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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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It doesn't take it away--just causes you to not care by lowering anxiety about the noise--until of course, as we know, it stops working.



I think there's a lot of variation in this. For me, benzos more or less silence my tinnitus. It's not a matter of reducing the anxiety, they reduce the volume by a good 75%.

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It doesn't take it away--just causes you to not care by lowering anxiety about the noise--until of course, as we know, it stops working.



I think there's a lot of variation in this. For me, benzos more or less silence my tinnitus. It's not a matter of reducing the anxiety, they reduce the volume by a good 75%.


This has been my experience too.


I had no T before I started tapering. It came on when I went below .75mg of Ativan. Going back to my original dose reduced the volume and pitch over a period of a month or so. The T isn't gone, it just isn't as noticeable except in the middle of the night. Then it quiets down again in the morning.

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I don't know but I can relate.


Tinnitus in my right ear.

Hyperacusis, muffled/blocked feeling in left ear.

The sound of my own voice seems to reverberate in my head.

When I hum, I can definitely feel some kind of block in my left that I definitely do not feel in my right.


Been checked out by two ENTs, an ear-specific doctor, hearing exam, CT and MRI are clear. I don't care what anyone or any test says- I FEEL some physical issue going on in my ear! And it's not "all in my head" like some callous doctors might say.


When I clap my hands loud, or drop some silverware- something high frequency, I can feel a DISTINCT whoosh or soft thud in my left ear only.

I have the exact same issues you mentioned, also predominantly in my left ear, but mine go a step further, I have fluid that leaks out of my ear regularly and it pops and crackles a lot, it also goes flat and will sound like the emergency broadcast system sound and blocks out all hearing, also my tinnitus sounds like it flips in circles sometimes making me really dizzy (I think its a pulsing or pitch change, but in my head and eyes it feels like flipping) I also get burning IN my ears. I have to think that it is all WD since it is so commonly mentioned....


I too have seen an ENT, although he actually said it most certainly could be the benzos. He prescribed a diuretic which I have yet to take in case it was Meniere's, one of the tests I took showed a deficit coming from my left ear that suggested MAYBE Meniere's (they have no actual way for testing, but its pretty benign anyway) I know it's gotta be benzos, because it comes and goes, also my balance is SHOT and I also get vertigo and the well known boatiness of WD. I have too many benzo symptoms and have ruled out anything serious, so at this point even if I get a cut, its benzo wd until I heal.

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I don't know but I can relate.


Tinnitus in my right ear.

Hyperacusis, muffled/blocked feeling in left ear.

The sound of my own voice seems to reverberate in my head.

When I hum, I can definitely feel some kind of block in my left that I definitely do not feel in my right.


Been checked out by two ENTs, an ear-specific doctor, hearing exam, CT and MRI are clear. I don't care what anyone or any test says- I FEEL some physical issue going on in my ear! And it's not "all in my head" like some callous doctors might say.


When I clap my hands loud, or drop some silverware- something high frequency, I can feel a DISTINCT whoosh or soft thud in my left ear only.

I have the exact same issues you mentioned, also predominantly in my left ear, but mine go a step further, I have fluid that leaks out of my ear regularly and it pops and crackles a lot, it also goes flat and will sound like the emergency broadcast system sound and blocks out all hearing, also my tinnitus sounds like it flips in circles sometimes making me really dizzy (I think its a pulsing or pitch change, but in my head and eyes it feels like flipping) I also get burning IN my ears. I have to think that it is all WD since it is so commonly mentioned....


I too have seen an ENT, although he actually said it most certainly could be the benzos. He prescribed a diuretic which I have yet to take in case it was Meniere's, one of the tests I took showed a deficit coming from my left ear that suggested MAYBE Meniere's (they have no actual way for testing, but its pretty benign anyway) I know it's gotta be benzos, because it comes and goes, also my balance is SHOT and I also get vertigo and the well known boatiness of WD. I have too many benzo symptoms and have ruled out anything serious, so at this point even if I get a cut, its benzo wd until I heal.


I experience everything you had, except for the fluid leak.


My ears click/crackle, they get the burning thing, and pain, the  emergency broadcast system broadcast system sound (I have a consistent tinnitus in my right ear.....the emergency sound is random and intermittent).

