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Hammer Addicted to Temazepam without knowing!


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I’m 65 years of age and had a total knee replacement in Jan 08. Could not sleep at all after operation. Was put on Temazepam 30 mgs by doctor. My recovery with the knee has been below average. I cannot sleep on my back, so the prescription has been in effect for 3 months, 2 weeks. Last Friday night had a 3D Technicolor dream, never happened before, and then Saturday had a frightening 3D dream. Decided to stop taking Temazepam. After 4 days, my blood pressure has elevated well beyond what it should, nearing dangerous stage, and I already take blood pressure medicines’. Also, experiencing, severe anxiety, , Insomnia (10 hrs sleep in 4 nights), Gastro problems, to name a few.


Called the Orthopedic Surgeon, told him, no question I was now addicted to this drug & had been off, cold turkey for 4 days & about the BP. He said cut the pill in half, see how it goes tonight, then keep that up for 1 week, then down another half for a week, then skip a day, take it, then skip two, take it, then skip three, etc. Called Primary care physician who also, verified doing just that.


Started last night back on with about 15 mgs, best I could measure, slept about 5 1/2 hours, some anxiety during the day, but less that prior day. Now it's 4 hours before bedtime & the excessive anxiety, gastro rumblings are at full bore.


I came across this site & hoped I would get opinions on this & some help. This is all new to me.



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Hi Hammer!


Boy your post sure brought back some memories!!  My nightmare started after knee surgery too!!  I hardly slept at all for 3 months and then not at all for a week before I checked myself into a psych hospital.


You are best to take the taper very slow.  I truly know what you are going through.  I hope it gives you some comfort knowing that I was where you are and am totally recovered now.  It will get better...I promise!!





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Hi Hammer,


Hi Hammer, welcome to BenzoBuddies! I don't have a lot of expertise with the drug you are taking. You were initially on 30mg and cut that in half to 15mg. This is a 50% reduction. We recommend our members to reduce by 10% every 7 to 14 days. You should stabilize on a dose that makes you comfortable again before you start tapering. What size pills/capsules do you have? I do believe that your taper may be a bit aggressive and if possible you may want to slow it down some by extending the time between reductions. Others should be by with more experience than me. It is possible that it may be later tonight or early tomorrow, so keep checking back. Hang in there!


Take care!



T2 :smitten:

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Hi Hammer,


Since your time benzos is shorter than most of our members, you might be able to taper off faster than many of our members. However, you also should be prepared to withdraw over a period of many weeks or a few months; you should taper off over as long a period as you need.


You might find that half your usual dose is enough, but if not, you may need to stabilise your dose at 3/4 (or more) of your usual 30mg dose. Once you find a dose that you can live with, stabilise at this dose for week or two, then taper off at a more reasonable rate. It is trial and error to find out what's best for you. However, even if someone has been on benzos for a week or two, they would be well advised to reduce their dose in stages and not cold turkey.


I recommend that you obtain 7.5mg Temazepam tablets, as they will allow you to make much smaller cuts to your dose.

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I dont know anything about your medicine but you've gotten some good advice.

So I just wanted to stop by and say hello and welcome you to BB! You;ve found a great site with lots of wonderful caring people who will bethere with you every step of the way!

Amanda  :smitten:

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Seem to be surviving!!


Day 1 @ ½ dosage (15 mgs); slept 5 hrs, day was fairly comfortable, some tough spots, blood pressure ran high.


Day 2: @ ½ dosage; Anxious in the morning, hit hard @ 8 PM, for about 2 hrs, brutal high anxiety, gastro grumblings, however slept that night for about 5 ½ hrs.


Day 3 still in progress; same dosage; this day and early evening have been the best so far, however have had a busy day, plenty of distractions, to this point.


Wednesday meet with Primary Dr. to discuss in full next step, which he wants to go down another ½ to 7.5 mgs for a week. Am encouraged so far, but continual fluctuation of the blood pressure is of concern


Thanks for everyone’s input so far, you can’t imagine what it feels like to know others are out there who know about this addiction.


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Hi Hammer,


It might be better to try and wait longer between reductions and make smaller reductions if you are feeling bad.  Take care and remember slow and steady wins the race.


T2 :smitten:

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"Yes you should feel reasonably adjusted to this cut before making another cut."


I agree.


I'm still apprehensive, but holding course at the moment & seem to be stabilizing.


Day 4: @ ½ dosage (15 mgs). Slept 7 hrs overnight, longest in some time. Low morning anxiety, extended medium anxiety in afternoon.. BP continuing to drop, diastolic remains in safe zone.


Day 5: slept 5 ½ hrs overnight (Day 4 to 5), Low morning anxiety, low mid afternoon anxiety, none so far tonight. BP still dropping. Diastolic well in safe zone. Systolic 10 points above.


