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Gearing up for 1mg klonopin Titration and I really need some help.


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So after 5 plus years on klonopin I'm ready to get off this stuff!  But I'm easily confused.  Forgive my stream of consciousness post.


I've watched the 2 youtube videos on milk titration and the babyfood and know about the water titration.  One thing to take into account.  I have chronic fatigue syndrome so can only do this at night when my brain works and I have some energy.  So that could determine milk vs. water. (i think too much and have OCD, can you tell?)


I have purchased and am waiting for a 100 ml cylinder, mortar and pestle, a 150 ml beaker, I have a pipette and I'll get the syringe when I can.  I made a bid on a personal mixer on ebay but do I even need that?  Seems like only if i use water. 


I have in my head my titration plan but it takes me awhile to figure stuff out so any advice, please talk to me like i'm in first grade.  Also, i do not have and couldn't use anyway a spreadsheet so I printed out calendars for the next 6 months.


So my plan....I will take 1/2 mg tablet pm and use the 1/2 mg using titration.  I was going to do both in the PM since I take my whole mg at night.  Is that ok?  I know cutting by 2 1/2 mgs does not work!


I will use 100 ml fluid...milk? water?  Some say milk cuz the klonopin binds to the fat, some say water so you can look for chunks.  i dont know.  I want to start  and reduce the 1/2 mg by 1 ml per day.  How many days should I plan on?  I have 90 pills as of today, can I use 85 ml? 


My problems are more about the execution.  How to keep my hands from shaking.  How many cups do I need?  How do I make sure I have the right amount of solution?  Basic stuff.  The problem I have is things are not dumbed down enough for me...could be klonopin brain or other weird brain stuff.


Colin I saw that once I have everything and a set a date you can give me my taper plan.  That is fantastic.  Are there any other places I can see video?  I'm feeling really overwhelmed although intellectually, its simple and makes sense. 


Ok.  Please let me know if you need any other info to help me and I look forward to being benzo free!. 


Thanks in advance.  Jan

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Hi Guys, thanks for the quick response.  I'm not ready to fill out the form since I dont know when I'm going to get my cylinder and other stuff.  I want to know what i"m doing in getting the mixture ready before.


For some reason i'm really freaking out today, and it's exhausting.


I'm going to watch the video.  Thanks alot.  Jan

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