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XANAX Support Blog: If you're tapering Xanax/alprazolam, join in the discussion!


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Hi, just joining. Will begin my taper in two weeks. I am getting lots of information here - great to have this forum.


Hi SeeMeGo.  There is a special way to taper Xanax XR.  This is usually done via using both regular fast-acting Xanax, (the .25mg sized pills), as well as the XR's.  The regular Xanax is usually used for the taper dose, because the XR's only come in doses as low as .50mg.  A .50mg cut is much too large of a reduction to make at your dose, IMO, so I would ask my doctor for a prescription of the .25's IN ADDITION to the XR's for my taper.  This will enable you to make small cuts in dosage.  Good luck and glad to have you join us.  :thumbsup:

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:yippee: today is day 12 wow the last couple of days seems like the worst days are over , miss juliea can you help me with something did you take any vitamins /supplements when you quit xanax? how long did the tinnittus last ?? umm i know both of us our dose sizes were different the most i took was .75 mg / day but how long can i expect tinittus to last after quitting xanax? thanks for any replys ,

katie ,


today is day 12 of no xanax !!

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:yippee:today is day 12 wow the last couple of days seems like the worst days are over , miss juliea can you help me with something did you take any vitamins /supplements when you quit xanax? how long did the tinnittus last ?? umm i know both of us our dose sizes were different the most i took was .75 mg / day but how long can i expect tinittus to last after quitting xanax? thanks for any replys ,

katie ,


today is day 12 of no xanax !!


Congratulations, babyangel! 


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:yippee: today is day 12 wow the last couple of days seems like the worst days are over , miss juliea can you help me with something did you take any vitamins /supplements when you quit xanax? how long did the tinnittus last ?? umm i know both of us our dose sizes were different the most i took was .75 mg / day but how long can i expect tinittus to last after quitting xanax? thanks for any replys ,

katie ,


today is day 12 of no xanax !!


Hi Katie.  Congrats on day 12!  :thumbsup:


Remember I was on high doses of Xanax for almost three decades, so my experience may be totally different than yours.  My tinnitus was much worse during my taper and tolerance.  But I still have it and it comes and goes.  Usually it's very faint and not bothersome.  We're all very different as to when this symptom finally leaves, but tinnitus can be quite sticky from what I read in the Ashton Manual.  An insurance policy of getting it to leave sooner is to remain benzo free, IMO.  ;)


As far as supplements, I tried several things but the main thing I took post benzo was Melatonin for sleep.


I'm just not a big supplement person.  Good luck with whatever you decide to try.

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Welcome SeeMeGo,  I tapered off of Xanax XR if you have any questions.  Good Luck to you.




Hi Monique, I noticed your tapering schedule and wondered how you came up with it.  I've tapered down from 1.5 to .75.  I'm taking 2 doses of .25 & .125, once in the morning and again in the evening.  I see that you started adding a 3 dosage to your schedule.  Did that help with the symptoms? 


Thank you. 

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Was on Xanax 8-10 mg/day for 18 years when, out of ignorance, C/T 3 years ago.  ended up having two seizures. 


Currently on Xanax XR.  Was on 2 mg/day for 2 years.

August 19,  I missed my evening dose (and I have eliminated that dose entirely...not without symptoms, but I did it). 

So, for over a month now, I've maintained 1 mg/day of Xanax XR.



I know I'll need to approach my doctor to request immediate release in order to properly taper this medication.

She's not a fan of immediate release, but I cannot taper using only XR.


Will be reading the info on this site, and I'm very grateful for everyone's insight and help.


I will be glad to have this medication out of my system, out of my life -


Thanks, to everyone.



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hii Insomniac, im sorry that you had those 2 seizures when you c/t :( i hope your fully recoverd from those seizures :hug: , i had some before its terrifying  :'(
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Welcome SeeMeGo,  I tapered off of Xanax XR if you have any questions.  Good Luck to you.




