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Tricked into using benzo's 1 year after recovery


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Hello all, I don't want to scare you, but as of one year ago I became healed from Benzo's best feeling ever, then recently I went to se a chiropractor, who messed with my C-1 Atlas Vertabrae she told me that I was terribly out of aligment and put me back together, after I left I began to have some really bad side effects, such as hyper tension, pain and anxiety, I went back to her she tried again and it felt much better, I went home and resumed to my usual routine, then the symptoms came back with a vengence, I was a mess...I ended up going back she told me the same thing and tried to put my atlas back to normal, I knew right away that it did not work and went home, the next day I went to the ER the blood pressure was so high I could barely stand it, they told me they thought I was having a migraine I wanted them to xray me...they told me they were going to give me a IV drip I said whats in it, I said I absolutely refuse benzo's NO BENZO'S for me at all they hurt me bad, they said no we don't use benzo's for migraines, I got the drip didn't want to but I got it I was in alot of pain so it was the only option at the time, I went home after the drip felt mild and then paced the floor all night worried about having a stroke, I was a mess the next day..I ended up fially sleeping that night but was shaking like a leaf...2 days later I went back to the ER they gave me muscle relaxers, the muscle relaxers were my last resort, I told the doctor NO benzos! I took one to sleep that night and feel alseep pretty good the next day I didn't take any I refused to keep dosing, I ended up taking one more before bed that night just to sleep... today I feel weird I looked up my medication apparently it's a benzo I'm so incredibly angry!!!! I don't want to go thru this again I only took 2 doses!...Now I don't know what is worse my anxiety or my neck injury. I'm scared I will go back into withdrawal, I'm wondering if anyone out there has ever healed from Benzo's and then ended up taking dose or 2, what was the out come was it like before or was it a short experience? 'm so incredibly angry!
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Hi QuantumBunny,

I think it's very unlikely you'll have too much trouble with such a tiny amount.

Probably best to just not take any more of it and weather the storm!

Try not to stress over it, as that could cause you more trouble than that benzo its self.

Hope you fully recover soon!


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Thank you Surprised, I was in such a good place of healing and happiness until this now I feel like I have started all over again, and my spinal issues are now a concern, I have decided to visit a NUCCA chiropactic hospital, they are the best at dealing with neck injuries I just hope they fix this for me so I can try and move on with my life, I think I have some pinched nerves now from C-1 being out of aligment. Either way I have to try and deal with this as positivly as I can manage.
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I know all about neck issues, unfortunately!

I would focus on that ..... and put the benzo fear behind you.


Wishing you well ...


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Hi, Yes, I know that one.

I gave myself a bit of a setback after a QLD trip a couple of months back, and we drank almost every day for 2 weeks!

I felt completely recovered before it, but it did cost me about another 6 weeks of anxiety spells when I woke up afterwards.

Still, a course of about 2 weeks on ginkgo Biloba and time got rid of that again, and I'm back to where I was before QLD now.

I think 6 to 8 weeks should be about as much as it'll cost you, and perhaps ginkgo would help you smash it faster.

Good luck!

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