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Anyone have a setback after being off 10 months or more?

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Ok, let's try this again...I am not trying to be "devisive", I am miserable..I am just a person who is off benzos for 10 months and was doing GREAT and now am not sleeping, and feeling the worst intense anxiety/fear/nervous combo. Can anyone relate?
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I have not been where you are (yet) but am getting a sense from other posts that there is a relationship between going of benzos too fast and getting bitten later (for some people).  But always also ask yourself what else has changed in your life that could have been a trigger.  dont forget the other stuff yuo are now taking, maybe getting blood levels would be informational.
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I've been thinking of everything I've done/eaten/drank/did for the last 5 days that would make this come back in so hard...I can't come up w/anything...I never saw a correlation before for those who tapered too rapidly and having setbacks the longer there off...I will starting paying more attention..Thanks David!
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by getting bitten later I simply meant once they were off.  Your point is well taken.  Will your doc take some blood levels?
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Hi Sunny,


I am 12 months off and had an unexpected return of anxiety over the past few weeks, along with some sleep issues.  Now, my ramp in symptoms has been mild compared to where I was in 2009/2010, but considering my anxiety had all but disappeared some months ago now, this sudden ramp was annoying, to say the least.


Remember that, for some, it can take 18 months or longer to fully heal.


Hang in there.

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Sunny, I've had setbacks at your time off and now at 15 months off, I'm having another bad one. It will get better once again. I think the good/bad/good/bad is a sure sign this is not permanent, too. Permanent damage wouldn't get better. Hang in there, it could be another bumpy ride through this wave. We are still healing! :yippee:
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I am at 16 mos after a slow taper and I am now worse then I was. My anxiety is so bad which has made all my anxiety symptoms at a point that is unbearable. Many many panic attacks that last for hours to a point of insane mind and body feelings. I got hit driving yesterday for no reason and was barely able to make it home. The fear of these things are really bad.
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Thanks everyone...yes David..I definitely have been "bitten" hard! From the rapid taper, to the acute w/d phase, to the day in and day out of this nightmare...it seems to never end..sure i get windows, and they are wonderful..and I've done some amazing healing over the last 10 months..but so far from months 6-10 it feels tedious/slow...no BIG changes..just here and there...I want BIG changes...I want HUGE windows and GREAT sleep...lol...looks like I'm still in for more time.


I'm sorry for you Bevoir..I can't imagine what it would like to feel "healed" and then get hit again..how awful! I'm sure it will pass as I'm sure mine will too but it is just getting so darn hard! And I'm tired and worn out and having a hard time right now.


Hope-Fiend...I'm sorry you are in a bad wave...my usual "waves" are about a week long, so maybe I will get a break in 2 days..I get good a good week and a bad week..lately though the good has outweighed the bad, hence why I'm kinda freakin out here today.



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Oh No Sunny!!!

I dont like hearing this! :(

For me at month 10 I was almost healed and doing great!

Then had major sinus infection put on amoxil for 10 days

and suffered huge set back major! But Idk if was all from

amoxil or just the creepy process..Im now at almost 15 months

and can feel the healing take place huge again...

I will not be surprised if I get hit again..This process is very mean!!!

Hold on Sunny this is just a wave and soon comes even bigger Window!!!


Miss B...Im so sorry ..I know how frustrateing this is expecially at 1 yr out..

This to shall pass and its all healing from here on out ..



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Well, i'm not sure if this is the culprit..but i seem to have developed a rather fast and bad UTI...never been hit so fast and so hard...I am starting my "natural" stuff for it now...maybe my body has been fighting this for a few days and I didn't recognize the early symptoms.


Jenny..your story is what I am scared of...antibiotics...so many have said that they messed them up after they felt healed or at least close too...I haven't been on an antibiotic in a year now and want to avoid them like the plague...that is why I am worried about this UTI...what if I can't get it under control w/natural stuff? Is there a "safe" antibiotic for those of us in benzo w/d?

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I know exactly what your saying..But I knew it might set me back

so I braced myself for it! When it happened I wasnt surprised!And I knew

it wasnt going to last forever so I just tryed to stay calm and I think that helped me.

Sunny if you need a antibiotic then its because you have a infection and the UTI needs it.

I hope the natural stuff works ..Try not to make ur self upset and its very possible

from the UTI reved ur sxs..


Im praying for you Sweet Sunny ...


