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Help with tapering


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I started off in the forum introducing myself and it is time to post here on the titration board.


I am taking Klonopin, 2mg, one-half in the morning and a full one at night.  I realized that I really want to abolish Klonopin in my life.  I did visit my doc and he said it is a good idea bu did not really give me a plan.  I had a week of going cold turkey, which was an absolute nightmare.  And truthfully, I cannot even say what I was ingesting on a daily basis before I made the decision to cut the Klonopin out of my life.


Doc told me to take one-half pill in the morning and one-half pill in the evening.  I have two more refills on the med as of now at 2mg.  These are fairly large pills, and I believe I will be able to cut them into four pieces when the time comes. 


I have been taking 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening since Thursday the 13th.  What is the next step and how long should I continue on the schedule I am now on? 


Should I call the doc and ask him to prescribe me a lower dose of the Klonopin, or should I stick with trying to cut my pills myself.  Unfortunately, I'm not good with fractions.  My 1/2 pill I would be able to cut in half pretty easily. 


Help please! 



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I started off in the forum introducing myself and it is time to post here on the titration board.


I am taking Klonopin, 2mg, one-half in the morning and a full one at night.  I realized that I really want to abolish Klonopin in my life.  I did visit my doc and he said it is a good idea bu did not really give me a plan.  I had a week of going cold turkey, which was an absolute nightmare.  And truthfully, I cannot even say what I was ingesting on a daily basis before I made the decision to cut the Klonopin out of my life.


Doc told me to take one-half pill in the morning and one-half pill in the evening.  I have two more refills on the med as of now at 2mg.  These are fairly large pills, and I believe I will be able to cut them into four pieces when the time comes. 


I have been taking 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening since Thursday the 13th.  What is the next step and how long should I continue on the schedule I am now on? 


Should I call the doc and ask him to prescribe me a lower dose of the Klonopin, or should I stick with trying to cut my pills myself.  Unfortunately, I'm not good with fractions.  My 1/2 pill I would be able to cut in half pretty easily. 


Help please! 






Beeper and I addressed your questions regarding dry cutting your tablets on your other thread. If you cut your 2.0mg in half, that would be 2 pieces of 1.0mg. If you cut the 1.0mg in half, that would be 2 pieces of .50mg. I don't think you would be able to cut them any smaller than .50mg pieces. In order to cut the recommended 10% off your total daily dose every 7-14 days off a  2.0mg tablet, that would be .20mg. Since this amount is a lot smaller than the smallest cut off your 2.0mg tablet (.50mg is the smallest cut), it would be best if you were able to get the .50mg tablets.  Hope this helps.


T2 :smitten:

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Thanks, T!


I will see if I can get the .50 mg tabs.  I am determined to do this the right way, and with everyone's help here, I think I can do it  :)


Thank you!

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Thanks, T!


I will see if I can get the .50 mg tabs.  I am determined to do this the right way, and with everyone's help here, I think I can do it  :)


Thank you!


You CAN do this!! I have no doubt!! :smitten:

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I started off in the forum introducing myself and it is time to post here on the titration board.


I am taking Klonopin, 2mg, one-half in the morning and a full one at night.  I realized that I really want to abolish Klonopin in my life.  I did visit my doc and he said it is a good idea bu did not really give me a plan.  I had a week of going cold turkey, which was an absolute nightmare.  And truthfully, I cannot even say what I was ingesting on a daily basis before I made the decision to cut the Klonopin out of my life.


Doc told me to take one-half pill in the morning and one-half pill in the evening.  I have two more refills on the med as of now at 2mg.  These are fairly large pills, and I believe I will be able to cut them into four pieces when the time comes. 


I have been taking 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening since Thursday the 13th.  What is the next step and how long should I continue on the schedule I am now on? 


Should I call the doc and ask him to prescribe me a lower dose of the Klonopin, or should I stick with trying to cut my pills myself.  Unfortunately, I'm not good with fractions.  My 1/2 pill I would be able to cut in half pretty easily. 


Help please! 



Since you posted on the Titration Tapers board, I assume you want to use the titration method, is that right?  If so, a schedule can be created for you using the 2mg tablets if you want.  You would also need some supplies and then to post a request for a schedule here.  Do you want to do that or start out dry cutting? 


We usually recommend people stay on a steady dose for a week or two before starting to reduce their dosage.  Since you don't know how much you were taking before you started taking 1/mg/day, probably 2 weeks would be safest.  That's my best guess, anyway.

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I'm embarrassed to say I don't quite understand the "taper" method.  I would like to use a method that is the safest and with the least amount of side effects I can get away with.  I'm willing to get the supplies I need and follow instructions.  I will stay on the 1mg for the next week, though, like you said.  I had a full week with nothing and it was an absolute nightmare.  I never want to go through that again! :(


I know it's different for everyone, but I'm wondering whether the dry cut (which I would need to get .50 mg pills) or the "taper" method is best.  I'm really confused.  :-\


Everyone's help has been a life-saver!  Thank you so very much!



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No need to be embarrassed, Katie.  This little world has a language all it's own.  There are 3 methods people use here to taper off their benzo.  Tapering is slowing reducing the daily amount taken until you get to 0. You can taper using one of the three methods previously described, one of which is titration.  From what I've read, it results in the smoothest and gentlest taper because you would be making miniscule reductions every day instead of a "chunk" every 2 weeks or so.  There's a detailed description of the process here:




It actually looked daunting to me when I first joined but those who are doing it - including the administrator, Theresa2 - assure me there's nothing to it.


Keep asking questions, Katie.  It will get a little clearer each time (at least I hope it will).

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