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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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Grinch, I cut about every 10 days as well.  I've been cutting .125, but since I'm at 1mg/day now, I'll probably start cutting .0625, like you.  I hope to be done in 4-5 months.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



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For those of you who have jumped off Xanax. Did you feel some relief at few months post jump. Not completely healed but some significant improvements??




Hi Grinch,


I am hoping that once you're off, you will start to feel better relatively quickly :) However, if it were me -- and this is just my opinion, of course -- I wouldn't "bank" on feeling better quickly. What I mean is, during my taper, I have experienced times where I felt like my cuts "caught up" to me. I did try a few times to just "push" through it and cut again, but I found myself in great pain and in need of an extended "hold" period because of it. So instead, I routinely practiced a 'scheduled' extended holding period of about six weeks. For me, I found that six weeks was about how long it took for me to go back into tolerance withdrawal -- so this 'magic number' to hold would also sorta "reset" me for tapering again, and I could resume with relative ease.


To each their own, of course -- I know this doesn't work well for everyone. I also know you're excited about getting off the meds, too -- which makes the idea of holding much less appealing, lol. However, since there is no guarantee on how you'll feel post taper (or for how long you'll feel that way, for that matter), it is, IMO, always best to err on the side of caution rather than ending up in a situation you don't want to be. You know?


I've sorta looked at it like this, from practically day one: if I were to just "cold turkey" or rapid taper, gauging how ill I had felt in tolerance, chances were good that I would experience a hellacious first 6-12 months, followed by a pretty rough next 6-12 months, ending in an up/down pattern for the final 12-18 months, before being 100% "healed" -- right? So that equals about 2-3.5 years spent on tapering and withdrawal, right? My other option was to take my time tapering...holding when needed, slow cutting when not, etc...and here I find myself now: Nov 14th will be two years since I began my taper. The first 12 months were symptomatic, but better than tolerance, and very manageable! The next 6-9 months were hellacious, and the past 2-3 months have moved from very challenging to very bothersome. I forsee the next 3-6-9-12 months being similar to my first year of tapering (very manageable) and moving quite smoothly into healed. So I'll have 2.5-3 years invested into it -- the EXACT SAME TIMEFRAME as if I'd rapid tapered or cold turkied, but WAAAYYYY LESS traumatic of an experience, both emotionally and physically on my body. And doing it this way has also allowed me to keep my life going as well (albeit being very tough through my "hellacious" months).


Again, this is just my thoughts and opinions of course :) Everyone needs to figure out what they will choose to do, for them and their goals and desires :) I hope that whatever you decide to do, that it goes very well for you! Take care buddy; I hope this helps you!


Mrs. :smitten:


Holding doesn't do anything for me, so it's just wasted time IMO. I don't even have upticks or downticks. I am just in a constant wd state of misery. And you are right. No way would I hold for 6 weeks bc this would mentally do me in  :smitten: 10 days is my hold max, unless I would seizure or something equally terrifying. I don't think I am going too speedy though either. I only cut .0625mg now so it is a small cut. And I ll do that hopefully all the way to the end. One yr is, for me, a crazy long taper already, which it will be by the time I jump. I honestly sometimes can't believe I held out this long without ct!  :thumbsup: Yay for me! Ha. Seriously bc every time I have to take a dose I want to chuck them pills and be done! It has taken all I got to stay the course I have been on.


I just wonder if I ll start to have relief as the months go by post jump. I am not asking for complete healing, just improvements from the syxs.  I hope I do!!

The timetable will be somewhat different but the process is pretty much the same, it seems to me.  I have the belief that for whatever reason, Xanax is the quickest and cleanest benzo to recover from once you're benzo free.  Just my ditzy headed observation and no facts or research behind that opinion.  Could be this is true and it may be because of the fast-acting nature of Xanax, although Ativan is even faster and it seems there's more misery with Ativan than Xanax.


This is all so arbitrary from person to person that it's hard to find patterns of recovery unless you look at it over a long period of time.