Hi Monique, I noticed your tapering schedule and wondered how you came up with it.  I've tapered down from 1.5 to .75.  I'm taking 2 doses of .25 & .125, once in the morning and again in the evening.  I see that you started adding a 3 dosage to your schedule.  Did that help with the symptoms? 


Thank you.


Hey Bunny,


I added the 3rd dose because I was cutting my last XR pill and doctor suggested doing this since the XR version is extended release so this way I was still getting a steady amount of medicine during the day.  I found the lower in dosage I got, the better I felt.  I am planning on working on that last .125mg after this weekend so in a few weeks I am hoping to be done with the Xanax. :)


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Was on Xanax 8-10 mg/day for 18 years when, out of ignorance, C/T 3 years ago.  ended up having two seizures. 


Currently on Xanax XR.  Was on 2 mg/day for 2 years.

August 19,  I missed my evening dose (and I have eliminated that dose entirely...not without symptoms, but I did it). 

So, for over a month now, I've maintained 1 mg/day of Xanax XR.



I know I'll need to approach my doctor to request immediate release in order to properly taper this medication.

She's not a fan of immediate release, but I cannot taper using only XR.


Will be reading the info on this site, and I'm very grateful for everyone's insight and help.


I will be glad to have this medication out of my system, out of my life -


Thanks, to everyone.




Hey Insomniac,  If you are on the 1mg Xanax pills, you may want to ask you doctor for the .5mg Xanax XR pills along with the Xanax IR.  This will give you the option of cutting out .5mg XR and replacing it with the IR version and go form there.  I found this worked well for me.  Good luck with your taper.

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hii Insomniac, im sorry that you had those 2 seizures when you c/t :( i hope your fully recoverd from those seizures :hug: , i had some before its terrifying  :'(


Thank you, my friend.  I've had no seizures since the two that occurred 3 years ago. 


I certainly hope you are no longer experiencing these problems.  please take care, and thank you so

much for you concern and kindness  :hug:

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Was on Xanax 8-10 mg/day for 18 years when, out of ignorance, C/T 3 years ago.  ended up having two seizures. 


Currently on Xanax XR.  Was on 2 mg/day for 2 years.

August 19,  I missed my evening dose (and I have eliminated that dose entirely...not without symptoms, but I did it). 

So, for over a month now, I've maintained 1 mg/day of Xanax XR.



I know I'll need to approach my doctor to request immediate release in order to properly taper this medication.

She's not a fan of immediate release, but I cannot taper using only XR.


Will be reading the info on this site, and I'm very grateful for everyone's insight and help.


I will be glad to have this medication out of my system, out of my life -


Thanks, to everyone.




Hey Insomniac,  If you are on the 1mg Xanax pills, you may want to ask you doctor for the .5mg Xanax XR pills along with the Xanax IR.  This will give you the option of cutting out .5mg XR and replacing it with the IR version and go form there.  I found this worked well for me.  Good luck with your taper.


Monique123, thank you.  That sounds like a logical way to approach this.   

When I see my doctor again I will ask her about this.

She's not big on immediate release Xanax, but if she wants to help me taper off the medication, this is the way to do it.

thank you, so much. :hug:

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Welcome SeeMeGo,  I tapered off of Xanax XR if you have any questions.  Good Luck to you.




Hi Monique, I noticed your tapering schedule and wondered how you came up with it.  I've tapered down from 1.5 to .75.  I'm taking 2 doses of .25 & .125, once in the morning and again in the evening.  I see that you started adding a 3 dosage to your schedule.  Did that help with the symptoms? 


Thank you.


Hey Bunny,


I added the 3rd dose because I was cutting my last XR pill and doctor suggested doing this since the XR version is extended release so this way I was still getting a steady amount of medicine during the day.  I found the lower in dosage I got, the better I felt.  I am planning on working on that last .125mg after this weekend so in a few weeks I am hoping to be done with the Xanax. :)



Thanks, Monique.  I have a lot of the XR leftover besides the .25 doc prescribed for taper.  I've been cutting the XR just so I can avoid another office call charge.  Jeez, this is what I call dumb luck.  Good to know, thank you.

