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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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Back from the doc..she suggested I take 1 mg Xanax 2 times a day (down from 2 mg 2 times a day usually) and asked if I wanted Zoloft instead. I didn't know what to say..she asked if I wanted something 'similar' to Xanax to compensate for the other 1 mg..somehow I guess she might give me a placebo. Can the mind be tricked into accepting a placebo same as it craves for the !!@#!! Xanax?


I'm getting sleepless nights over my inability to arrive at any taper plan. Xanax has ripped my life apart..I'm glad they didn't ban it yet..people would be getting it off of the street..which will make people hoard on the med from hell..

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Did you accept something similar to Xanax for the other 1 mg? If so, may I ask what? To me, there is no sense in trading one benzo for another benzo unless it is to switch over from a short acting Benzo to a long acting one, then tapering from it.


Blue :smitten:

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Did you accept something similar to Xanax for the other 1 mg? If so, may I ask what? To me, there is no sense in trading one benzo for another benzo unless it is to switch over from a short acting Benzo to a long acting one, then tapering from it.


Blue :smitten:


Thanks Blue. No I didn't ask for a script just yet. I'm simply paranoid she might give me a placebo. Psych's on vacation, doc might also go on vacation so I wanted a script just in case..God I'm going super crazy..my hunch is she might give me clonazepam, or a calcium placebo which might be as useful as tic tac.

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Many of us have tapered directly off Xanax. It is not without withdrawal symptoms, but it is doable. You may want to consider it. You have already found out that cold turkey is not the way.


Blue :smitten:

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For those inquiring about dropping a dose during the day, I thought I'd throw in my "two cents worth" :)


IMO, it is simple to decide:  If you have interdose withdrawal issues, you should keep all doses until you cannot any longer.  If you do not have any interdose withdrawal issues, you may decide to do whatever is most convenient for you.


"Interdose withdrawal" refers to having withdrawal symptoms that will "uptick" after a certain time has expired since your last dose (i.e. 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours).


All "IMO" (In My Opinion) of course; please feel free to do what you believe is right for you.  I hope this is helpful!  Take care buddies,


Mrs. :smitten:

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Back from the doc..she suggested I take 1 mg Xanax 2 times a day (down from 2 mg 2 times a day usually) and asked if I wanted Zoloft instead. I didn't know what to say..she asked if I wanted something 'similar' to Xanax to compensate for the other 1 mg..somehow I guess she might give me a placebo. Can the mind be tricked into accepting a placebo same as it craves for the !!@#!! Xanax?


I'm getting sleepless nights over my inability to arrive at any taper plan. Xanax has ripped my life apart..I'm glad they didn't ban it yet..people would be getting it off of the street..which will make people hoard on the med from hell..


Zoloft is an antidepressant, and they can cause their own horror symptoms, both taking them and withdrawing from them (some people become homicidal or suicidal from those drugs).  You would still have to taper off of it eventually, and you can't actually substitute an antidepressant in lieu of xanax.  You can't even substitute one benzo in lieu of another one, unless you cross over, and that takes time and extreme care.


IF you want to take an antidepressant along WITH the benzo, that is your choice.  Sometimes antidepressants can help with some of the withdrawal symptoms.  But you can't just substitute doses of zoloft for xanax, and you should be aware that for some people, taking antidepressants just amplifies the wd symptoms.


If I were you I would try to find people on here who took antidepressants during their tapers, and see what wisdom and experience they can offer.  Go look for threads specifically about this issue and read them.  Ask people who have direct experience with what you're thinking of doing before making a decision.  At least that way you'll be making a more informed decision instead of just listening to a doctor who obviously has no clue what they're talking about.  That's how I made my decision not to cross over to valium and to taper directly from xanax.


Whatever you decide to do, I wish you good luck.




~K    :smitten:

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I'm not familiar with LT either, so I can't speak to that, and I only dose 2x day.  However, I will say this.  I started out keeping my night time dose larger because I thought it would help me sleep, but it doesn't.  And then I realized, at least for me, it's better to have the larger dose in the morning, because it helps with my symptoms during the day, when I'm awake.  At night, even though some nights I don't sleep, sometimes I do, and when I'm asleep I don't notice the symptoms.  Sooooo, I always cut my night time dose first, then I catch up the daytime one.


