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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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I have a question for snowy,  If I modulate too much will I go blind?  ;D

Haha No No Birdie! That's just an old wives tale. :laugh: Although you might grow hair on your palms. :D:laugh:


Hint: Wear gloves and protective eyewear when performing any potentially hazardous activities such as "modulating" 8)


Otherwise...have fun, be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do, or anyone for that matter. :idiot:


>:D >:D:smitten: :smitten:

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I have a question for snowy,  If I modulate too much will I go blind?  ;D

Haha No No Birdie! That's just an old wives tale. :laugh: Although you might grow hair on your palms. :D:laugh:


Hint: Wear gloves and protective eyewear when performing any potentially hazardous activities such as "modulating" 8)


Otherwise...have fun, be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do, or anyone for that matter. :idiot:


>:D >:D:smitten: :smitten:


:2funny:  That's great news snowy :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:


I remember my Mom talking to my Brother about this.  He seemed worried at first and then said he would stop when it got to the point where he needed glasses  ;D


Thanks for clearing this up for me snowy :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:


:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:







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I have a question for snowy,  If I modulate too much will I go blind?  ;D

Haha No No Birdie! That's just an old wives tale. :laugh: Although you might grow hair on your palms. :D:laugh:


Hint: Wear gloves and protective eyewear when performing any potentially hazardous activities such as "modulating" 8)


Otherwise...have fun, be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do, or anyone for that matter. :idiot:


>:D >:D:smitten: :smitten:


:2funny:  That's great news snowy :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:


I remember my Mom talking to my Brother about this.  He seemed worried at first and then said he would stop when it got to the point where he needed glasses  ;D


Thanks for clearing this up for me snowy :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:


:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:





Sure Bird friend. ;) I think you...I mean "your brother" will be fine. ;D Unless he has a STROKE of bad luck.


Be safe, use protection and try to keep on the straight and narrow. Either way, it can be a sticky situation. :thumbsup:

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I have a question for snowy,  If I modulate too much will I go blind?  ;D

Haha No No Birdie! That's just an old wives tale. :laugh: Although you might grow hair on your palms. :D:laugh:


Hint: Wear gloves and protective eyewear when performing any potentially hazardous activities such as "modulating" 8)


Otherwise...have fun, be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do, or anyone for that matter. :idiot:


>:D >:D:smitten: :smitten:


:2funny:  That's great news snowy :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:


I remember my Mom talking to my Brother about this.  He seemed worried at first and then said he would stop when it got to the point where he needed glasses  ;D


Thanks for clearing this up for me snowy :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:


:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:





Sure Bird friend. ;) I think you...I mean "your brother" will be fine. ;D Unless he has a STROKE of bad luck.


Be safe, use protection and try to keep on the straight and narrow. Either way, it can be a sticky situation. :thumbsup:


Snowy your so bad  :laugh:

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Always here to help. 8) Anymore questions for good Ol Snow? :angel:


Yeah, are you healing?  I hope your well snowy.  :smitten:

I get better every day. I still feel beat up sometimes. I have way more good days than bad. How about you Birdie? I hope you are feeling better overall. Its been a long road, I know. :-\

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Always here to help. 8) Anymore questions for good Ol Snow? :angel:


Yeah, are you healing?  I hope your well snowy.  :smitten:

I get better every day. I still feel beat up sometimes. I have way more good days than bad. How about you Birdie? I hope you are feeling better overall. Its been a long road, I know. :-\


Good to hear snowy.  Yes it's a long road, years to heal, this drug is just unreal.  I would never have believed it if I had not experienced it myself. 


Marlon Brando said it best

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i feel alot of relief my tinnittus has nearly all gone away. today has been 14 days since my last low dose of xanax ive been taking just these vitamins magnesium & b complex with breakfast , then occasioanlly i take b6 b 12 with a snack ,  then i take omega 3 fish oil & vitamin E with dinner. i try to activate each day & i drink ALOT of water
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My tinnitus is about the same as it's ever been, but I just wanted to say -- lately I haven't been thinking about it that much. At least half of the problem (maybe more) is that I focused my crazy post-benzo obsessive thinking on the ringing, and made it into a much bigger problem as a result.


Maybe it will go away for me. It will probably go away for most of you -- but even if it doesn't, you might make peace with it.

