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Suspension of the Faith & Philosophy board


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Hello all,


Because many members seem to ignore the F&P board rules, and because problems reoccur far too frequently, we have suspended the F&P board while team discuss what we might do with it.


Members should know that the whole team are fed up with how some members ignore the guidelines for the F&P board. The vast majority of online forums simply outlaw such discussion altogether. Frankly, the fact that we go to the effort of trying to provide this potentially (and self-evidently) problematic area of support, and our efforts are so routinely ignored, smacks of ingratitude. Longer-term members familiar with the F&P board will know that this has been a long time coming.


I don't mean to tar all members that use the F&P board with same brush; the problems are associated with a significant minority who post there, but keeps reoccurring.


We have not yet decided what to do with the F&P board. Several options are being considered, including just dropping the space altogether. There is no point in members making representations about the suspension of the board or pleading for it not to be dropped altogether (we've been through this too many times). If the team come up with system we think might work, we will give it a try. If not, the board will be dropped.


I remind everyone of the F&P stickied post rules. I think anyone familiar with contents of the F&P board will agree that these rules are completely ignored by many posters there. In fact, some of the comments there contravene the general forum rules too.


Faith & Philosophy board rules:


Updated October 25th, 2012.


BenzoBuddies is a secular community.  Most secular online forums expressly disallow religious discussions, as they tend to be divisive, and attract an element that feel they have the right to proselytize their faith, without respect or regard to the community to which they post.  On the other hand we understand that for some members their religious beliefs help them cope with benzodiazepine withdrawal.  So, pragmatically, we try to accommodate such discussion by providing this dedicated board.  However, this does not mean there is a free-for-all, where anything goes.


By us providing this concession (and it is a concession for the reasons already outlined), there are certain restrictions placed upon such topics.  At the heart of the guidelines is that this board must not be used to proselytize religious beliefs.  We regard the simple quoting of scripture (or prayers, or religious songs) - where the post is not designed to engage other members in a dialogue - as proselytization.  Such posts are about preaching a particular religious viewpoint or faith.  Not only does this policy protect those members with no religious beliefs, but also those members with particular faiths from attempts at conversion to other religions or doctrines.


Given that BenzoBuddies - a secular community - understands (and respects) that some of our members value the provision of this space (when most secular forums would simply disallow such content and discussion), we would appreciate that this respect is reciprocated by understanding that our few simple guidelines are reasonable and for the benefit of the whole community.


  • Please use this board to describe and discuss how your faith or personal philosophy has helped you to cope with benzodiazepine withdrawal or in your recovery.
  • Posts that fail to respect the beliefs of others, or seek to exclude those with differing values, beliefs or views, will be removed.
  • The simple quoting of scripture necessarily fails the first two requirements and is expressly disallowed. This does not preclude the inclusion of 'inspirational' scripture as part of a discussion.
  • We will be particularly strict in the interpretation of these guidelines for the opening post of a thread/topic, as this post sets the tone for the discussion.


In short, this space is not to be used to preach your faith or scripture to others. So long as your posts and threads are designed to be inclusive, are discussional in tone, and are respectful of other faiths, philosophies and non-faiths, your contributions to this board should not attract the attentions of the moderation team.


From the general forum rules:


  • Do not denigrate specific religions, ethnicity or culture.  We are a support group for all those experiencing problems with benzodiazepine use or withdrawal - this is our common bond. We do not condone prejudice in any form.
    In addition, please do not use this community to promote or proselytize a specific religious viewpoint.



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    Colin and Moderators


                  I respect your decision, I do however have a question?


              Those who were using the thread in such a way, were they informed before the ban was placed?


                I am asking this due to the fact I posted there and would have liked to know if I had been

                disrespectful of said rules.




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Hi Not,


When I was a moderator there had been several warnings posted on several threads of the board. Those were the only warnings that I'm aware of.

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    Colin and Moderators


                  I respect your decision, I do however have a question?


              Those who were using the thread in such a way, were they informed before the ban was placed?


                I am asking this due to the fact I posted there and would have liked to know if I had been

                disrespectful of said rules.





