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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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Eric g, i can usally tell by how loud the T will be by the way i feel no T= feelin ok loud T PFFFTTT ! I can deal with the T well kinda but the Churps and Cricket bit :tickedoff: ~Peace ~ CD
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Hi everyone! I haven't posted in this group before. I have head pressure (yep I'm in the support head pressure group) but I really experience ear pressure too (right sided). This has been off and on since I jumped (April 30th).


I have very low grade tinnutis...only at night.


Anyone else ever have the crazy ear pressure, does it go away???  :'(


My inner ear is disturbed according to my ENT (she can tell by my eyes and of course how I feel with being off balance).


Anyone overcome this?

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I can't stand NOT to travel so I'll go pretty much anywhere, anytime, no matter how badly I feel or what state I'm at with benzo w/d — and I HATE to fly — BUT I don't go with out TWO very important things. First, my husband (or a good friend) who knows about my heart condition and my benzo situation and who can help me out if I need it while traveling so I'm NOT alone. Second, I take my good quality earphones and cell phone with my huge library of guided relaxation, favorite music, audio stories and "soothing sounds" all in mp3 form stored on my phone. I think because I have used them so often, I have a sort of automatic "reaction" to the sounds in my body and am able to relax despite my concerns or body focus issues.


I do sometimes have symptoms (and sometimes not) but I keep myself occupied by my mp3s and by word game puzzles I play on my phone. I also discovered a type of ear plug called "ear planes" that are said to help equalize pressure in the ears when flying and I find these are helpful for some reason...they "muffle" sound and make that weird pressure in my head and ears feel a little better.


But mostly I think it helps to know that I am not alone when I'm traveling as having a really bad bout of tinnitus (and worrying about making it worse!) or having a bad attack of vertigo or arrhythmia while traveling alone, especially while in benzo w/d, would be difficult.


Now if I could just get over my fear of flying, dislike of crowds, mistrust of TSA and claustrophobia from flying in a cattle car, I'd probably go even more places!

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can you tell me where i can get some "ear planes"? i am having such a hard time finding a good pair or ear plugs. i spent $150.00 on a pair and i had to also have the molding done at an audiologists and they still didn't work out. so now i am just using the Macks silicone but those are disposable -- i would still like to find a really good pair that i can use all the time. like the swimmers type of plug that plugs up the whole ear. i couldn't believe this plugs for $150.00 they absolutely did nothing.


thanks, pretty

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Hi LM.....


Just read your post here and wanted to tell you that I had terrible pressure in my right ear and temple area.....I thought my ear would explode....it did pass though.....just wanted to let you know it is w/d.....


It sounds like you are seeing some improvement.....I am still stalking you... :laugh:......I cannot wait to read your success story....


Sounds like you hard a nice b-day.....


Hugs to you LM......Minnie.... :smitten:

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Hi LM.....


Just read your post here and wanted to tell you that I had terrible pressure in my right ear and temple area.....I thought my ear would explode....it did pass though.....just wanted to let you know it is w/d.....


It sounds like you are seeing some improvement.....I am still stalking you... :laugh:......I cannot wait to read your success story....


Sounds like you hard a nice b-day.....


Hugs to you LM......Minnie.... :smitten:


Hugs to you too sweetie!!!! I did have a super bday, lo key, my fave food with my fave little guy! Seeing 40 is amazing, there were times I thought I would not make it to see this age. God is good.


Thank you for reassuring that this is allllllll W/D!

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prettydaisies - Here are links with pics of the ones I have (only mine are green, not blue). These pics do not show the small carrying case and the little tube that helps you insert them. It also suggests they are "disposable" — I rinse mine after every use in warm water and vinegar and I've had them for at least 5 years...I even use them sometimes in hotels to muffle inner and outer noises. I find them pretty comfortable, easy to use, they seem to muffle (but don't block) noise coming from outside my head as well as seem to sort of "soften" my mild to moderate episodic tinnitus. I also think they help a bit with pressure in my ears and head when flying. My only complaint about them is that I have not figured out how to use them AND my earphones to listen to my MP3s at the same time...






P.S. I think Walmart and Walgreens carry these for under $8 AND they come in children's sizes, too, which are the ones I use since I have tiny ear canals.

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prettydaisies - Here are links with pics of the ones I have (only mine are green, not blue). These pics do not show the small carrying case and the little tube that helps you insert them. It also suggests they are "disposable" — I rinse mine after every use in warm water and vinegar and I've had them for at least 5 years...I even use them sometimes in hotels to muffle inner and outer noises. I find them pretty comfortable, easy to use, they seem to muffle (but don't block) noise coming from outside my head as well as seem to sort of "soften" my mild to moderate episodic tinnitus. I also think they help a bit with pressure in my ears and head when flying. My only complaint about them is that I have not figured out how to use them AND my earphones to listen to my MP3s at the same time...