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Yeah Dan, my tinnitus is constant at many different volumes and tones (all high pitched) but the broadcast tone always freaks me out, because it takes out my hearing and happens so sporadically, it's only in my left ear too.
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I would like to add I have had ear ringing for years - I can remember it as a child even- I'm 49 now- and didn't start a low dose of benzo till 1-8-14 ( 0.5 mg lorazepam/ ativan ) only took it every 3 to 5 days - until  mid August  2014 - at that time I took it once ( 0.5 ) mg every 24 hours.....on April 10th, did a direct cross over to 5 mg valium....been an up and down roller coaster, physically disabling symptoms mostly- standing, walking, moving arms, tremors vibration- massive pins and needles in hands and feet that spread higher at times.........severe disequilibrium, muscle spams and severe charlie horse cramps in feet only........My ear ringing is constant and changes pitches- I will also get wooshing, then suction feeling in both ear drums at once.....( like a plunger ) sometimes it sounds like a microphone being turned on- like the static when its first turned on.....I believe the tinnitus is all due to jaw and neck spasms ( my muscles are like rocks SCM - and all down my entire back......I don't think all of this is benzo related.....can't be since some of this was prior to benzo use.......
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  I also had the tinnitus while on benzos so they caused it for me.  I thought it was the cable box or TV or something that was causing the buzzing, pitchy sound.  It was faint.  I had been on Ativan for over 3 yrs. at this point.  Started to have other symptoms, GI symptoms, depression, anxiety etc. this all while still on the A.  Googled and found out it was probably the A causing it all.  When I tried to get off I was horrified at how bad I felt.  I tried to taper the A and absolutely couldn't so I crossed.  I also started tongue burning, forgot that one.  Now I have tapered down to 15 mg. V from 20 mg.  The T gets bad at times, also feel a pressure and pounding and feeling like ear is clogged with water.  I hope to slowly get off this V now and am going to try microtapering since the cut and hold is so hard for me.  Takes me almost a month to somewhat stabilize before I can do another cut.  Maybe MT will be easier.  I know the T is always there, am so sick of it.  Hope it eventually goes away.  Good luck to everyone here, its so hard but all we can do is push through.
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I woke up after 1.5 hours sleep from a nightmare and my left ear suddenly got this LOUD scree sound. I tried doing some deep breathing to calm my self and listening to a relaxation tape and it finally went down after 2 hours to its normal level. I was so scared. Does Anyone else get sudden tinnitus spikes like this that later fade? It has been 9 days now since I made a small Xanax cut.


I haven't had a sudden spike waking me up in the middle of the night since my sudden hearing loss and tinnitus onset years ago prior to getting on any meds, so this rally scared me. Anyone?

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  I had a spike after cutting down on my Valium.  It only lasted about 1/2 hr. and went away completely.  Then about an hr. later came back to regular level.  It gives me hope that when I finally get off this med for good the T might go away.  Hang in there.
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Thank you! I can never be sure if my symptoms are withdrawals or an actual ear problem. It's reassuring if other people have experienced something similar during withdrawal.
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  I know, its very scary all these things that happen.  Its also so scary that Drs. don't or won't recognize this as W/d.  I was very scared when I had the uptick screeching T but it went away so fast.  I was thankful, can't fathom having to deal with it that loud all the time.  Today my T is higher, don't know why.  I cut two weeks ago, had the incident with the increased T a week after the cut so maybe today is just another readjustment.  I hope so because its such a pain.  also the tongue burning comes and goes that symptom is bad also.  I hate this and when i think how far I have to go it can be discouraging but can't let it get to us. We'll get there, just will take time.
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There's a very inspiring success story from someone who spent 16 years on benzodiazepines after getting tinnitus. Then he cold turkeyed, had protracted withdrawals with horrible tinnitus increases, but eventually healed to the point where even his tinnitus was nowhere near as bad as it was even before he started on benzos.



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Hi everyone!  I hope it's okay if I join you.


I am 10 months out from a CT jump off Ativan, Gabapentin and Zofran.  Since I jumped I have had whooshing in my head in synch with my heartbeat.  It has never gone away.  Is this now a permanent condition I have?  Can you please reassure me it will eventually go away?


Thank you, Sofa

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It's sounds like you have a form of tinnitus called pulsatile tinnitus. It's possible the withdrawal has left the muscles around your ear and neck tight and spasming which could cause that type of tinnitus. But there are other possible causes too, so you may want to visit an ENT to rule them out. Here are some things I found online you could try to see if you get some relief.


Some Natural Relief for Pulsatile Tinnitus


1. You can chew gum. By this action, the jaws and facial muscles are exercised and relaxed, which sees an increase in the flow of blood to the nerve endings of the inner ear.


2. Gently exercise your neck. With gentle movements, the muscles stretch and relax to relieve the pressure created in the Eustachian tubes of the ear.


3. You can take dietary supplements like Vitamin B complex, BOTEX, mineral supplements like Zinc, Magnesium, and Calcium. You can also take natural supplements and herbal alternatives.


4. Another easy method is to control your diet. Avoid using excessive sweeteners or salts. When experiencing the condition avoid caffeine products, alcohol, and smoking or chewing tobacco.