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it does seem that way to me too...though there are some rare occasions with Xanax users of protracted...it doesn't seem the most causal benzo for months and months of misery post jump. Most people who taper well and responsible off Xanax seem to recover fairly quickly in the aftermath. Maybe it's just hopeful delusional thinking  :idiot:



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it does seem that way to me too...though there are some rare occasions with Xanax users of protracted...it doesn't seem the most causal benzo for months and months of misery post jump. Most people who taper well and responsible off Xanax seem to recover fairly quickly in the aftermath. Maybe it's just hopeful delusional thinking  :idiot:




I'm technically considered protracted.  I'm about 2 1/2 years out and I wasn't healed at 18 months.  I was functional again, but it was fairly marginal compared to now.  A number of times I thought I'd reached my best and then would have a minor wave which would be followed by a new best baseline.


Ve-wy inte-westing dis is...    :crazy:

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it does seem that way to me too...though there are some rare occasions with Xanax users of protracted...it doesn't seem the most causal benzo for months and months of misery post jump. Most people who taper well and responsible off Xanax seem to recover fairly quickly in the aftermath. Maybe it's just hopeful delusional thinking  :idiot:





I'm technically considered protracted.  I'm about 2 1/2 years out and I wasn't healed at 18 months.  I was functional again, but it was fairly marginal compared to now.  A number of times I thought I'd reached my best and then would have a minor wave which would be followed by a new best baseline.


Ve-wy inte-westing dis is...    :crazy:


My wishes are very low  :crazy:


All I want is to be able to sleep some, wake up and be able to get out of bed, and work again. Maybe enjoy outings with my friends once in a great while. That's it. I can manage syx. I would just really like to be functional again. Not too high of expectations  :crazy:



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Hi Buddies,

Just wanted to share that I cut today and am now at 1.29 mgX. I began at 2.65 and continue forward at 5% cuts every 7-10 days. I took a larger cut this past week and so far not too bad so may consider 8% cuts for a while.

On the topic of X being "easier" to recover from, I would agree. K was absolutely hell.


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Hello, im still new to site. I am day 7 into my taper, I make my second dry cut tomorrow taking another .5mgs off my totally daily dose. I have stabilized since my first cut and am nervous about my second cut tomorrow because I will be taking all tapered pills. My first taper was 2mg/1.75mg/1.75mg/2mg and when i took my first tapered pill seeing my pill cut caused panic, i soon calmed myself after taking it and have been able to take my tapered doses now with no problems, tomorrow all my pills will be 1.75mgs. I am hoping it goes as well as y first cut and I will have taken a total of 1mg off my daily dose. I am having some other problems effecting my anxiety hormones from pms, the week before my period and the week during my anxiety has always gotten extremely worse and i also get fatigued and sick to my stomach feel along with cramps and heads I am worries these will effect my taper, that I won;t be able to tell them apart from w/d symptoms. I am trying to stay strong and keep reminding myself how well the first cut went. I have been on a very high dose for many years see my signature so I am just very scared and also ready and excited to be rid of these pills they are doing more bad then good. I am reaching out to others that have bene on a high dose for a long time for support thank you. :smitten:
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Hey Lostdaydreaming,


I don't have any advice about cutting higher doses but I would think eventually you will have to start making smaller cuts. I am sure someone will come around with some advice.  Just wanted to welcome you and wish you luck.  Listen to your body with your cuts and you will do fine. :)



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sometimes i regret quitting sept 14 from how i feel right now :( i was i was better prepared i didnt know i was supposed to avoid sugar , smoking , melatonin & valerian root after quitting i seem to feel worse soemtimes after i have those , chamomille tea relaxed me wel when i took xanax now it seems not to work :(  i shouldve done the water taper even if it took a year long to do to reduce the 0.0625 dose i took alot alot smaller
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Hey Lostdaydreaming,


I don't have any advice about cutting higher doses but I would think eventually you will have to start making smaller cuts. I am sure someone will come around with some advice.  Just wanted to welcome you and wish you luck.  Listen to your body with your cuts and you will do fine. :)



I have been paying very close attention to my body, I am always going to cut under 10% daily dose. I'll adjust as the dose decreases. I think the .5mgs off my daily dose will be okay until i get to 4mgs daily then I will most likey only cut .25mgs off my daily. just have to take it one step at a time. the fact ive been on xanax 13 years just worries me, my body has become so dependent on them.  I would go ct just to never have to take one again, but I know that is not the smart thing to do.