Personally I would never be able to dose 4 or 5 x/day.  That would drive me insane.  ;D




~K    :smitten:

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the 4xs a day is awful, for me anyway my day is set up around when i take my pills. i try and space e out but the longest i can go is 6 hours and i have withdraws, but at night i tend to go 8-12 hours depending on sleep. i just want off these things. im hoping as i taper to a smaller dose i can maybe go to 3xs a day then 2xs a day then none lol.
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I'm not familiar with LT either, so I can't speak to that, and I only dose 2x day.  However, I will say this.  I started out keeping my night time dose larger because I thought it would help me sleep, but it doesn't.  And then I realized, at least for me, it's better to have the larger dose in the morning, because it helps with my symptoms during the day, when I'm awake.  At night, even though some nights I don't sleep, sometimes I do, and when I'm asleep I don't notice the symptoms.  Sooooo, I always cut my night time dose first, then I catch up the daytime one.


Personally I would never be able to dose 4 or 5 x/day.  That would drive me insane.  ;D




~K    :smitten:


On the flip side, I HAD to dose four times per day, to avoid interdose withdrawal! I took it straight down to zero that way :P I probably didn't need to after some point, but it was just habit at that point!


We are all different, so whatever decision you make is peachy :) I can't say that there are many "rights" or "wrongs" that are uniform for all (besides the obvious 'do not cold turkey' & such); IMO its more of what's "right for you" and what's "wrong for you". Which only you'll know probably for sure :)


Vangogh, you're getting close!... How does it feel?!


Mrs. :smitten:

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I'm not familiar with LT either, so I can't speak to that, and I only dose 2x day.  However, I will say this.  I started out keeping my night time dose larger because I thought it would help me sleep, but it doesn't.  And then I realized, at least for me, it's better to have the larger dose in the morning, because it helps with my symptoms during the day, when I'm awake.  At night, even though some nights I don't sleep, sometimes I do, and when I'm asleep I don't notice the symptoms.  Sooooo, I always cut my night time dose first, then I catch up the daytime one.


Personally I would never be able to dose 4 or 5 x/day.  That would drive me insane.  ;D




~K    :smitten:


On the flip side, I HAD to dose four times per day, to avoid interdose withdrawal! I took it straight down to zero that way :P I probably didn't need to after some point, but it was just habit at that point!


We are all different, so whatever decision you make is peachy :) I can't say that there are many "rights" or "wrongs" that are uniform for all (besides the obvious 'do not cold turkey' & such); IMO its more of what's "right for you" and what's "wrong for you". Which only you'll know probably for sure :)


Vangogh, you're getting close!... How does it feel?!


Mrs. :smitten:


I have 7 cuts left. I cut .0625mg weekly on Sun. I never hold bc it does nothing for me. Taking the meds does nothing either. I am dealing with syxs regardless. So I am just plowing through. But I have been tapering with doses 4xday from the very beginning bc I had interdose wd at the time. Now that I am down to .4 and heading below this I wonder if I could get rid of that mid afternoon dose. Bc yes, it has driven me insane to take this crap 4xday! Who knows really though right? I mean I never even know what each week will bring when I do a regular cut. Could be worse, could be the same....never been better so far. Thought it would be by now. But...nope. And ya, I don't think holding that night time dose till last would make any difference in my sleep pattern. I don't sleep regardless.


No answers really to the dilemma....like usual on this benzo ride! Just got to make a choice and go for it right? Either way, I plan to be done by the end of Jan. It doesn't matter what happens. I have been at this taper long enough and I am so over it. It is a miracle I made it this long. If it weren't for a few very persuasive people I would have been done 6 months ago. But I held out bc I trust them and their experience. Now...oh man....I just need this taper to be over!



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I'm not familiar with LT either, so I can't speak to that, and I only dose 2x day.  However, I will say this.  I started out keeping my night time dose larger because I thought it would help me sleep, but it doesn't.  And then I realized, at least for me, it's better to have the larger dose in the morning, because it helps with my symptoms during the day, when I'm awake.  At night, even though some nights I don't sleep, sometimes I do, and when I'm asleep I don't notice the symptoms.  Sooooo, I always cut my night time dose first, then I catch up the daytime one.


Personally I would never be able to dose 4 or 5 x/day.  That would drive me insane.  ;D




~K    :smitten:


On the flip side, I HAD to dose four times per day, to avoid interdose withdrawal! I took it straight down to zero that way :P I probably didn't need to after some point, but it was just habit at that point!


We are all different, so whatever decision you make is peachy :) I can't say that there are many "rights" or "wrongs" that are uniform for all (besides the obvious 'do not cold turkey' & such); IMO its more of what's "right for you" and what's "wrong for you". Which only you'll know probably for sure :)


Vangogh, you're getting close!... How does it feel?!