The commentators may be right about this being to quick. One of the symptoms of withdrawal is week limps, not true with arms, but legs are rubbery for sure. The knee surgery doesn't help of course.


However with all the above, I can live with this condition annoying but not life threatening. That may be a whole new ballgame though, when I drop to 7.5 mgs on Thursday, if I do.


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What Dr said


Met with primary Dr today, who, just happens to have extensive knowledge dealing with, addicts, alcoholics, plus other disorders,. I told him I have felt great the last 2 days (6th & 7th day of 50% reduction) & my blood pressure is back to normal, even after stopping the 2nd BP pill, which I had to take until I “cooled” down.


I showed him the Ashton Manuel. He said, I’m running blind here with this particular drug, but I don’t like substituting one drug for another, and based on my 25 yrs of treating addictions of one type or another, I think this will work for you, based on the time you were on Temazepam (Restoril). You’ve already reduced by 50 % this past week and tolerated it (30mgs to 15 mgs). Starting tonight drop another 50% to 7.5 mgs, for a week, then take the 7.5 mgs every other night for a week, then every 3rd night for a week. The prescription will then have run out. If at any time you have extreme difficulty, up the dosage for that night and then resume the schedule. I will see you in 3 weeks and you can call at any time.


He knows I was in the funeral business and stated that you never saw a death certificate with the cause of death as “lack of sleep”. So don’t get up at night,  just lie there in bed & rest for your normal time period even if you don’t sleep, during the nights you don’t take it. So there it is, tonight will start the next phase for me.


All I can do is see what happens in the next couple of days.


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Hi Hammer,


Wishing you a symptom free taper! You will be fine, you were on this for a shorter time than most. We'll be here if you need us. Take care!



T2 :smitten:

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The Ashton schedules are designed for those that have developed dependency to benzos. You are likely to be not dependent, or have developed only a marginal dependency. Substitution would add to the time you take benzos, and in your situation, that's bad idea. I direct and accelerated taper, unless proven otherwise, is the right direction to take in your circumstances. ;)
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Thanks to everyone on the forum for keeping my head on straight.


This is my 4th day @ 7.5 and I'm tolerating it well. BP well within range and little anxiety. Test will be this week, starting Tuesday, one day off, one day on. If it works I think the following week, 3 off, 1 on, should do the trick. We'll see, so far so good



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Thanks to everyone on the forum for keeping my head on straight.


This is my 4th day @ 7.5 and I'm tolerating it well. BP well within range and little anxiety. Test will be this week, starting Tuesday, one day off, one day on. If it works I think the following week, 3 off, 1 on, should do the trick. We'll see, so far so good




Hi Hammer,


Sounds like you're on your way to benzo freedom! Glad you're doing better! Take care!



T2 :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: 30 to 15 to 7.5 to 3.75 to Zero


When I was supposed to go, 1 day off, 1 day on @ 7.5 mgs. Handled the 1st two nights well, so decided to cut it in half again. So on the on day took 3.75 mgs. After a week of 1 off, 1 on @ 3.75, am now on the 3 days off, 1 day on.


However since I seem to be tolerating it better than I expected, with only some small anxiety last night, I will enter tonight, having spent the last 4 nights totally off. Averaging about 5 hrs per night sleep. Will see the Dr on Wednesday to evaluate results, after 6 nights off. Blood pressure is still bumpy, but within normal ranges.


Dr said in the beginning, “that this may work, but only if you’re motivated”. I am that for sure. I want off this stuff, period. Those first four days of cold turkey were absolutely awful.


Thanks to everyone,


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Hi Hammer,


This is great news! Glad to hear you are doing so well and off the meds!


:yippee: :yippee:C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!! :yippee: :yippee:




T2 :smitten:

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Met with the Dr today, after 6 nights off the drug and only very short periods of very little anxiety, none today so far. As they say in sports “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings”, but I can see her walking up the front steps.


At the moment I'm very grateful.


I really appreciate those on this board for just being here & your advice & encouragement. This cannot be done alone.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Once again thanks to everyone.


16 days clean, everything is back to normal.


Sweet! :yippee:






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  • 1 month later...

Thought I would post a follow-up:


It has now been, 2 months plus that I have been off Temazepam. I am finally sleeping normal. What’s normal for me, at least 2 wake-ups a night and a total of 6 hours sleep. It turns out I apparently stop breathing before these wake-ups, so I may have sleep apnea. I’m seeing a sleep physician in about a week, who will test me over 2 nights.


About 2 ½ weeks off the drug, I tried Melatonin 1 mg, which helped for a couple of weeks, then stopped it. I had used melatonin prior to my knee surgery quite often, seemed to help with blood pressure as well.


I want to take something to help me sleep longer & better, but I just don't dare anymore, not after this experience.



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