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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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Hi coop......it seems like we do have similar patterns, this process is so cruel, let up, then down, so sorry for you to .......I had a little meltdown yesterday......I cannot help but get excited when there is improvement.....especially since that was my first huge one......


I am with you, remove my head and pick it up when this is over.....head cleaners lol!.....


Coop I do not have the dizziness......but that means nothing bad, as so many have it


I was pretty good when I woke up now my ears are ramping up.....I am doing Birdies exercise, It is definently helping to calm down the ringing.....it is not taking it completely away but it is quieter if I do the exercise......have you tried it?


I am not sure yet but it seems to reduce the pressure in my head.....I will let you know......I will remain emotionally numb until this process is over lol!!!...


I do try really hard to accept this ...but some days I am in a puddle of tears...well I know you understand....thankyou for reminding me that we will get thru this


Be well coop, let me know how you are doing on the head thread.......m :brickwall:


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its been 140 hours since i last took a 0.0625mg dose of alprazolam  , the tinittus i've had has been bearable i think activating tremendously has helped me so much .

sometimes i think its just "all in my mind" like yesterday morning i woke up early i went online for a little while i had my mind busy reading news stories & the obits then suddenly i thought " woah this is my 5th day of not taking any alprazolam" after having that thought and thinking i hadnt taken my dose in so long tinittus started kickin in . so after that i've been trying to occupy myself as much as possible activating physically with yard work/ cleaning

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MY T IS DOWN ANOTHER 80%  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Tinnitus Modulation Exercises  Work for me.


Hi all,  I have been having fantastic success with MODULATION exercises!!!  At times my T is gone now :D :D :D :D  I push hard on my forehead until the T screams.  Count to 30 and stop.  Then open mouth hard and push my jaw forward until T screams , do for 20 seconds.  Repeat every 30 minutes all day long AND during insomnia all night long.  After 2 weeks 80% reduction it T :D :D :D

If I stop doing T Modulation Exercises T comes back.  If I start up modulation exercises T is gone in 2 or 3 days.  THIS RESETS the "TRIP ALARM" in your brain for T threshold.


IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The louder you can MODULATE the faster it works.  This takes practice and testing to find your loudest modulation points.


Pushing my hand on my forehead HARD and extreme jaw stretching works the best for me.  This does make me hurt after awhile but the results are great!!!!  It's hard work but it's paying off.  This is retraining my brain as to WHAT LEVEL the tinnitus threshold has to be at.  This is a type of fine tuning exercise for people already healing but lagging behind.



This is the ONLY thing I have tried that works, I am EXCITED!!!!


This is not easy and is hard work and painful.


My husband accuses me of trying to look like "STEVEN TYLER"  :laugh:




(It does look weird so I do it where no one can see me ;D)


I'm not super clear on how to do these exercises.  Is there a link to a video or diagrams or something? 


Thanks bunches for the suggestion.  I've struggled with tinnitus off and on for many years, so I'm used to it.  But it's been extremely loud since I started tapering, and I'm not used to that.  It drives me crazy, but most of the time I can tune it out by occupying my mind on something else.  I'd like to try these exercises though.  :)


~K  <3

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Hey guys, this is my first trip to this particular support page. I got up to take my morning dose and this horribly LOUD ringing started it my right ear. Its actually still going on. It was impossible for me to get back to sleep as it is so loud, and it makes me quite anxious. Is there anything I can do to help it ease up? What would you recommend doing to help get to sleep if it continues? What causes it in us BenzoBuddies, and how long do these "ringing/buzzing" spells normally last? Is there anything I should stay away from that might trigger it? Thank you guys in advance, Ill be praying for all of you  :smitten:


All you can do is hold until it get's better.  It will but it takes lot's of extra time.  Extra slow tapering is what I did.



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Ive had tinnitus for just over two years now. Some days its loud, other days, quiet. For some reason, I knew tinnitus was common in withdrawal, so it didn't scare me. But sometimes, it bothers me anyway. I don't like being in a quiet room, because it seems louder and I notice it more. This is one of my longest lasting symptoms and I did not have it before I stopped taking Klonapin.