Hello Notforme,


Had it been determined that you were not in compliance with the rules, we would have written to you on the thread. Don't worry, I don't see anything wrong with your posts.



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    Piano Girl,


              Thank you for your prompt reply. I understand that a lot goes into making decisions for the better of

              the forum. Sorry though, it was helpful to me.




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I hope this is not my fault.  :(  I hope I didn't post anything that might have lead to the demise of the F&P Board.  I contacted the moderators about a derogatory post and now, then very next day, the entire F&P Board is gone.  :(.  Please tell me it is not my fault.  :'(  I know how much that board means o many members on here.  I wouldn't know how to handle it if it were because of me or my actions taken on just 1 post that was offensive and only had to be removed.  Why remove the whole board and not just the post?  :'(  I am really really sad right now. 
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                Believe me, if you had done anything incorrect, you would have been notified. All I saw was great stuff from you!!!!

                Rest assured it was not you!!!!!

                How are you??? You have been through  a lot..... and you still remain in my prayers daily!!!!


            Blessings and prayers for healing and wellbeing be yours SKyzone

                  Notforme :angel:

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                Believe me, if you had done anything incorrect, you would have been notified. All I saw was great stuff from you!!!!

                Rest assured it was not you!!!!!

                How are you??? You have been through  a lot..... and you still remain in my prayers daily!!!!


            Blessings and prayers for healing and wellbeing be yours SKyzone

                  Notforme :angel:

I think it is all my fault.  What is this place without a Faith and Philosophy board?!  OMG!  This can't be happening!  I am really really sad right now.  All they had to do is remove 1 post but they removed the whole board!!!!  Having a Faith and Philosophy board on here mad this place a unique place.  Now it's just a secular place with no hope or faith.  I just can't believe this.  If I had the money, I would make a site for EVERYONE!    Colin!  Please!  That board was half my life.  :'( 

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              It was NOT you!!!! There are so many other things that go into a decision that one complaint would not have

    "done in" a popular thread.

              Lets just keep our heads, I can say a prayer on your blog since its your blog. You can then determine who you

      want to let on your blog, right????? Or can we not do this....

                Moderators, a question about this. Can those of us, who find great comfort in prayer, can we post to our

      individual blogs? That way we control whom we allow to blog?????

                Thank you for your consideration.

                      There its done, Skyzone

                            NOtforme :angel:

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Sky re-read Colins statement slowly, its clear that its been an ongoing problem, its the fault of a LOT of people over a LONG period of time and I doubt its your fault for reporting a offensive post.
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I am also very sad and disheartened to see the Faith & Philosophy Board taken away.  :'(  I truly hope you find a way to keep it here for us.



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                Believe me, if you had done anything incorrect, you would have been notified. All I saw was great stuff from you!!!!

                Rest assured it was not you!!!!!

                How are you??? You have been through  a lot..... and you still remain in my prayers daily!!!!


            Blessings and prayers for healing and wellbeing be yours SKyzone

                  Notforme :angel:

I think it is all my fault.  What is this place without a Faith and Philosophy board?!  OMG!  This can't be happening!  I am really really sad right now.  All they had to do is remove 1 post but they removed the whole board!!!!  Having a Faith and Philosophy board on here mad this place a unique place.  Now it's just a secular place with no hope or faith.  I just can't believe this.  If I had the money, I would make a site for EVERYONE!    Colin!  Please!  That board was half my life.  :'(




I PM'd you.  I know you are sad and upset but none of this was your fault.


We are going to look for the best possible solution to this situation.  Please do remember as Colin said, we are a secular community.  The Faith and Philosophy board was created for those who wanted to share their particular relationship between religion and benzo withdrawal.