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Hello, friends.


Quick question, as my computer is giving me fits.


* I've tapered from 0.75mg to 0.65mg.

* My 4 daily doses have never been equal; bedtime Xanax dose is larger to help with sleep.

* I began taper with 0.375mg at bedtime (down to 0.326mg now) and 0.125mg for my 3 daytime doses (down to 0.108mg now). Dosing schedule: 7am-12:30-5:30-11p.

* I drop 0.75mg in 200ml water, shake and divide solution by two, set aside one jar for larger bedtime dose, then divide the other by 3 for my smaller daytime doses. It's worked fine so far.


However, if I try to even out my doses, how would I do that? All at once? Gradually? Would it cause instability at first? Is it even advisable at this point? I don't want more insomnia by decreasing bedtime dose too fast but I sometimes wonder if evening out my doses might eliminate these minor irregular heartbeats I've had all along? They only occur when Bp goes over 135/80.


(I've doubted all along that they're interdose w/d-related, though - seems more about hpa axis dysregulation and adrenal fatigue but i could be wrong).





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Hello, friends.


Quick question, as my computer is giving me fits.


* I've tapered from 0.75mg to 0.65mg.

* My 4 daily doses have never been equal; bedtime Xanax dose is larger to help with sleep.

* I began taper with 0.375mg at bedtime (down to 0.326mg now) and 0.125mg for my 3 daytime doses (down to 0.108mg now). Dosing schedule: 7am-12:30-5:30-11p.

* I drop 0.75mg in 200ml water, shake and divide solution by two, set aside one jar for larger bedtime dose, then divide the other by 3 for my smaller daytime doses. It's worked fine so far.


However, if I try to even out my doses, how would I do that? All at once? Gradually? Would it cause instability at first? Is it even advisable at this point? I don't want more insomnia by decreasing bedtime dose too fast but I sometimes wonder if evening out my doses might eliminate these minor irregular heartbeats I've had all along? They only occur when Bp goes over 135/80.


(I've doubted all along that they're interdose w/d-related, though - seems more about hpa axis dysregulation and adrenal fatigue but i could be wrong).





            Concerning your irregular heartbeats,  have you had a complete diagnostic test regarding this?  Ie seeing a Cardiologist,  wearing 

a monitor for 24 hours, stress test,  sonogram of the heart.

              Irregular heartbeats are a "side effect"  of taking XANAX.  As are tightness in chest , difficulty breathing and 95 others.

              ( see Xanax  Side Effects in Detail,  Drugs.com) 


            These types of medications have a huge influence on the "HP Axis" taking them as well as withdrawing from them. Our entire

      Para sympathetic Nervous system,  Sympathetic Nervous System, enteric system is hugely affected,  taking X as recommended and

      during withdrawal.  You would know how this is affecting you medically. IMO,  classic withdrawal symptoms of irregular heartbeats

      we very common during my taper. Very scary, uncomfortable.


            Bottom line, there's a direct correlation between taking Xanax, withdrawal of Xanax and HP AXIS Disregulation.


              With this in mind, I had a severe issue with interdose withdrawal.  Took. Xanax 8 times a day, with Dosing every 3 hours.

              I reduced my doses alternating back and forth between the am and pm, with my last dose being the am. Even dosing, even

              dose reductions,  a smooth landing. But that was MY BODY. Truly was a game changer for me.


        You asked if you should expect instability if you evened out your doses.  One advantage of Xan ax is its short half life, so if

          You did try to switch and even out, you would notice quickly. 


          When changing anything in Xanax tapering ,  I always took the position that a certain amount of difficulty would arise

            Level off and become my new norm. Again, that's me.


