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Anyone still get headaches at 3 months out?


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Hi to all,


I am 3 months out and still get horrible pressure band like headaches.  When do these go away?  I as assuming it  is coming from the neck area.  What is so frustrating about this WD is that sx don't ever seem to get better.I wonder when the body and brain decides it is going to heal.  Still have the abdominal muscle tightness also.  Shouldn't have ct, big mistake.  I don't understand why its so much harder this far out when you ct.  I understand how it would be harder the first month but why is it still harder this far out.


Peace and Blessings


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I'm just at the three month point and honestly my headaches have gotten worse the last few weeks.  I also get what feels like a combination of a "head rush" and something close to being dizzy.  I seems to be getting a little better.  I agree the WD is so frustrating and I wish the brain could get on with healing faster.  I'm just trying to remember what I read about side effects being part of the healing process and when one process heals, new side affects associated with another process may show up.  We will get there.
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