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Should I taper off Lyrica?


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I am currently tapering off klonopin. Started my taper in January from 1.1 mg, and I am now at 0.250 mg.


About two months ago a psychiatrist prescribed me Lyrica, because withdrawal from the Klonopin caused extreme muscle cramps. Also I lost a lot of weight, having trouble eating.


At first Lyrica did help with the muscle cramps and appetite, in general making my Klonopin taper more bearable. I could function, and believed that I was able to finish the taper.


Now two month later, I find myself feeling drugged, with no emotions, even more confused than before taking Lyrica. I am feeling beside myself, not in touch with my inner core, just watching the days go by. I find it harder than before to find words, which was not a problem before adding Lyrica to my taper.


I read up on Lyrica in Benzo withdrawal, and I am getting a bit freaked out with all the negative experiences with the drug. OK, I am not a bit freaked out, I am terrified that I now have to deal with after effects from two drugs.


I should add that the doctor who prescribed me Lyrica, had never experienced anyone having problems tapering off Klonopin, so I really do not trust him. Later I started seeing another doctor with benzo knowledge, but he does not have much Lyrica information, as he refuses to prescribe any drug for benzo withdrawal.


My questions now :


1) I have only been on Lyrica (150 mg x 2) for 9 weeks, would it be a good idea to wean off it now, instead of waiting until I tapered the Klonopin? I can deal with the muscle cramps comming back, as it seem to be hardest after a reduction in my Klonopin dose.


2) Does the following taper plan seem reasonable?


Week 1

250 mg

week 2

200 mg

week 3

150 mg

week 4

100 mg

week 5

50 mg


I plan to stop my Klonopin taper until I am done tapering Lyrica.


Hope someone can help



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I think your Lyrica taper plan sounds totally reasonable. I have taken it before, but not for a long period of time (maybe a week or two at the most) because I had side effects that made me stop it. But I do take gabapentin, which is a relative of Lyrica, so I have some experience there. I think because you have only been on it 9 weeks you shouldn't have too much of a problem getting off of it...some people do have problems but I think it is a situation of prepare for the worst but hope for the best!!


Best of luck-



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Hi Libby


Thank you so much for your good answer.


Right now I am at a really hard point at 0.250 mg Klonopin, waiting/hoping to be stabile so I can continue my taper. My mind is going crazy thinking about whether I should start tapering the Lyrica immediately with the risk of not being able to continue with my Clonopin cuts, or I should wait reducing the Lyrica until I am feel a bit better? (Last time I cut Klonopin was last saturday, and I am having one of the worst waves yet)


As always, I think that I am never going to get over a wave, but I usually do, I hope




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Thanks Pamster


With the muscle cramps I am having many times a day with this cut, I really feel in no shape to having withdrawals from both drugs.


Hope this is just a wave, cramping all day, but I have tried it earlier in my taper :(

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Hi Kasper-


Muscle spasms were one of the worst withdrawal symptoms for me the lower I got in my taper. They weren't painful, just super annoying! People could literally see my muscles jumping through my clothes. It went away after about 4 weeks benzo-free, so hopefully yours will also go away relatively soon in the withdrawal process. I think if it were me, I would probably choose to hold the klonopin taper and go ahead with the lyrica taper first. That way, in the bigger picture, you'll only be on that medication a relatively short amount of time. At this point you've already been on K for quite awhile (almost exactly the same amount of time I was on it!), so that would be the one I'd hold off on for now. That's just me though! Please keep us posted on how you're doing.


Take care-



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I,ve been diagnosed w fibromyalgia.  The rheum doc wanted to put me on lyrica but I refused.  My symptoms got so bad, and not one doc said it could be from tolerance withdrawal.  Things were falling out of my hand (ie, walking my dog, the leash would drop, pens, papers, etc.), joints were all screaming pain. Couldn't sit without knee pain.  Couldn't stand long or even walk very far.  I did my own research and now and found that the thing that I wanted help and relief of, was made worst by the prescribed drug I was on (klonopin).  Since I have reduced, I am no longer dropping things, joints hurt but not on fire as they were few weeks back and I can sit without hurting.  It makes me sad and angry that docs don't look back at side effects of medicine prescribed but just hand out another prescription.
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I was also diagnosed with fibro while on K. I went and saw same rheumatologist a few weeks after I was done with my taper, and lo and behold I no longer meet criteria for fibro! I also was sad, disappointed, relieved, and frustrated, thinking of all the unnecessary pain and suffering I had gone through (and am going through) because I took a prescribed med as directed. And again, not one doc mentioned it could be benzos, I had to do my own research too. Unreal!



