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Well, I've been on ADHD meds for a while and lost my bottle somewhere in the midst of my cog-fog.  Interestingly, while stimulants are generally a no-no for benzo withdrawers, I know some of us are on them for ADD and other reasons. 


Going without those meds today caused really bad mental symptoms....sobbing, complete fear, a feeling of total dependency on my husband, suicide ideation and severe anxiety.  That seems so crazy because these meds would seemingly rev up such symptoms, but apparently for me, they help tone them down.  I'm in bed now, feeling terrible.  Wanting to sleep but afraid.  Feeling very unsettled.  I can get more meds tomorrow.


My mother in law is dying and it is causing a lot of grief, and so some of what is going on could also be grieving (the sobbing) and fear of losing my husband because I've seen two women close to me who sank into terrible depressions when their husbands passed.  I'm just feeling very uneasy, unsettled right now.


Strangely, I cannot drink much coffee anymore, so this stimulant effect is very noticeable to me, but I've heard my people with ADD, myself included, say that the prescription meds actually calm us down.  For some, it calms them down so much they feel like a zombie so go off the drug.  If I take as prescribed, or less than prescribed, I feel much better.  Taking too much WILL cause anxiety so the proper dosage is important.


Anyway, today sucked.

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Oh that's not good mama! I am sorry to hear that. U are in a good spot...in. Bed safe and warm.

Don't forget to breathe . Yes u would be grieving I think. U have had a huge week. I don't know anything about those meds u are on. Losing them is frustrating to say the least!

            As I said , don't forget to breathe. Don't look around corners. Try to stay in the day. If u don't u will see doom and gloom... Hey.

        Ok I am sending u one of my special hugs. It's a warm and gentle hug.      Pinkee xx

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