maybe the V added will help and you won't be tortured with severe Xanax wd. I sure hope so. Just know and be prepared what could come up as you basically ct off Xanax with a direct crossover so you don't go bat shit crazy. Be informed as much as you can. Good luck.




Sigh..you're right Grinch..it's not headache as much as the awful pressure inside the head. For that, they don't have a cure. Yes, a direct crossover is *really* brutal, but then Valium is also a powerful anti-epileptic so that is one thing less to worry about. Things have gotten to such a point that the panic attacks hit without a warning and I'm forced to pop a 1mg bar of Xanax to calm me down. I also feel extremely shaky in the knees and worry about a blackout. And I need to hold on to the nearest railing or light pole to feel secure. That's where Xanax has led me to. Crossing the street has also become a major adventure, I'm not able to handle wide open spaces without getting a 'fight or flight' response.


So I decided weaning off of Xanax is the only way to go, even if it means enduring the brutality of a direct crossover to Valium. Of course, I'll deal with the weaning off of Valium when I reach that stage!

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Hey everyone.

So ive been having this xanax battle for the past 2 months. I know i have anxiety, thats a given. The inital reason i went on xanax is for heart palps. They scare me! Ive been checked out already and they are benign but they STILL have the ability to through me into a panic.  Xanax doesn't stop them but it just softens the blow...bottom line is, i want to stop taking it but sooooo worried the palps will come back with a vengeance and i won't know how to handle it. Any suggestions how to do a slow taper?  Been on 1mg/day for about 2 months. Sorry for the novel...just unsure and scared...thx for those who take the time to read this


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Hey everyone.

So ive been having this xanax battle for the past 2 months. I know i have anxiety, thats a given. The inital reason i went on xanax is for heart palps. They scare me! Ive been checked out already and they are benign but they STILL have the ability to through me into a panic.  Xanax doesn't stop them but it just softens the blow...bottom line is, i want to stop taking it but sooooo worried the palps will come back with a vengeance and i won't know how to handle it. Any suggestions how to do a slow taper?  Been on 1mg/day for about 2 months. Sorry for the novel...just unsure and scared...thx for those who take the time to read this



My suggestion would be to drop .0625mg every 10-14 days. Get off as so as you can and figure out another way to manage the heart palps. Xanax is the devil!!



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Thx grinch,  that was kinda my game plan. ....i need to get over this damn fear of these palps....Im guessing therapy is my only answer?  I agree, xanax is the devil!!
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Thx grinch,  that was kinda my game plan. ....i need to get over this damn fear of these palps....Im guessing therapy is my only answer?  I agree, xanax is the devil!!


I honestly believe the Xanax will only make them worse as time goes on and also add 50 other excruciating symptoms to the mix. Xanax should not be used long term past 2 weeks for anything else but panic. Any other reason is asking for trouble coming off. Just please taper off. It's not worth the slight relief in the long run.



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Question for you, maybe someone can give me some insight??


I take my first dose of Xanax. .5 at 5:00 AM or so.   

After this dose I feel very groggy disconnected and/or depressed.


I take another dose around 9:00.  After this dose I feel less foggy, more connected, but a bit more anxious as opposed to depressed.


I take another dose around 12:30 1:00.  After this dose I feel perhaps a smidge better in the AM.


I take another dose around 5-5:30 and that is it for the day.


Here's the deal:  Last winter I was taking 3mg.  .5 6x per day and still experiencing intense anxiety.

This winter I'm down to 2mg, but experiencing intense weepiness in the mornings and interdose.


What I don't know is this:  Am I depressed and the intense anxiety was masking it?  Is this some kind of tolerance reaction?  I'm puzzled because I think interdose would produce Anxiety and agitation, as opposed to weepiness.    I'm on Lexapro, but wondering if it stopped working.  Been on 5mg for 10 years.    Any thoughts...should I pursue depression treatment?  Thanks


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Hi everyone...I haven't been on here since the first part of Nov. Still recovering from my shoulder surgery.  Going slow, but physical therapy is getting me there.  Dr. said it would probably take me a full year to fully regain use of my arm/shoulder.  :(


I have been coming off the propranolol and at the end of this week, I will be DONE with that stupid drug.  Will just deal with my migraines the old fashioned way.  Dark quiet room, ice packs, and sleep.  Finding my triggers and avoiding them have helped as well. 


