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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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Update on my tinnitus...first got it in fall of 2011 according to my medical records although I don't remember having it bother me until spring of 2013.  That is about the time I hit tolerance to K.  I began a slow taper and jumped off almost 9 months ago.  My tinnitus has gotten better.  It started out in one ear (L) then went to both then became more of a high pitched his instead of a pure tone ring.  Now it is mostly in my ® ear and it seems to be tied to my tmj which I think was made worse by stopping k because K is a muscle relaxant and I think I now clench more being K free.  I notice when waking up it is very low...once up and moving around I use 2 puffs of Flonase steroid nasal spray.  I also take boswellia by standard process which is a natural anti-inflammatory....I take it 2 x a day.  I also take formula 303 by standard process which is a natural muscle relaxant at bed time.  T is usually pretty quiet...I have to listen for it until afternoon and evening and then it gets a little louder.  I am going to begin sound therapy by sound cure (serenade device) in January and my try tinnitus retraining therapy too.  Even though I am not giving up hope it will completely fade permanently and completely I want to be prepared in the event it doesn't and gets worse again.  I hope this helps.  Also, has anyone tried the sound therapy by soundcure (serenade device)?
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i quit xanax 9/14/14  the i had some bad waves hit me today starting from early this morning a lil after midnight i was doing some work outside i was tired it was work that needed to be done to stomp down trash can with my feet and add more since there was no trash pickup last thursday on Christmas . i always have the urge to smoke when im outside so i was burning a cigarette doing this :( , im thinking maybe its because i havnt had any valerian the last 2 days i started taking that around 5 times a week my 2nd week after quitting xanax . i dont know what to do this tinnittus is torturing me and frightens me
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I need to go through and read what more ppl suggest, I have read sadly that klonopin is recommended for tinnitus. I guess I am less worried about this than other issues, but it depends on the day, Time of month.

I have had it off and on so long, not sure when I hit tolerance but I have been on klonopin since early 2001' Xanax few months before that.

Since I am not all the way off, my ringing gets louder with Time month, weather changes and of course cuts.

I might also resort to heating aids, I have a genetic hearing loss also but I hear high pitches wayyyy too loud So I am rather afraid to try them.

I resort to a lot of quiet except I run heap filters in every room. We lost power for a week last winter and I about lost my mind without my filters running.

I do a lot of pt, chiro to keep rest of pain better. Helps a little!


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Update on my tinnitus...first got it in fall of 2011 according to my medical records although I don't remember having it bother me until spring of 2013.  That is about the time I hit tolerance to K.  I began a slow taper and jumped off almost 9 months ago.  My tinnitus has gotten better.  It started out in one ear (L) then went to both then became more of a high pitched his instead of a pure tone ring.  Now it is mostly in my ® ear and it seems to be tied to my tmj which I think was made worse by stopping k because K is a muscle relaxant and I think I now clench more being K free.  I notice when waking up it is very low...once up and moving around I use 2 puffs of Flonase steroid nasal spray.  I also take boswellia by standard process which is a natural anti-inflammatory....I take it 2 x a day.  I also take formula 303 by standard process which is a natural muscle relaxant at bed time.  T is usually pretty quiet...I have to listen for it until afternoon and evening and then it gets a little louder.  I am going to begin sound therapy by sound cure (serenade device) in January and my try tinnitus retraining therapy too.  Even though I am not giving up hope it will completely fade permanently and completely I want to be prepared in the event it doesn't and gets worse again.  I hope this helps.  Also, has anyone tried the sound therapy by soundcure (serenade device)?


I wear white noise maskers all day long.  It really helps!  Without them I'd be loony-tones :crazy:


When I take out my maskers while on a BP monitor my BP goes up 30 points!!  Tinnitus is a warning sound and designed to make us feel agitated.  The best thing is to block out this sound with a louder sound.  Masking works but I often wonder if it slows healing since it makes me calm all the time?

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Amytriptaliny works for me!


A few weeks ago I took 50mg Amitriptyline at bed time. My tinnitus got better for three days in a row.  I over slept on those days which is rare too.  Then I stopped to see if it got worse again.  Weeks pasted and I kind of forgot about it.  It did not get worse (healing?)  Last night I tired Amitriptyline 50mg again. Slept like a rock and tinnitus down again today.  This time I will stay on for 7 days and quit and look for w/d and healing.


I read articles that claims Amitriptyline activates healing in the brain and this healing can be permanent.  If anyone is interested I can post that data here.


My test so far has the best results out of any drug.


This test claims AMYTRIP is 95% effective  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11771024


Lab rat #1    over and out  :smitten:

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Amytriptaliny works for me!


