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has symptom severity changed but not at the same time?


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This is hard to explain. As I am healing I feel like my baseline rises. As symptoms are less severe you would think this are getting better right. Well when I get a decent window and then a wave hits I'm so used to feeling a better baseline that even less severe symptoms bother the cap out of me. I'm probably not making any sense. I hope someone can relate.
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I've stopped trying to keep track of what symptoms hit and when they leave. My brain is a supposedly complex organ (some would probably disagree with that statement), so I'm sure as it's healing there are symptoms that come up, go away, just as windows and waves come and go.


I do feel like each window I get my baseline does get a little bit better, but it's still tough, slow going. I just have accepted that it's going to be what it's going to be. I've come a long way in 6 months and I hope by the time I hit one year on May 26, 2014, I will have progressed to the point where I'm fairly "normal" again. It seems like 10-12 months is "average recovery time" for most folks. However, I used for 15+ years, so I suspect I may take a bit longer. Oh, well, it'll be what it'll be...

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i think a bunch of it is frustration and impatience.  this has been going on for so long that when we havea flare up after a good period it just feels like we are back to square one.  my sides are no where near as bad as they were a month or two ago but they get me just as down when they hit because I feel like i am one slippery step from going back to the beginning.  Like Chutes and Ladders.  actually that game is a good analogy for this process.
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Thanks Tex,


Thanks cirerecrem,


I loved shoots and ladders as a child. It is a good analogy. I have not had a breakdown in some weeks now but am really getting sad. I have to pick my kid up from pre school right now and put on a happy face.

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