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Thank you so much, Grapejuice.  I need to stop smoking.  No more alcohol for me.  I do take magnesium.  I have seen an ENT and he did the nose tube thingie and said my Eustachian tubes and everything else looked normal.  I will try all the other things you mentioned.  I'm leery of supplements because they all have their own set of problems.  Magnesium seems to be the only thing I can tolerate without some adverse reaction and I've backed that down to 200mg a day.  Nothing I've taken seems to touch the pulsatile tinnitus at all.


Thank you for the reply.  I will try the head and neck exercises.  Love, Sofa

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Hang in there Sofa King.


Does anyone have the sizzle in the skull that they can feel and hear?  That's been going on for 6 months now and it's getting really old. 


Sounds like bacon's frying in my head and it buzzes/I can feel it in my brain.


These are just awful. 

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Hang in there Sofa King.


Does anyone have the sizzle in the skull that they can feel and hear?  That's been going on for 6 months now and it's getting really old. 


Sounds like bacon's frying in my head and it buzzes/I can feel it in my brain.


These are just awful.


It's the pits I know :'(  It does get better but it can be a slow recovery process.  I wait for my healing results on a quarterly scale now. Monthly or weekly was not the right scale for me.  Hang in there as it can take a bit of time for these sensations to level out but they do get better. 

I finally got some  Starkey Halo 110 hearing aids and I listen to my ipad all day long through the hearing aids blue tooth link and also amplifying the background sound helped me mask out the sizzle and buzz sounds too (once the hyperacusis phase ended this was possible)




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fonz posted this.  I thought it might help some of you.  It's about "brain zaps" and other similar sensations...





Great article PD :thumbsup:  :smitten:


Thank you birdie.  :)  I haven't seen you around forever!  I hope you are doing better now.  Did you post an update somewhere?


PD  :smitten:

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fonz posted this.  I thought it might help some of you.  It's about "brain zaps" and other similar sensations...





Great article PD :thumbsup:  :smitten:


Thank you birdie.  :)  I haven't seen you around forever!  I hope you are doing better now.  Did you post an update somewhere?


PD  :smitten:


Hi PD,  I have been getting better and if you look in some of my current posts I write about the experience as much as I can before thinking about it too much gets my anxiety all revved up.

I will post about it when ever I feel brave enough but its still has the death grip of fear in me.

When I write about it I start to relive the experience and it still freaks me out too much.

I think I need therapy actually.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do people believe they truly can heal from T? I just don't see many success stories and it's so discouraging. I've had it really badly for a month now after taking clonazapam for only a month and CTing it.  Everyone says it will get better but it's my only symptom that has gotten worse. I don't have hearing loss but am struggling with it. I randomly have very weird things happen to my T too like suddenly it gets really loud out of no where and then goes back to normal. My normal is already very loud though. It's also mostly in my left ear and gets louder if I turn my head all the way to one side. I don't know what to think...
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Do people believe they truly can heal from T? I just don't see many success stories and it's so discouraging. I've had it really badly for a month now after taking clonazapam for only a month and CTing it.  Everyone says it will get better but it's my only symptom that has gotten worse. I don't have hearing loss but am struggling with it. I randomly have very weird things happen to my T too like suddenly it gets really loud out of no where and then goes back to normal. My normal is already very loud though. It's also mostly in my left ear and gets louder if I turn my head all the way to one side. I don't know what to think...


Hi HC,  I know lots of people around BB who took less than you did and for only 4 weeks and they have been fighting Tinnitus for 2 or 3 years after jumping.  Then again some people never get tinnitus at all.  It's my only SX left but it's horrible.  The scary part is that once you get this weird benzo w/d induced tinnitus not even the benzo's can take it away again so even a reinstate does not work so well for many people once they get tinnitus.  Then again some people heal from it after 4 to 6 months. 

We all have genetic weak spots and for some of us its our ears that get nailed.  99% of all my withdrawal was in the ears including extreme balance problems in the vestibular system too.  I do feel much better now but there can be no peace in my world while my ears are RRRRRRIIIIINNGGGGGIIINNNNGGG away  :(


Your not alone if it's any comfort.  I finally had to get maskers (hearing aids with MP3 player/blue tooth capabilities) and just bury the tinnitus in white noise, water falls, crickets and other music sounds.  Bedtime is the worst time as I have to take off my maskers but luckily you can't hear tinnitus in your sleep.   


As a side note I see the word C/T appear with the words loud tinnitus more often than not and people that have had there tinnitus go away did slow tapers.  I have to wonder if there is a connection to C/T's and nagging tinnitus?


Also I do not get sea sick any longer.  What's the deal with that?  My balance system is so screwed I can't even get seasick any longer.  Any one notice that?  I also have bad balance now.