            Hope this helps.


            Be well and take good care.






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Thanks, Notforme. I agree and understand all that ;-)


Need to know best way to even out my doses, should I decide to do it.


Also, if all these irregular heartbeats are simply w/d SXs no matter what I do, then maybe I'll continue tapering as is. (Had all the cardiac tests done last year; taking heart pill for A-fib). Definitely have Hpa axis dysregulation and stage 3 adrenal exhaustion - working with a natural health practitioner on this matter. Won't be completely well until off the xanax, so going slow. Benzos alone aren't the only contributor to this. Mineral depletion helped get me here, too. (Took years to get sick; will take time to recover -looking forward to getting OFF this drug!).


The irregular heartbeats aren't always "felt" but detected on the Bp machine once my Bp hits a certain reading. After not dosing at all for 8 hours (while sleeping) I rarely have irregular heartbeats upon wakening (when you'd think I'm most apt to have interdose w/d). Isnt that interesting? I've been told low potassium from tweaked adrenals could contribute to irregular heartbeats as well. At any rate, I'm rolling with it. 


Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.


V :smitten:

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Thanks, Notforme. I agree and understand all that ;-)


Need to know best way to even out my doses, should I decide to do it.


Also, if all these irregular heartbeats are simply w/d SXs no matter what I do, then maybe I'll continue tapering as is. (Had all the cardiac tests done last year; taking heart pill for A-fib). Definitely have Hpa axis dysregulation and stage 3 adrenal exhaustion - working with a natural health practitioner on this matter. Won't be completely well until off the xanax, so going slow. Benzos alone aren't the only contributor to this. Mineral depletion helped get me here, too. (Took years to get sick; will take time to recover -looking forward to getting OFF this drug!).


The irregular heartbeats aren't always "felt" but detected on the Bp machine once my Bp hits a certain reading. After not dosing at all for 8 hours (while sleeping) I rarely have irregular heartbeats upon wakening (when you'd think I'm most apt to have interdose w/d). Isnt that interesting? I've been told low potassium from tweaked adrenals could contribute to irregular heartbeats as well. At any rate, I'm rolling with it. 


Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.


V :smitten:

        VCharis I don't have your % reduction rate as you are using LT. So, you would reduce % at the 11:30 dose first.

        Then alternate as shown. This helps as your getting a consistent dosing albeit less each time. It's up to you which one to start with.

          What is important,  do not deviate from your schedule.  Eventually you will be eliminating Xanax doses 1 at a time in a even pattern.

          Amazing how our brain's ability is to adjust, heal and get through this tough process.



            7 am.                .108.            Third

          11.30                .108.            First

            5.30.                .108.            Fourth

          11.00.                .326.            Second


      As you see you are "Alternating" your dose reductions back and forth, creating a consistent pattern.

      IMO your brain will be less disrupted as you continously taper consistenly until your done.






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Thanks, Notforme. I agree and understand all that ;-)


Need to know best way to even out my doses, should I decide to do it.


Also, if all these irregular heartbeats are simply w/d SXs no matter what I do, then maybe I'll continue tapering as is. (Had all the cardiac tests done last year; taking heart pill for A-fib). Definitely have Hpa axis dysregulation and stage 3 adrenal exhaustion - working with a natural health practitioner on this matter. Won't be completely well until off the xanax, so going slow. Benzos alone aren't the only contributor to this. Mineral depletion helped get me here, too. (Took years to get sick; will take time to recover -looking forward to getting OFF this drug!).


The irregular heartbeats aren't always "felt" but detected on the Bp machine once my Bp hits a certain reading. After not dosing at all for 8 hours (while sleeping) I rarely have irregular heartbeats upon wakening (when you'd think I'm most apt to have interdose w/d). Isnt that interesting? I've been told low potassium from tweaked adrenals could contribute to irregular heartbeats as well. At any rate, I'm rolling with it. 


Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.


