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So tired of this


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I've brought this up quite a bit recently but I am at my wits end. As you know I reinstated last Friday. Though I have made improvements I still have some nagging and at times terrible lingering symptoms. I reinstated at .5mg of Clonazepam 3x daily and I still have depersonalization, my nervous system still feels very sensitive, and I don't even really feel the pill kick in. I just am able to do more around the house and get out more. What I AM wondering is if any other medications,  (Cogentin, Risperdal), and the L-Theanine I have been taking along with it is preventing me from stabilizing. I don't even see my doc again for three months. They say the only thing that helps wd symptoms ARE BENZOS so why am I not feeling the effects of it? I used to be able to wait a couple hours after waking up to take my first dose but now I have to take it immediately. Is this considered a failed reinstatement? Am I screwed? What can I do. Should I find another doctor and tell them about it? But most importantly my question is can I hinder the stabilization process with my other meds, my diet, and the L-Theanine. Is 7 days too early too call it a failed reinstatement. I should have known better. I really hate myself now.
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When a person had done a number of c/t's or tapers, going back on often does not work very well for them. Some sx may be relieved but others remain. The body and brain just don't respond to the drugs the way they used to.


This is why a sensible taper and not reinstating give a person the best chance of being benzo-free. I have been tempted many times to take a rescue dose but each time I told myself that it wouldn't help and was not the answer. That has kept me benzo-free thus far. I did take a rescue dose during my taper and it didn't work. My brain had already changed and didn't work the same way.


Perhaps others who have reinstated can give you some good advice. I don't remember why you went back on?

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Fruss333 has made good points!



I took Clonazepam for nearly 10 years, it's such a nasty drug  >:(


I hope you find the strength to do a slow taper.



Feel better,





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When I reinstated on Clonazepam it took about a week before i could feel any improvement. I still had withdrawal symptoms and my Doctor informed me that I would have to increase my dosage by 1 mg a day to try to get rid of them . I did not want to do that, so i lived with the w/d symptoms and then switched over to valium. I have found the w/d is not  as sever as my two attempts to get off of Clonazepam.


I hope this helps.



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