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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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Yes Birdman...I will let you know. I am going to ask him to read the links you provided. May take a while but shit I am so desperate. It's difficult focusing with both the akathisia and the tinnitus. They are difficult but I was thinking that nausea would be much worse.
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Im terrified ive been havin deep rumblings in my ears and then i go completely deaf in both ears for 5 Minutes and then my heaing is off like i cant tell where sounds are coming from. Also very very bad hyhyperacusis does anyone else have the temporary deafness this scares me. It just started a few days ago along with a host of other very new symptoms. Can new symptoms arise later on after youve already been ct and benzo free for over two monthsmonths
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I might mess with amytrip again -- what was your ramp up and dose pattern like, birdman?


Hi X,  I started at 30mg at bed time for a few days. Then up to 60mg for 3 days.  Then tapered by 10mg per day until back at zero and I have done this 4 times now.  Lot's of benefits but no down side except my face is a bit numb and I can't feel my nose at all when I am up at 60mg levels.  I posted these concerns over in "OTHER MEDICATIONS" forum.  I think this numbing effect is how Amptrip kills nerve pain.  I can only assume that it's numbing my DCN or cochlea too?  The fact that healing lasts long after session makes me think there is more to it.  I think its best used post jump only, just a gut feeling I have since the results I had from Amytrip while tapering where never this good.  I wonder if Amptrip would be helpful with other benzo PAWS cases and sticky symptoms?


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Im terrified ive been havin deep rumblings in my ears and then i go completely deaf in both ears for 5 Minutes and then my heaing is off like i cant tell where sounds are coming from. Also very very bad hyhyperacusis does anyone else have the temporary deafness this scares me. It just started a few days ago along with a host of other very new symptoms. Can new symptoms arise later on after youve already been ct and benzo free for over two monthsmonths


Yes Hiphopanonymous, I know how scary it is.  Hearing is a finely tuned "hair trigger" system in the brain and benzo tapering can really messes with it.  It does get better with time.    I have my doubts it could get this good but I am healing so fast now :D :D :D  You will heal :thumbsup:


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I will again tell my side of the story. I took amitriptyline for 16  years before stopping. As I started it again it felt very benzo like. I have no doubts when people say it's helping with something, but is it only temporary? For me getting of has been extremely slow, hard and harmful. After benzos many meds can be dangerous.
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Had high pitched buzzing in my left ear while taking 4 mg`s of Klonopin which seemed to develope after i neglected a Sinus infection 3 years ago. Since i have started my C/O taper is is worse but !!!!seems like the Tinnitus is worse on days when i have troubling W/D symptoms as i have put 2 and 2 together, anyone else exeperiance a change in levels due to w/d symptoms ?
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Had high pitched buzzing in my left ear while taking 4 mg`s of Klonopin which seemed to develope after i neglected a Sinus infection 3 years ago. Since i have started my C/O taper is is worse but !!!!seems like the Tinnitus is worse on days when i have troubling W/D symptoms as i have put 2 and 2 together, anyone else exeperiance a change in levels due to w/d symptoms ?


I always noticed when I was tapering that whenever I made a cut in my klonopin dose that the tinnitus got worse.  :(



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perfect daughter, i am starting to wonder if klonopin caused my Tinnitus, as i was on for years and how you doing being of it now as i am in the middle of a c/o to valium and still on 1.25 k as my signiture says as i needed to go back to my dose from 2 weeks ago being i was in pretty bad w/d and if all i get after this is said and done is Tinnitus it would be a blessing ! :thumbsup:
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I will again tell my side of the story. I took amitriptyline for 16  years before stopping. As I started it again it felt very benzo like. I have no doubts when people say it's helping with something, but is it only temporary? For me getting of has been extremely slow, hard and harmful. After benzos many meds can be dangerous.


Thanks for the input Porthan.  I'll be very careful and if I feel signs of dependency I'll taper immediately.  Yes it's feels kind of benzo like.  It makes glutamate less efficient so its kind of a push pull thing as benzo's make gaba more efficient so making glutamate less efficient is kind of the same thing.  I'll be careful :thumbsup:

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Report.  Still on 5th Amytrip treatment and I am having a very good day!  Tinnitus minimal and very tolerable. Tapering Sunday night and then some time off.
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perfect daughter, i am starting to wonder if klonopin caused my Tinnitus, as i was on for years and how you doing being of it now as i am in the middle of a c/o to valium and still on 1.25 k as my signiture says as i needed to go back to my dose from 2 weeks ago being i was in pretty bad w/d and if all i get after this is said and done is Tinnitus it would be a blessing ! :thumbsup:


I'm doing really well now.  The only residual is the tinnitus and that started for me prior to Klonopin, although I think the Klonopin made it worse.  Shorty after I finished my taper I was diagnosed with Graves Disease.  I don't think that the benzos directly caused it, but I definitely think the stress associated with everything that was going on during that time may have contributed to it.


Hang in there!  You'll make it!



