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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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Thank you for all the replies!


You all sure told me what the definition of severe withdrawal is.  :laugh:  By golly, thanks for that!  I'd like to think you all mean well, but let's face it, you want to outdo each other in your successful tapers.  It does take someone truly special to beat the odds of painful withdrawal, and for that you should be commended.


Just a quick question; while you were going through simple partial seizures, hallucinations, severe auditory and visual processing, akasthia, vomiting, diarrhea, screaming tinnitus, migraines,  total body rash, extreme hair loss, vertigo, burning skin, ungodly dp/dr, horrific gross and fine motor impairment,  speech impediment and so on.... How were you able to work?  I think it's a fair question.  I guess I'm just a freaking coward as I had to lay in a fetal position for almost two years. 


But that's just me. :)


This next part is for the souls who have traversed this blog...do not give up hope!  Ever!  I believe the worst is behind me. I will be entering my third year of hell, but it is starting to get better.  I can leave the house for a few hours a day.  Yes, I still wear sunglasses as any kind of light sends my mind into pre-seizure activity.  I can't drive.  Social interactions confound me as most people don't miss my bobbing head, twitches and jerks.  Sitting down in a restaurant with my family is almost laughable.  My aging father will ask me,  (from what appears to be the end of a long, dark tunnel), "IS THIS ONE OF YOUR EPISODES"?    :laugh:



I'm laughing and crying as I write this.  It does get better, folks.  But many of  you will need to fight for your lives.  Do not give up!




You know, while I personally haven't experienced a lot of that stuff myself yet (and hopefully won't), I have met people who've had it REALLY BAD, worse even than what you describe.  So I understand that some people do literally go through hell withdrawing from this drug.  I'm actually thankful though that not everyone has to experience that nightmare. 


I don't know, I might be reading this wrong, but you seem very defensive to me against the people who haven't had it as bad as you.  I apologize if I'm wrong, and I hope I am, but the above post seems very condescending to me.  I'm hoping you meant it in jest.


I hope things get better for you very soon.


Much love and respect,



~K  :smitten:

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Just a quick question; while you were going through simple partial seizures, hallucinations, severe auditory and visual processing, akasthia, vomiting, diarrhea, screaming tinnitus, migraines,  total body rash, extreme hair loss, vertigo, burning skin, ungodly dp/dr, horrific gross and fine motor impairment,  speech impediment and so on.... How were you able to work?  I think it's a fair question.  I guess I'm just a freaking coward as I had to lay in a fetal position for almost two years.


I feel almost ashamed that of the above list, I only had the tinnitus and once and awhile , an ocular migraines. My burning skin sensation was limited mostly to my scalp. It is only the last year that I have been able to work, and that is only part time.


Blue :smitten:




My husband has had mild withdrawal.  He has had 5 severe withdrawal symptoms:


Extreme morning anxiety


Benzo belly


Brain zaps




Well, four anyway.  ;)


He has been able to work part-time, but he did have to quit his full-time job. 


Not much to say here other than he doesn't want to work anymore... A common refrain....




On the bright side, I can't wait for full time employment.  :)

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Working full time is a goal for me too.

By the way Babyrex, I was happy to know that you have experienced 30-40% healing. Is that consistently, or sporadic?


Blue :smitten:

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Working full time is a goal for me too.

By the way Babyrex, I was happy to know that you have experienced 30-40% healing. Is that consistently, or sporadic?


Blue :smitten:


Definitely sporadic.  At 23 months it seems I am beginning to break free.  But then I hit the manure fan and it's back to hell again. 


Overall, my baseline is at 30 %, and for that I am greatful. I am getting better, blue





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Hey all. I am heading into my home stretch with this taper and have a question. I take my Xanax in 4 divided doses right now. At some point I will need to get rid of the 4 doses. I currently am taking


Dose 1: .125mg

Dose 2: .125

Dose 3: .0625

Dose 4: .125


I will be making another .0625 cut on Sun. I would really like to get rid of the #3 dose all together at this point. I am tired of taking these pills 4xday!!!  :tickedoff:


The question is do you think it's overall the best plan to rip off that multiple dosing now or go down to 4 doses of .0625 first? If the majority doesn't think it's a major deal now bc I only have so many cuts left I might go for it. If you'all think it's best to taper down all the way to 4 doses of .0625 before I do that I will go with that. Just trying to figure out the next steps with only 7 cuts left.