A few weeks ago I took 50mg Amitriptyline at bed time. My tinnitus got better for three days in a row.  I over slept on those days which is rare too.  Then I stopped to see if it got worse again.  Weeks pasted and I kind of forgot about it.  It did not get worse (healing?)  Last night I tired Amitriptyline 50mg again. Slept like a rock and tinnitus down again today.  This time I will stay on for 7 days and quit and look for w/d and healing.


I read articles that claims Amitriptyline activates healing in the brain and this healing can be permanent.  If anyone is interested I can post that data here.


My test so far has the best results out of any drug.


This test claims AMYTRIP is 95% effective  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11771024


Lab rat #1    over and out  :smitten:


Hi LR #1

This looks like great stuff! Why isn't it used regularly as a first line treatment for T?


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Amytriptaliny works for me!


A few weeks ago I took 50mg Amitriptyline at bed time. My tinnitus got better for three days in a row.  I over slept on those days which is rare too.  Then I stopped to see if it got worse again.  Weeks pasted and I kind of forgot about it.  It did not get worse (healing?)  Last night I tired Amitriptyline 50mg again. Slept like a rock and tinnitus down again today.  This time I will stay on for 7 days and quit and look for w/d and healing.


I read articles that claims Amitriptyline activates healing in the brain and this healing can be permanent.  If anyone is interested I can post that data here.


My test so far has the best results out of any drug.


This test claims AMYTRIP is 95% effective  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11771024


Lab rat #1    over and out  :smitten:


Hi LR #1

This looks like great stuff! Why isn't it used regularly as a first line treatment for T?



Hi bart,  from what I have read, when you stop the T comes back.  I think in a benzo brain it could be wise to "HIDE" under this drug while healing.  What I have is not a normal level of tinnitus, I think it's like 20X louder then the normal tinnitus I learned to ingor. I'm thinking just maybe, it could be a good "STOP-GAP" treatment option while the gaba comes back up to full power.


Here is the data on  "brain-growth-factor-receptor-repair.

















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Thanks Birdie

It does look like a reasonable drug to try for T. I suppose some of the benefits from exercise may fall along these lines. Are you able to exercise?


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I will again say my humble opinion about amitriptyline. For me it has been a very grave mistake to start amitriptyline again. My tinnitus started when I have been tapering amitriptyline now the second time. They treat tinnitus with benzos, with amitriptyline, what else. The problem, they cause tinnitus, too, or withdrawal of them.


Birdman, take as much amitriptyline as you want, tell us how you feel after you have it tapered of. I have read of several meds already you have recommended or been enthusiastic about. The primary problem is, many drugs work well first, problems come later. These problems can be same or similar there are with benzos.

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Thanks Birdie

It does look like a reasonable drug to try for T. I suppose some of the benefits from exercise may fall along these lines. Are you able to exercise?


Hi bart.  Yes I swim 45 minutes a day and run 2 days a week for 2 miles with my dog.  I do not think I have anxiety.


Today my T is down.  I'll try for 6 more days. 


Porthan,  I do appreciate the warning.

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I will again say my humble opinion about amitriptyline. For me it has been a very grave mistake to start amitriptyline again. My tinnitus started when I have been tapering amitriptyline now the second time. They treat tinnitus with benzos, with amitriptyline, what else. The problem, they cause tinnitus, too, or withdrawal of them.


Birdman, take as much amitriptyline as you want, tell us how you feel after you have it tapered of. I have read of several meds already you have recommended or been enthusiastic about. The primary problem is, many drugs work well first, problems come later. These problems can be same or similar there are with benzos.

Ditto, I had the most wicked nightmares, shakes and sit rubbed thoughts on that one eons ago.


I have jinxed myself by saying I was used to tinnitus now, nope now that. Cut lower it is for sure going to be one of my worst things to deal with. I still take ambien but of course in tolerance to that also so I fall asleep hard then wake with the roaring ears at 4 am. I am inhaling I have a loud road ahead with the ambien prob causing it too.


I am keeping relaxation you tubes and CDs ready and I quick switch them on, I am sometimes falling back to sleep just to be startled by the switch of the piercing sounds but it helps. Also caution, the audio music that is supposed to help annoys the crap out of me but... Somehow the words relax get into my brain eventually!


I use a lot of homeopathy also, anything you can get otc is really mild and easy to try.

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I will again say my humble opinion about amitriptyline. For me it has been a very grave mistake to start amitriptyline again. My tinnitus started when I have been tapering amitriptyline now the second time. They treat tinnitus with benzos, with amitriptyline, what else. The problem, they cause tinnitus, too, or withdrawal of them.