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I'm hopeful it does go away.  Most people seem to say it will, despite there being so many people on this site still fighting it.  I went to the Mayo after my horrible experience with a local doctor, and they are convinced it will gradually and eventually go away.  I'm hopeful for that, but it's tough to believe when it's so bad right now and I have no idea what their experience really is with people going though benzo withdrawal.  Though, they did tell me they were aware of the issues with benzos and did believe I was going through it.


Do people believe they truly can heal from T? I just don't see many success stories and it's so discouraging. I've had it really badly for a month now after taking clonazapam for only a month and CTing it.  Everyone says it will get better but it's my only symptom that has gotten worse. I don't have hearing loss but am struggling with it. I randomly have very weird things happen to my T too like suddenly it gets really loud out of no where and then goes back to normal. My normal is already very loud though. It's also mostly in my left ear and gets louder if I turn my head all the way to one side. I don't know what to think...


Hi HC,  I know lots of people around BB who took less than you did and for only 4 weeks and they have been fighting Tinnitus for 2 or 3 years after jumping.  Then again some people never get tinnitus at all.  It's my only SX left but it's horrible.  The scary part is that once you get this weird benzo w/d induced tinnitus not even the benzo's can take it away again so even a reinstate does not work so well for many people once they get tinnitus.  Then again some people heal from it after 4 to 6 months. 

We all have genetic weak spots and for some of us its our ears that get nailed.  99% of all my withdrawal was in the ears including extreme balance problems in the vestibular system too.  I do feel much better now but there can be no peace in my world while my ears are RRRRRRIIIIINNGGGGGIIINNNNGGG away  :(


Your not alone if it's any comfort.  I finally had to get maskers (hearing aids with MP3 player/blue tooth capabilities) and just bury the tinnitus in white noise, water falls, crickets and other music sounds.  Bedtime is the worst time as I have to take off my maskers but luckily you can't hear tinnitus in your sleep.   


As a side note I see the word C/T appear with the words loud tinnitus more often then not and people that have had there tinnitus go away did slow tapers.  I have to wonder if there is a connection to C/T's and nagging tinnitus?


Also I do not get sea sick any longer.  What's the deal with that?  My balance system is so screwed I can't even get seasick any longer.  Any one notice that?  I also have bad balance now.

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I'm hopeful it does go away.  Most people seem to say it will, despite there being so many people on this site still fighting it.  I went to the Mayo after my horrible experience with a local doctor, and they are convinced it will gradually and eventually go away.  I'm hopeful for that, but it's tough to believe when it's so bad right now and I have no idea what their experience really is with people going though benzo withdrawal.  Though, they did tell me they were aware of the issues with benzos and did believe I was going through it.


Whats happens in the next 4 months will tell you much.  Why did they prescribe it?  Why did you feel the need to C/T it? Did you have side effects?  What was your dose during that time?



Do people believe they truly can heal from T? I just don't see many success stories and it's so discouraging. I've had it really badly for a month now after taking clonazapam for only a month and CTing it.  Everyone says it will get better but it's my only symptom that has gotten worse. I don't have hearing loss but am struggling with it. I randomly have very weird things happen to my T too like suddenly it gets really loud out of no where and then goes back to normal. My normal is already very loud though. It's also mostly in my left ear and gets louder if I turn my head all the way to one side. I don't know what to think...


Hi HC,  I know lots of people around BB who took less than you did and for only 4 weeks and they have been fighting Tinnitus for 2 or 3 years after jumping.  Then again some people never get tinnitus at all.  It's my only SX left but it's horrible.  The scary part is that once you get this weird benzo w/d induced tinnitus not even the benzo's can take it away again so even a reinstate does not work so well for many people once they get tinnitus.  Then again some people heal from it after 4 to 6 months. 

We all have genetic weak spots and for some of us its our ears that get nailed.  99% of all my withdrawal was in the ears including extreme balance problems in the vestibular system too.  I do feel much better now but there can be no peace in my world while my ears are RRRRRRIIIIINNGGGGGIIINNNNGGG away  :(


Your not alone if it's any comfort.  I finally had to get maskers (hearing aids with MP3 player/blue tooth capabilities) and just bury the tinnitus in white noise, water falls, crickets and other music sounds.  Bedtime is the worst time as I have to take off my maskers but luckily you can't hear tinnitus in your sleep.   


As a side note I see the word C/T appear with the words loud tinnitus more often than not and people that have had there tinnitus go away did slow tapers.  I have to wonder if there is a connection to C/T's and nagging tinnitus?


Also I do not get sea sick any longer.  What's the deal with that?  My balance system is so screwed I can't even get seasick any longer.  Any one notice that?  I also have bad balance now.

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