Mrs. :smitten:


mrs, it feels great, actually.  I'm excited, and I'm right behind Grinch.  I'm still hoping I don't get some flare of symptoms showing up as I go lower in dose.  I'm cutting again tomorrow, so I'll be at .5mg. woohoo!  ;D



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I'm not familiar with LT either, so I can't speak to that, and I only dose 2x day.  However, I will say this.  I started out keeping my night time dose larger because I thought it would help me sleep, but it doesn't.  And then I realized, at least for me, it's better to have the larger dose in the morning, because it helps with my symptoms during the day, when I'm awake.  At night, even though some nights I don't sleep, sometimes I do, and when I'm asleep I don't notice the symptoms.  Sooooo, I always cut my night time dose first, then I catch up the daytime one.


Personally I would never be able to dose 4 or 5 x/day.  That would drive me insane.  ;D




~K    :smitten:


On the flip side, I HAD to dose four times per day, to avoid interdose withdrawal! I took it straight down to zero that way :P I probably didn't need to after some point, but it was just habit at that point!


We are all different, so whatever decision you make is peachy :) I can't say that there are many "rights" or "wrongs" that are uniform for all (besides the obvious 'do not cold turkey' & such); IMO its more of what's "right for you" and what's "wrong for you". Which only you'll know probably for sure :)


Vangogh, you're getting close!... How does it feel?!


Mrs. :smitten:


I have 7 cuts left. I cut .0625mg weekly on Sun. I never hold bc it does nothing for me. Taking the meds does nothing either. I am dealing with syxs regardless. So I am just plowing through. But I have been tapering with doses 4xday from the very beginning bc I had interdose wd at the time. Now that I am down to .4 and heading below this I wonder if I could get rid of that mid afternoon dose. Bc yes, it has driven me insane to take this crap 4xday! Who knows really though right? I mean I never even know what each week will bring when I do a regular cut. Could be worse, could be the same....never been better so far. Thought it would be by now. But...nope. And ya, I don't think holding that night time dose till last would make any difference in my sleep pattern. I don't sleep regardless.


No answers really to the dilemma....like usual on this benzo ride! Just got to make a choice and go for it right? Either way, I plan to be done by the end of Jan. It doesn't matter what happens. I have been at this taper long enough and I am so over it. It is a miracle I made it this long. If it weren't for a few very persuasive people I would have been done 6 months ago. But I held out bc I trust them and their experience. Now...oh man....I just need this taper to be over!




I do get interdose wd symptoms, I just don't care.  They might not be as magnified if I dosed 3 or 4x/day, but for me, it was too complicated to do it that way. I need simple.  Before I CTd for 5 days I really mostly used at night for sleep, once/day, so I went from 1x day to 2x day.  If I was experiencing some of the more horrific things some people go through, I might have taken a different path.


Anywho... I agree.  Everyone has to decide what works best for them and then just go for it.  I'm like you Grinch, I don't hold for long periods of time.  I just keep going, and I'm ready to be done. 




~K    :smitten:

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I'm not familiar with LT either, so I can't speak to that, and I only dose 2x day.  However, I will say this.  I started out keeping my night time dose larger because I thought it would help me sleep, but it doesn't.  And then I realized, at least for me, it's better to have the larger dose in the morning, because it helps with my symptoms during the day, when I'm awake.  At night, even though some nights I don't sleep, sometimes I do, and when I'm asleep I don't notice the symptoms.  Sooooo, I always cut my night time dose first, then I catch up the daytime one.


Personally I would never be able to dose 4 or 5 x/day.  That would drive me insane.  ;D




~K    :smitten:


On the flip side, I HAD to dose four times per day, to avoid interdose withdrawal! I took it straight down to zero that way :P I probably didn't need to after some point, but it was just habit at that point!


We are all different, so whatever decision you make is peachy :) I can't say that there are many "rights" or "wrongs" that are uniform for all (besides the obvious 'do not cold turkey' & such); IMO its more of what's "right for you" and what's "wrong for you". Which only you'll know probably for sure :)


Vangogh, you're getting close!... How does it feel?!


Mrs. :smitten:


I have 7 cuts left. I cut .0625mg weekly on Sun. I never hold bc it does nothing for me. Taking the meds does nothing either. I am dealing with syxs regardless. So I am just plowing through. But I have been tapering with doses 4xday from the very beginning bc I had interdose wd at the time. Now that I am down to .4 and heading below this I wonder if I could get rid of that mid afternoon dose. Bc yes, it has driven me insane to take this crap 4xday! Who knows really though right? I mean I never even know what each week will bring when I do a regular cut. Could be worse, could be the same....never been better so far. Thought it would be by now. But...nope. And ya, I don't think holding that night time dose till last would make any difference in my sleep pattern. I don't sleep regardless.