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Hi Colin,


I can't say how much I appreciate the support that BenzoBuddies provides.  It was instrumental for helping me during my w/d and I know that's been the case for many, many others.  The time and effort that you and the other moderators put into making this site special is all volunteer and should not be taken for granted.  I would also like to say that the F&P board played a key role in helping me getting through that terrible time in my life and I've witnessed it help many others.  You stated that it's a significant minority of posts there that cause the problems and for the vast majority who receive benefits from the board it would be a terrible loss.  I'm writing this not to plead for reinstatement, but to offer a suggestion or alternative to "throwing the baby out with the bath water" approach.  What if the board only allowed pinned threads initiated by moderators with positive themes.  For example, "How my Christian beliefs are helping my withdrawal experience,  How my Buddhist beliefs are helping my withdrawal experience, How my atheist/humanist beliefs are helping my withdrawal experience".  This would allow members to share ideas and thoughts about their own experience in a positive way, while clearly outlining what is appropriate and what is not.  I'm sure this approach could still be abused, but it seems less likely to be problematic and easier to manage than what was previously supported.  Obviously the other current rules would still apply.


Again I thank you, the moderators and the other members who make BB the great community that it is.





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I expect something will be worked out everyone. We understand how important this board is to you. As pianogirl has said, please me patient. Give the team a chance to discuss this and see what can be done. Also, as has been stated, this review isn't due to any one member's post or report. This has been an ongoing problem, certainly for as long as I can remember. The team is frustrated but willing to try other solutions. Unfortunately, working out other solutions may take some time. So, hang tight and give us some time.
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                Believe me, if you had done anything incorrect, you would have been notified. All I saw was great stuff from you!!!!

                Rest assured it was not you!!!!!

                How are you??? You have been through  a lot..... and you still remain in my prayers daily!!!!


            Blessings and prayers for healing and wellbeing be yours SKyzone

                  Notforme :angel:

I think it is all my fault.  What is this place without a Faith and Philosophy board?!  OMG!  This can't be happening!  I am really really sad right now.  All they had to do is remove 1 post but they removed the whole board!!!!  Having a Faith and Philosophy board on here mad this place a unique place.  Now it's just a secular place with no hope or faith.  I just can't believe this.  If I had the money, I would make a site for EVERYONE!    Colin!  Please!  That board was half my life.  :'(




I PM'd you.  I know you are sad and upset but none of this was your fault.


We are going to look for the best possible solution to this situation.  Please do remember as Colin said, we are a secular community.  The Faith and Philosophy board was created for those who wanted to share their particular relationship between religion and benzo withdrawal.




I think that the F/P board is a good thing. But I can understand why it has been suspended. I saw a lot of posts that were from members who were "proselytizing" and debating and arguing back and forth on their religion and beliefs. This was totally against the rules and NOT what the F/P board was for. The F/P board was for just what PG stated. To be used by members "to share their particular relationship between religion and benzo withdrawal." I saw a LOT of truly wonderful posts. But yes, there were a lot that were more like the kind I mentioned above - even though it was completely against the rules. And I saw people continue to do it right after being warned not to. That is just blatant disregard for the rules of this forum.


Optimist has a great idea. I don't know how difficult it would be though, to implement. I am sure that Colin and the BB Team will come up with something. They have had to deal with an awful lot of unfortunate issues over the years, and they've dealt with those wonderfully. They always manage to come up with a solution.  :thumbsup:


Kimba  :smitten:

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                Believe me, if you had done anything incorrect, you would have been notified. All I saw was great stuff from you!!!!

                Rest assured it was not you!!!!!

                How are you??? You have been through  a lot..... and you still remain in my prayers daily!!!!


            Blessings and prayers for healing and wellbeing be yours SKyzone

                  Notforme :angel:

I think it is all my fault.  What is this place without a Faith and Philosophy board?!  OMG!  This can't be happening!  I am really really sad right now.  All they had to do is remove 1 post but they removed the whole board!!!!  Having a Faith and Philosophy board on here mad this place a unique place.  Now it's just a secular place with no hope or faith.  I just can't believe this.  If I had the money, I would make a site for EVERYONE!    Colin!  Please!  That board was half my life.  :'(




I PM'd you.  I know you are sad and upset but none of this was your fault.


We are going to look for the best possible solution to this situation.  Please do remember as Colin said, we are a secular community.  The Faith and Philosophy board was created for those who wanted to share their particular relationship between religion and benzo withdrawal.