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Hi Libby


I do not know if its exactly muscle spasms I have got.


I know about muscles jumping all over my body, like nerves telling the muscle to cramp and let go, but that do not bother me so much.


The muscle cramps starts with brain confusion, like a mental nausea and I want to run away from feeling so bad. Then often my muscles starts to tighten, I make involuntary tics with my body, and finally my neck muscles cramp and my head starts shaking like I am having a seizure. I know that it is not a seizure, just cramps. Does it sound just a little similar to what you experienced?. It does not hurt, but feels so bad.


Your thoughts about Lyrica I have as well, that maybe I am not so hooked on Lyrica yet that it is easier to get off now. So hard to make a decision when having one of the hell waves. But actually feeling a bit better today than the last 7 days, hopfully I just need to adjust to my current dose, and try to relax.


Hi Lookingahead


Yeah - I refused every medicine a doctor has tried to feed me, but I failed at Lyrica as he was very convincing that it would help in Benzo withdrawal. Guess I had my guards down there, so stupid. It is hard not to be able to trust them!!


Thanks for all your help!





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  • 1 month later...

Dear Kasper,

I know this thread is old. I saw that you were thinking of tapering off Lyrica and I wondered how that process had/is going? I've been on 150mg for about 9 months, and I began my taper about a month ago. I'm down to 50mg at bedtime, with no side effects, and I'm going to drop to 25mg tonight for about a week, and then stagger 25mg every other day.


I wondered how you found the end of the taper, what symptoms you experienced, etc.? This was a drug I initially stopped cold-turkey and after about three days, thought I was going to die, so I just made up my own taper plan and have been doing that with success, but I'm scared about the end because I know this is such an evil drug.


I'm already taking Klonopin and Restoril, and will taper off the Restoril next, but want to finish the Lyrica taper first. Just interested in how it went for you.


Thanks so much!


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  • 2 months later...

Hi inkerbelle,


I saw your post and wanted to ask you how your taper has been.


My doc put me on 50 mg of Lyrica 3 times a day for anxiety to help w/ my benzo w/d symptoms.


I've been feeling so down all of the time and groggy that I think I'm going to cut down. I have been on it since the beginning of Sept.


I hope you are doing well.

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I finally made it off the Lyrica, although it took awhile to get off the final 25 mg. I had been on 150 mg daily as well. I had no trouble getting down to 25 mg, but coming off that was really difficult. When I started the Lyrica, I remember that it did make me feel very sedated and groggy, but this went away with time. You may not need such a high dose, if it's helping with your w/d symptoms.


My other benzos haven't changed, but since stopping the Lyrica, I've had very bad muscle cramps in my legs and terrible nausea. I'm not able to eat much and only very bland foods. But then again, I was on it for about a year and a half.


You might talk to your doctor about doing just one dose at the time when you feel your w/d symptoms are the most revved up. Or if you decide to stop taking it, be careful just coming off the 25 mg (lowest prescribed dose). I definitely noticed a withdrawal effect within a few days, which is why I had to water taper.



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I wanted to ask you one more question.


When you were on Lyrica for 1.5 yrs, did you gain weight?


I have heard about this side effect from a lot of people. I've also been hearing about benzo belly and I feel like I do have that.


I hope you are having a good weekend.


Take care,



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I was also (and still am) on Topamax, which is an appetite suppressant, so I think that cancelled out the effects of the Lyrica.


Also, I was really battling with depression, which was a natural appetite suppressant in and of itself.


So, I really didn't notice a dramatic weight increase.


However, having come off the Lyrica, I've dropped about 15 lbs. I think mainly b/c the benzo tapering has made all food seem repulsive and I have to force myself to eat.




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  • 2 years later...



I started this thread more than 2 years ago, afraid of how I would ever be able to come off Lyrica.

I am happy to report that it is possible, I am now 1 month Lyrica free after a 8 month taper.


Things went well from 300 mg, until reaching 75 mg. Slowly my symptoms started to increase, and I had to hold several times.


My advice would be to start a taper with cuts of 25 mg, holding 14 days. If a cut feels unbearable, then go back to the previous dosage, and do a titration of the 25 mg. At 75, 50, and 25 mg, I made the cut titrated using 28 ml of water, going down 2 ml. each day.


I am now off, and my benzo symptoms are now increased, but not to a degree that is worse than at any point post benzo taper.


It can be done :)

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