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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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OMG...I am having trouble posting.  Twice now I have attempted to tell my story on how I get started on xanax...last night and just now and both times, after getting half way into it, it disappears.  :-\ :'(

How are you logged in? If it is just for an hour, that may be why you are losing it.


Blue :smitten:

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I do not ever want to forget. I was a mess!!!  You are almost there Mrs. Have you set a jump date? I had a tentative one because I was afraid I could not do it. But I did. You will too!!!


Blue :smitten:


I'm taking each day as it comes, Blue :)  Mr and I have discussed the upcoming time when I will become med-free, yes.  It is something I would like to keep private and quiet about for the time being, but I look forward to sharing with my buddies down the road :)


I'm glad things are improving so much for you, friend -- you deserve it so much!  Take care today,


Mrs. :smitten:


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OMG...I am having trouble posting.  Twice now I have attempted to tell my story on how I get started on xanax...last night and just now and both times, after getting half way into it, it disappears.  :-\ :'(


Blue could be right about the one hour login.  You can choose a longer login time or copy your post before you hit 'Post'.  Sometimes when I time out I can go back a couple of pages, retrieve my post and copy it.


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OMG...I am having trouble posting.  Twice now I have attempted to tell my story on how I get started on xanax...last night and just now and both times, after getting half way into it, it disappears.  :-\ :'(

How are you logged in? If it is just for an hour, that may be why you are losing it.


Blue :smitten:


UGH!!  That is exactly what happened.  :'(

Is there a timer somewhere so you know how much time you have remaining? 

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Not that I know of. I log on for a week to be safe. If I do not want to be logged in that long, I just click on logout. I hope this helps.


Blue :smitten:

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Not that I know of. I log on for a week to be safe. If I do not want to be logged in that long, I just click on logout. I hope this helps.


Blue :smitten:


Helps TONS!!!  I am slowly figuring this out  :thumbsup:

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I posted this in the introduction part, but thought I would post it here too...since my issue with with xanax, and it helps to read others that are dealing with the same drug.  So, here is my story...


My doctor that put me on this horrible drug over 2 yrs ago, despite saying I would not go through this alone, has pretty much left me alone, but at least doesn't make me go cold turkey.  But I always have the fear deep inside me that he is just going to pass me off to another doctor cause he is tired of it taking so long and then the next doctor won't allow me the time to wean slowly.  I've talked to my doctor about this, and he always reassures me that won't happen.  He did admit that he feels bad that he put me on this drug to begin with, and he feels responsible.  (He is my primary care dr). 


I went to see him Aug 2012 when I couldn't handle the stress of my oldest daughter, now 21, anymore.  I'm divorced, her dad was of no help and I have no family around for support and the friends I had, pretty much stopped talking to me after I took FMLA 3 months off from work.  They would call to check on me, and want to know what was going on.  Then they slowly disappeared. 


My doctor put me on lexapro and xanax, and said at the time he was only going to keep me on it for 3 months just to help take the edge off to get me through the crisis my daughter was causing.  I remember looking at him, and telling him..."I don't want to get stuck on these drugs"....he said "I won't let you".  :'(


Two weeks after starting the lexapro I began suffering severe adverse reactions, and thoughts of running my car into a wall was beginning to sound like a good idea.  Luckily I had at least one friend that understood and I could call him and he would talk me home until I pulled into my garage safely.


Dr told me to stop the lexapro immediately.  I told him I would go through withdrawals...he said I had not been on it long enough.  I was on nortriptyline for migraines in 2010, only on it for 3 weeks.  Abruptly stopped per drs orders, because of side effects and not helping with migraines.  Suffered severe withdrawals...feelings of extreme drops in blood sugar, heart racing, vivid horrible nightmares, tremors, vertigo, room spinning, feeling like your walking through a fun house and having the room flipped on you and falling to the floor.  I had to shave off little by little over 8 months to get off that drug.


Same thing, but worse happened coming off the lexapro.  I couldn't get out of bed for 3 days, felt like someone was reaching down my throat and trying to rip out my insides, the constant need to vomit, laying in bed shaking, and unable to sleep, room just spinning!!  I told another doctor about what I went through...she was in disbelief and said I should had been in a hospital and lucky I survived.  Withdrawals went on for another 3 weeks, but less intense.  When it all started, that is when my doctor told me to take the xanax 1mg every 4 hours to help with the withdrawals and then we would work on getting off the xanax.


2 yrs later...still trying to come off xanax.  But coming off at my pace, listening to my body...not going by what is recommended in the medical journals that some drs are taught.


Sad to say, I just noticed when I was looking at my profile, I found this site back Oct 9, 2012 at 2:35AM.  I think I was afraid of what I was reading, how could I have allowed myself to get stuck on a drug, and one so difficult to get off of.  But glad I found the site again.     


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Hi everyone...I'm new to the group and tapering off Xanax...is this the discussion board I'm tell how I got put on it and where I'm at now?


welcome, im new here too, xanax as well. today is the first day of my second cut :)

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Welcome to both of you. Many people have tapered directly of Xanax. Most go on with their lives. Some, like me, hang around trying to help where they can and help those that are going through it now. And I am not ashamed to say that I still need the support of Benzo Buddies.


