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THE STERNUM! Anyone else?


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At a year now.  Not the first time I have posted about this.  I keep putting it out there fishing for different responses. 


I would not describe it a painful.  It is a just a almost constant feeling of something swelling in the center of my chest just below my sternum.  Sometimes it makes an audible click.  I swear my liver, spleen or pancreas is swollen.  It not the tight band feeling after c/t that most report having, just a dull awareness.  It even looks like my cartilage is inflamed.


Thanks, wornout

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How do I get my post back to the main page?

This is the main board for support for people who are no longer taking benzos now.  Colin has broken the old board into two new boards.


Colin is in the process of reorganizing the board right now.  There is a thread in Feedack where they are discussing this:






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I have this exact same thing and just saw a GI doc about it.  I even get the pop just over the sternum and one of my main symptoms is a knot or swelling just under the sternum almost as if a baseball or small baloon is there.  The doc said it is likely a form of spasm from the benxo use coupled with the generic beno belly people speak about.  As for the popping, in my case I think i get tense and i try and stretch and move that area, it gets inflammed and that popping is a tendon or muscle sliding off that little hook on the bottom although sometimes i can feel it up some too,
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I had lots of sternum pain early in withdrawal. It comes back lightly now and then for a day or two. I've talked quite a bit about this with another member Drugfree2K who has struggled with this quite a bit the whole time. I think they are nearly a year off benzos.
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Hmmm, not sure if this related but I had an Xray done of my shoulder (during tapering/withdrawal) and they discovered my chest had a ton of inflammation. It kind of gave me releif as my chest was always bothering me. No explanation was ever given for the swelling ??.


No clicking here though although I do get this frozen tight swore feeling in the sternum sometimes.. It can be painful and last for a couple days.




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I used to have feel something like that when I was in high periods of stress. In my case was gastroesophageal reflux, meaning that the gastric acid was getting in my esophagus and creating a sort of wound / erosion. For a while I treated with anti-acids, but this does not work in long term. I resolved the problem by managing the stress better (that’s not so easy for a benzo convalescent) and decreasing the gastric acid secretion naturally taking apple vinegar and lemon juice.

Apple vinegar – one tea spoon in a glass of water two – three times per day

Lemon juice – squeeze a lemon in a big cup of water (300-400 ml) and drink it on an empty stomach. I do this every morning.

Check first with a gastroenterologist anyway for any gastric ulcer.

Another possibility is hiatal hernia – the sphincter between your stomach and esophagus stays always open and the gastric acid climbs up and burns.

Note: Take this as my personal experience. As I said before checking with a gastroenterologist it should be useful.


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