I got back on track with weaning from the xanax in late Nov.  Doing ok...taking it slow and even if I feel like I could go faster...past experience has proved otherwise, so I don't even attempt it.  Sticking with the 21 days with possible holidays. 


Question for those that have weaned off xanax, or in the low dosage of weaning....Did you still find that you were tired?  I was hoping that getting off the propranolol and coming down on the xanax that I would have a little more energy...but I don't.  Did y'all experience this too?


Take care  :smitten:


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It's never too late.  No more nibbles!  Throw that crap away and I mean now!  (Do not flush these poisons down the toilet as they eventually leach into the soil and water treatment plants. God knows we don't want to poison the fish...that would be inhumane).


You will need to take more time from your life in order to fully heal.  For some, this can take years!  But if you don't face the reality of long-term benzo withdrawal, it's likely you will be a "lifer".    In my case, it's not gonna happen.  Seriously, I'd rather be dead than put this rat-shit, pill shaped poison in my mouth again.


Take another year if you must.  Drop out of life to save your own. 


Hugs Deb,




Hey babyrex  Thanks for your awesome reply. I am doing GREAT now  i was fine the next day and have not touched it since then  thank god. I did dispose of the left over benzos the next day. I started a great supplement regimen today and so far its going great. Im taking L-tyrosine and its awesome stuff. I felt great with the first pill its an amino acid and great for healing the cns and mood to help the brain make serotonin. Im also taking 5-HTP at night that will calm you down and help the brain with other chemicals. Im very hopeful and positive this new regimin will help me in the healing process and bringing by life back to me totally. Yes i am learning about the after the jump healing now and i feel i have it under control, at least right now  LOL


Have a wonderful new year and I pray it brings all your hearts desires to your life.  Deb


Hi Deb...

Where did you read about the supplement regimen you are taking?  Did you start that while you were weaning, or after?


thanks for any input  :smitten:




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Question for you, maybe someone can give me some insight??


I take my first dose of Xanax. .5 at 5:00 AM or so.   

After this dose I feel very groggy disconnected and/or depressed.


I take another dose around 9:00.  After this dose I feel less foggy, more connected, but a bit more anxious as opposed to depressed.


I take another dose around 12:30 1:00.  After this dose I feel perhaps a smidge better in the AM.


I take another dose around 5-5:30 and that is it for the day.


Here's the deal:  Last winter I was taking 3mg.  .5 6x per day and still experiencing intense anxiety.

This winter I'm down to 2mg, but experiencing intense weepiness in the mornings and interdose.


What I don't know is this:  Am I depressed and the intense anxiety was masking it?  Is this some kind of tolerance reaction?  I'm puzzled because I think interdose would produce Anxiety and agitation, as opposed to weepiness.    I'm on Lexapro, but wondering if it stopped working.  Been on 5mg for 10 years.    Any thoughts...should I pursue depression treatment?  Thanks


Not sure if anyone can answer that. We don't really know what is wrong with you. All we know is how we have felt while on Xanax and wding. And you know how I feel about what Xanax can do to people so I don't need to restate that. You ll prob know in a few months if I have any improvements after I jump. But I don't think I will get any answers while on the drugs. I have to come off all of them and start again for answers.



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Thanks grinch,  Just looking for someone who's experienced the same interdose weepiness...


It's weird, I feel all empty inside and like crying......


You are doing great!  Jerry

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Thanks grinch,  Just looking for someone who's experienced the same interdose weepiness...


It's weird, I feel all empty inside and like crying......


You are doing great!  Jerry


Summer of 2013, before I tapered while I was prob in tol  wd I had crying spells...alot. Made me feel like I needed an AD, which my pdoc agreed to...Cymbalta....only to become worse and also suicidal. Got better once I came off my AD and got lower in dose of X. I don't have those feelings anymore.



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Hi everyone...I haven't been on here since the first part of Nov. Still recovering from my shoulder surgery.  Going slow, but physical therapy is getting me there.  Dr. said it would probably take me a full year to fully regain use of my arm/shoulder.  :(


I have been coming off the propranolol and at the end of this week, I will be DONE with that stupid drug.  Will just deal with my migraines the old fashioned way.  Dark quiet room, ice packs, and sleep.  Finding my triggers and avoiding them have helped as well. 