P.S. I think Walmart and Walgreens carry these for under $8 AND they come in children's sizes, too, which are the ones I use since I have tiny ear canals.


I may have to buy some for myself :-) thank you!

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Hi! I'm tapering off K with my last cut about 2 months ago. A little over two weeks ago, I was feeling great and was struck with sudden vertigo and dizziness. I had restarted nexium and attributed it to that. But it hasn't really gone away and has since morphed into ear pressure and head fullness that is the WORST after my lunchtime meal. My neck is really tight as well as my shoulders. I had my PA look at my ears and she said they were full of fluid and I'm on augmentin for that and a foot issue.


Does this sound like a wave? Do you think it could be a PPI reaction? Anyone's ear pressure/head fullness increase after a meal? Just looking for some reassurance or advice.



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Not to be negative here but from a very well respected N.Y U. ENT who also suffers from T  himself he insists it your brain making the noise from your GBA it is not your ears or the could fix it ! Research it !!!!! I have and Benzo`s effect your GBA which is your brain.Go find a good ENT and you will understand all this better ~CD
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Right. It's a CNS issue. There are drugs in clinical trials that are trying to deal with T. Gels that get injected into the ears themselves, near the nerve endings where the neuro receptors are, to avoid systemic issues in other parts of the body. And you know what? It's stuff that acts like amitryptyline, maybe even the same chemically based stuff. This is not a push for any drug. Only saying that it is begins in the head, not originating in the ears.


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Hi! I'm tapering off K with my last cut about 2 months ago. A little over two weeks ago, I was feeling great and was struck with sudden vertigo and dizziness. I had restarted nexium and attributed it to that. But it hasn't really gone away and has since morphed into ear pressure and head fullness that is the WORST after my lunchtime meal. My neck is really tight as well as my shoulders. I had my PA look at my ears and she said they were full of fluid and I'm on augmentin for that and a foot issue.


Does this sound like a wave? Do you think it could be a PPI reaction? Anyone's ear pressure/head fullness increase after a meal? Just looking for some reassurance or advice.




Seet:  My toughest times are after lunch.  Loudest, too.  Don't know what it is but I tell my acupuncturist when the bad times are and she adjusts my treatments accordingly, seems to help a bit.  She always treats to reduce that - Eastern medicine is very tuned to your clock and peak times.  I've found that exercising BEFORE lunch is helping a bit, too.  Not sure why. 


Don't forget to limit sugar and salt but you probably do already. 


Take care, you guys are there along with me and I'm there with you. 

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Right. It's a CNS issue. There are drugs in clinical trials that are trying to deal with T. Gels that get injected into the ears themselves, near the nerve endings where the neuro receptors are, to avoid systemic issues in other parts of the body. And you know what? It's stuff that acts like amitryptyline, maybe even the same chemically based stuff. This is not a push for any drug. Only saying that it is begins in the head, not originating in the ears.



there is also an entirely novel drug designed specifically to treat tinnitus and hearing loss, entering human clinical trials now. Autifony AUT00063.

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Right. It's a CNS issue. There are drugs in clinical trials that are trying to deal with T. Gels that get injected into the ears themselves, near the nerve endings where the neuro receptors are, to avoid systemic issues in other parts of the body. And you know what? It's stuff that acts like amitryptyline, maybe even the same chemically based stuff. This is not a push for any drug. Only saying that it is begins in the head, not originating in the ears.



there is also an entirely novel drug designed specifically to treat tinnitus and hearing loss, entering human clinical trials now. Autifony AUT00063.


I heard about that, is that the one that is just in the UK?

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Right. It's a CNS issue. There are drugs in clinical trials that are trying to deal with T. Gels that get injected into the ears themselves, near the nerve endings where the neuro receptors are, to avoid systemic issues in other parts of the body. And you know what? It's stuff that acts like amitryptyline, maybe even the same chemically based stuff. This is not a push for any drug. Only saying that it is begins in the head, not originating in the ears.



there is also an entirely novel drug designed specifically to treat tinnitus and hearing loss, entering human clinical trials now. Autifony AUT00063.


I heard about that, is that the one that is just in the UK?


I hope something works soon, I am losing hope  :'( :'( :'(

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It's fascinating to me that I can take a not benzo pill and get relief.  What's even more fascinating is that when I stop the T is still lower.  Amptrip is weird stuff. 