Blue :smitten:

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Hi everyone...I'm new to the group and tapering off Xanax...is this the discussion board I'm tell how I got put on it and where I'm at now?


welcome, im new here too, xanax as well. today is the first day of my second cut :)


Hi...I saw some of your older post from another section.  Looked like you were getting some great advice and support.  Hang in there...I am so glad I found this forum.  I found it 2 yrs ago...can't believe I didn't move forward with posting...but I was just to scared at the time, and at the time didn't think I had been on xanax  long enough to feel I deserved to need help form a forum like this.  I was started on xanax aug 2012 and found this site oct 2012.  Now its Nov 2014...WOW!!  :-\ 


But hang in there...even when it gets tough.  Its a slow process, for me it was hard to accept, but I am accepting it better, little by little.   

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that you guys :) i just took my first dose of my tapered pills, I can't believe as of last night was the last time I will ever take a full 2mgs pill. I am really nervous how my body is gonna take this second cut. I took the same amount off as my first cut, and last week did pretty well. I think its seeing my pill cut scares me. :'(
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I noticed that the 3rd or 4 th day after a cut was when I felt the most symptoms. But even then, the symptoms were usually manageable. And if they were not, I came here for support. I found that those who were going through it understood and could offer honest advise and empathy.


Blue :smitten:

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that you guys :) i just took my first dose of my tapered pills, I can't believe as of last night was the last time I will ever take a full 2mgs pill. I am really nervous how my body is gonna take this second cut. I took the same amount off as my first cut, and last week did pretty well. I think its seeing my pill cut scares me. :'(



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lostdaydreaming, you seem to be doing really well!!    :thumbsup:



Ins :smitten:


thank you, i think i over think everything and make things worse on myself.

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lostdaydreaming, you seem to be doing really well!!    :thumbsup:



Ins :smitten:


thank you, i think i over think everything and make things worse on myself.


Your ride will be better if you can override overthinking  :smitten:



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lostdaydreaming, you seem to be doing really well!!    :thumbsup:



Ins :smitten:


thank you, i think i over think everything and make things worse on myself.


I agree with Grinch, try not to over-think. 

Distract as much as you possibly can, too.


Ins :smitten:

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Your positive attitude will help. But please do not hesitate to put a voice to your not so good days. I think venting is also part of the recovery process. If you are smiling,loving, crying, raging, feeling detached...it is all okay. Just please do not attack other members.


Blue :smitten:

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Your positive attitude will help. But please do not hesitate to put a voice to your not so good days. I think venting is also part of the recovery process. If you are smiling,loving, crying, raging, feeling detached...it is all okay. Just please do not attack other members.


Blue :smitten:


I cried last night. pre panic and emotional before today's cut. 1st dose in and so far so good. next dose is at 7pm. i hate the feeling detached thing. last week my worse days where 3 and 4 after the cut that's when my body was kinda like hey something is missing, but day 5 I stabilized. was really surprised and had a good few days before today's cut was a really great first week, makes me hopeful that each week will go like this. From what I have read things seem to get hard the lose the daily dose gets. Have nothing I need today today, one good things about cutting on Saturday can just really kick back and relax and watch movies and other distractions, same with Sunday the day after I can really just relax. 

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lostdaydreaming, you seem to be doing really well!!    :thumbsup:



Ins :smitten:


thank you, i think i over think everything and make things worse on myself.


lostdaydreaming, I overthink things as well, which is why I told you to try not to worry so much.  Thinking about something, worrying about it, stressing yourself out, the process of obsessing over something can actually cause it to happen.  Thought is a very powerful thing.  ;)  When thoughts come up, just remember to breathe, and let them go as much as you can.  <3 <3 <3


Also, like Bluebell said, if you're feeling bad, or need to vent, do that as well.  It isn't necessarily being negative to talk about what you're going through.  Just try not to focus on what *might* or *could* happen, as opposed to what you're actually going through in the moment.  Also, distract, distract distract.  Distraction is a good thing if it can take your mind off the symptoms you're feeling and going through.  Try doing something that makes you feel happy, or calm. 




~K  :smitten:

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Today is going better then I had worried myself into thinking it would I have had a few waves they didn't last long. Been play WoW and just not thinking about it. Goig to make some carrot cake home made cupcakes tonight to treatment for my 2nd cut  :)
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Well, I slept most of the day.  I had come across a thread on here somewhere about exercise helping with weaning.  So, the other day I got out and walked 3.5 miles, and yesterday I did some simple exercises, plus my shoulder therapy, but after laying around all day I decided I would go for another walk.  Wasn't easy, but I dragged my butt out the door and just walked until it took the edge off...went 4.75 miles, and I actually felt better.  But its getting to be that time to take my night meds.  I am just still in disbelief I let a doctor put me on another drug that I have to wean off of...the propranolol.  It sure did help with my migraines and the tremors weaning from the xanax caused, but I just can't handle the fatigue is causes. 
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I have been just laying around all day, my lower back is cramping bad to wd's but PMS, my doctor gave me vistaril I haven't taken it. hopeing I wont need to. I'm not planning on doing a cross over or anything. just off the xanax. right now with my PMS symptoms telling whats what
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I have been just laying around all day, my lower back is cramping bad to wd's but PMS, my doctor gave me vistaril I haven't taken it. hopeing I wont need to. I'm not planning on doing a cross over or anything. just off the xanax. right now with my PMS symptoms telling whats what


I'm having PMS symptoms too...I was wondering if it was w/d's or the PMS...hate this time of the month...it throws me off wondering what's what...is it the xanax or just that freaking time of the month stuff.  Does heat or a warm bath help you? 


Feel better  :smitten:

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