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Sorry for bothering you all


I am having crying spells now I had a few yesterday and two so far. 


I fall sleep for 1 hour and wake up in a sever fear.  the fear goes away in 10 min then I fall sleep for 30 min.

then fear hits me again and chest pain then I wake up.


Holly crap this is unbearable.  3 WEEKS USE IS KILLING ME


I have fear of loosing my job, my house and becoming a mental case. 


I am completely out of it today.  I would think after 30 days I would make some progress.  I am even surprised that I am

realizing that I am out of it.  Today I have no hope or feeling towards anything.  it seems I am getting worse with mental

functioning as some of the physical symptoms easing up. 


I can not sit, stand, walk or lay down to relax.  oohya this is a wildest ride of my life ever.  :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:


Its like getting hit by a truck mentally




Muscle spasms, burning skin, vomiting, diarrhea, Dizziness, 


Things I can do


I can drive, put puzzles together, watch movies and laugh sometimes, I can do math,


I do not know what this is I am going through HOW CAN I go through this not knowing that I may not be better in 1 year. 


I got to go work soon and I have only limited time off to get paid.  Suffering Horribly. 


I never had any diarrhea, vomiting, twitching, spasms, burning skin, vertigo, dizziness, vision problems, No breathing issues,

ringing in the ears to a very small degree. 


I had bad stomach problem, force feed myself, head ache, flu like symptoms, pain in my shins and legs.  Burning muscle pain. 

restlessness. chest burning, sever insomnia, I am only getting 4 hours sleep.  this is still horror for me.  HOLY GOD SAVE ME PLEASE


Anxiety, and depression with crying spells are there fore sure.  Dry mouth and frequent urination is there but not as bad as day one.

Sometimes mornings are the worse and sometimes nights.


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Hang in there, USA.  This will get better, Benzo withdrawal is an awful thing to go through, try your best to distract from the symptoms


I am sorry your suffering so much after short use, you will recover from this I promise you, its just a matter of time


Magrita :smitten:

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Hang in there, USA.  This will get better, Benzo withdrawal is an awful thing to go through, try your best to distract from the symptoms


I am sorry your suffering so much after short use, you will recover from this I promise you, its just a matter of time


Magrita :smitten:


If I could a get dollar for every time I hear this may be I could just buy me a new brain and replace it with mine. 

thanks for the reassurance. 

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Things I can do


I can drive, put puzzles together, watch movies and laugh sometimes, I can do math,




For one month off this is actually very impressive. I couldn't really do any of that stuff at one months off, hell I'm having trouble driving and laughing today. Your recovery should be a short one I bet  :thumbsup:

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I have been going through the hardest 2 weeks of my life i think. but i know we will get much better,

and you are a month after, I'm actually  jealous of you i wish i was in 1 month :)  .

i recommend to you reading "what is happening in my brain " post and success stories it help a lot! 


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I have read billions of things.  Nothing helps anymore.  Panic attacks are rare but I had one two nights ago with a bad dream.


Holy crap I hate both days and nights.  I am loosing my mind I can not sleep, I can not sit,  I am desperately reading and reading


and nothing helps anymore. 

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Hang in there, it is difficult but your doing good for one month. If your able to drive, watch tv, your doing better then I was at one month off. Stay strong it will get better.
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I'm sorry your having such a hard time.


Please take this or leave it.  I, too, am wondering if you suffered from panic attacks pre-K.  There is certainly no shame in that!  Many on BB began using benzodiazepine for the same reason.


I only ask because you may get enough relief be calling someone and talking about your symptoms.  There are many compassionate people available 24-7 to help provide coping skills.


You've probably figured out that discontinuing benzodiazepine often make the original reason for which they were prescribed worse...for awhile.  The brain heals.  Hopefully you have a support system at home that can direct you to some great help if you suffer from panic attacks.  There is great treatments out there where you can see rapid reduction in panic attacks.


Please keep us posted.  We are here to help.


Hang in there.

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USA.....Did you have thses symptoms before the Benzos?



No not really it started after my 5th dose of Klonopin may be .5 mg.  By week two I was only taking .25 mg as needed. 

I felt I was sinking into the sofa and I was sitting on the ground through the sofa. that's mid week 2 and I stopped

I was feeling sick on Klonopin.  I took it for some heart palpitations never had any panic attacks or anxiety all my life.  Never

took any meds other than Antibiotic. 

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Sometimes I think it must be harder for people who never dealt with anxiety to have it dropped on them in withdrawal this way. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


I never had panic attacks, either, but I did have anxiety. In withdrawal, I've had what I would describe as physical panic attacks (heart pounding/racing, sweating, shaking, etc.). I understand why people end up in emergency rooms with these. Yeesh. 


It can be a full-time job dismissing these lies benzo withdrawal tells us, and it's freaking exhausting.


I do think it will pass for you relatively quickly, given the short time you took benzos. It will feel like eternity while you're in the thick of it, though, and I'm sorry for everyone going through it.


It's all so unnecessary….



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You need to get some help.  You're PM's are very combative.  The way you've described your symptoms to me, I'm very concerned about you driving.  Needless to say, there are innocent humans who could be seriously harmed if you are on the road.



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Sometimes I think it must be harder for people who never dealt with anxiety to have it dropped on them in withdrawal this way. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


I never had panic attacks, either, but I did have anxiety. In withdrawal, I've had what I would describe as physical panic attacks (heart pounding/racing, sweating, shaking, etc.). I understand why people end up in emergency rooms with these. Yeesh. 


It can be a full-time job dismissing these lies benzo withdrawal tells us, and it's freaking exhausting.


I do think it will pass for you relatively quickly, given the short time you took benzos. It will feel like eternity while you're in the thick of it, though, and I'm sorry for everyone going through it.


It's all so unnecessary….



thanks a lot for reassuring me. 

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