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MY T IS DOWN ANOTHER 80%  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Tinnitus Modulation Exercises  Work for me.


Hi all,  I have been having fantastic success with MODULATION exercises!!!  At times my T is gone now :D :D :D :D  I push hard on my forehead until the T screams.  Count to 30 and stop.  Then open mouth hard and push my jaw forward until T screams , do for 20 seconds.  Repeat every 30 minutes all day long AND during insomnia all night long.  After 2 weeks 80% reduction it T :D :D :D

If I stop doing T Modulation Exercises T comes back.  If I start up modulation exercises T is gone in 2 or 3 days.  THIS RESETS the "TRIP ALARM" in your brain for T threshold.


IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The louder you can MODULATE the faster it works.  This takes practice and testing to find your loudest modulation points.


Pushing my hand on my forehead HARD and extreme jaw stretching works the best for me.  This does make me hurt after awhile but the results are great!!!!  It's hard work but it's paying off.  This is retraining my brain as to WHAT LEVEL the tinnitus threshold has to be at.  This is a type of fine tuning exercise for people already healing but lagging behind.



This is the ONLY thing I have tried that works, I am EXCITED!!!!


This is not easy and is hard work and painful.


My husband accuses me of trying to look like "STEVEN TYLER"  :laugh:




(It does look weird so I do it where no one can see me ;D)


I'm not super clear on how to do these exercises.  Is there a link to a video or diagrams or something? 


Thanks bunches for the suggestion.  I've struggled with tinnitus off and on for many years, so I'm used to it.  But it's been extremely loud since I started tapering, and I'm not used to that.  It drives me crazy, but most of the time I can tune it out by occupying my mind on something else.  I'd like to try these exercises though.  :)


~K  <3






Also opening mouth very wide while moving lower jaw forward.


These are ALL stress reaction points that can help


lower the tinnitus threshold by desensitizing it.


It retrains the brain ignore the tinnitus and to set the trip threshold lower as the brain is ALWAYS fine tuning it's self and this helps re-tune the tinnitus trip switch in our heads :thumbsup:


It's been working great for me but I do it all day long. 400 times a day for weeks.



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Hi Birdie......My husband has tinnitus from some hearing loss.....so I have got him doing the exercise......we have laughed so hard at each other at how funny we look doing it......


I have a question.... I have had weird sensations in my head since I c/t it seems when the tinnitus calms down so do the sensations in my head, do you think the ringing and the head stuff is related?......you may not know but just thought I would ask since you have gathered so much info.....hope you are doing lots better!


...m :smitten:

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Hi Birdie......My husband has tinnitus from some hearing loss.....so I have got him doing the exercise......we have laughed so hard at each other at how funny we look doing it......

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :thumbsup:


I have a question.... I have had weird sensations in my head since I c/t it seems when the tinnitus calms down so do the sensations in my head, do you think the ringing and the head stuff is related?......you may not know but just thought I would ask since you have gathered so much info.....hope you are doing lots better!


...m :smitten:


That feeling is called GLUTAMATE.  We just have too much glutamate at play in our brains and sometimes it surges more on the bad days :( :( :(


It will get better but it takes a long LONG time.


Hang in there Minnie  :thumbsup:

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Thanks Birdman!  I'm going to try these.  I found one where you hold your hands over your ears and snap your fingers about 30 times.  It does lower it, but it doesn't make it go away completely.
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Hi Birdie, I am new to this thread and have had screaming tinnitus for 20 months since taper began, I have a few questions about the modulation exercises. Neither the forehead pressing or jaw extension increases the T. Should I do it anyway? And is there instant relief or does it take many times to feel relief?


Thanks for helping all of us "screaming Mimi's" out!




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Hi Birdie.....I hope your ears are doing much better......mine sure are...


After doing the exercises faithfully.....about a 1000x a day.....lol.....aside from a few side affects such as...some good some not...


A dislocated jaw

My eyes are larger that is a plus

My jowels have all but disappeared... a plus

My eyebrows appear higher


I have been caught a few times, I think it has scared a few people and maybe a few wanted to call 911 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:....


So thanks again Birdie....T is one of the worst..... :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  :smitten:...m...