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My tinnitus has it's ups and downs, but overall the intensity is trending downward.  I do agree with xeres, that a big part of the battle is learning to take your focus off of it and make peace with it.  I'm still holding on to hope that mine will eventually go away or at least continue to decrease in intensity.  But either way, I'm sure I can live with it whereas in the beginning I wasn't so sure about that.  :thumbsup:
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Does anyone's tinnitus feel painful sometimes?  Does it also feel like there is a pulling sensation in front of the ear on the jaw/cheek?


It's common.  All the smaller  face, jaw and ear muscles are effected.  The TGN and DCN are firing all the nerves too fast.


It comes from tapering too fast.  I am tapering baclofen now and I'll taper for 3 or 5 years. Going fast does not pay off on benzo's or gaba drugs - Gaba drugs are a whole different animal than say opioid's.


I have tmj pretty bad and have been wearing a bite realigning orthotic mouth piece for about 8 weeks now so I wonder if the pulling sensation has to do with the tmj and my tmj dr. and ent dr. seems to think tinnitus is coming from tmj...anyone else experience this?


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My tinnitus started a week into tapering so I am pretty sure xanax was the culprit. But I keep queestioning it and think I need to see ENT, I know crunching/crackling/full ears might be ear congestion which can cause tinnitus I think. ? I cant stop thinking, mabey I need it drained, but I had crackling prior to xanax and I was fine then
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I don't have this particular symptom but my sweetie has tinnitus and we ordered a kit from Biogetica; it has helped him so far but too soon to tell for sure.  His is not due to benzo withdrawal but still maybe some hope.

I am not endorsing Biogetica but I have had success with their treatments in the past for other things.  worth a try??

Take care. :angel:

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Hello all,


I am 9 months out from tapering off  Valium and have had tinnitus ever since .  Feeling much better lately - less anxious etc .  But now I have the most disturbing symptom yet  - a radio thumping in my left ear -approx 5 brats per second !!  It started Sunday night and every day this week has gone away after I went for a run in the a morning . It returned every night when I sat down to read or watch tv and then stayed around till my run the next morning .  Now this morning I went for a run and it did not stop - now I have to go through the day with this .  I know now I need to visit my doctor and probably an ENT but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this - I think it is called myoclonus - tonic tensor tympani syndrome . A let tile muscle in journey middle ear that can spasm causing hat little hammer to strike that tympani .  Oh lord. Making me so anxious . After research it says benzo's are one of the medications prescribed for this - makes me want to go take half a Valium pill right now ( yes I did keep a few ). Other treatments are cutting that little muscle in the ear ( does not sound fun ) or Botox injections .  Has this appended to anyone else ?? 

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HI sun......look on pg 84 here and you will see an exercise for the tinnitus that works great for that annoying little muscle.... :tickedoff:


Hope it helps....m :smitten:...

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Minnie are u referring to the technique where u apply pressure to the forehead ?  Tried it and it has not helped with the rapid ear drumming ....
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Sun try the MODULATION trick.  It takes a few weeks but it works.  Read page 84 like mini says.



HEY I just got EARHERO's    - They work so well!!  Now I sleep with them all night and can't hear my tinnitus!!!  They are comfortable tOo as the little speakers go right into the ear channel.




I am not here much anymore, time to heal and move on, may not be back for a while...


Hugs to my buddies  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Wow birdman!  Thanks so much for sharing that.  I feel much better knowing that my heartthrob, Keanu Reeves, lives with this too...and does so quite successfully.



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Wow birdman!  Thanks so much for sharing that.  I feel much better knowing that my heartthrob, Keanu Reeves, lives with this too...and does so quite successfully.




oh wow, keke has this? now i have a conversation piece for when i meet him. i still don't have the tinnitus symptom. i do have the all around hissing. seems like a lot of musicians have this. was just reading in my Angel book that people hear a loud ringing in their ear when their angels are near or coming for a visit.

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barbra streisand talks about her tinnitus. seems like a lot of artists and creative people have this. i wonder what that's about within the brain? i don't have the tinnitus but i have a lot of hissing and sizzling. although last night i heard a loud ringing sound right before an Archangel appeared and helped me which was really cool and i went to read in Doreen Virtue's book about how Angles let you know they're around or coming and one of the signs was loud ringing noise. when the ringing noise happened last night, i knew it was not tinnitus. it just "felt" different. so i think there's probably a difference.


here's barbra:



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