V :smitten:

        VCharis I don't have your % reduction rate as you are using LT. So, you would reduce % at the 11:30 dose first.

        Then alternate as shown. This helps as your getting a consistent dosing albeit less each time. It's up to you which one to start with.

          What is important,  do not deviate from your schedule.  Eventually you will be eliminating Xanax doses 1 at a time in a even pattern.

          Amazing how our brain's ability is to adjust, heal and get through this tough process.



            7 am.                .108.            Third

          11.30                .108.            First

            5.30.                .108.            Fourth

          11.00.                .326.            Second


      As you see you are "Alternating" your dose reductions back and forth, creating a consistent pattern.

      IMO your brain will be less disrupted as you continously taper consistenly until your done.






Thanks, NFM.  Actually, I'm reducing equally all the way down - or that was my intention. I take off the "toss" dose first after mixing my solution, then divide my daily doses. So each day, they ALL become less and less. If that makes sense. How does eliminating one dose at a time not create interdose w/d all over again? Because it will take longer to reduce the bedtime dose since it's 3 x larger than the others.

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Thanks, Notforme. I agree and understand all that ;-)


Need to know best way to even out my doses, should I decide to do it.


Also, if all these irregular heartbeats are simply w/d SXs no matter what I do, then maybe I'll continue tapering as is. (Had all the cardiac tests done last year; taking heart pill for A-fib). Definitely have Hpa axis dysregulation and stage 3 adrenal exhaustion - working with a natural health practitioner on this matter. Won't be completely well until off the xanax, so going slow. Benzos alone aren't the only contributor to this. Mineral depletion helped get me here, too. (Took years to get sick; will take time to recover -looking forward to getting OFF this drug!).


The irregular heartbeats aren't always "felt" but detected on the Bp machine once my Bp hits a certain reading. After not dosing at all for 8 hours (while sleeping) I rarely have irregular heartbeats upon wakening (when you'd think I'm most apt to have interdose w/d). Isnt that interesting? I've been told low potassium from tweaked adrenals could contribute to irregular heartbeats as well. At any rate, I'm rolling with it. 


Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.


V :smitten:

        VCharis I don't have your % reduction rate as you are using LT. So, you would reduce % at the 11:30 dose first.

        Then alternate as shown. This helps as your getting a consistent dosing albeit less each time. It's up to you which one to start with.

          What is important,  do not deviate from your schedule.  Eventually you will be eliminating Xanax doses 1 at a time in a even pattern.

          Amazing how our brain's ability is to adjust, heal and get through this tough process.



            7 am.                .108.            Third

          11.30                .108.            First

            5.30.                .108.            Fourth

          11.00.                .326.            Second


      As you see you are "Alternating" your dose reductions back and forth, creating a consistent pattern.

      IMO your brain will be less disrupted as you continously taper consistenly until your done.






Thanks, NFM.  Actually, I'm reducing equally all the way down - or that was my intention. I take off the "toss" dose first after mixing my solution, then divide my daily doses. So each day, they ALL become less and less. If that makes sense. How does eliminating one dose at a time not create interdose w/d all over again? Because it will take longer to reduce the bedtime dose since it's 3 x larger than the others.


Notforme, is talking about dry cutting and a way to stay as consistent as possible by alternating which dose to cut.  Since you are doing a liquid titration, I like your idea of just equally dividing the amount of benzo you take during any given day.


I will chime in if I see a question you ask that I might have input into, VC.  But you know me, since I only dosed 1X per day, I don't have any personal experience with multiple dosing.  Only what I've read.

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today 14 days ago was my last dose of 0.0625, the tinittus has reduced drastically thats weird i didnt notice it was gone until now !! . my life seems to have changed alot i feel great ! ive been sleeping well too especially on my new little bed ! i really dont have any anxiety the purpose i take this was for the seizure i had when i would binge drink too often in the past then i had more seizures from alcohol withdrawals :(
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