No answers really to the dilemma....like usual on this benzo ride! Just got to make a choice and go for it right? Either way, I plan to be done by the end of Jan. It doesn't matter what happens. I have been at this taper long enough and I am so over it. It is a miracle I made it this long. If it weren't for a few very persuasive people I would have been done 6 months ago. But I held out bc I trust them and their experience. Now...oh man....I just need this taper to be over!




I do get interdose wd symptoms, I just don't care.  They might not be as magnified if I dosed 3 or 4x/day, but for me, it was too complicated to do it that way. I need simple.  Before I CTd for 5 days I really mostly used at night for sleep, once/day, so I went from 1x day to 2x day.  If I was experiencing some of the more horrific things some people go through, I might have taken a different path.


Anywho... I agree.  Everyone has to decide what works best for them and then just go for it.  I'm like you Grinch, I don't hold for long periods of time.  I just keep going, and I'm ready to be done. 




~K    :smitten:


Wholeheartedly agree! :thumbsup:


Mrs. :smitten:

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Even though I don't ask for help too frequently, my posts seem to go largely unanswered when I need advice or feedback. I've been through a grueling week and once again feel like I've been left hanging.


So I will handle my taper as best I can...maybe even leave the forum. 


Blessings to all of you and much progress and healing,



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Even though I don't ask for help too frequently, my posts seem to go largely unanswered when I need advice or feedback. I've been through a grueling week and once again feel like I've been left hanging.


So I will handle my taper as best I can...maybe even leave the forum. 


Blessings to all of you and much progress and healing,



VC, my posts about interdose withdrawal were made with your question in mind.


Are you looking for specific numbers to crunch for your doses or something?  I am unsure as to what you are looking for.


Holla back.  I'm here.


Mrs. :smitten:

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Hey, all.


Having a personal crisis and just need tips in handling my taper, going forward.

Basically, my dosing is down to this:


7am-12:30pm-5:30pm --> taking 0.0981mg


11pm bedtime dose ---> 0.294mg


Obviously the daytime doses will go to dust long before I'm done with the bedtime dose. I'm reducing all at the same time, mixing a liquid taper, then pouring half for bedtime, dividing other half into 3 doses for the daytime hours.


Should I find a way to just reduce the bedtime dose now? Or eliminate a daytime dose altogether? Confusing. I don't understand how you don't go right back into interdose w/d when you eliminate a dose. I've never had 4 equal doses. I kept the larger bedtime dose to help with sleep as long as possible.


I'm liquid tapering.



V :smitten:




Like I mentioned previously, if you're having interdose issues, it is (IMO) important to maintain all your doses down to zero.  I remember when you first came to this forum and how hard you fought for stability.  You earned some w/ your dosing schedule you have now; I'd say, don't lose it. 


The route you choose to go is up to YOU.  I have a couple ideas, but none are "right" or "wrong".  They all assume you maintain your current four-doses schedule. I will note them here, but then you're just going to have to decide what is best for you, and what you want to do.


You could slowly even out your doses into equal parts over the next month, and then resume your cuts after you've evened them out.

You could just start cutting only from your night time dose for a while, and "buy" some time to decide what you want to do.

You could cut from your nighttime dose until it evens out with the remainder of your doses.


I will also note that, IMO, the lower you go, the more important it will probably become for you to actually begin measuring out your doses when you pour them out for the day.  I found myself "sensitive" to daily invariables like that, and it created some instability for me.  Just want to give you the heads up in case it becomes an issue ;)  If it does not, then don't worry about it.


I hope this helps, girl.  I think a lot of the responses from this afternoon weren't directed to you exactly, but if you read "through the lines" so to speak there was a lot of good information and personal experiences to sift through.  For Grinch, interdose no longer matters.  So eliminating a dose in the day is an option.  Vangogh experiences interdose withdrawal, but isn't bothered enough by it.  So eliminating a dose in the day is also an option.  I voiced in that interdose WAS an issue for me, therefore I maintained my four doses all the way to zero.  Etc.  What will work for you -- we shall find out, eh? :)


Take care for now.  Mr and I are heading on a walk.  If ya need anything, PM me.  :)


Mrs. :smitten: 

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Morning V. I do not have any experience with liquid tapering. But thinking back, I tapered to two equal doses a day, first eliminating the morning one, then the evening one. I hope others who have liquid tapered will come along and help you.


