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0.5mg Klonopin titration schedule needed


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Hi.. I have aquired the 100 ml cylinder marked in 1 mil graduations.. I have the syrenge.


I currently take 0.5mg of klonopin a day for HPPD and anxiety. I started out on 1mg a day back in december of 07. I tapered down (all beit roughly) to .25mg's I crashed and burned (went too fast) and reinstated to 0.5 last week.


I am currently still experincing anxiety and muscle twitches. but manageable. I was informend here that I may be in tolerance WD

I do have access to the 0.5mg pills to finish this titration. I can get scripts refilled by the doc.


Just to clarify the pills I have are 0.5mg pills.

Just today I have split the dose and take .25 in the monring and .25 at night. to try to even this out a little bit.

I would like to begin this as soon as possible (which is ever best for you, if you can have the sched done by friday I will begin then)


I would like to try reduction of  rate of 10%  every 12 days  if I find this too fast hopeful we can slow this down a bit...or do you suggest a faster rate due to being in tolerance WD already?..either way..I would like to get this started, if you think 10% every 12 days is good even for someone in tolerance WD I will do that.

awaiting the schedule ...



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I trying to hang in there eljay :)


I'm so tempted just to look at other people's schedule , find one that is comparable to what I need..and just start..I'm tired of feeling like this..and want to get going with it.

Although, I know I should just wait...arrrgh



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You could do that too. At least it would give you a better understanding of how it works. Unless you already have that figured out.  ;)
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hmmmm...just a dumb question here.


after I crush the pill (using cup and spoon) do I just add a little milk to the cup, and mix it up and THEN pour it into the cylinder , and then top it off and stir it up again..?


or crush the pill in the cup, top of cylinder with milk, and then add the pill (powder) to the cylider with the milk already in it and then mix?


or does it matter?

I tend to over complicate things!

Ok now to find a schedule of someone doing 10% every 10-12 days...off on my search! :)

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Hi Intox,


I don't think it matters which way you mix it, just so its mixed good, but make sure you get all the pill out of the cup you're crushing in. Also, Hitman60's schedule is 10% over 12 days, very close to what you are looking for. Do you see it right below your titration thread?



T2 :smitten:

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cool thanks theresa...yep I've been following hitmans thread.


about getting all the pill out of the cup, thats what I was worried about...when I mix the milk around in the cup, wont some miniscule amounts stick to the sides of the cup after i pour it into the cylinder?  I guess after I empty the cup into the cylinder, I could just swish around more milk in the cup and then add that to the cylinder as well, then top of the cylinder...


hmmmm do most people shake the cylinder once the milk is in it with the pill powder, or just stir it really good??

It doesnt have a lid, so I guess shaking could end up with klonopin laced milk all over the kitchen, bet my cat would sleep really well after lapping that up..hehe


ahhhh...over anlyizing again.

ok hitmans schedule it is tomorrow, if colin isnt back by then. At Least I could get a day or two start going, which would be cool...and then work with colin when he gets back, and pick up where I'm at then....sounds like a plan to me

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upon further review I see hitman changed the taper rate after he started and the 10% / 12 days started at 97 mil... arrrrgh confusing. I'll wait so I dont screw myself. heh
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ok, just so we are all on the same page. I did not start yet. today I'm taking the whole pill...awaiting a proper schedule. I just didnt want to mess myself up, trying to guess at hitmans schedule :)
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Feel free to use my schedule. It does work. I use a mortal and pestol (sp) to crush the .5 mg pills, and follow Colins schedule to a tee. It it general knowledge that benzos don't really dissolve in the milk, so make sure you stir or mix it thoroughly. I stir it with the milk after I have crushed it, pour it into the cylinder, and then use a long straw to stir it some more.

The tricky thing is extracting the liquid, especially now that I getting lower. yOU MAY FEEL LIKE A CHEMIST AT THIS POINT.

I drink the milk ( I use skim because of lacto intolerance issues)  and then I fill the cylinder up with water and drink that. Don't let the milk linger. After stirring, drink it immediately.


I have not had any major symptoms. Today I am very sleepy, but not uncomfortably so.....Contact me if you have any questions.


Hitman 60

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hey hitman, your ears must have been burning :)


So, let me get this right..do you add the while 100ml of milk to your pill and mix and THEN pour back into the cylinder, or just add enough milk to the pill mixture, enough to stir it in and then pour that into the cylinder, and then top off the cylinder and then mix some more?


Awaiting the schedule Colin..Please :)

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I've just returned to the forum - I will work this up for you today, with tomorrow as the start date.


Even if you find someone with a similar schedule, it is important that they are taking the same number of tablets of a similarly potent benzo. Even if all these requirements are met, your own schedule will have the correct dates for you - this is much more convenient that transcribing dates, especially when fogged from benzos.


I'll post the schedule later today.

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Hi Intox,


How did you sleep last night and how are you feeling today so far? Hope you are feeling somewhat better.