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Thanks PD, Yes cuts seem to make the buzzin worse !Glad your doing well my Mom had graves and she was fine just had to take i believe Zinthroid ?




















































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Did a hummingbird fly into my ear? No, it's just "Middle Ear Myoclonus"! Anyone else have this sx during benzo w/d? Here are a couple of links about it in case anyone else is experiencing similar sxs.





Over the years I have had episodes of tinnitus and short episodes of sudden, nearly complete loss of hearing in one or the other of my ears (rarely both at the same time) for several minutes (but never more than 3-5 minutes) as well as episodes of severe vertigo, all of which I was told are most likely associated with a life-long history of seizure migraines — the reason I was prescribed benzos in the first place.


However, with this withdrawal, I have been having episodes of "fluttering" in my ear...it literally sounds and FEELS like a bird or a large insect is trying to beat it's wings to get out of my ear! The episodes are most definitely worse shortly after I make a cut and I have gotten used to them — sort of... Since they tend to be episodic and last for only a few seconds to a few minutes, I think they are probably less annoying than continual tinnitus, BUT if they were to become more frequent and last longer I think it could be pretty disorienting and possibly drive one to distraction so I am hoping this is only a short-term sxs of benzo w/d.


Anyone else have this or ever heard of someone having it during benzo w/d?





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Hey Girls & Guys when i saw a ENT Specialist about the problem and he said he had it also he called it our new friend lol!But what May of be of interest to all he said it not from the Ear it`s from your Brain ! So..... being he has it i am sure he knows what he is talking about so just another GABA malfuntion from our beloved Benzo use? :tickedoff:
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I will again tell my side of the story. I took amitriptyline for 16  years before stopping. As I started it again it felt very benzo like. I have no doubts when people say it's helping with something, but is it only temporary? For me getting of has been extremely slow, hard and harmful. After benzos many meds can be dangerous.





i agree. i had only taken 10mg amitrip a few weeks ago because i couldn't sleep all night. i felt like i had taken a benzo. it had subsided the head symptoms i have been suffering with fo 29 months straight -- and that really scared me although of course i woul love it if the head symptoms would stop but i need them to stop on their own. i felt it would prolong my healing so i won't ever be taking this drug or remeron again.

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Hey Girls & Guys when i saw a ENT Specialist about the problem and he said he had it also he called it our new friend lol!But what May of be of interest to all he said it not from the Ear it`s from your Brain ! So..... being he has it i am sure he knows what he is talking about so just another GABA malfuntion from our beloved Benzo use? :tickedoff:


Now that I find fascinating! I have heard, and read, about so many theories, ideas, causes, cures and treatments for tinnitus, but in this case it really IS all in our heads?!

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It's fascinating to me that I can take a not benzo pill and get relief.  What's even more fascinating is that when I stop the T is still lower.  Amptrip is weird stuff. 


I appreciate all the concern from my buddies and

I know you love me  ;D  :smitten:


I'll be careful  :angel:

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I have a question for some of you veterans. 


My family asked about having us visit back East to DC this coming summer.  My T is so up and down I can't think about plane travel.  Has anyone traveled on a plane with the t?  The pressure doesn't sound much fun, and my T is reactive so it gets louder with more external noise. 


My family's great, they always give me the out if I need it but thought I'd check to see if anyone's traveled by plane lately. 



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It's fascinating to me that I can take a not benzo pill and get relief.  What's even more fascinating is that when I stop the T is still lower.  Amptrip is weird stuff. 


I appreciate all the concern from my buddies and

I know you love me  ;D  :smitten:


I'll be careful  :angel:

Yes we do Birdie. :smitten:

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I have a question for some of you veterans. 


My family asked about having us visit back East to DC this coming summer.  My T is so up and down I can't think about plane travel.  Has anyone traveled on a plane with the t?  The pressure doesn't sound much fun, and my T is reactive so it gets louder with more external noise. 


My family's great, they always give me the out if I need it but thought I'd check to see if anyone's traveled by plane lately. 




This is my concern as well. I've been praying I can make the trip in a plane some day. I have even costed out a train. So I will also be interested in replies.

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I have a question for some of you veterans. 


My family asked about having us visit back East to DC this coming summer.  My T is so up and down I can't think about plane travel.  Has anyone traveled on a plane with the t?  The pressure doesn't sound much fun, and my T is reactive so it gets louder with more external noise. 


My family's great, they always give me the out if I need it but thought I'd check to see if anyone's traveled by plane lately. 




This is my concern as well. I've been praying I can make the trip in a plane some day. I have even costed out a train. So I will also be interested in replies.


Thanks for this BenniJets, you're in my thoughts.  Let's see what folks have to say. 

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Eric g, not so positive that alttitude would effect your T !As i mentioned in my post above the T is from the brain and yes it`s sounds freaky but it is it`s not from your ears as My ENT Doc has it himself and i have resarched this futher and found out that a main cause of T is due to GABA and i am sure you know what the deal is on GABA and Benzo`s? FWIW  i run Chainsaws and Heavy Equipment and have not noticed any difference! Not sure where you live but try going to a higher elevation and see if there is any difference in the T as i don`t believe there would be any ! Peace ~CD
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Had some good windows last week and this weekend, sounds like bacon sizzling again this week. 



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