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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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I have been just laying around all day, my lower back is cramping bad to wd's but PMS, my doctor gave me vistaril I haven't taken it. hopeing I wont need to. I'm not planning on doing a cross over or anything. just off the xanax. right now with my PMS symptoms telling whats what


I'm having PMS symptoms too...I was wondering if it was w/d's or the PMS...hate this time of the month...it throws me off wondering what's what...is it the xanax or just that freaking time of the month stuff.  Does heat or a warm bath help you? 


Feel better  :smitten:


thank you :smitten: i had a uterine ablation last year so i don;t bleed(sorry), i lightly spot so I don't start and can go oh thats why i feel extra crazy :crazy::idiot: i have to track it with a app and just how my body feels. this is the week before I can tell by my lower back so i have give or take 2 weeks of this  :'( hoping to be able to keep myself going. im 3 pills in and feeling prety good hearts beating fast and sweaty feet(so gross lol) but going better then i had myself fraked out about last night :thumbsup:

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I have been just laying around all day, my lower back is cramping bad to wd's but PMS, my doctor gave me vistaril I haven't taken it. hopeing I wont need to. I'm not planning on doing a cross over or anything. just off the xanax. right now with my PMS symptoms telling whats what


I'm having PMS symptoms too...I was wondering if it was w/d's or the PMS...hate this time of the month...it throws me off wondering what's what...is it the xanax or just that freaking time of the month stuff.  Does heat or a warm bath help you? 


Feel better  :smitten:


thank you :smitten: i had a uterine ablation last year so i don;t bleed(sorry), i lightly spot so I don't start and can go oh thats why i feel extra crazy :crazy::idiot: i have to track it with a app and just how my body feels. this is the week before I can tell by my lower back so i have give or take 2 weeks of this  :'( hoping to be able to keep myself going. im 3 pills in and feeling prety good hearts beating fast and sweaty feet(so gross lol) but going better then i had myself fraked out about last night :thumbsup:


I had a uterine mass removed last year, was gonna do the ablation but when I was told I could still have a period, I said forget it.  Thats great you're feeling pretty good.  I would have the racing heart as well when I'm weaning.  I learned over the past two years to expect certain symptoms, which I learned over time and I knew when they would hit.  Try some deep breathing exercises to help slow your heart rate down...and like you've read in other post...distraction.  You just gotta find what works for you, and you will.  Just keep moving forward, and listen to your body.  I don't know about you, but knowing I have this board I can come to now, has already put me at ease.  Before I would just be sitting up in the middle of the night wondering when it was all gonna stop, and how did this happen. 


try to get some rest tonight...tomorrow is a new day



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I have been just laying around all day, my lower back is cramping bad to wd's but PMS, my doctor gave me vistaril I haven't taken it. hopeing I wont need to. I'm not planning on doing a cross over or anything. just off the xanax. right now with my PMS symptoms telling whats what


I'm having PMS symptoms too...I was wondering if it was w/d's or the PMS...hate this time of the month...it throws me off wondering what's what...is it the xanax or just that freaking time of the month stuff.  Does heat or a warm bath help you? 


Feel better  :smitten:


thank you :smitten: i had a uterine ablation last year so i don;t bleed(sorry), i lightly spot so I don't start and can go oh thats why i feel extra crazy :crazy::idiot: i have to track it with a app and just how my body feels. this is the week before I can tell by my lower back so i have give or take 2 weeks of this  :'( hoping to be able to keep myself going. im 3 pills in and feeling prety good hearts beating fast and sweaty feet(so gross lol) but going better then i had myself fraked out about last night :thumbsup:


I had a uterine mass removed last year, was gonna do the ablation but when I was told I could still have a period, I said forget it.  Thats great you're feeling pretty good.  I would have the racing heart as well when I'm weaning.  I learned over the past two years to expect certain symptoms, which I learned over time and I knew when they would hit.  Try some deep breathing exercises to help slow your heart rate down...and like you've read in other post...distraction.  You just gotta find what works for you, and you will.  Just keep moving forward, and listen to your body.  I don't know about you, but knowing I have this board I can come to now, has already put me at ease.  Before I would just be sitting up in the middle of the night wondering when it was all gonna stop, and how did this happen. 


try to get some rest tonight...tomorrow is a new day




this bored is a huge huge comfort. get some sleep too  :smitten:

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LostDayDreaming...how you feeling today?


