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Depersonalization, comforting info


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I set out to find a Benzo wise doctor on Benzodocs.com and was pointed to the following website.


Reading this information comforts me as it describes what I'm going through and is directly from a doctor.



"Potential Symptoms of Long-term Use


The longer you use tranquilizers and sleeping pills the more anxious you become. In the beginning the help you relax and fall asleep. But after a few months they have the opposite effect.(1)


One of the most disturbing symptoms of long-term benzodiazepine use is depersonalization. It means not feeling quite real. It's impossible to describe unless you've experienced it, but tranquilizer patients often say things like "I don't feel quite real," or "my arms don't feel connected to my body," or "when I'm in a group of people I somehow feel outside of myself." All bizarre descriptions that mean the person is experiencing depersonalization.


Depersonalization is usually worse during post-acute withdrawal. I have known patients who thought they were going crazy because they had depersonalization, when in fact they were experiencing typical tranquilizer withdrawal. The depersonalization will go away eventually, but it can take many months.


And here I feel like I'm going nuts. I knew I had depersonalization but I feared it was more than that.



Here is the link to the info with other good info:





It helped me so I thought I'd share.






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