I appreciate all the concern from my buddies and

I know you love me  ;D  :smitten:


I'll be careful  :angel:


I stopped taking Amptrip and things got shitty fast :'( :'( :'(  Lots of tinnitus is back  :'( :'(


I NEED A HUG!!!  http://www.retrojunkie.com/gif/bawling.gif

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I stopped taking Amptrip and things got shitty fast :'( :'( :'(  Lots of tinnitus is back  :'( :'(


I NEED A HUG!!!  http://www.retrojunkie.com/gif/bawling.gif


Sorry to hear :( I hope things get better for you again soon.


My ENT does not want to try amptrip... because we tried it for a while a few years ago, which I'd completely forgotten. I don't think I ever got anywhere close to the doses you were taking, but, I had no response whatsoever after being on a low dose for a few weeks. I'm not nuts about starting the medication roulette game, either, I think I'll stick to supplement roulette for the time being :crazy:

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I stopped taking Amptrip and things got shitty fast :'( :'( :'(  Lots of tinnitus is back  :'( :'(


I NEED A HUG!!!  http://www.retrojunkie.com/gif/bawling.gif


Sorry to hear :( I hope things get better for you again soon.


My ENT does not want to try amptrip... because we tried it for a while a few years ago, which I'd completely forgotten. I don't think I ever got anywhere close to the doses you were taking, but, I had no response whatsoever after being on a low dose for a few weeks. I'm not nuts about starting the medication roulette game, either, I think I'll stick to supplement roulette for the time being :crazy:


X,  Did you do a slow sensible taper?  At what point did you get tinnitus?


Did you ever have tinnitus in while in tolerance at 20 mg?  Did you have tinnitus at the level you have now before benzo's?


These answer's may help me and other members make peace with this.


I am starting to develop some theories about this. The trouble begins when this threshold shifts. We’ve all been to a loud concert or ballgame and left with our ears ringing. Now imagine if that sound never left, and kept intensifying. A relentless little demon, tinnitus announces itself in the ears but frequently extends its residence to the spirit, where it can have debilitating emotional effects. It can, quite literally, drive one crazy.  It's a spiritual thing too.  We give it all the power and it deserves none, maybe it's just that simple.


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Yes!! I cannot believe how many of these side effects I am reading about here and only now realizing that is what they are. Is the tinnitus reversible? And why are we only noticing it after we start the taper? I cannot understand why these slow tapers still seem to wake up so many symptoms. I am holding until this weekend since it was a hard cut for me, a little too big.
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Hi Bird, sorry the T is giving you the crazies  :hug: :hug: :hug:


Why did you stop taking the amitryp? I wish it agreed with me but it zonks me out so much the next day, I can't see myself persevering long enough to see if that effect eventually passes.


Did you ever try Memantine? I really wanted to stay away from big pharma but as I push myself closer to 100% activity, I am still getting some bad T flare ups disrupting sleep. Taurine helps somewhat but would like to deal to the glutamate with a heavier instrument.


It's probably not common for dementia sufferers to discontinue memantine or if they do, doctors would  attribute any increased agitation to the underlying condition. Maybe it could be tapered off to avoid a glutamate rebound.


I hope you find something that works for you soon.

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I am starting to develop some theories about this. The trouble begins when this threshold shifts. We’ve all been to a loud concert or ballgame and left with our ears ringing. Now imagine if that sound never left, and kept intensifying. A relentless little demon, tinnitus announces itself in the ears but frequently extends its residence to the spirit, where it can have debilitating emotional effects. It can, quite literally, drive one crazy.  It's a spiritual thing too.  We give it all the power and it deserves non, maybe it's just that simple.


Amen!  For some people, it can definitely have devastating emotional and spiritual consequences.

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I am starting to develop some theories about this. The trouble begins when this threshold shifts. We’ve all been to a loud concert or ballgame and left with our ears ringing. Now imagine if that sound never left, and kept intensifying. A relentless little demon, tinnitus announces itself in the ears but frequently extends its residence to the spirit, where it can have debilitating emotional effects. It can, quite literally, drive one crazy.  It's a spiritual thing too.  We give it all the power and it deserves none, maybe it's just that simple.


Amen!  For some people, it can definitely have devastating emotional and spiritual consequences.


PD?  Is your tinnitus getting better or are you just getting more used to it?  For me at this point that question is turning into more of a guessing game.  I do not think I am healing any more but I am beginning to deal with it and ignore it more.  I'm at the "crossroads" healing point right now I think they call it.  It's that point where you do not think about feeling sick all the time and one or two hours slips by without thinking about sxs,  it's nice :thumbsup:


Wishing you continued healing PD  :smitten:

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