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Brain zaps


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How you describe brain zaps? I have some feeling like a electric shock in my head, brain. Like somethin hits my brain. It last just a sec. I had that before but today it was happening several times and it is really scary.
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I have them to Marry.  I had 4 on Friday.  Their quick and sharp on the left side of my head behind my ear.  It seems when I have them wd is worse. Its good they don't last long.  How are you doing.  Linder xo
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When I c/t Effexor I had brain zaps all over non stop.

I also had this zappy feeling that went from my feet to my head and caused dizziness.


I would describe mine as feeling as though someone flips there finger against my brain.

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For me, it's this short shooting pain that goes from the top of my head to the side of my nose. I used to have this all time before my taper and then sporadically as I got lower. Now, I only get them once in a blue moon.
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Now I have shivers on my head, skull. Actualy cant explain. I am so scared. I hope my brain is not permanent damaged. It is like someone sitting on my head but it is not hurting. It is some strange feeling. And it is not headache.
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Oh Linder I am so scared. Not very nice period for me. Thanks for sharing your experience. Feel little better knowing I am not going crazy or damaged permanently. How are you. Hope much better than I am .
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Don't be scared Marry.  Your going to make it.  we all are.  Like Perserverance tells me, its the Benzo Reaper lying to us.  Your doing it.  Another day almost behind us.  Linder xo
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Hi Marry,

I had both of the symptoms you describe. I was terrified at the time because not one doctor could explain it to me and said it was not possible I would be experiencing any residual withdrawal from a benzo (at the time I was off four months and reinstated after figuring things out).  The part that is scary and not knowing what is happening and that brings on a fear and anxiety that is hard to pull out of, but it seems to be pretty common, not only with benzo withdrawal and use but also antidepressants.  These all got better for me and I still have to deal with them but much less. Don't let the fear overtake you. Linder is right - the best way to deal with it is to realize your brain is healing. How are you doing today?


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Don't be scared Marry.  Your going to make it.  we all are.  Like Perserverance tells me, its the Benzo Reaper lying to us.  Your doing it.  Another day almost behind us.  Linder xo


Thanks Linder

You always sounds so positive. We have to make it cause this is no life.

Take care and thanks for help


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Thank you all for replies and sharing your experience. It means me a lot cause I know I am not sick and all that symptoms are w/d. I was so scared.

Thank you


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Hi Marry,

I had both of the symptoms you describe. I was terrified at the time because not one doctor could explain it to me and said it was not possible I would be experiencing any residual withdrawal from a benzo (at the time I was off four months and reinstated after figuring things out).  The part that is scary and not knowing what is happening and that brings on a fear and anxiety that is hard to pull out of, but it seems to be pretty common, not only with benzo withdrawal and use but also antidepressants.  These all got better for me and I still have to deal with them but much less. Don't let the fear overtake you. Linder is right - the best way to deal with it is to realize your brain is healing. How are you doing today?



Hi Amb


Yes it is scary when you don't know what is going on. Last couple of days were horrid for me. And I have PMS, the worst period in month right now. So all mixed in one. I really hope I am healing. I was sleeping pretty good last night. Wake up this morning anxious but nothing new. Still have that numb and shivering feeling on the top of my head, skull. So not nice.

Glad you are better. Thanks for help.

Take care


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I have had very strange head feelings that come and go.

I can't explain some of them.


But know that it is not permanent.



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I have had very strange head feelings that come and go.

I can't explain some of them.


But know that it is not permanent.




Hi Sig

I had some strange head feeling I never had before.

How are you buddy?


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Yep... I call it brain electricity.. had it for a LONG Time.. my brain used to burn like crazy/tingling/numb, etc... now all gone... I still get some of those zaps/electric shooting in a part of the right side of my brain.... so sick.. they all say it goes so go with that! I would say at one point 80% of my brain had symptoms... Now?? About 15%...
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