Im feeling good, how about yourself? I actually slept pretty much the same as usual. I was really worried the cut would effect my sleep so far so good  :thumbsup: 

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LostDayDreaming...how you feeling today?


Im feeling good, how about yourself? I actually slept pretty much the same as usual. I was really worried the cut would effect my sleep so far so good  :thumbsup:


Glad you slept good.  Im about 10 weeks post shoulder surgery, and most of that I was sleeping in a sling.  Its been a week now that I don't have to sleep in it, so still getting woke up from the pain of my shoulder.  Its either the shoulder wakes me up or the nightmares waking me up, or just tossing and turning.  I cherish the nights that I get a good nights sleep.   


But, I think I got messed up on my meds while recoverying from surgery.  They gave me benzos before and during surgery, plus pain meds, and then the pain meds after surgery.  It took me a long time to wake up from surgery, which I think had something to do with my already being on xanax...but don't really know.  The first 5 weeks after surgery, I was pretty out of it...the beta blockers, pain killers, and I know I got my xanax confused with other meds that looked like them...so I think I had gotten myself messed up for a good month and a half.  This past week I really got myself back on track, back on schedule and just holding...so I think I am feeling some withdrawals of getting back on a steady dose that I take 3 times a day.  Coming off the propranolol...my heart rate is holding good, no rebounding. 


I was looking at an old schedule (back in 2013) of when I was writing my dose down and the date I would taper so I would not have to rely on my memory.  This surgery, and messing up my meds, set me back 12 weeks  :'(


Sorry, if I am rambling...just don't feel myself.  I started weaning back in Oct 2012.  Was doing it alone (wish I had gotten on this board, found it, but was scared to join).  I would go see my doctor for moral support...but he really was no support...I honestly think he just feels bad that he perscribed the drug to me and now has to sit back and watch me suffer.  I made it all the way to Aug 2013 with breaks, and its been mega slow since then, and found myself creeping back up on my nightly dosage to help me sleep after I found out my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer this past Jan.  During her treatments, I couldn't bring myself to wean...she is doing great now.  So, now I can turn a lot of my focus back on me.


I've been reading a lot of post on here today...just in shock how many people are suffering through this.  :( 

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LostDayDreaming...how you feeling today?


Im feeling good, how about yourself? I actually slept pretty much the same as usual. I was really worried the cut would effect my sleep so far so good  :thumbsup:


Glad you slept good.  Im about 10 weeks post shoulder surgery, and most of that I was sleeping in a sling.  Its been a week now that I don't have to sleep in it, so still getting woke up from the pain of my shoulder.  Its either the shoulder wakes me up or the nightmares waking me up, or just tossing and turning.  I cherish the nights that I get a good nights sleep.   


But, I think I got messed up on my meds while recoverying from surgery.  They gave me benzos before and during surgery, plus pain meds, and then the pain meds after surgery.  It took me a long time to wake up from surgery, which I think had something to do with my already being on xanax...but don't really know.  The first 5 weeks after surgery, I was pretty out of it...the beta blockers, pain killers, and I know I got my xanax confused with other meds that looked like them...so I think I had gotten myself messed up for a good month and a half.  This past week I really got myself back on track, back on schedule and just holding...so I think I am feeling some withdrawals of getting back on a steady dose that I take 3 times a day.  Coming off the propranolol...my heart rate is holding good, no rebounding. 


I was looking at an old schedule (back in 2013) of when I was writing my dose down and the date I would taper so I would not have to rely on my memory.  This surgery, and messing up my meds, set me back 12 weeks  :'(


Sorry, if I am rambling...just don't feel myself.  I started weaning back in Oct 2012.  Was doing it alone (wish I had gotten on this board, found it, but was scared to join).  I would go see my doctor for moral support...but he really was no support...I honestly think he just feels bad that he perscribed the drug to me and now has to sit back and watch me suffer.  I made it all the way to Aug 2013 with breaks, and its been mega slow since then, and found myself creeping back up on my nightly dosage to help me sleep after I found out my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer this past Jan.  During her treatments, I couldn't bring myself to wean...she is doing great now.  So, now I can turn a lot of my focus back on me.


