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horrible headache anyone at 3 months+


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Hi to all,


This past weekend I reaches 3 months out and I thought

things would be better.  Horrible headache today and chest pain and pressure.  Anyone else at 3 months plus experience the same thing?



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Yeah love,Ive had horrible (not headaches) but a nasty tight feeling round my whole head and mainly my forehead and between my eyes any my nose.Ive always had sinus type bother since I was 18 but this tightness is 10 times worse since starting withdrawal almost 8 months ago and I never really had it round the back of my head and on the top before.Its really horrible.Feels like my head's in a vice or something.I wonder if anyone else on here has had anything like I describe...All we can do really is try'n manage it and Im sure it'll get better towards the end of this WD carry-on...

I also really think head bother etc. during Benzo Wd is a lot to do with us tensing up all the time,especially our neck muscles which cuts off blood and causes headaches etc.We do this tensing even without thinking about it in withdrawal.I do it all the time and ive tried to stop it.Its impossible.

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Red or Blue,


Your headaches are exactly like mine.  Like someone is trying to squeeze my brains out.  I have to keep telling myself that it means I am healing.  So hard to believe this is occurring 3 months out.  If I had been addicted to heroin and quit 3 months ago I probably would be totally healed by now.  What  was in those pills any way?  Poison? 


Hope your headaches go away and stay away.


peace and blessings


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Snufi 4 the nice words.I hope my head bother goes away too lol.I think that when (Or if) the head bother,tightness etc clears up,that'll signal the end of my withdrawal because it really feels like this is the most tenacious and lasting symptom.Im not saying my other symptoms are not  bad but I just think this whole head thing has been there from the very beginning,day one up to now.A lot of other ones have came or went or are new etc. but it just feels like my head is ALWAYS either tight,sore or my sinuses will feel tight or something...If anyone reads this and has had this bother while in withdrawal and it cleared up when they got better,i'd love to hear your story.Anyway Snufi I really wish u the best with your whole W'dl.Let me know if your head gets any better.Peace,Will. :)
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