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Should I contact my ex?


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I posted about my ex girlfriend in another thread and it made me wonder whether or not I should contact her to see how she is doing. We dated for a couple of months last year. She had some drug and alcohol issues and I know that she did pop some xanax from time to time.


After I was with her for a few weeks she started to display some pretty bizarre behavior. I won't go into details but I will say that now that I am aware of what benzos can do to a person I can see some signs that point to the possibility that she might be having some WD issues.


I'm wondering if maybe I should contact her and at least share my story. I know that there is only so much that we can do to help people who might be having problems with things like this but after having been through this nightmare I feel an obligation to at least let people know what happened to me if I suspect that they might be suffering.


FYI- we parted on good terms. I haven't spoken to her for a year or so but I'm sure she wouldn't mind hearing from me.


What do you think?

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I posted about my ex girlfriend in another thread and it made me wonder whether or not I should contact her to see how she is doing. We dated for a couple of months last year. She had some drug and alcohol issues and I know that she did pop some xanax from time to time.


After I was with her for a few weeks she started to display some pretty bizarre behavior. I won't go into details but I will say that now that I am aware of what benzos can do to a person I can see some signs that point to the possibility that she might be having some WD issues.


I'm wondering if maybe I should contact her and at least share my story. I know that there is only so much that we can do to help people who might be having problems with things like this but after having been through this nightmare I feel an obligation to at least let people know what happened to me if I suspect that they might be suffering.


FYI- we parted on good terms. I haven't spoken to her for a year or so but I'm sure she wouldn't mind hearing from me.


What do you think?

Florida, I remember yuou posting about it.  I think its an encouraging sign to want to get back in the saddle again.  :smitten:

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I think you should.  I speak up any and every chance I get when it comes to these drugs.  I think that it's kind of our jobs to educate people - by that I mean, we are the only ones with the guts to speak up. 


If you guys parted on good terms, that's an even better reason.  I always look forward to a chance to help someone, no matter how we got along in the past. 


I say go for it :)  If she's already your ex, what have you got to lose?

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I feel like it is my duty to do this but I need to make sure I keep my head in the game cause aside from her issues I liked having her around. She is arguably the best looking woman I have ever dated and you know how us guys can be  :idiot:


I just feel like the other people out there who might be going through this deserve to know what can happen. If my doctor told me that there was even a 1% chance that I could have ended up sick for several years when I was on the drug and debilitated for several months when I came off the drug I would never have touched it. I can't do much to alleviate the benzo problem in general but I think I at least owe it to society to be forthcoming about it to people who might be in danger.



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If it were me, I would. I know I'll never stay silent on this issue, our silence will never help others.  :thumbsup:


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I feel like it is my duty to do this but I need to make sure I keep my head in the game cause aside from her issues I liked having her around. She is arguably the best looking woman I have ever dated and you know how us guys can be  :idiot:



ROFL....ah inside the mind of men.

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I believe that if you have her best intentions at heart and they are well meant...you should contact her. Strike up and renew the friendship...help her out if she will let you. But if you can, also watch out for yourself and make sure, you are of right mind. We are in a weakened state with this taper and I am sure it follows us throughout the healing stage. I can't speak for those who have completed the taper and are now healing...but I have seen how easily my own brain will trick me...paranoia has become tedious and all consuming.


Sorry, cog-fog is brutal today...so I am not certain if your intention is to simply to inform her about the benzo or if you want to renew the relationship? So my two cents...should you decide to call or even if you should meet up...don't let your heart get in the way. At least not yet...take it slow...give yourself time to be fully healed first. If the interest is there..whatever is meant to be...will happen of its own accord. Nevertheless, remember how difficult it was for you...can you truly walk through the process a second time...if you are not fully healed and suddenly find yourself in a relationship. Regardless...you might decide to help her as best you can...if she is one of the few...who believes our story. If you are strong enough, you can walk her through it...maybe even hold her hand when days are trying...and should you want: help her heal should she win the battle with her particular benzo.


Always keep in mind that you yourself are still in a very vulnerable state...what you think you see...might not always be the truth. Once you are to involved...it is so much easier to get hurt...if the expectations aren't met.



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dont borrow trouble.. you need to take care of yourself..


You have a good point. That's why I am still not sure if I want to go there. Another thing is that I now finally feel like I am strong enough to put it out there, but even before this whole WD mess I wasn't in any shape to deal with some of her issues. I would just feel bad if anything ever happened and I hadn't done anything when I had the chance. She was a depressed emotional wreck at times and knowing the things she was putting in her body I just can't help but think that the drugs had a lot to do with it.



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Sorry, cog-fog is brutal today...so I am not certain if your intention is to simply to inform her about the benzo or if you want to renew the relationship?


Noooo.....no more relationship....things go even deeper that what I mentioned. It was fun while it lasted but I knew it would end sooner or later. As someone who has almost made it through this nightmare I just feel that I have a duty to inform anyone who might be going through drug issues.



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I understand why you wouldn't.  I just think its a nice idea in general for you to see people...but in the same token, I understand why wait. 
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This is one of those threads where you need a LIKE or DISLIKE on the comments!


Tho my opinion:  Ask yourself what your true intentions are?  And remember the healing process brings us into a severe depression - one that cultivates and thrives on distant memories that are sometimes better off dead!



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I feel like it is my duty to do this but I need to make sure I keep my head in the game cause aside from her issues I liked having her around. She is arguably the best looking woman I have ever dated and you know how us guys can be  :idiot:


I just feel like the other people out there who might be going through this deserve to know what can happen. If my doctor told me that there was even a 1% chance that I could have ended up sick for several years when I was on the drug and debilitated for several months when I came off the drug I would never have touched it. I can't do much to alleviate the benzo problem in general but I think I at least owe it to society to be forthcoming about it to people who might be in danger.




No, I'M the best looking woman ~  :thumbsup: 

Sadly my 'babe' days are over ~ I'm 56. 

I say if your motives are truly to warn her of this poison go for it. 


I always check my motives before I do something questionable. 


Good luck!

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