Blue :smitten:

VCharis, This is a post directed to you this morning. Sorry I could not be of more help



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Even though I don't ask for help too frequently, my posts seem to go largely unanswered when I need advice or feedback. I've been through a grueling week and once again feel like I've been left hanging.


So I will handle my taper as best I can...maybe even leave the forum. 


Blessings to all of you and much progress and healing,






V, the following quote [below] was my answer directed mostly to you, but because a few other people were talking about similar issues, I didn't specifically name you, but answered more as a general post. 


I'm sorry you feel you aren't getting the advice you need.  I think sometimes answers get lost in the conversation, especially if a lot of people are replying.  <3  I don't think this is intentional.  It's just how the conversation flows.  I know there have been times I've asked questions, or even started threads asking specific questions, and didn't get any answers.  I try not to take it personally.  I don't think people are intentionally ignoring me, but, perhaps no one has any advice for me regarding those specific topics.




~K  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:




I'm not familiar with LT either, so I can't speak to that, and I only dose 2x day.  However, I will say this.  I started out keeping my night time dose larger because I thought it would help me sleep, but it doesn't.  And then I realized, at least for me, it's better to have the larger dose in the morning, because it helps with my symptoms during the day, when I'm awake.  At night, even though some nights I don't sleep, sometimes I do, and when I'm asleep I don't notice the symptoms.  Sooooo, I always cut my night time dose first, then I catch up the daytime one.


Personally I would never be able to dose 4 or 5 x/day.  That would drive me insane.  ;D




~K    :smitten:"


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Even though I don't ask for help too frequently, my posts seem to go largely unanswered when I need advice or feedback. I've been through a grueling week and once again feel like I've been left hanging.


So I will handle my taper as best I can...maybe even leave the forum. 


Blessings to all of you and much progress and healing,



You certainly aren't the only one who has had posts ignored here when the going gets tough.  I would suggest not abandoning BB's altogether, but rather find a thread that is more focused on difficult or severe withdrawal. 


While my story is unique it is in no way unusual.  It is my belief that people who have an easier time in withdrawal are far more likely to offer advice that is questionable.  (Take this drug/supplement, avoid/consume these foods, and most annoyingly, "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". ) 


Take your time in tapering, but understand that withdrawal symptoms can last a very long time.  For most, there is no easy way out.  Acceptance is key. 



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Even though I don't ask for help too frequently, my posts seem to go largely unanswered when I need advice or feedback. I've been through a grueling week and once again feel like I've been left hanging.


So I will handle my taper as best I can...maybe even leave the forum. 


Blessings to all of you and much progress and healing,





I too get ignored when I post. A lot. I try not to take it personal. But I also rarely post. I mostly respond to others. You can always PM me if you want to "talk". My big responses are usually thru more intimate PM convos one on one with bb buddies :smitten:





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I've made a firm resolve to take only 2 mg/ day in spaced doses, come what may. I know quitting's real hard, but gotta start at some point right. I hope my bold decision doesn't backfire on me. And yes, the docs and hospital folks see anyone addicted to any med as an "addict". Someone oughta start a Benzo anonymous similar to AA. That way, we all can cuss, yell, rant and get it all out and find out what made us addicted to this thing in the first place..root cause analysis always helps..
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Recently my newborn had a breath holding spell..the pediatricians said it is terrifying to watch but is totally harmless. I went berserk on the Xanax that day. And he has awful colic and gripe and each time he throws a crying fit, I end up overdoing. Just not able to cope with life's travails. Prolly I oughta be glad I ain't no alcoholic..
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I've made a firm resolve to take only 2 mg/ day in spaced doses, come what may. I know quitting's real hard, but gotta start at some point right. I hope my bold decision doesn't backfire on me. And yes, the docs and hospital folks see anyone addicted to any med as an "addict". Someone oughta start a Benzo anonymous similar to AA. That way, we all can cuss, yell, rant and get it all out and find out what made us addicted to this thing in the first place..root cause analysis always helps..

Good for you ash9 on your resolve.


Blue :smitten:

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To all experienced xanax BB's,

I have really hit a wall and need to make a plan "B"

My last 5% cut to .96mg of X was brutal: all the symtoms of extreme withdrawal except mental - thankfully no depression.

I'm currently dosing 6 times a day. .16 mg per capsule.

I would appreciate thoughts and opinions on holding longer at this current dose to see if I feel any improvement (by improvement I mean still feeling horrible but able to function enough to raise my family. I can put up with quite a lot of physical pain but need to be functional.)

Or, do I cross to valium for remained of taper?

My body & mind have been through the ringer with my first 2 attempts at withdrawing klonopin. Need advice before I speak with Pdoc.

Thanks to all.

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