Birdman, take as much amitriptyline as you want, tell us how you feel after you have it tapered of. I have read of several meds already you have recommended or been enthusiastic about. The primary problem is, many drugs work well first, problems come later. These problems can be same or similar there are with benzos.

Ditto, I had the most wicked nightmares, shakes and sit rubbed thoughts on that one eons ago.


I have jinxed myself by saying I was used to tinnitus now, nope now that. Cut lower it is for sure going to be one of my worst things to deal with. I still take ambien but of course in tolerance to that also so I fall asleep hard then wake with the roaring ears at 4 am. I am inhaling I have a loud road ahead with the ambien prob causing it too.


I am keeping relaxation you tubes and CDs ready and I quick switch them on, I am sometimes falling back to sleep just to be startled by the switch of the piercing sounds but it helps. Also caution, the audio music that is supposed to help annoys the crap out of me but... Somehow the words relax get into my brain eventually!


I use a lot of homeopathy also, anything you can get otc is really mild and easy to try.


Not what I wanted to hear  :'( :'( :'(  Thanks for the heads up.  That's why I'm just using it a week at a time so I can see the w/d down side.  The odd thing is I feel like it's fixing me.  The tinnitus always seems a bit less even after quitting,,, so far,,,  ???::)


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Sorry about my typos in my post yesterday, no idea what I was trying to say but you got the idea.


Who knows, may work for some? I just have so little faith in meds now. I think part of my prob currently is also thyroid meds yet some swear they get on them and everything is great. How would I know when I am in tolerance from klonopin also?


Don't know what I will say about the ears a year from now, when it is dull roar I can take it. When high pitched noises set it off louder I go slightly nuts. Mornings are pretty bad when I wake up and klonopin is all out of my system but I am enduring relaxation audios anyway.

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Sorry about my typos in my post yesterday, no idea what I was trying to say but you got the idea.


Who knows, may work for some? I just have so little faith in meds now. I think part of my prob currently is also thyroid meds yet some swear they get on them and everything is great. How would I know when I am in tolerance from klonopin also?


Don't know what I will say about the ears a year from now, when it is dull roar I can take it. When high pitched noises set it off louder I go slightly nuts. Mornings are pretty bad when I wake up and klonopin is all out of my system but I am enduring relaxation audios anyway.


Thanks,  This is day two and the difference is profound.  Each day I take Amptrip it get's better.  My hope is that is 7 days the tinnitus gets wiped out.  It may come back when I quit.


I did a lot of reading on amytrip in user groups and one thing I keep hearing it that it fixed the problem.  After people quit the problem never returned.


81% of people that took it for chronic migraines reported that they no longer got migraines.

42% of people that took it for depression reported that they no longer got depression.

71% of people that took it for sleep reported that they no longer had sleep issues.


















95% effective





Potential for treatment of excitotoxicity

Since NMDA receptor overactivation is implicated in excitotoxicity, NMDA receptor antagonists have held much promise for the treatment of conditions that involve excitotoxicity, including Benzodiazepine withdrawal, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's. This is counterbalanced by the risk of developing Olney's lesions,[28] which have only ever been observed in rodents, and studies have started to find agents that prevent this neurotoxicity.[25][27] Most clinical trials involving NMDA receptor antagonists have failed due to unwanted side effects of the drugs; since the receptors also play an important role in normal glutamatergic neurotransmission, blocking them causes side-effects. These results have not yet been reproduced in humans, however.[29] This interference with normal function could be responsible for neuronal death that results from NMDA receptor antagonist use. Mild NMDA receptor antagonist's like Amitriptyline have been found to be helpful in Benzodiazepine withdrawal. [30]


ref:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMDA_receptor_antagonist


Very interesting drug for benzo w/d,  VERY!!!



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Mild NMDA receptor antagonist's like Amitriptyline have been found to be helpful in Benzodiazepine withdrawal.


this is a scary notion. i took 1/4 Amitriptyline last night because i couldn't sleep all night, not a wink and just laying there watching the clock and wide awake. i don't usually like taking anything. and not only did this elavil not help me fall asleep it has made me so sedated all day. it definitely eased up the head symptoms i've been having since the c/t but i think this drug mask benzo withdrawal symptoms. and i also think it can halt the healing process. i wish i could take it. i love that the head symptoms dissipated. but i don't think that's going to be the right way to go for me unfortunately, especially since i've kindled, maybe it's different for someone who hasn't kindled?

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I cried for an hour this morning out of happiness.  The tinnitus is almost gone :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


Silence, bless-id silence  :'( :'( :'(      I'm so happy  :'( :'( :'( :'(  :)


I also had rough night, the tinnitus was louder but I fell back

to sleep at 5:00AM then woke up AT 8:30AM almost T Free. :'( :'( :'( :'( :smitten:


That's three days in a row and better everyday.  I am so happy :'( :'( :'(

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Glad you are feeling some relief! Sleep makes a world of difference!