I've been reading a lot of post on here today...just in shock how many people are suffering through this.  :(


no need to say sorry, ramble away :) gives me something to read.


my shoulder likes to dislocate and that pain is awful and there is no comfy way to sleep in a sling been there. i hope you feel better soon.


im happy to hear your mom is doing good, being a fighter is in your DNA, yeah support is huge.


i might have to have surgery and thats got me worried about it effecting my taper, ill know more tomorrow. i have been keeping a livejournal up ate when i wake up and at bed time keep my daily doses and every symptom of that day. :smitten:

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Hi there, I'm 6 months in to my recovery from Xanax and looking to make more buddies.  I've already made quite a few friends on here but it never hurts to make more!  Especially those dealing with the same med.


I thought I'd feel so much better at 6 month soff but at the moment still struggling with symptoms.

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Hi SoCaler...I'm new to the boards and weaning off xanax...have been working on it for the past 2 years...with quite a few pauses.  Some because of family issues, and some because I just wanted a holiday from the hell I was in.  But, I could certainly use more buddies for support as well.  That's awesome you are off, sorry you are still dealing with some withdrawal issues...that's the part I'm not looking forward to, and I don't think my doctor has a clue about it. 


LostDayDreaming...how are you feeling?  Getting sleep?  Are you working while weaning?  I completely went back on my usual dose of propranolol...I couldn't believe the w/d symptomes that hit me after I lowered the dose.  My neurologist put me on it for migraines but also added that it may help with my w/d symptoms...boy was he right.  I am really hoping that it will carry me through to the end, and I'll stay on them for a few yrs after if it will keep the w/d's at a minimum.  We shall see I guess.  I plan to start back up my tapering in a few weeks...may wait until Dec to just let everything in my system kinda settle...I think my body is still recoverying from surgery and all the drugs they gave me.


Well I am going to call it a night.  Hope everyone gets some good rest tonight.


Sleep well.... :sleepy:

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Hi SoCaler...I'm new to the boards and weaning off xanax...have been working on it for the past 2 years...with quite a few pauses.  Some because of family issues, and some because I just wanted a holiday from the hell I was in.  But, I could certainly use more buddies for support as well.  That's awesome you are off, sorry you are still dealing with some withdrawal issues...that's the part I'm not looking forward to, and I don't think my doctor has a clue about it. 


LostDayDreaming...how are you feeling?  Getting sleep?  Are you working while weaning?  I completely went back on my usual dose of propranolol...I couldn't believe the w/d symptomes that hit me after I lowered the dose.  My neurologist put me on it for migraines but also added that it may help with my w/d symptoms...boy was he right.  I am really hoping that it will carry me through to the end, and I'll stay on them for a few yrs after if it will keep the w/d's at a minimum.  We shall see I guess.  I plan to start back up my tapering in a few weeks...may wait until Dec to just let everything in my system kinda settle...I think my body is still recoverying from surgery and all the drugs they gave me.


Well I am going to call it a night.  Hope everyone gets some good rest tonight.


Sleep well.... :sleepy:


sleeping well, and w/ds have been very mild. I haven't worked in a few years my panic attacks had me house bound until i was agoraphobic. for my taper i don't plan on working but if something omes up and im feeling okay i will. my period started yesterday so today i am feeling like a mac truck hit me plus its day 3 into my 2nd cut and days 3 and 4 seem to be my rough days but last week day 5 i stabilized and had a great window till my cut, so hoping it will be the same this week, even though my monthly gift has me kinda a mess.


i am sorry to hear about your set back :( may very well be from the surgery. i am still trying to find a doctor to work with me hoping i don't run out of pills before then, i'll have to go to the er and that scares the hell out of me. cause they like to give your benzos to relax you during panic and i don't want any. after the xanax are done im never touching another benzo. panic attacks whatevere i'll find a way to deal, plus i always have that vistaril to take.


get some rest  :smitten:

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I hit a wall about 4am this morning after switching 10/29/14 from .50 Xanax 4 times a day, to .50 Klonopin 3 X times a day (every 7-8 hours) . Through out the last 6 days on K, my chest and back pain was continuous. Before switching to K my blood pressure was in the normal to low range. On Klonopin, my blood pressure and pulse was way up. This scared me. I am wondering if the generic brand of K I was on was not strong enough, or if the .50 cut I took when I made the switch was too much. I took a .50 Xanax at 4am and fell asleep within minutes. I woke about 11am and felt normal. Chest pain gone, felt like my blood pressure and pulse were back to normal.  I even felt motivated to do my errands, etc. today. I'm going to try and stay at the .50 every 7-8 hours (before switching to Klonopin I took .50 Xanax every 6 hours) At least I won't feel like I've made no progress. So after a week, I'm back on Xanax, but at 1.50 a day instead of 2.0 a day. So, a little progress, but now I'm back looking for a plan to withdraw from Xanax...
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I hit a wall about 4am this morning after switching 10/29/14 from .50 Xanax 4 times a day, to .50 Klonopin 3 X times a day (every 7-8 hours) . Through out the last 6 days on K, my chest and back pain was continuous. Before switching to K my blood pressure was in the normal to low range. On Klonopin, my blood pressure and pulse was way up. This scared me. I am wondering if the generic brand of K I was on was not strong enough, or if the .50 cut I took when I made the switch was too much. I took a .50 Xanax at 4am and fell asleep within minutes. I woke about 11am and felt normal. Chest pain gone, felt like my blood pressure and pulse were back to normal.  I even felt motivated to do my errands, etc. today. I'm going to try and stay at the .50 every 7-8 hours (before switching to Klonopin I took .50 Xanax every 6 hours) At least I won't feel like I've made no progress. So after a week, I'm back on Xanax, but at 1.50 a day instead of 2.0 a day. So, a little progress, but now I'm back looking for a plan to withdraw from Xanax...


Hey CoastLady,


I tried Klonopin before I started weaning off and could not tolerate it.  It didn't help me at all.  Is there a reason why you are trying to cross-over?

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I hit a wall about 4am this morning after switching 10/29/14 from .50 Xanax 4 times a day, to .50 Klonopin 3 X times a day (every 7-8 hours) . Through out the last 6 days on K, my chest and back pain was continuous. Before switching to K my blood pressure was in the normal to low range. On Klonopin, my blood pressure and pulse was way up. This scared me. I am wondering if the generic brand of K I was on was not strong enough, or if the .50 cut I took when I made the switch was too much. I took a .50 Xanax at 4am and fell asleep within minutes. I woke about 11am and felt normal. Chest pain gone, felt like my blood pressure and pulse were back to normal.  I even felt motivated to do my errands, etc. today. I'm going to try and stay at the .50 every 7-8 hours (before switching to Klonopin I took .50 Xanax every 6 hours) At least I won't feel like I've made no progress. So after a week, I'm back on Xanax, but at 1.50 a day instead of 2.0 a day. So, a little progress, but now I'm back looking for a plan to withdraw from Xanax...


Hey CoastLady,


I tried Klonopin before I started weaning off and could not tolerate it.  It didn't help me at all.  Is there a reason why you are trying to cross-over?


Monique123 how has your taper been with just the xanax? i don't want to do a cross over i never want to touch another benzo when i first started having panic attack they gave me klonopin and i did not like how long i felt groggy and just sedated so because xanaxs half life it worked better for me now its become my monster I am 13 days into my taper and down 1mg off my daily dose. I have done pretty well typical withdraws and the i stabilize day 5 so far and the have a good window till my cut. i have interdose withdraws. i dont see many people just tapering off xanax just trying to fd someone whos been where i am

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I hit a wall about 4am this morning after switching 10/29/14 from .50 Xanax 4 times a day, to .50 Klonopin 3 X times a day (every 7-8 hours) . Through out the last 6 days on K, my chest and back pain was continuous. Before switching to K my blood pressure was in the normal to low range. On Klonopin, my blood pressure and pulse was way up. This scared me. I am wondering if the generic brand of K I was on was not strong enough, or if the .50 cut I took when I made the switch was too much. I took a .50 Xanax at 4am and fell asleep within minutes. I woke about 11am and felt normal. Chest pain gone, felt like my blood pressure and pulse were back to normal.  I even felt motivated to do my errands, etc. today. I'm going to try and stay at the .50 every 7-8 hours (before switching to Klonopin I took .50 Xanax every 6 hours) At least I won't feel like I've made no progress. So after a week, I'm back on Xanax, but at 1.50 a day instead of 2.0 a day. So, a little progress, but now I'm back looking for a plan to withdraw from Xanax...




