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Starting to get really hairy


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Things are taking a turn for the worse.  I have been having worsening symptoms this past week.  I was told by a psychiatrist that I should avoid benzos because they inevitably become ineffective.  However, I was hospitalized last year at this time and they ended up putting me on both Klonopin and Temazepam.  Well, he was right.  They have been losing their effectiveness and I don't know how much of this I can handle.  I have stopped my taper, but the withdrawal symptoms are getting worse.  I presume this is due to tolerance. 


The main problem I have is poor sleep.  Poor sleep is a major trigger for me in withdrawal.  I have noticed that my hours of unconsciousness are getting fewer and I am shaking horribly with major chills.  I went to my doctor yesterday and she wasn't very helpful. She just doesn't know what to do. We discussed changing my benzodiazepines over to klonopin so I would only be on one benzo. Each day my withdrawal symptoms get worse even though I have not reduced my dosage any more. I don't have any appetite and I just feel like I want to stay in bed, wrap up in a blanket and rock myself.  I don't have anyone I can turn to with this. If I go to the ER they will just add medication.  I am already on a toxic cocktail for sleep.  I have read that if one takes anything for sleep long enough it will stop working.  I just can't relax.  The withdrawals and tolerance are getting really bad.  Should I expect this to pass? I can't even turn to a doctor, because they just want to give more medication and I know that moving up on my benzo dosages (I am already maxed on temazepam) will just make things worse in the long run. My situation is also difficult because I am wrestling with some spiritual issues and can't turn to my church.  I lean heavily on my supports and it ends up driving them away. How does one go through this alone?  I can't cut my dosages any more and it feels like I am already in tolerance to my current dose.  What in heavens name can I do? I guess I just have to sit tight.  I was doing well up until I hit this phase.



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Hi Shakey-


I am terribly sorry you are suffering so much right now. I can feel your sense of desperation. You asked a question on another section of the board to which I answered with a suggestion. Here is the link:




I know sleep is very important for any human, not just someone tapering a benzo. Some believe if they take the majority of their dose at bedtime, they will sleep better. I doesn't work, I know, I did the same thing. I have slept so much better once I equally divided my doses. I sometimes use Unisom to help me sleep if I get over-tired, but for the most part, sleep is good without any aid and I am on no other medications. When it isn't, the next day is awful. I know you are on other medications and I wouldn't suggest altering/adding anything to your existing regimen. I am sticking with my original post reply suggestion. Again, see link attached.


Are you willing to C/O to all Klonopin and then to a slow taper off? It's totally doable and with titration (whole milk & K), you will be able to taper and feel better.




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Thanks for the support.  I am willing to be proactive.  I discussed going over to completely klonopin with my doctor yesterday and she is thinking about it.  She is hesitant to do anything drastic due to the fact that I am sensitive to any med changes. I would like to take less at night if possible.  I did this last week with the temazepam dosages and I got a very short taste of 1 or 2 nights of what real sleep is. I had dreams and I awoke but I slept some real sleep.  I had to go back to my regular dosing of everything at night as per my doctors orders.  I think I should be careful of splitting my dose, but I could try it with the klonopin and see what happens.  I need to be careful because updosing is really hazardous.  It takes about three days for the effect of the changes to appear, although when I cut the temazepam to 15mg at night and 10 mg days during a trial last week, I started to have severe withdrawals.  I need to be careful.  Thanks very much for the suggestion. I will calculate an equivalent dosage to klonopin.




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I'm not suggesting up dosing, I am suggesting C/O to the equivalent of Klonopin from Temapepam. I linked the equivalencies before for you. There is no reasoning I can imagine any doctor seeing to keeping you on two different benzo's. If a C/O is done, the dosing equivalency must be adequately covered, hence the info I linked for you before.


You've already had luck tapering Klonopin down from 2mg's, I see no reason why you wouldn't be successful again.  Wishing you the best! I really do believe you can do this.

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Thanks so much! I have calculated an equivalent dosage of 1.0325 mg of K without the temazepam.  I looks more doable if I were to take this K dosage. The trick is to make the crossover.  I have just had a set back and I don't want to do the rock the doc thing.  She is cautious.  I want another taste of the 1-2 days I got some real sleep.  God bless you AND me.



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