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went to watch Marsian movie


asked for 13 th line and 13 th place


half way through the movie/

decided /wtf... movie sucks


and left

got huge italian ice cream  :thumbsup:




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I've been having a really rotten day/week. Today my husband has been exceptionally sweet. He's listened supportively while I've talked and cried, done silly things with stuffed animals and tried to make me smile. So surprising that anyone can love this messy pile of protoplasm but there are some good eggs in the universe and he's one of them. I'm thankful for loving and being loved when I seem unlovable.
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I just saw a video on a star gazing website that is beautiful:



At 18 months out, I can say that the single best way for me to feel better has been to connect with nature and the natural world...

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I just saw a video on a star gazing website that is beautiful:



At 18 months out, I can say that the single best way for me to feel better has been to connect with nature and the natural world...


Was it EarthSkyNews?

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Yes! I just discovered it this morning and am now on their mailing list, I love it!!!! What prompted me to find them was (I now know) the beautiful crazy bright star I've been seeing in the morning when I open my shades in the morning. (It's Sirius I now know, I thought maybe it was Jupiter) I always say good morning to the stars since I'm up when they are still shinning :)
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PS. Just looked in more detail, and it seems that the bright star is indeed Jupiter. Always did like star gazing....


Check out this video also on their website:


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Sirius isn't all that crazy bright.  It's the brightest star in the night sky, but it's noticeably dimmer than Jupiter.  If it's crazy bright, I'm guessing it's Venus that you're looking at.  Venus is about 10° above Jupiter in the pre-dawn sky.  (Mars is a little above Jupiter; Mercury is also visible, but much lower in the morning sky.  Sirius will be very near the zenith (could even be nearly overhead, depending on your latitude) at dawn.


If you're a morning sky watcher, watch Mars, Jupiter and Venus during the coming weeks.  Jupiter and eventually Mars will overtake Venus; the three of them will be closely clustered in a couple of weeks.  A nice triple conjunction occurs on October 28th.


fwiw - I do the web site for my astronomy club, and post the daily positions (rising and/or setting times) of bright planets.  Info can be found here:  http://aslc-nm.org  Some of the information (e.g. bright satellites) will only be valid for the Las Cruces, NM area, but the planet/Sun/Moon stuff will be pretty valid no matter where you live.


I haven't added the October 28 conjunction to the web page yet, but it will look like this:  http://aslc-nm.org/Oct28_Triple_Conjunction.jpg

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Went for a massage today (I've not bothered for 2.5 years because I figured nothing would touch the degree of misery) and felt some relief. The pain improved and it just felt awesome to have some pleasurable physical sensations. Yay! And I had a great Skype with a dear friend. It's not all "agony, gloom, despair and sorrow." When I was younger and trying not to laugh I'd say those words over and over to sober up (especially in church)...agony, gloom...I look forward to having the problem again of laughing too easily :)
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Sirius isn't all that crazy bright.  It's the brightest star in the night sky, but it's noticeably dimmer than Jupiter.  If it's crazy bright, I'm guessing it's Venus that you're looking at.  Venus is about 10° above Jupiter in the predawn sky.  (Mars is a little above Jupiter; Mercury is also visible, but much lower in the morning sky.  Sirius will be very near the zenith (could even be nearly overhead, depending on your latitude) at dawn.


If you're a morning sky watcher, watch Mars, Jupiter and Venus during the coming weeks.  Jupiter and eventually Mars will overtake Venus; the three of them will be closely clustered in a couple of weeks.  A nice triple conjunction occurs on October 28th.


fwiw - I do the web site for my astronomy club, and post the daily positions (rising and/or setting times) of bright planets.  Info can be found here:  http://aslc-nm.org  Some of the information (e.g. bright satellites) will only be valid for the Las Cruces, NM area, but the planet/Sun/Moon stuff will be pretty valid no matter where you live.


I haven't added the October 28 conjunction to the web page yet, but it will look like this:  http://aslc-nm.org/Oct28_Triple_Conjunction.jpg


Thank you so much badsocref! Great links; sounds like a cool club you belong too. Are you far away from city lights where you live there? One of my goals for the future is to move further out to the country where of course the stars are much brighter.  The plan then is to buy a telescope. I am going to have to see if there is an astronomy club near me:)


I love the second link you gave too; it showed a picture almost of what I saw in the predawn sky this past Saturday. I had to drive a distance out to the countryside that morning, and the moon was a sickle in the sky, with the three stars shinning above it in the southeastern sky. It was magical. When I arrived at my destination the only lights were those of the moon and the stars, it was dark, but it made me feel alive...


So my "morning star" is probably Venus? I love knowing that, and having a tool to reference them now...


Thank you again, and happy star gazing. Just thinking about the universe, sometimes, helps to put things here on Earth into perspective. Especially when you begin to realize that there is a universe inside our bodies where healing is taking place.

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It's moderately light polluted where I live.  It used to be better, but that's true almost everywhere.  I can get to dark skies in 20-30 minutes and pristine skies in an hour.  I'm sure you can find a club somewhere in the wild west.  Astronomy is a fun hobby.
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I was hit with the /memory/

from my 1st CT when I posted on BB forum one thread that said something like that

dear BB please help me/ i won't make it without you ///


I got super bitter and full of hatred reply from one member having a rough taper from long use of benzos/

none of BB members told to me that the stronger your waves and if there are day long windows your healing will be within 1 year or so///

instead there were STUPID posts of 2 old people that took xanax low dose for one month and were writing

their "success story" - OMG it was sooooooo scary 3 years and a half I was in hell /not sleeping/ and so on////


Why ?

Why all this ? that eventually pushed me to such a despair that I lost it thinking that

if i was only 1 month on benzo I will be in wd for 3 or more years//



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I had delicious Indian food, and am feeling the support from my family.  This is new.  Good topic; I really should start thinking about all the positives in my life; it'll probably make a world of difference.  Just hard to do when you're so far from the life you want........
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I was able to take a 40 minute walk on wooded trails yesterday and feel bits of pleasure. Then I was able to get some sleep last night with 90 minutes straight at one point. Hooray! Less discouraged today.
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spring50, you go for it, because be never know what is around the corner, this is not my blog, but sure there is no rule, sometimes, we have to take the long way around '''''' :thumbsup:
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I had a weird experience today. I noticed this odd, unfamiliar feeling for stretches of time--it was peace/serenity. Boy it's been a long time without any of that feeling. Felt good. I think some healing is happening. Yay! Sometimes we have to look hard for the evidence.
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Ran this morning.  Gonna try to run every day.  (Kind of) enjoyed the weather, park.  Still stressful but I'm trying.

Awesome  :)




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Ran this morning.  Gonna try to run every day.  (Kind of) enjoyed the weather, park.  Still stressful but I'm trying.

Awesome  :)




I'm jealous you ran SIX MILES!  :P

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