Hey CoastLady,


I tried Klonopin before I started weaning off and could not tolerate it.  It didn't help me at all.  Is there a reason why you are trying to cross-over?


Monique123 how has your taper been with just the xanax? i don't want to do a cross over i never want to touch another benzo when i first started having panic attack they gave me klonopin and i did not like how long i felt groggy and just sedated so because xanaxs half life it worked better for me now its become my monster I am 13 days into my taper and down 1mg off my daily dose. I have done pretty well typical withdraws and the i stabilize day 5 so far and the have a good window till my cut. i have interdose withdraws. i dont see many people just tapering off xanax just trying to fd someone whos been where i am


I think my taper went fine.  I didn't want to crossover to anything especially since I had tried Klonopin before and it made my very sleepy all the time but my anxiety was horrible.  I was on the Xanax XR so I had to use regular Xanax to taper.  I did find that the lower in dosage that I got, the better I felt and the less I felt the cuts.  I was actually nervous about the first day of not taking any but it was pretty much uneventful.  I think with me tapering slowly and not having an strict schedule to adhere to helped.  There are others that were able to taper directly from the xanax also.  Good Luck, you will get there.  :)





edit: fixed quotes

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I hit a wall about 4am this morning after switching 10/29/14 from .50 Xanax 4 times a day, to .50 Klonopin 3 X times a day (every 7-8 hours) . Through out the last 6 days on K, my chest and back pain was continuous. Before switching to K my blood pressure was in the normal to low range. On Klonopin, my blood pressure and pulse was way up. This scared me. I am wondering if the generic brand of K I was on was not strong enough, or if the .50 cut I took when I made the switch was too much. I took a .50 Xanax at 4am and fell asleep within minutes. I woke about 11am and felt normal. Chest pain gone, felt like my blood pressure and pulse were back to normal.  I even felt motivated to do my errands, etc. today. I'm going to try and stay at the .50 every 7-8 hours (before switching to Klonopin I took .50 Xanax every 6 hours) At least I won't feel like I've made no progress. So after a week, I'm back on Xanax, but at 1.50 a day instead of 2.0 a day. So, a little progress, but now I'm back looking for a plan to withdraw from Xanax...


I'm happy to help with a Xanax taper...let me make sure I understand where you are first.  Back on Xanax at 1.5mg and no Klonopin?  Did you just stop taking the K as of today?


Challis  :)

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I hit a wall about 4am this morning after switching 10/29/14 from .50 Xanax 4 times a day, to .50 Klonopin 3 X times a day (every 7-8 hours) . Through out the last 6 days on K, my chest and back pain was continuous. Before switching to K my blood pressure was in the normal to low range. On Klonopin, my blood pressure and pulse was way up. This scared me. I am wondering if the generic brand of K I was on was not strong enough, or if the .50 cut I took when I made the switch was too much. I took a .50 Xanax at 4am and fell asleep within minutes. I woke about 11am and felt normal. Chest pain gone, felt like my blood pressure and pulse were back to normal.  I even felt motivated to do my errands, etc. today. I'm going to try and stay at the .50 every 7-8 hours (before switching to Klonopin I took .50 Xanax every 6 hours) At least I won't feel like I've made no progress. So after a week, I'm back on Xanax, but at 1.50 a day instead of 2.0 a day. So, a little progress, but now I'm back looking for a plan to withdraw from Xanax...


I'm happy to help with a Xanax taper...let me make sure I understand where you are first.  Back on Xanax at 1.5mg and no Klonopin?  Did you just stop taking the K as of today?


Challis  :)




You are in great hands, regarding Challis helping you with tapering ideas :) So I won't add anything to that :) I just wanted to say that klonopin has a longer half-life than xanax. That may explain why, when you take a xanax, you immediately fall asleep! With a very short half life, it is powerful and packs a "meaty" punch very quickly, while klonopin's "punch" would be more gradual and spread out (rather than all at once). Make sense? Also, even though they are both benzodiazepines, they still may affect your body a little differently. So, when you made the switch to klonopin, it is very well possible that you were experiencing withdrawals from xanax -- even though you were on equivalent doses of klonopin. That could explain the elevated heartrate, blood pressure, etc :) Make sense?