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Do you have many withdrawal symptoms between doses? If so, I would continue with the 4 times a day schedule.


Blue :smitten:


I have syx all the time. No change between doses that I can tell anymore. I did before I think which is why I switched to 4 doses way back almost a yr ago but now the syxs just stay the same all day and night. It's been that way for many many months now. But now I can get worse an hr after taking a dose so not sure if interdose is a big of a prob anymore which is why I am asking.  :smitten:



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Then to make it easier for yourself, cut dose 3. If you have a bad reaction, you should know in about 3 or 4 days. If need be, you can always back up your taper to 4 doses a day again. I am not an expert, but I propose seems like a logical course of action.


It is good to get feedback from others before you make a decision though, and then try the plan that seems to fit you.


Blue :smitten:

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Hey all. I am heading into my home stretch with this taper and have a question. I take my Xanax in 4 divided doses right now. At some point I will need to get rid of the 4 doses. I currently am taking


Dose 1: .125mg

Dose 2: .125

Dose 3: .0625

Dose 4: .125


I will be making another .0625 cut on Sun. I would really like to get rid of the #3 dose all together at this point. I am tired of taking these pills 4xday!!!  :tickedoff:


The question is do you think it's overall the best plan to rip off that multiple dosing now or go down to 4 doses of .0625 first? If the majority doesn't think it's a major deal now bc I only have so many cuts left I might go for it. If you'all think it's best to taper down all the way to 4 doses of .0625 before I do that I will go with that. Just trying to figure out the next steps with only 7 cuts left.






I think I was only dosing 3X a day... so I'm not any help.  I did drop all the way around each time before dropping a dose, saving the night dose for last.


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Hey all. I am heading into my home stretch with this taper and have a question. I take my Xanax in 4 divided doses right now. At some point I will need to get rid of the 4 doses. I currently am taking


Dose 1: .125mg

Dose 2: .125

Dose 3: .0625

Dose 4: .125


I will be making another .0625 cut on Sun. I would really like to get rid of the #3 dose all together at this point. I am tired of taking these pills 4xday!!!  :tickedoff:


The question is do you think it's overall the best plan to rip off that multiple dosing now or go down to 4 doses of .0625 first? If the majority doesn't think it's a major deal now bc I only have so many cuts left I might go for it. If you'all think it's best to taper down all the way to 4 doses of .0625 before I do that I will go with that. Just trying to figure out the next steps with only 7 cuts left.






I think I was only dosing 3X a day... so I'm not any help.  I did drop all the way around each time before dropping a dose, saving the night dose for last.


Plus I am tired of breaking these oval pills in 1/4s...what a pain! I wonder if I am even getting any medicine in that little chunk cut uneven and shaved with a razor blade like a freaking cocaine addict  :crazy: I read somewhere the medicine isn't fully distributed....so that's awesomeness these lower doses. Bleh. Dang, the best thing will prob be go to 4xday all the way down. Then eliminate the doses. I am just so tired of taking this crap!  :brickwall:



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I dose twice a day, so I doubt I can be of any help.  I hope it works for you though, if you decide to do it.  Personally, I tried dosing 3x/day and it nearly drove me crazy, so I went to 2x/day almost immediately.  Good luck.  We will be jumping very near one another.  We should have a party!    :balloon:


~K  :smitten:

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im still at a pretty high dose 1.75mgs 4xs a day. i'll start tapering .125mgs every 7 days this weekend. im going to take the .125mg pff one dose a day. 1st cut will be to my 3rd pill,then 2nd,then 1st,then last. i start to get more panicky and everything about 4 hours after take my dose.
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I dose twice a day, so I doubt I can be of any help.  I hope it works for you though, if you decide to do it.  Personally, I tried dosing 3x/day and it nearly drove me crazy, so I went to 2x/day almost immediately.  Good luck.  We will be jumping very near one another.  We should have a party!    :balloon:


~K  :smitten:



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I posted the same stuff in my signature, but I'm posting it here- this is my current situation; Xanax ~2-4 mg/ day, Melatonin 25-50 mg/day. I've tried the Ashton, tried everything else. I end up getting back on Xanax and my psych says he knows and will tell me when the time is right to attempt a full withdrawal from this beast. I'm despairing, all my efforts at quitting have come to nought. Tried CT but ended up with the worst headache anyone can have, had to rush to the ER to get an IV fix of Xanax. What do I do? What do I do? My psych is not of much help, I can't change now coz I lost my job as well. My psych said I could 'try' topiramate (anti-seizure med) and attempt a CT but I'm too chicken :(
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I posted the same stuff in my signature, but I'm posting it here- this is my current situation; Xanax ~2-4 mg/ day, Melatonin 25-50 mg/day. I've tried the Ashton, tried everything else. I end up getting back on Xanax and my psych says he knows and will tell me when the time is right to attempt a full withdrawal from this beast. I'm despairing, all my efforts at quitting have come to nought. Tried CT but ended up with the worst headache anyone can have, had to rush to the ER to get an IV fix of Xanax. What do I do? What do I do? My psych is not of much help, I can't change now coz I lost my job as well. My psych said I could 'try' topiramate (anti-seizure med) and attempt a CT but I'm too chicken :(


Wait.  Melatonin 25-50 mg day?  That is extremely high.  Melatonin should only be taken in doses of ~100mcg - 3mg.


I wouldn't CT if I were you, ash.  Too many horror stories.  If I were you, I would try to stabilize at 2mg day for a week or two, then start tapering, cutting .125mg every 7-14 days, depending on how I felt.  If 2mg is too little, then try 2.5mg, or 3mg.


Personally, I cut around every 10 days (between 8-12) and then once I got below 1mg I started cutting .0625, and now I'm cutting every 7 days or so.


I'm sure others will check in with you and tell you what they did as well.  Good luck to you.




~K    :smitten:

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Thanks, Van. They gave me 25 mg Valdoxan (melatonin) which they said I could increase to 50 mg so I'd sleep all night and not worry much about Xanax. Of course, the docs and psychs are typically vague when I ask about a taper plan. A doc even blamed me for being a "benzo-head".


Another time when I was visiting NJ, I had an episode of palpitations and they wanted me to stay overnight to run tests. I didn't want to be in that hospital, I signed a form saying I'm responsible for my health and the hospital's not responsible if anything happens. As I was leaving, the nurse said I am a "crack pot" and that's why such things happen to me. Stuff happens, and we must try to get out of the situation, people around only seem to exacerbate rather than help.


Generic Xanax doesn't do a thing for me, I'm forced to buy branded meds from big pharma labels and that's awfully expensive. Right now I'm not taking the topiramate bait offered by my psych to quit CT. The headache and nausea's not worth it. My plan is this:


- Ask for 1 mg bars rather than 2 mg bars

- Start tapering right away by .25 mg each time

- Continue the taper for a week-10 days at a time, till I've stabilized on a tolerable dose

- See how it goes, else it's back to square 1  :-(



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Agomelatine (Valdoxan)


Agomelatine is a melatonergic antidepressant developed by the pharmaceutical company Servier. It is marketed for the treatment of major depressive disorder and has been reported not to produce discontinuation syndrome or sexual side effects. Wikipedia

Formula: C15H17NO2

Molar mass: 243.301 g/mol

IUPAC ID: N-[2-(7-methoxynaphthalen-1-yl)ethyl]acetamide

CAS ID: 138112-76-2

Drug class: Antidepressant

Other drugs in same class: Mirtazapine, Venlafaxine, Bupropion, Imipramine, Trimipramine, Maprotiline


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Hey, all.