Thanks, PG.


I posted this before your PM.  I was a little sad and upset at the time I posted this.  I would like to let you and the team know that I appreciate everything you all do for us and am hoping on a solution soon for the F&P board.  I do want to add.. The F&P board makes this online benzo recovery community the only one of it's kind.  That board makes this place unique and is a plus in that respect. 

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exactly, continuing to post right after being warned several times, like they couldn't read the warnings, or just didn't care  :idiot:


Yes, JamesK! I liked your post on the "Any Atheists Here?" thread, by the way. It was something like "Why not let this thread return back to what it was about in the first place?"  :thumbsup:  Well, you said something like that, anyway.  :laugh:  In any case, the member wrote "Any Atheists Here?" and NOT "Is There A God?" So why debates and arguing started, was beyond me. It's no wonder the F/P board was suspended. This has occurred many times, as you stated in another post. It's a shame too, because the F/P board did help a lot of people.


Hope you're doing well!  :)


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I gather that there has been an ongoing problem on the F&P section for a while. Being agnostic, normally I don't like getting into discussions about religion etc, because inevitably things get sensitive with some people, so yesterday was the first time I had actually checked out that section.


I did respond to someone's post that I thought was very judgemental about a specific person, and I considered it was a very unfair statement to make. I know that my post would not have been the reason the section was suspended, but I sincerely hope that my post did not upset anyone, or was the reason for anyone making a complaint. My sincerest apologies if it did.


To those who have found comfort in having the F&P available to them, I hope a way can be found to have it reinstated. I just probably won't venture there again....lol.....

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I gather that there has been an ongoing problem on the F&P section for a while. Being agnostic, normally I don't like getting into discussions about religion etc, because inevitably things get sensitive with some people, so yesterday was the first time I had actually checked out that section.


I did respond to someone's post that I thought was very judgemental about a specific person, and I considered it was a very unfair statement to make. I know that my post would not have been the reason the section was suspended, but I sincerely hope that my post did not upset anyone, or was the reason for anyone making a complaint. My sincerest apologies if it did.


To those who have found comfort in having the F&P available to them, I hope a way can be found to have it reinstated. I just probably won't venture there again....lol.....

Thank You for the apology. 

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Hi all,


Please re-read my opening post. There have been occasional problems with the F&P ever since it was created (shortly after the forum's inception), but problems have become more frequent as the membership has grown and the board is used by more members.


There were many posters, especially over the past few days, who played fast and loose with the rules. Frankly, there were too many abuses to bother addressing with the individuals concerned. So, I did not contact any members directly - it would have been a waste of my time.


The board was not pulled because of a specific comment or complaint (I've not even been reading member complaints - I suspended the board based purely upon the content I read there for myself).


In my opening post I quoted the F&P rules, and the general forum rule. All the rules were broken over the past few days and by many members. The F&P board is very much a minority interest at BB, and the moderation team are fed up dealing with the disproportionate number of problems associated with the content there. You can either continue to blame each other, or, get a clue. My reasons for suspending the board were made quite clear in my opening post.

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Hi all,


Please re-read my opening post. There have been occasional problems with the F&P ever since it was created (shortly after the forum's inception), but problems have become more frequent as the membership has grown and the board is used by more members.


There were many posters, especially over the past few days, who played fast and loose with the rules. Frankly, there were too many abuses to bother addressing with the individuals concerned. So, I did not contact any members directly - it would have been a waste of my time.


The board was not pulled because of a specific comment or complaint (I've not even been reading member complaints - I suspended the board based purely upon the content I read there for myself).


In my opening post I quoted the F&P rules, and the general forum rule. All the rules were broken over the past few days and by many members. The F&P board is very much a minority interest at BB, and the moderation team are fed up dealing with the disproportionate number of problems associated with the content there. You can either continue to blame each other, or, get a clue. My reasons for suspending the board were made quite clear in my opening post.

Are there plans to re-open the board, or is it going to be shut down? 





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Are there plans to re-open the board, or is it going to be shut down? 






The situation is exactly as detailed in my opening post.

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