I got back on track with weaning from the xanax in late Nov.  Doing ok...taking it slow and even if I feel like I could go faster...past experience has proved otherwise, so I don't even attempt it.  Sticking with the 21 days with possible holidays. 


Question for those that have weaned off xanax, or in the low dosage of weaning....Did you still find that you were tired?  I was hoping that getting off the propranolol and coming down on the xanax that I would have a little more energy...but I don't.  Did y'all experience this too?


Take care  :smitten:



freedom, I'm anticipating having back surgery to remove a cyst that's putting intense pressure on one of my nerves, causing extreme pain in my left leg.  I'm anxious about having surgery during my taper.  I'm almost finished though.  I was wondering, did the surgery have any kind of effect on you?  Did you stop tapering in order to have the surgery?  I don't think I can wait any longer on surgery, but I also don't want to stop tapering and draw it out, and I'm also a little worried about how it might affect me. 


As for your question about being tired, for me personally, fatigue hasn't been one of my more pressing symptoms, but I also have CFS, so I'm tired all the time anyway.  It does seem like my symptoms are starting to ease up a little though.  Even my tinnitus has gotten a little bit lower in volume.  It was nearly driving me insane it was so freaking loud.  I don't know if it's because I'm cutting faster or what, or if the pain I'm feeling might be masking my other symptoms.  I just wish it would go away.  argh.  :crazy:  I can barely walk anymore. 


Congrats on getting to where you are, and I hope your shoulder recovers and gives you no more grief in the future.




~K    :smitten:

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Hi everyone...I haven't been on here since the first part of Nov. Still recovering from my shoulder surgery.  Going slow, but physical therapy is getting me there.  Dr. said it would probably take me a full year to fully regain use of my arm/shoulder.  :(


I have been coming off the propranolol and at the end of this week, I will be DONE with that stupid drug.  Will just deal with my migraines the old fashioned way.  Dark quiet room, ice packs, and sleep.  Finding my triggers and avoiding them have helped as well. 


I got back on track with weaning from the xanax in late Nov.  Doing ok...taking it slow and even if I feel like I could go faster...past experience has proved otherwise, so I don't even attempt it.  Sticking with the 21 days with possible holidays. 


Question for those that have weaned off xanax, or in the low dosage of weaning....Did you still find that you were tired?  I was hoping that getting off the propranolol and coming down on the xanax that I would have a little more energy...but I don't.  Did y'all experience this too?


Take care  :smitten:



freedom, I'm anticipating having back surgery to remove a cyst that's putting intense pressure on one of my nerves, causing extreme pain in my left leg.  I'm anxious about having surgery during my taper.  I'm almost finished though.  I was wondering, did the surgery have any kind of effect on you?  Did you stop tapering in order to have the surgery?  I don't think I can wait any longer on surgery, but I also don't want to stop tapering and draw it out, and I'm also a little worried about how it might affect me. 


As for your question about being tired, for me personally, fatigue hasn't been one of my more pressing symptoms, but I also have CFS, so I'm tired all the time anyway.  It does seem like my symptoms are starting to ease up a little though.  Even my tinnitus has gotten a little bit lower in volume.  It was nearly driving me insane it was so freaking loud.  I don't know if it's because I'm cutting faster or what, or if the pain I'm feeling might be masking my other symptoms.  I just wish it would go away.  argh.  :crazy:  I can barely walk anymore. 


Congrats on getting to where you are, and I hope your shoulder recovers and gives you no more grief in the future.




~K    :smitten:



I've had two surgeries while tapering. This past year in Aug and July 2013. I didn't notice at all a change in symptoms while still tapering. Kinda felt like the anesthesia and pain meds kinda helped mask any w/d symptoms I might have had. Plus, I just got to chill and relax while recovering the first few weeks after surgery. So for me, surgery didn't phase me on tapering. I just continued as I felt like it. Oh, and I also told the anesthesiologist I was weaning off Xanax and exactly how much I was on and when I took it....he gave me the clear to go ahead and take my morning dose the day of surgery.