Having a personal crisis and just need tips in handling my taper, going forward.

Basically, my dosing is down to this:


7am-12:30pm-5:30pm --> taking 0.0981mg


11pm bedtime dose ---> 0.294mg


Obviously the daytime doses will go to dust long before I'm done with the bedtime dose. I'm reducing all at the same time, mixing a liquid taper, then pouring half for bedtime, dividing other half into 3 doses for the daytime hours.


Should I find a way to just reduce the bedtime dose now? Or eliminate a daytime dose altogether? Confusing. I don't understand how you don't go right back into interdose w/d when you eliminate a dose. I've never had 4 equal doses. I kept the larger bedtime dose to help with sleep as long as possible.


I'm liquid tapering.



V :smitten:

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Morning V. I do not have any experience with liquid tapering. But thinking back, I tapered to two equal doses a day, first eliminating the morning one, then the evening one. I hope others who have liquid tapered will come along and help you.


Blue :smitten:

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Hey, all.


Having a personal crisis and just need tips in handling my taper, going forward.

Basically, my dosing is down to this:


7am-12:30pm-5:30pm --> taking 0.0981mg


11pm bedtime dose ---> 0.294mg


Obviously the daytime doses will go to dust long before I'm done with the bedtime dose. I'm reducing all at the same time, mixing a liquid taper, then pouring half for bedtime, dividing other half into 3 doses for the daytime hours.


Should I find a way to just reduce the bedtime dose now? Or eliminate a daytime dose altogether? Confusing. I don't understand how you don't go right back into interdose w/d when you eliminate a dose. I've never had 4 equal doses. I kept the larger bedtime dose to help with sleep as long as possible.


I'm liquid tapering.



V :smitten:


I asked the same question. I take 4 doses too. I am down to .125, .125, .0625, .125. I want to elimate that 3rd dose next cut but afraid of interdose. My body will need to adjust eventually and I only have like 7 cuts left as I am cutting .0625 a week. My big question is do I elimate them now or wait till I am closer to the end. Don't know yet what I am going to to. I am still pretty sick and afraid taking away a dose would make things worse at this point. Best scenario I guess will be to keep the 4 doses ( :tickedoff:) till I am down to .0625 at all of them then start cutting them. I JUST WANT IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!!!



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Hey, all.


Having a personal crisis and just need tips in handling my taper, going forward.

Basically, my dosing is down to this:


7am-12:30pm-5:30pm --> taking 0.0981mg


11pm bedtime dose ---> 0.294mg


Obviously the daytime doses will go to dust long before I'm done with the bedtime dose. I'm reducing all at the same time, mixing a liquid taper, then pouring half for bedtime, dividing other half into 3 doses for the daytime hours.


Should I find a way to just reduce the bedtime dose now? Or eliminate a daytime dose altogether? Confusing. I don't understand how you don't go right back into interdose w/d when you eliminate a dose. I've never had 4 equal doses. I kept the larger bedtime dose to help with sleep as long as possible.


I'm liquid tapering.



V :smitten:


I asked the same question. I take 4 doses too. I am down to .125, .125, .0625, .125. I want to elimate that 3rd dose next cut but afraid of interdose. My body will need to adjust eventually and I only have like 7 cuts left as I am cutting .0625 a week. My big question is do I elimate them now or wait till I am closer to the end. Don't know yet what I am going to to. I am still pretty sick and afraid taking away a dose would make things worse at this point. Best scenario I guess will be to keep the 4 doses ( :tickedoff:) till I am down to .0625 at all of them then start cutting them. I JUST WANT IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!!!




Hey Grinch, I know it's frustrating but you are really getting there. I guess when in doubt, cut them all equally all the way down. There are so many ways to taper. I just never know what's best since I tend to second-guess myself. I won't be making any big changes until January. Thought about making all doses equal, but scared to do that at this juncture.


My doses are just so tiny for the day hours.


Hang in there. Hope someone else pitches in.



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