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Strange side or w/d effects


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Has anyone dealt with the following.  Been on klonopin for 1.5mg since May '13.  Started titration October 18, 2013.  Even before the titration, I have the following symptoms that i never had before being on Klonopin:


1) Difficulty having long conversations (ie. work, etc.) - get out of breath and/or dizzy while speaking


2) Seem to have some kind of "motion sickness" or vertigo like symptoms.  If I am at home or at work, walking around...no problem whatsoever.  When I take a car ride for anything more than a trip down the street I get dizzy a ittle nauseated and feel shaky when I arrive at my destination.  It tends to wear off about 30-45 minutes after being out of the vehicle.  It's not so bad that it makes me physically sick or unable to drive.  But there's almost a "dissociative" feeling while moving in the car that leads to this.  Almost like focusing between short and long distance while moving causes it.  While the same behavior if I am not in a moving vehicle is no problem ((ie. its not a vision problem; had eyes checked and have the appropriate presciptions- very slight vsion loss)


3) Tingling in hands that causes increased effort/difficulty typing than what I am used to.  I run a financial software company so you can image that this one is a little bit of an annoyance!  Lol


Anybody share any of these.  Thanks.  Hope everyone here in the US had a great Thanksgiving.  I know I am thankful for all my BB's and the help and encouragement I've received from being part of this community.  I'm early in my titration (currently at 88% or original dosage) but am totally focused on getting to that wonderful place next year where i can be benzo free!!!!  Thanks for anyone's reply in advance.

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Yes I have had those symptoms, especially having difficulty with conversations, difficulty breathing and dizziness to a degree that it hurt to do so. The rest you mentioned was to a lessor degree but still troublesome. So many symptoms to deal with but they can be managed.

Your doing good, just remember they are symptoms and just that, they do go away... some faster that others. Stay away from stressful situations as much as you can as stress can rev up your symptoms. Blessings!

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