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symptoms within an hour of getting out of bed...


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Good morning


ive been noticing a pattern with me for quite a long time and just trying to make sense of it ..


Fortunately, my sleep and even the times i wake up at night are pretty peaceful.  because i sleep in the basement since its dark quiet and cool, i can wake up and still lie in the dark even though the sun is up.  i notice that once i get going into the light and start moving around that head symptoms set in pretty quickly.  i get kind of a helium headed feeling thats not a true lightheadedness.  i also notice my breathing gets a bit tight as my once relaxed muscles have now seemed to tighten up.


My thinking is that my brain has went from a dark and calm state and now shocked into the bright active world and responds by firing off all sorts of goodie sxs.  i notice that these peak by mid afternoon and then wane again into evening. 


of course im the kind of person who needs to know WHY about it all so just wondering your opinions please?




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In the benzo world cortisol levels are generally higher in the earlier part of the day. This is the reason many buddies have rough mornings that often get better as the day progresses. Some people have used Vitamin C to counter this. You will need to check out the Alternative Med section for doses.


Hope this helps.

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No doubt...very over-stimulating to a sensitive nervous system plus higher cortisol levels. Throw a little dp/dr into the mix, and Walmart or similar situations quickly overload us.
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Makes sense .. Feels like my brain is tingling all over and not in a good way.  have to close my eyes or go somewhere dark for it to subside.
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