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A drug to help me sleep. Please help!


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Hello Everyone,


I'm suffering horrible insomnia. My latest record is 5 hours of sleep in 5 days. I have tried several meds for sleep including tricyclics (trazadone and iripramine) and antihistamines (Benadryl, Unisom, and visteril). I've even tried Seroquel, that didnt' work either.


All of those either didn't work or left me with bad side effects that made sleep even worse.


I have a little baby at home and I just can't go on like this anymore. I just can't. I've been trying to ride this out without any meds because meds have given me so many problems but I just can't do this anymore. I can't I can't.


Anyone have any suggestions of what I should try?


Please help!

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That's a bit difficult to do because it is forbidden to give 'proscriptive' advice !


But I'll try.

Sedating antihistamines don't work ? Low dose Seroquel works mostly like an antihistamine.

You haven't tried promethazine ? If the other sedating antihistamines didn't work this one will probably not work either.


Tricyclics ? Trazodone is not a tricyclic btw. Sometimes amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) is prescribed for insomnia. For some people it can be very effective, but if you take it long term at high or medium doses this drug has its own withdrawal issues. It's a very 'dirty drug'. Definitely not 'first choice'.


I personally think taking antipsychotics or antidepressants for sleep is a very bad idea. Any positive effect on sleep is a SIDE EFFECT.


Why did the doctor prescribe anxiolytic benzodiazepines (Xanax, lorazepam) for insomnia ? Unless anxiety is the cause of insomnia, prescribing anxiolytic benzodiazepines for insomnia is in general a bad idea.

I wouldn't rule out that any of your issues are somehow related to Klonopin. You didn't take it for long and maybe it helped you withdraw from the other benzodiazepines, but it can be a nasty drug.


If you want to withdraw from benzodiazepines you cannot take the z-drugs (zopiclone, eszopiclone/Lunesta, zolpidem/Ambien/Stilnoct, zaleplon).


I won't preach that you should withdraw from benzodiazepines at any cost. I understand that caring for your child is an issue.


How did you get through 5 days with only 5 hours of sleep ?? I couldn't do it ! Sometimes people sleep more than they think, though.


As always it's important to know the cause of the insomnia to treat the insomnia. Sometimes it is unknown/ idiopathic.


There are lots of over the counter remedies. They are not necessarily more effective or safer than prescription drugs.


I think it's really important to talk about this with your doc. A good doctor is worth much more than a benzodiazepine withdrawal forum ! If you are dissatisfied with your current doc, get another one or a second opinion ?

It's actually dangerous to give advice without knowing about any other current and past health issues, current and past (prescription) drug use. Because it often matters.


If all else fails, you could check my thread 'I think I need a rotation of hypnotics to withdraw from clonazepam' in this section. It didn't really help me, though.


Your past 5 days must have been very rough. If you expect this to continue it is serious enough to warrant treatment, but please be careful because any drug does not only have intended effects, but also side effects and long term drug use causes the body to adapt which is another issue.

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I agree with Liberty. It is very hard to help you without a thorough discussion with a knowledgeable professional.


I personally did not get help with sleep from the many drugs tried on me. The problem is that it's our GABAs that are hurting, and these drugs induce sleep by other means. In other words, they don't help our GABAs. I found half a unisom helpful. Also the promethazine. Everything else didn't help much and had side effects. However, now that I'm all over it, I'm sure they would knock me right out.


You really have to focus on what is within your control, and right now, sleep is not one of them. I hope you have family/friends or other resources to help with the baby. That's something you CAN do. Remember this is temporary, and other people bonding with your baby could be a very good thing for all involved.

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That's a bit difficult to do because it is forbidden to give 'proscriptive' advice !


Tricyclics ? Trazodone is not a tricyclic btw. Sometimes amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) is prescribed for insomnia. For some people it can be very effective, but if you take it long term at high or medium doses this drug has its own withdrawal issues. It's a very 'dirty drug'. Definitely not 'first choice'.


Tricyclics, when prescribed for sleep, are prescribed at very low dosages (10 mgs). When used as an antidepressant the therapeutic dose is 100 mgs and above. It's also used by many pain clinics asa pain management drug, also at very low doses. I've been on Doxipen at varying doses for the last 20 years. I've come off it many times with no problems at all. I think characterizing tricyclics as "dirty drugs' is boarding on being prescriptive. Liberty, please be very careful how you word things, especially when discussing other medications.

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Hi jittery,


I am so sorry that you are SUFFERING.


Do you have a benzo-wise doctor that you can team up with in order to discuss the possibility of adjunctive medication to possibility alleviate some of your insomnia?


As I have often said on this forum, there is more than one way to skin the proverbial cat.  


In my experience, finding a benzo-wise doctor has been ever so helpful.  It is not a magic bullet - but it has been helpful.


It would be most inapproprite for me to offer specific medical advice as I am not a doctor, however, I can offer you all of my support.  


Please do post what your doctor recommends, if you wish to.


All the Best,


:) Laurie

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I too suffered from intense insomnia and Trazodone did nothing for me while i was in my early months off of Klonopin...Seroquel helped, but made withdrawal sxs 1000 times worse...after 10 months off benzos, I tried Trazodone again and it worked AWESOME...I started at 100mgs and am down to 50mgs of it and still sleeping anywhere from 6-9 hrs. a night...I have a bad night here and there, but doesn't everyone?


I feel your pain and can not imagine having to take care of a baby while going through this...please know that it goes get better...Unisom helped me sometimes.

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