T2 :smitten:

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Hey theresa,

Thanks for asking..

well..I slept "ok" until my dog and cat decided to begin chasing eachother all across/under/over the bed around 5am.. :muscle:  very vivid dreams for the last week or so now...today I'm feeling pretty good so far :)


I'm going to look for the calms forte stuff I've been reading about. I tend to have insomnia normally, so I'm sure It'll get worse during the titration


looking forward to getting this started  :yippee:

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Hi Intox,


Glad you're feeling better. It is suggested to not take the Calms Forte all the time, as it will lose its effectiveness. It is sold otc by the sleep aids. There are lots of other suggestions under the insomnia thread, some take Tylenol PM occasionally, some use melatonin, some use benadryl. If you want some more ideas, just post your question. I drink the chamomile tea, it seems to work for my anxiousness. Did you split your dose again? You should get your schedule today and you'll be on your way!!  :yippee:



T2 :smitten:

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hey hitman, your ears must have been burning :)


So, let me get this right..do you add the while 100ml of milk to your pill and mix and THEN pour back into the cylinder, or just add enough milk to the pill mixture, enough to stir it in and then pour that into the cylinder, and then top off the cylinder and then mix some more?


Awaiting the schedule Colin..Please :)


Crush the pill first, then add the milk and really stir up and pour into cylinder. Add milk to top off, then stir again...I use a large straw that I got at the Farm Store. Then drink right out of the cylinder, and then drink again replacing the milk with water ( just to make sure you have captured the residue) 

Good luck

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ok thank you hit man... I found a long skinny rod I can use to stir the cylinder with. hopefully starting this tomorrow. I'm excited now  :yippee:
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Hi Intox,


Here you go: http://www.benzobuddies.org/spreadsheets/tt-intox-2008-05-22.html


Please print it off, and place the following in your in your signature (you'll find it in your profile).


[url=http://www.benzobuddies.org/spreadsheets/tt-intox-2008-05-22.html][u]My titration schedule[/u][/url].


Have you noticed the benzo-free date! ;)


This is a fairly slow schedule, but if you ever need it adjusting, just let me know, and I'll draw up a new one at a new taper rate.


You will notice that the amount cut (or the frequency of the cuts) is reduced as your taper progresses. At a low dose though (0.4 of a tablet or 40ml), the taper rate levels out to a linear taper. This is because at low doses it is no longer necessary for the taper rate to be forever reduced. Indeed, if this were to happen, the end of you taper would be drawn out for a very long time - it could even add years to the schedule! Anyway, I don't think anyone would argue that seven months to taper off 0.5mg Clonazepam is a fast taper. You should find this a very confortable taper plan.

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Very cool!!

thank you Colin!  :D


Holy crap 7 months?!?!? that's longer than I've been on it! heh I trust your plan better than mine though!

Will begin tomorrow.

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If all goes well, you can always speed it up. You may just breeze thru it in half the time. This is just a starting point.  ;)

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I used the fugures you supplied. I can post up a faster schedule if you like: 10% over 7 days, say. I can always adjust your schedule for you later - just let me know.

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Actually, maybe starting the absolute cuts at 0.4 tablets is too low. If I instead started this at 1 tablet, your taper would finish in the middle of September. This function is very useful in the spreadsheet, but maybe I've not used it aggressively enough by having kick in at only 0.4 tablets. Let me know what you think.
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I'm sorry, it sounded like I was complaining, I wasn't at all...I was just surprised it would take 7 months is all hehe...I figured hitman and I were on the same reduction rate and his was shorter...I just didn't understand sorry.


Sure colin.. I don't understand the absolute cut thing at all....if it would still kep it at the same 10% per 12 days, then I'm all for it starting at 1.




- Scott

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It never crossed my mind that your were complaining. ;)


The 'absolute cuts thing' is the point at which the size of the cuts stop growing smaller as your taper progresses. The size of cuts we make should be relative to our dose at the time. So, as our dose diminshes, so do the size of the cuts. Take this to a crazy extreme, and you would never actually finish tapering, as you would never actually reach zero. Although making cuts relative to our dose is very important, it stops being important at a low dose. If this were not the case, we would never be able to finish our tapers, instead making those crazy, ever smaller cuts. With pill-splitting, there was no 'decision' to make about this, as the 'decision' is forced upon by the constraints of pill-splitting. After all, there comes a point where we can no longer make smaller cuts. This point is generally a quarter of tablet of the smallest dose available of the benzo in question. For some of the more potent benzos, this is big problem.


Valium is available in 2mg tablets. Depending upon which equivalency table you favour, 2mg Valium equates to about 0.1-0.2mg Clonazepam. My reasoning is probably not as precise as it could be, and I should certainly have pinned it to the top of this board. People have generally stopped making ever smaller cuts to their Valium by (and probably before) the time they reach 4mg. 4mg Valium would equate to 0.2-0.4mg Clonazepam. I've used the equivalency figures that suggest 4mg Valium is equivalent to about 0.2mg Clonazepam (that's 0.4 of 0.5mg tablet or 40ml in your cylinder). So, this is where I start off the 'absolute cuts' - that is, cuts that no longer become smaller as the taper progresses. Please note though, using the same logic, and other equivalency figures that suggest that 4mg Valium is equivalent to about 0.4mg Clonazepam would mean that you would only taper down to 0.8 of 0.5mg tablet (80ml in your cylinder) before switching to absolute cuts (this would shorten the taper). All this presupposes that 4mg Valium (or the equivalent dose in another benzo) is the right place to start 'absolute cuts'. Since Titration is rarely needed by those tapering with 2mg Valium tablets, it seemed the most appropriate figure to use. It is though, nothing more than best guess. I hope my explanation appears rational at least.



Edit: typos and clarifications

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