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im starting to think lorazepam is going paradoxical on me


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I feel bad all the time, but everytime Itake them I seem to feel worse. I can't tell cause everything is so bad


Its almost like my 02 dropps to every time I take it and m head feels weird

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It happens to me almost everyday. This has only been since I went on valium and got below 1 mg. It does differ in intensity everyday but it is always there. Catch 22. I get sick if I do not take it, I get sick if I do. I held my last cut for 6 weeks and it was easier to handle as I was feeling better. It usually only happens to me at night. This morning I took my am dose and don't feel so great. I cut my dose yesterday but it would be a bit soon to feel it. I hope you are feeling better.



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Thanks CC, me too as Iam very ill besides the stuff Ityped

I can't even respond right anymore. Idk what it is.. its like a constant bed-ridden anxiety + feeling ill


Its unbeleievable.. I've lost myself




It looks like you're doing a very wise taper, good going :)

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I don't remember at what point in my taper it started, but it's been awhile since I noticed that about an hour after my dose, I broke into a sweat, my heart started racing, etc.


Around the same time, I began to see that I felt markedly better about 24 hours after a cut, then progressively worse until I cut again.


This situation sucks, but I'm convinced that some of us can indeed taper too slowly. It seems to me that, especially if you're paradoxical, there's no choice but to taper as rapidly as you can tolerate. Lesser of two evils….


Note: I'm tapering fast by some BB standards, but I'm tapering on the slow side of Ashton (half a milligram a week). Whenever I have doubts about going too fast, I look at the Ashton protocol to remind myself how reasonable I'm being.  ;)

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