I don't stop by here very often anymore, but I wanted to make sure you didn't feel like your symptoms were "weird", and that you are not alone :) I have tapered for almost two years directly from xanax, and at my own pace, and will be 100% benzodiazepine free soon -- so just know that it can be done :) Challis actually was one of the first people on this thread to welcome me :) I will say it again, you're in good hands! (IMO) :P


Take care and welcome!


Mrs. :smitten:

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You have been on my mind daily for about a week now! I haven't logged on in quite some time but I pray for my benzobuddies daily. I see you are almost to zero! I thought I'd say hi and let you know you are thought of!




Hopeful Girl  :smitten:

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Hi Blue and Challis and any of my other old friends here! I hope you are all doing well. I continue to heal, more slowly than I'd like but month 13 has turned out to be a lucky one for me  ;)  with lots of progress.




Hopeful Girl

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Hi Blue and Challis and any of my other old friends here! I hope you are all doing well. I continue to heal, more slowly than I'd like but month 13 has turned out to be a lucky one for me  ;)  with lots of progress.




Hopeful Girl


Wonderful news!!! It IS darn slow, isn't it?  I call it the gift that keeps on giving.  I've gone to a higher baseline than I ever expected.


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I hit a wall about 4am this morning after switching 10/29/14 from .50 Xanax 4 times a day, to .50 Klonopin 3 X times a day (every 7-8 hours) . Through out the last 6 days on K, my chest and back pain was continuous. Before switching to K my blood pressure was in the normal to low range. On Klonopin, my blood pressure and pulse was way up. This scared me. I am wondering if the generic brand of K I was on was not strong enough, or if the .50 cut I took when I made the switch was too much. I took a .50 Xanax at 4am and fell asleep within minutes. I woke about 11am and felt normal. Chest pain gone, felt like my blood pressure and pulse were back to normal.  I even felt motivated to do my errands, etc. today. I'm going to try and stay at the .50 every 7-8 hours (before switching to Klonopin I took .50 Xanax every 6 hours) At least I won't feel like I've made no progress. So after a week, I'm back on Xanax, but at 1.50 a day instead of 2.0 a day. So, a little progress, but now I'm back looking for a plan to withdraw from Xanax...


I'm happy to help with a Xanax taper...let me make sure I understand where you are first.  Back on Xanax at 1.5mg and no Klonopin?  Did you just stop taking the K as of today?


Challis  :)




You are in great hands, regarding Challis helping you with tapering ideas :) So I won't add anything to that :) I just wanted to say that klonopin has a longer half-life than xanax. That may explain why, when you take a xanax, you immediately fall asleep! With a very short half life, it is powerful and packs a "meaty" punch very quickly, while klonopin's "punch" would be more gradual and spread out (rather than all at once). Make sense? Also, even though they are both benzodiazepines, they still may affect your body a little differently. So, when you made the switch to klonopin, it is very well possible that you were experiencing withdrawals from xanax -- even though you were on equivalent doses of klonopin. That could explain the elevated heartrate, blood pressure, etc :) Make sense?


I don't stop by here very often anymore, but I wanted to make sure you didn't feel like your symptoms were "weird", and that you are not alone :) I have tapered for almost two years directly from xanax, and at my own pace, and will be 100% benzodiazepine free soon -- so just know that it can be done :) Challis actually was one of the first people on this thread to welcome me :) I will say it again, you're in good hands! (IMO) :P


Take care and welcome!


Mrs. :smitten:


Mrs!!  How are you doing with your taper?  I know you hit some rough spots awhile ago.  Going better now?

Chal  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Challis, Hopeful and Mrs. Hi to Coastlady. I am 1 1/2 years free of Xanax after taking it every night and sometimes during the day for 25+ years. I did not cross over. With the help of Challis, Charley, Hopeful, Clarita, NotForMe, Julia and many others, I was able to taper directly off Xanax. I have never regretted the decision.


Blue :smitten:

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Hi Challis, Hopeful and Mrs. Hi to Coastlady. I am 1 1/2 years free of Xanax after taking it every night and sometimes during the day for 25+ years. I did not cross over. With the help of Challis, Charley, Hopeful, Clarita, NotForMe, Julia and many others, I was able to taper directly off Xanax. I have never regretted the decision.


Blue :smitten:


You have always been a gift to me, Blue! No regrets here either! Even with the awful lingering symptoms I am still waiting to heal from this is so much better than being on the drug!




Hopeful Girl

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