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12 months off Xanex: I still have very mild tinnitus, but nothing like what drove me to this board a year ago. I don't notice it at all in the day, and usually do not even at night when it is silent all around. It gets a bit louder if I am sick or exhausted, but I can live with it. At this point, I am unsure whether the little bit of ringing I get is related to the benzo use, or just from some damage to my hearing over my lifetime.
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Hi Nosogleeful.....I am so happy for you that it is easier to live with now.... it is one of the worst s/x IMO....


Sounds like you are doing well.... :thumbsup:..


Tweet Tweet where are you Birdie, probably enjoying the quiet... :thumbsup:..m...

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Hi Birdie.....I hope your ears are doing much better......mine sure are...


After doing the exercises faithfully.....about a 1000x a day.....lol.....aside from a few side affects such as...some good some not...


A dislocated jaw

My eyes are larger that is a plus

My jowels have all but disappeared... a plus

My eyebrows appear higher

I have been caught a few times, I think it has scared a few people and maybe a few wanted to call 911 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:....


So thanks again Birdie....T is one of the worst..... :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  :smitten:...m...


:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:


Minn, that's funny  :laugh: :laugh:


Yes it really does help.  I had my lowest T so far because of the modulation exercises  :D :D


Yes it really works.  I hope people catch on if they want help.


After another 3 months of modulation exercises I figure we will both look like John Wayne  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



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Birdie..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:...any ideas for the voice change and the walk?????...might as well go the whole way.......I am happy for us both......I am surprised more people are not trying this :idiot: :idiot: :idiot:.....well maybe they are.....because it does help...of course after us revealing the SIDE AFFECTS......they may have been scared off :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:...m :smitten:..
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Birdie..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:...any ideas for the voice change and the walk?????...might as well go the whole way.......I am happy for us both......I am surprised more people are not trying this :idiot: :idiot: :idiot:.....well maybe they are.....because it does help...of course after us revealing the SIDE AFFECTS......they may have been scared off :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:...m :smitten:..


Being John Wayne is easy.  For the voice 200 more hours of T modulation ;)


For the walk just put a few nails in my shoe  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Now that's swagger  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Birdie......you crack me up.......... :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: ...I have a pic for you I just need to practice how to move it here..... :idiot:.....stay tuned....m... :smitten:
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He has us beat..... :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:....he has no t for sure.... :2funny: :2funny:


...m... :smitten:

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Well I need to practice more :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:.....I thought w/d was exhausting....I was up all night working on photo share :laugh:.....look where it got me laughing at a bunch of letters.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:....back to try again.. :brickwall:...m... :smitten:
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Hi Birdie, I am new to this thread and have had screaming tinnitus for 20 months since taper began, I have a few questions about the modulation exercises. Neither the forehead pressing or jaw extension increases the T. Should I do it anyway? And is there instant relief or does it take many times to feel relief?


Thanks for helping all of us "screaming Mimi's" out!


I do not think it works for the lower levels of T like yours.  If you can't modulate your T then there is no point.


I hope you feel better soon helpful  :smitten:

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Well I need to practice more :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:.....I thought w/d was exhausting....I was up all night working on photo share :laugh:.....look where it got me laughing at a bunch of letters.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:....back to try again.. :brickwall:...m... :smitten:



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  minn  use    www.imgur.com

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Modulation exercises is where you make the T worse and try to reset the TRIP mechanism in the brain. 


This is what I do.


The idea is to give yourself louder T by pushing your forehead hard with your hands. Your T will GET LOUD.  Hold for 20 seconds, repeat. Do it all day long (or as long as you can, you WILL get sore)


Then open your mouth as wide as you can and push your jaw out, the T SCREAMS loud,,  hold,,,,,,  repeat all day long for weeks. 


After a month the T is down a WHOLE BUNCH!


It retrains the brain to LOWER the T threshold as it's really a type of alarm for you to hear and warn you of DANGER.  The modulation exercises tell your brain to LOWER this alarm threshold.


IT WORKS!! :thumbsup:  (and it's painful)  Therapy is always painful :(


(If you can't modulate your tinnitus this will not work for you)


I've been doing modulation exercises a month now and my T is down a WHOLE BUNCH  :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:





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