Thanks butterfly,  I am sure this could be addictive but all the withdrawal stories I have read online seem minor compared to benzo w/d.  I think between my healing time and this drug it was my time to heal, its a little bit of both.    I am still feeling good, feels like the glutamate is being swept to the side of my brain and I feel a little bit more happy and upbeat but also more sleepy.


Thanks Jenny,  yes some people do have withdrawal sxs from amytrip, all I can do now is take a chance.  When I quit in 4 more days I hope I can keep coasting along at this level of feeling good.  It's amazing that a 65 year old dirt cheap AD helped me the most after all the drugs I tested.  I bet some of this is from being off the drugs for so long :thumbsup:


I am still in disbelief and waiting for the other shoe to drop :( 


In a way it's scary feeling healed, it's along ways down, I am still so shell shocked by this 30 months long ordeal.





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Day 5.    AMYTRIP 50mg


Overslept (rare)

Deep sleep  - lots of very colorful dreams!!!!

Tinnitus much lower still


Will stop Sunday night

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Mild NMDA receptor antagonist's like Amitriptyline have been found to be helpful in Benzodiazepine withdrawal.


this is a scary notion. i took 1/4 Amitriptyline last night because i couldn't sleep all night, not a wink and just laying there watching the clock and wide awake. i don't usually like taking anything. and not only did this elavil not help me fall asleep it has made me so sedated all day. it definitely eased up the head symptoms i've been having since the c/t but i think this drug mask benzo withdrawal symptoms. and i also think it can halt the healing process. i wish i could take it. i love that the head symptoms dissipated. but i don't think that's going to be the right way to go for me unfortunately, especially since i've kindled, maybe it's different for someone who hasn't kindled?


This could be true.  I never kindled or hit tolerance. I was a happy user until I just decided to quit.  I only dosed at night for sleep also so I was unaware of the sedation and always woke up feeling refreshed and alert.  I had no idea what I was doing to myself as I slept through all of my benzo doses.

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Different strokes for different folks. Theoretically, amitryptiline should be helpful. There will always be varying responses among individuals. I applaud Bird's Lab rat initiatives. When I was in deep doo doo I tried all sort of things; some helped and some made me worse. In the end  it all worked out.


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Due to health issues, this is my 3rd benzo withdrawal and I while I have experienced tinnitus to some degree with each withdrawal, this time around I have developed a new "ear"symptom — inner ear myoclonus! One day I awoke with this weird "fluttering" sound in my left ear, as if a tiny bird was in there and trying to get out. It really surprised me and sort of freaked me out, but it came and went all day so I looked it up on the internet and discovered that you can get muscle spasms that affect your inner ear and make that fluttering noise! Since I was also having facial and eye twitches, the inner ear twitch made sense to me. Over the two months I have been tapering, I have learned that I will almost always have this symptom for a few days with each cut in dosage, even though the taper is very slow so now I am not freaked out about it, but it is certainly weird and I do have to remind myself it will go away since it can be annoying.
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Different strokes for different folks. Theoretically, amitryptiline should be helpful. There will always be varying responses among individuals. I applaud Bird's Lab rat initiatives. When I was in deep doo doo I tried all sort of things; some helped and some made me worse. In the end  it all worked out.



Thanks Bart.    I am doing really well this morning.  Over slept 2 hours and the odd part is that I have 100% dream recall, what does that mean?  I have never dreamed all night and have been able to recall all the dreams but I could write a 1000 page book this morning with all the data I could recall from my dreams last night, Wild!  This is the opposite of what benzo's did to me which was ZERO dream recall!  This means something, not a coincidence I have a feeling.


Tinnitus report, GONE and getting better fast.  No need for maskers.  Will I crush when I quit? I'm going to find out soon enough.  Doing 30mg tonight and quit Amptrip the night after.

I am a bit intimidated by this but I have no choice.  I need to know how bad the potential w/d is going to be.  The last time I quit Amy I  held on to all my gains which should not have happened.


I have read benzo withdrawal initially sacks Serotonin and raises Dopamine. Then sometime after words the dopamine crashes and slowly comes back up making for long healing times and complications.  By the time we have tapered and quit our neurochemicals are a mess, what a train wreck. 


Should be interesting.  Learning about physic drugs 101


Labrat #1 signing out to enjoy her day for once. Long may it last.


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I would think that if things don't work out when you stop the amitryptiline a rapid re-instatement and substantially longer would be a reasonable thing to try. Hopefully, this will not be necessary.
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