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My fatigue is pretty bad lately , I am almost 5 months off and I feel like its getting worse . I feel exhausted all the time, it's bad! I feel like my body is on shut down. Anybody els?
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I'm also at 5 months. My fatigue was alot worse, almost catatonic at 3-4 months. Although it has gotten better, it is still here. The physical aspects have left somewhat, it mostly manifest mentally now (i.e. apathy/lack of motivation).


I have recently decided to go on Citalopram. SSRIs are sometimes prescribed for Chronic fatigue syndrome. I am only 2 days on it, but so far I find it is helping. I don't feel so tired.

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I'm only three months off but I can hardly move today.  The past couple of days I have been trying to push through it.  I feel like I did when I first got off, aching and all. I wonder if trying to force yourself is bad.  I just feel like I have permanent damage.  My legs will hardly hold me up.  The mornings are so bad.  I am starting to get really scared, especially hearing people at five months are still like this.



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I'm a week or so shy of 5 months, and my fatigue seemed to peak at 4 months. It's been bad all along, but for a week or 2, I felt like an old man shuffling around, could barely lift my legs, and I couldn't do anything quickly. I had to think about and psych myself up for just about any action from walking across the room to getting out of the car. I've done some half-marathons and similar physical challenges in the past, and I like the physical exhaustion that comes from that. This is/was nothing like that at all -- a terrible feeling of being unable to do things due to fatigue.


I still have it, but right now it's much better than it was even 3 weeks ago. So I have faith that it's just a temporary (and hopefully short-lived) issue.



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I do wonder sometimes if a anti depressant would help. I only took paxil a long time ago and am worried it will bring more side effects. Maybe I will talk to my dr.
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i am at 5 months and going to the toilet is HARD. it feels as though i am tired from running a marathon and not sleeping for 10 days plus a flu. my leg shakes from trying to hold my own weight.


seriously. how can we tell the difference between this fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome?  so many symptoms in common..

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I'm coming up on 6.5 months. At 5 months I was just flat-out exhausted and had been since about 4 months. I think my brain and body just kind of shut down at four months because they were worn out from four long months of dealing with benzos. They took a "break" for 6-7 weeks and about 5.5 months, or just after, my energy came back.


Now, I have too damn much energy. I want to just lay around and rest, but my mind won't let me. I'm exhausted, because I wake up 4-5-6 times a night and don't feel I'm getting any quality sleep. So, I'm kind of in a daze, but my body just wants to go, go, go.


Enjoy the fatigue while it lasts. It does end and it's replaced by a restless energy that won't let you stop.



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I can kind of relate to the wired feeling. When I was 3-5 months off it seemed like I was either tired all the time and could somewhat get some sleep or I was wired and had brutal insomnia. After a few days of not sleeping I would feel exhausted but wired at the same time. It was really frustrating however on days when I would switch from tired to energetic so I was wired but got sleep the night before I felt amazing. I miss those days. Everything kind of evened out now but I still somewhat feel lazy and unmotivated. I attribute this to the antipsychotic I'm on though.... Not benzos.
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I feel like I'm in an elevator going up or something. Like gravity has shifted on this planet and I no longer feel it normally. When these attacks come on, it's just horrible like that. My legs feel like lead, my whole body does. I got on an elevator going up the other day, and felt totally normal for about 2 seconds.
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I feel tired a lot. Sometimes it hits & I can barely stay awake but if I try to sleep I jerk awake & my body aches. I have achy muscles a lot. I take hot baths to relieve them & use icy hot to confuse my body when I feel shaky. I put lavender oil on my fan & let it blow in my room so it gives a calming feel. There have been days that I felt hit by a train & did not leave bed until 4 or 5 pm. I do brain treatments (brain optimization) & I feel much better in terms of energy when I am getting reg treatments.
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