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Another odd question...yep, you know me!!


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Yeah, I know that I am full of really odd questions.


So, here is today's odd question.


If we could sleep at least 16 hours a day, would we heal faster?


Does sleep help our gaba repair itself?


You know, only wake up to eat, take care of our bathroom business, drink water, and a few minor chores. Maybe a short walk. Oh, and a shower!!


Or, would we be doing ourselves more harm?


Just curious. Yep, one day curiosity is gonna get this cat killed. 🐱


Denise  :smitten:

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I think we sleep as much as we need to. I think that other variables are involved in recovering, such as eating healthy, having regular contact with the "outside world" such as walking, going to the grocery store, etc., and encountering stressful situations and learning how to deal with them. Yes, our brain has to heal, but sleep is just part of the equation. Getting the brain to work again is the other part...


It would be nice to sleep our way to recovery, but I just don't think we're gonna get off that easy!

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Muscles need to be used in order to stay healthy, so, no, I don't thinking sleeping all the time would be good. However, 16 hours a day would be fine with me.
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I'm with Tex on this one. Brain recovery programs heavily involve getting people OUT OF BED and moving around, and having human contact and doing puzzles or games and doing tasks that they see to completion. Sorry...the Sleeping Beauty thing does not win the prize in this case. (Darn).


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I'm with NewMoon though I think tossing in a nap is always helpful if you are doing all the other stuff. Or maybe not a nap but aiming to sleep a little longer at night. Meditation though, has benefits of sleep and other benefits as well.
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Getting enough sleep is good, but too much is bad.  I think teaching ourselves while we're awake to deal with this w/d and overcome it is what heals us.  I'm always trying to figure out what to do to heal.
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This is interesting to think about.  I wonder what a study would show on this?  I would participate in it!


I find sleep so healing, when I can get the good sleep.


My favourite is when Im reading at night and I get that SUPER natural better than any drug induced sleepiness, where it becomes TOP priority that I SLEEP.  I also get it when Im watching a movie at night sometimes.  Man I love that.  This just started happening to me this month.  When I'm on the couch watching a movie and am starting to doze off, if I get up and move to my bed the tiredness disappears and I'm like, why is this feeling so fleeting.  Sorry for rambling but it truly is the little things like this that I woulda never noticed in my benzo'd out fogginess.

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I wish I could sleep more than 6 to 7 hrs. I had a specialist tell me I need more sleep for my body to heal, not just referringto wd sx. 8 to 10 would do the job.  I'm sure someone know the medical answer
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this last week i've needed to sleep all day. i usually make myself get up around 1pm and eat, go for a short walk but i simply couldn't this week so i allowed myself to sleep, rest all day. i really needed it. i finally woke up feeling a little better tonight. i don't sleep during the night still and usually am wide awake from 4am to 9 pm so i am guessing that my circadian rhythum's are way off. i noticed my brain feeling a little better and a little more calm after really good deep sleep although haven't slept deeply since i c/t'd.
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I think it is very possible that additional sleep can help us heal. I try to listen to my body. If it says I need 10 hours of sleep I try to sleep 10 hours and I always feel better when I don't fight it.
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I say if you feel the need to sleep then do it. There is no one size fits all, I wish I could sleep 16 hours a day right now! I sit around a lot but I don't sweat it right now. Exercising makes me feel worse right now. I do what I can and some days lots more, just depends.
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According to Dr Stasha Gominak, our body only repairs during REM and slow wave sleep because our body can't move.



I can wake up a few hours early and feel absolutely horrible, but if I can get back to sleep and get to the stage where I am having vivid dreams (which I assume is REM sleep) I can wake up a few hours later feeling AMAZING. I don't know exactly how this all works but there is absolutely a link between the kind of sleep we get and at least how we feel short term, and I am guessing it probably has an effect on overall healing as well.

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Yeah, I know that I am full of really odd questions.


So, here is today's odd question.


If we could sleep at least 16 hours a day, would we heal faster?


Does sleep help our gaba repair itself?


You know, only wake up to eat, take care of our bathroom business, drink water, and a few minor chores. Maybe a short walk. Oh, and a shower!!


Or, would we be doing ourselves more harm?


Just curious. Yep, one day curiosity is gonna get this cat killed.


Denise  :smitten:



If sleep would help me in my recovery, then put me in a chemically induced coma for about six months....Benzogirl

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Yeah, I know that I am full of really odd questions.


So, here is today's odd question.


If we could sleep at least 16 hours a day, would we heal faster?


Does sleep help our gaba repair itself?


You know, only wake up to eat, take care of our bathroom business, drink water, and a few minor chores. Maybe a short walk. Oh, and a shower!!


Or, would we be doing ourselves more harm?


Just curious. Yep, one day curiosity is gonna get this cat killed.


Denise  :smitten:



If sleep would help me in my recovery, then put me in a chemically induced coma for about six months....Benzogirl


Amen, Sister!!


Denise  :smitten:

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the only time i feel a healing has happened is after dreaming. ont even after deep sleep, well, i don't think i've had any real deep sleep for over 20 months now. nope, sure haven't. so yes, after REM time is when i feel it most. and if it's a good dream and i remember it, even better. this morning i woke up to having a black and blue eye. my left eye gets a real beating from my brain. i took photos of it to have proof that my own brain beat up my left eye during sleep. :o
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ouch, I remember having that, but it was from eating the american carbivore diet.

Once I went lowcarb, I never woke up feeling like that.




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Yes, adequate sleep will help us heal. When we sleep the brain takes care of all the dirty work of organizing and rearranging connections and deciding which information to keep or throw out. It essentially puts everything in order. It empties the trash, deletes the cookies, defragmentation and clicks "ok to restart". I always loved sleeping during my taper. When I was dreaming, it was always very real and always about sex. It was my escape from hell. Even if we don't heal faster, I recommend sleeping as much as you can just so you can have a break from the suffering! Now that I'm well into acute and having been off for 2 months, I dread sleeping. I keep getting jerked awake (hypnic jerks?). I love being asleep, but falling asleep is terrifying.
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