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lostdaydreaming, one thing I've learned, is where your head space is at can and will affect your symptoms, so it's best to keep a calm head and a positive attitude, no matter what's going on.  Worrying about something too much can actually cause it to happen.  I keep myself in a more positive head space by practicing meditation, yoga, listening to music that makes me feel calm and happy, distracting myself by watching something on netflix or playing around on the computer, or, doing something outside.  If you have animals, they can be a great source of joy, comfort and amusement.  Or, just watching squirrels play outside, whatever floats your boat.  Also, remember to just BREATHE! 


I was scared in the beginning too, but the process of meditation and yoga, and also journaling, helped me learn (or rather relearn) how to process stuff without letting it stress me out too much.  I also write everything down, what I eat, how I'm feeling, what symptoms come up for me, how much I take and at what time, so I have a record of what's going on, and I can tell if something in particular brings on symptoms, or if it's the process of going down in dose.  Also, connecting with people on here helped me immensely.  People here can be an amazing source of information and comfort.  I wish you much luck on journey.  :smitten:





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I have been journaling everything too :) hoping to help me get through this as safe as possible. I have been practicing mindfulness, I really need to take up yoga. I do my best to stay positive I know not every cut will be the same, but I am comforting myself with how well my first cut seems to be going. thank you  :smitten: good vibes your way
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I'm just going to step in here for a moment...


Xanax tapers are neither a quick or clean way to get off.  All benzodiazepines are equally problematic.


Long term users ( >5 yrs) experience at least mild withdrawal, and many if not most have significant symptoms. 


Tapers tend to be much more difficult in lower dosages. 



I wish you guys the best,



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I'm just going to step in here for a moment...


Xanax tapers are neither a quick or clean way to get off.  All benzodiazepines are equally problematic.


Long term users ( >5 yrs) experience at least mild withdrawal, and many if not most have significant symptoms. 


Tapers tend to be much more difficult in lower dosages. 



I wish you guys the best,




quick or clean?

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Hi everyone...I'm new to the group and tapering off Xanax...is this the discussion board I'm tell how I got put on it and where I'm at now?
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Hi everyone...I'm new to the group and tapering off Xanax...is this the discussion board I'm tell how I got put on it and where I'm at now?


Hi freedom and welcome... it will help everyone if you write a 'signature' (benzo history).  Here's how:


Go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


And yes, this is where the Xanax taperers are. 




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Hi dear Challis. It is good to see you here. How long have you been off Xanax now and how do you feel?


Blue :smitten:


Hey, Blue...  :smitten:

I'm at about 2 1/2 years off now and feeling pretty darn good.  I think the sky's the limit as far as what I can do these days.  Some intermittent insomnia but that's what started this mess to begin with, so no big surprise.  You must be about two plus years off as well.  And doing well?

Challis  :smitten: :smitten:

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I was 1 year off in May, so I am at about 1 1/2 years now. I can not believe it. I still hang around BBs to offer what I can plus I do not want to forget how far I have come. When I compare what it was like then to how it is now, I am so grateful I made the decision to get off Xanax.


Blue :smitten:

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I'm glad you come back, Blue.  People need to see others here who've come through it.  You're doing really well for a year and a half.  I was still plugging along about then.


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I was 1 year off in May, so I am at about 1 1/2 years now. I can not believe it. I still hang around BBs to offer what I can plus I do not want to forget how far I have come. When I compare what it was like then to how it is now, I am so grateful I made the decision to get off Xanax.


Blue :smitten:


I am just starting to get this, friend :)  So happy for you!!


And you, Challis! Congrats on 2 1/2 years FREE!!


Mrs. :smitten:

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OMG...I am having trouble posting.  Twice now I have attempted to tell my story on how I get started on xanax...last night and just now and both times, after getting half way into it, it disappears.  :-\ :'(
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I do not ever want to forget. I was a mess!!!  You are almost there Mrs. Have you set a jump date? I had a tentative one because I was afraid I could not do it. But I did. You will too!!!


Blue :smitten:

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