Jenny :smitten:

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I drive myself nuts with that question every day Maranatha "Could it be the Trazodone?"...I stopped it several months ago early in w/d thinking the same thing but I never felt any better after stopping it...so I don't know...what I do know is I can not handle another w/d right now...so if it's it, then it's gonna have to wait a bit longer.
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How many people having anxiety this far out had anxiety before benzos.


If this was even remotely close to what I had before benzos I wouldn't be complaining...this is insane and the intensity is ridiculous...plus it's not my only sx...but I get your point and it's a good one!

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Miss B...Im so sorry ..I know how frustrateing this is expecially at 1 yr out..

This to shall pass and its all healing from here on out ..



Thank you, honey  :smitten:


I guess that we are all still dealing with the healing  :)

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I'm so sorry you are not feeling well :(


I've been hit a few times since I've been off.  It's as though I wake up one morning and I'm in withdrawal all over again, then I wake up another morning and it's gone.


It seems like there's just no rhyme or reason to it.  I truly hope you feel better soon, and that your UTI goes away quickly. :hug:

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Thanks Missy...I hate UTI's...we have a swimming pool and if the chemicals get off at all I get a UTI and I've been in the pool a lot lately!


I just thought I'd have bigger and longer windows by now..I've had them, but they never seem to stick for very long.  :'(  This insane intense fear/nervous feeling inside my chest/stomach feels horrible..it the hard to breathe thing is beyond getting on my nerves! I just want to breathe like a normal person.

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I wouldn't say I had a setback per se after 10 months.  What happened was that I experienced my very first window at the end of month 9 and thought I was recovered.  For the next two months I had windows/waves.  At one year the windows became longer and the waves shorter and milder. 


As I told you in that pm, sometimes people get hit really hard toward the end and then keep on moving toward healing after that last really difficult wave.


Also, I had to take Bactrim for a UTI when I was 8 months free and my anxiety and other symptoms went out the roof!  I have heard amoxycillin is the best antibiotic for benzo wd but one other person told me her symptoms flared with it. 


Now I take a cranberry pill every day and it has keep the UTIs away. 

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Yes I started cranberry complex today..I hope it's not too late!


I will be back in a week..computer is broke and goin in for repairs..please keep posting, I will respond when it's fixed.!

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I had a pretty good setback the last coupe weeks, I hate how we're teased with feeling like it's all over then to get hit again  :tickedoff:
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I'm sorry Star..how I hate to hear that! I'm wondering if this bladder infection is causing some of my problems...has anyone had one in w/d and if so what antibiotic did you take? Did it make w/d worse? I need to see my doctor today, it is bad and I don't know which antibiotic to ask for..I know that quinolones are out..how about Biaxin?


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Hey Sunny....just tell them no fluoros.....  Also.... I have learned from many people with anxiety...never on benzos.. that it comes and goes,,,    they will be fine a year or many.... then it comes back full force... and they dont know why either..  I just cant believe its ALL the drug....I used to..  Did u have anxiety prior..or not know you did....or any family with it ??  Just from looking at different people on many forums over the last 3 years...it seems many had anxiety they didnt know of to begin with...  I didnt think I did... but looking back...I am sure now I had it to a certain degree... Use of benzos made it worse...  Just my thoughts....  Hope you get some help at the dr today  :thumbsup:
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Hey Sunny....just tell them no fluoros.....  Also.... I have learned from many people with anxiety...never on benzos.. that it comes and goes,,,    they will be fine a year or many.... then it comes back full force... and they dont know why either..  I just cant believe its ALL the drug....I used to..   Did u have anxiety prior..or not know you did....or any family with it ??  Just from looking at different people on many forums over the last 3 years...it seems many had anxiety they didnt know of to begin with...   I didnt think I did... but looking back...I am sure now I had it to a certain degree... Use of benzos made it worse...   Just my thoughts....   Hope you get some help at the dr today  :thumbsup:


Yes I had a lot of anxiety before benzos..hence the benzos...and I too have recently tried to stop blaming benzo w/d for every little thing..but this anxiety isn't normal at all..it's off the charts w/a lot of fear w/it...like feeling like something bad is about to happen...anticipating something scary and awful. Maybe this is my "new" anxiety that I will be left with after benzo w/d and I will just have to get used to it...it sure sucks though, the old anxiety was all mental symptoms, this is mental and a whole lot physical..nausea/can't get a breath/racing heart/vibrating...weird.

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what u are describing sounds just like what my friends Mom hd happend to her....and she was never on benzos.... she couldnt even walk straight...so dizzy and bumping into walls....and bad bad anxiety....  thats why she keeps trying to talk me into an ssri...  thats what she did..and i peerfect now for like 10 years !
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