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Constricted pupils??? Won't dialate - anyone else have this???


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My pupils have been constricted (the size of 2 pinholes) throughout w/d and will not dialate. The only thing I've read is that this is commonly found in heroin addicts. Can the same happen for those in benzodiazepine withdrawal? Does anyone know? Am I brain damaged? How long does this last?
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I'm not sure about inability to dilate, but during the worst parts of acute withdrawal for me they would get big and small, and contract extreme amounts while I would look at them in the mirror, like I was high on something, and it used to freak me out. They don't do that really anymore, at least not as extreme, so I know in my heart it was part of the recovery.



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Extreme exhaustion, opiates, bright light, looking close up, some antidepressants, visine, dry eyes all can cause it. I went about two weeks like that. I think mine was from exhaustion. Try not to worry. Stand in as dim light as possible and hold the mirror as far from your face as you can and see if they look bigger.
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I've tried all those things and they don't budge.  :sick:

It's been that way since I first noticed it at the end of the 3rd month. I'm now approaching the end of the 6th month and no change. I can't remember ever seeing them large (dialated).

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How is your night vision, Kate?  I had this issue and my night vision really sucked to the point where I could not drive, and was even afraid to walk places.  It's been gradually improving.  I noticed it while I was still tapering.  Everywhere I went seemed dim.  Even outdoors.  I discovered my pupils were like pinpoints when in dim light.  It was at its worst back in September and has been slowly improving since October.
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My night vision is really bad! I can't see a damn thing at night and always try to be off the road by sunset if I'm driving. So this is just me and not withdrawal? I read that the constriction can also be cause by damage to the central nervous system, which makes sense.
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I had the constricted pupils.  Then they became two different sizes (the left one remained constricted).  This lasted about a month during the beginning of my taper before I stabilized.  Both pupils have returned to normal now.
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No, I don't think it's just you.  I think it's related to withdrawal.  I didn't notice it getting better initially until I realized I was no longer fumbling about in the dark.  Yours will probably improve as well.  :)


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I did have this about two months ago. I did not need to use my glasses for many things because they were so pinpointy that things were more focused (if dimmer.)


If I recall, I did a web search and found that pinpoint pupils can happen in seizures and so maybe this is due to all the GABA disruptions.


I was very light sensitive at the time, but that has mostly passed. Now if this darned tinnitus would only fade...

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If I recall, I did a web search and found that pinpoint pupils can happen in seizures and so maybe this is due to all the GABA disruptions.

This scares me! The topic of seizures has actually always scared me. Does this mean I'm gonna have one? I'm still afraid of what may come/come back as I approach this 6 month mark... :-[

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Hmm, I really doubt you would get a seizure if you are off the drug. It typically happens right after people who c/t from a fairly high dose (which it seems like you did actually!)


I think you are fine.


Are you sensitive to light? Do you have migraines? I think these can also cause alterations in the pupils...

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I have this right now as well.. Also my night vision is terrible.  I think its an effect of withdrawal, although my vision is pretty jacked...
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OK, so we have several people with the pupil thing, nobody has suffered anything terrible, so I think you are going to be fine!


Still, isn't this a weird sfx? Gads, this drug is like the great neurological imposter. 


And yes, my night vision has become terrible. I hope it returns.

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I have this right now as well.. Also my night vision is terrible.  I think its an effect of withdrawal, although my vision is pretty jacked...

Describes me exactly :o

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