Hope this helps...and hope you can get your surgery soon.



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Jumping in a couple weeks....please share your experience post jump.




My "jump" did not "uptick" my symptoms. This does not mean that I was not symptomatic - I just mean that jumping did not significantly impact my current set of symptoms at that time.


Please do bear in mind that our taper rates and cut sizes were very different. Also please do bear in mind that no two experiences are exactly alike. Lastly, bear in mind that, no matter what happens post-taper for you, I believe you can do this. :smitten:


Mrs. :smitten:

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Mrs. Thanks!! It's really hard to find post jumpers of Xanax on the forum. Not many still on here. Most are V and K. That's prob bc most cross over and taper from longer acting benzos.


Which me luck!!



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Jumping in a couple weeks....please share your experience post jump.





Hey Grinch


I have been off about 2 1/2 months.  I was actually scared to not take my dose the first day because of the unknown.  I did not have any uptick of symptoms either.  For me the lower I got, the better I felt so it was actually a relief that I didn't have to remember to take anything.  I feel pretty good now.  I have issues with burning mouth but hopefully that gets better. I am not sure it is related to the benzo though, only hoping so it will eventually get better. Good Luck to you!



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Mrs. Thanks!! It's really hard to find post jumpers of Xanax on the forum. Not many still on here. Most are V and K. That's prob bc most cross over and taper from longer acting benzos.


Which me luck!!




Hey Grinch....I know the feeling of trying to find others that are only tapering xanax. I am one of those with no intentions of crossing over to another benzo. How are you feeling with managing to taper each week? I know we are all different...I taper by .125 every 21 days...just can't tolerate any faster.



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I've had two surgeries while tapering. This past year in Aug and July 2013. I didn't notice at all a change in symptoms while still tapering. Kinda felt like the anesthesia and pain meds kinda helped mask any w/d symptoms I might have had. Plus, I just got to chill and relax while recovering the first few weeks after surgery. So for me, surgery didn't phase me on tapering. I just continued as I felt like it. Oh, and I also told the anesthesiologist I was weaning off Xanax and exactly how much I was on and when I took it....he gave me the clear to go ahead and take my morning dose the day of surgery.


Hope this helps...and hope you can get your surgery soon.




Thanks freedom for sharing your experience.  I'm seeing a neurosurgeon in the am, and I'm going to try to get in asap for surgery.  I've been a little worried about how it might affect me, having trauma done to my body, but now I'm thinking I need to stop worrying about it and just do it.  After all, I'm always telling people their state of mind is crucial, and worrying about things that are out of your control is bad.  The trauma of surgery can't be much worse than the trauma I'm experiencing from the problem, sooooo.  :)  At any rate, thanks bunches for sharing.  :)




~K    :smitten:




Jumping in a couple weeks....please share your experience post jump.




I'm right behind you!  :smitten:  I might hold an extra week or so because I'm planning on having surgery.  But, if it doesn't affect my symptoms I'll just keep going.  :)



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I'm new to the forums and I am a XANAX addict.....currently on 0.25mg twice a day. Was started on it 2 years ago for panic attacks and HATE the stuff with a passion. I was taking 0.5mg twice a daily until 2 weeks ago and I halved my dose to current levels with no problems but yesterday when I dropped the morning dose I went into BIG-TIME Withdrawal (Felt like I was going to die stuff..yuck) so I recommenced the morning dose. Look forward to getting to know you all.


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Hey Joe, halving a dose is lot to cut at one time.  If it worked, then great, but if I were you I would slow down now and start cutting .0625mg at a time (that's 1/4 of a .25mg pill).  The rate at which you cut will depend on how you feel, how many symptoms you experience and how bad they are.  I started out cutting .125mg every 10 days or so, and once I got below 1mg I started cutting .0625mg every week.  I'm almost done now. 


Good luck.  There are bunches of good people here that can give you advice.  Seek them out.  <3




~K    :smitten:

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Hey everyone,  so im wondering....is there a possibility that people can taper off xanax with mild to minimal wd sx? Im scared to begin a taper. Currently on 1mg xanax/day for about 10 weeks. Any feedback would be great. Thanks  :)
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