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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  I am having horrible phobias.  Afraid of everything.  Having horrible thoughts.  Mind racing all day, won't stop.  Has anyone else had these symptoms?  How long does it last?  Will I ever get better? Thank You!! 
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Happy thanksgiving to you too.


Yes, I have the FEELING of fear, but it's not caused by anything externally.  I have it nonstop, day after day , month after month.  It gets better at night. I used to have a weekly window; not anymore. 


Hopefully, everyone reading this will have a better Thanksgiving next year.

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I think everyone's fears and phobias are different.  I think what you used to worry about pre benzo or what your worries are now just get magnified.  I'm not afraid of bugs or anything, but have fear about money issues, since I'm now on disability and have low income.
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I am afraid of everything.  I am afraid to drive.  I am afraid that someone can hurt me.  I am afraid to go out of my house.  This just started about 3 weeks ago.  I am getting worse everyday.  I have never had this before.  I have always been a worrier, but never had phobias.  I have been crying for the past 2 days.  Do you have anything like this?  Am I going crazy?  Is this from the Benzos?  Thank you for your support.
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Mainly social phobia. Earlier in withdrawal, I became afraid of even going downstairs and being around my parents. Lost all my social skills, couldn't open my mouth.


Also developed OCD. They came in obtrusive thoughts, mainly in the form of fears of being or becoming gay. Took me by surprise, they developed the day I ct'd off of benzos for the first time. I told a psychiatrist about it, and he gave me the whole 'well sometimes we may find other people attractive' talk. I was 22 years old' he was patronizing me like I was a ten year old in sex ed for the first time. After doing research, I later found out it was called HOCD (homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder). At 5 months, they've mostly died down, but pop up occassionally.


I've heard other people have had intrusive thoughts about pedophilia or violence. I never had distressing thoughts of this nature until stopping benzos.

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It is normal in an otherwise abnormal time. These drugs are extremely powerful. They leave so many issues in their wake, for us to deal with.

      When I was tapering , my mind would fixate on a problem and nothing I could do would shift those thoughts! Then all of a sudden , it would lift, sort of let go!

      This will get better, it is part of what is normal for benzo w/d. Agoraphobia is very much apart of w/ds. It's probably not good to drive the car when things are really bad .

      Sending u big hugs.        Pinkee

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Is it normal to be so paranoid.  Maybe it is more of being paranoid than a phobia.  I am always thinking that someone is going to hurt me?  Can you tell me if this is normal or if I am losing it?  Thank you!
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Yes, I am sure it is all part of w/ds. I have had the most bizarre s/s. Paranoia..... Absolutely! Really, Sonria, u will get better. I know it's scary and at times unbearable, but u will come thru! Just don't give up!            xxoo Pinkee
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Just keep telling yourself it's from the w/d and not your true self having these fears.  If you keep reminding yourself, you don't have to think it's you.  It'll fade in time.
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It is WD. I used to think my house was going to get robbed. I walked around with my phone all the time in case I had to call for help. I could not go outside. I could only watch tv if it were comedies and even then if the characters had a major problem I would get anxious about it. I was afraid that i would just drop from a heart attack. Massively afraid of ALL doctors. And slowly the fears lightened up. This happened to me in a too fast taper. And it never happened ever before.


Whatever slight concern I had would because huge fear to me during that time. Everyday you should feel a little less afraid. When you start noticing you will feel calmer and one day it will be gone. At least this is what happened to me when my dose crapped out and I ended up in WD.

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So you are still on the Benzos?  What month did you start to feel better?  I am feeling worse everyday.  It started about 3 weeks ago.  I don't know if it is me or the Benzos.  I think the steroid injection made it worse.  Not sure though.  Suppose to have another one.  I don't want to though. 
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Yes it happened to me while on the benzo, I was tolerant to the dose and went into withdrawal. I can't tell you how long, but if you look at the severity of the fears each week and notice the fears being less severe (or your less traumatized) than the week before you know it is fading. It seems like it won't but then it surprises you and fades.


If you didn't have the fear and the severity of it during benzo or before the benzos, especially the severity of the fears, then you know it is withdrawal causing the problem.


Because I am still tapering I am trying to prepare for those symptoms, I asked my family members to remind me that it is withdrawal, because when you are feeling the fear you doubt that it is WD and think it is you, which it is not you. I thought it was me and that this was it, even when family member told me it was withdrawal, I was so afraid, I was scared that it was not WD but me and I had a hard time believing them. 


I can't tell you anything about the injection, because you are off the benzos other than your central nervous system is sensitive because of coming off of benzos and it might be affected. I had an operation (way before tapering) and they must have given me a lot of benzo in the iv(actually the surgery was 4 hours late and they gave me more drugs in the iv), because I came home and went to sleep and woke up freaking out, my doctor had me double my Klonopin and I was freaking out with these symptoms for days, I brought my dosage back down and rode it out. Because of my latest WD, I now know why I freaked after the surgery, It felt almost the same, the symptoms after my surgery was not as severe as the WD when the Klonopin crapped out.


But it was the same type of symptoms, the extreme fear and any slightest problem became terrifying to me.



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