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A Minor Milestone, of Sorts


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Wow, that is amazing!


I firmly believe that this site helps so many people in so many ways get through what can be the most difficult times of their lives. 

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Within the past hour or so, BenzoBuddies hit the 1,000,000 posts count! :o


1,000,125 Posts in 70,833 Topics by 10,433 Members.


Average topic = 14.1 posts


Average post per member = 95.9

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Thank you Colin....this website has literally saved my life.  It has been my lifeline throughout the healing process. I truly do not know where I would be at this point without BB's.  Words cannot even begin to express my gratitude. Sophia
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I guess it is a huge milestone - but not much need for celebration of it.

Speaks to the need for more benzo support from people in all our communities. I could see telling a health care provider that if he/she thinks there is no need - take a look at this site.

Don't know how you juggle the volume team - but thanks for managing it!

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woohoo thats awesome who would write all those posts huh haha i helped colin if it werent for me you would be five grand short of the mil lol.


Im so thankful for bb even though im so over it as you can imagine I loved it then saved my life so many times and Ill always be grateful for you and the team.  thanks :)


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LOL, Lizzy, that is hilarious! What a nice surprise to see you posting around!


I agree about it being apalling. When I tell people I am on a forum for support for this, they think that its cool but what lends so much credibility to what I sometimes try harder than is necessary to get across the widespread problem is that the forum has a membership of over 10 thousand people gravely suffering beyond imagine.


Thank you Colin and staff for maintaining amidst crap storms et al. You are off by 10 years and you could have gone about your life...but you didn't. There is a special place in my heart for you forever. I don't think I could have made it without the support of the bb's on this forum.


Carry on.

Much appreciation...

Sarah N....who may or may not use the spell check...lol.

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Thank you Colin for making this website possible...it is my daily lifeline when nobody else understands what I am going through.  :)
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Deepest gratitude to you, Colin, and the rest of the team.  Without this forum I don't know how I'd have gotten through this.

Challis  :highfive:

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Hi Colin,


Congratulations!  If someone would have told you ten years ago that your fledgling benzo support site would someday register a million posts, you probably would have said to them that you'd have a better chance of being elected Prime Minister of England, than you would ever have of creating a website dealing with Benzodiazepines that would ever garner one million posts.


Here you are today, with you and your unique support site stronger than ever, working towards the day when you can proclaim that you have registered two million posts.


You have done something wonderful for folks from all over the world.  You have made their lives a little less lonely, and a whole lot more livable.


You are a man of courage, honesty, and integrity.





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