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Klonopin Taper .50mg


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Colin, thank God I found this board.

I no longer take Prozac, finished with that about 6 months ago. Thought I needed it again, took 5 dozes and my had panic attack...so I am Prozac free now...


And I take no other drugs except vitamins, and cholesterol med.


I have been on Klonopin for 3 years. I was on 1 mg, and about 2 or 3 months ago, I stepped down to .50 mg ( I have the the 1mg tabs which I cut in half). I did call my doc to see if he could prescribe the 05 pills to help with the taper. Hopefully, he complies, but he told me that it would be a piece of cake because I am at a long dose. I know that is wrong.


Please direct me to a Klonopin taper schedule, as I want to be drug free, I run 3 miles a day, rollerblade, workout and listen to meditation tapes. I am also giving up the coffee as I taper.   I am 60 and I do NOT want to spend these years in benzo prison.



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Hi Hitman60,


I answered your first post in "welcome" forum. If you acquire the .50 pills, you could try splitting these into 1/4s with a pill splitter and reducing by this amount every two weeks. If this becomes too uncomfortable, you could use titration and someone can help you with that. Hang in there!



T2 :smitten:

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Sorry, I did not see the first answer. I have a call into my doc to refill my Klonopin with the 05 dose.


Then I will start by taken 3/4 of the pill for 2 weeks and titrate to 1/2 for two more weeks, and then so on ..correct....I will try that.




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Hi Hitman60,


I was wondering how you went from 1.00mg to .50mg and what kind of w/d symptoms did you have? Some find even cutting by 1/4s is too rough, so you can try it and see how it goes. If it is too uncomfortable, you can titrate. Since 10% over 7 to 14 is the recommended tapering plan, going from .50 to .375 is a 25% cut, this may prove to be too much at once. If you want to learn how to titrate, Colin can make up a schedule for you. You will need a 100ml cylinder and a syringe marked with ml, so you can make up a liquid solution and reduce your dose by 1ml a day. I am not an expert in titration and Colin would have to help you with that if that is the way you want to go. I am going to start crushing my 1/4 (.125) doses and split the piles and reduce this way, which is a reduction of .0625, you may find this too difficult.



T2 :smitten:

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I was taking 1 mg at night for about 2 years, and I just cut them in half and reduced to .5O about 2-3 months ago. I really did not notice any symptoms when I made that cut...maybe a bit on edge in the am. My problem came when I stopped cold turkey from the .50....Then I got real anxious, numbness, and fearful.


That is what brought me running to this board.


I will probably start on Thursday....Can I get the syringe and the drug store? Waiting for Colin to send me the schedule. I am a type A. so I will follow it to the plan. Just a bit nervous :-\

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Hi Hitman60,


I just responded to your other post on the welcome forum. Here is what I wrote....




Have you decided to use titration or try proceeding with dry cutting? If you need a schedule, Colin will need to know if you want a 10% reduction over two weeks and you will need to acquire a 100ml cylinder and a syringe marked with ml is helpful to reduce the liquid mixture. Please let us know how you want to proceed.


Also, do you have a 100ml cylinder marked with 1ml intervals? You can pick up a syringe at the pharmacy.






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Hi Hitman,


I understand you want to do titration, here is what Colin needs from you...


Just confirm the details of the cylinder, and your preferred taper rate (10% over 14 days, for example); your start date; and your total daily dose; and the (size) dose of your pills and how many you take per day. From this information he can work up a schedule.



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Colin may be taking a day or two off. He's been pushing himself hard and we've been encouraging him to. Never fear though, he will return and respond.



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Information about my taper from .50 mg of Klonopin.


I take .50 mg 1 x a day.

I have been on this amount for the last 3 months. I was taking 1mg, and did not have any problems except a little anxiety when I made the switch.


I just got a prescription for 6o pills of .50 from my doc, but this is the last script the doc will write. He thinks titration on this amount is ridiculous.

I have the cylinder and the syringe.

Would like to start May 1st


Some have suggested a dry taper, but I think perhaps this will give me the least anxiety symptoms. Is it problematic that I only take 1 pill a day> Some say that makes titration more difficult?

Please send schedule..Anything else you need. I am on no other meds.


tom  ( hitman60)



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Hi tom,


I can tell you are very nervous about this and there really is no need to be.  You can come off this smoothly with the taper Colin is going to give you and you're are not starting until May 1. Until then take your dose as usual, don't go up an down with it just stay steady until you start your taper.


It's fine that you take one pill a day.  Once you get lower it might be easier for you to spread it out but Colin will help you with that.  You can read other stories on the board of people who have/are tapering with success.  There is no doubt in my mind that you can do this, too.






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Yo Tom,


I crossed over to Valium (10 mg) from 0.5 mg Klonopin in September. I just finished my taper yesterday. IT IS NOT RIDICULOUS! I would recommend you find another Shtink. And if you cross over to Valium and taper smooth like I did, that may help a lot.


I never had any problems with once a day of K or V.

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  Ok I am having trouble in getting the cylinder.


So I would like to try a titrate by cutting the .5 mg pills. I am taking no other meds


Need a plan from one of you experienced leaders.  If that does not work, I will try the Colin approach

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Hi Hitman60,


As I mentioned before, you would split your .50m dose into 1/4s by using a pill splitter. The recommended reduction every 7-14 days (14 days holding is better with these higher percentages) is 10%. Your first reduction would be .125 or 25%, this is considered a hefty cut, the next cut would equate to 33%, next cut would be 50%. Eljay reduced this way, but I had to slow mine down to .0625. When I am at .125 for all three doses, my next option is to crush a 1/4 pill into 2 separate piles and take one. I had no problems reducing in the beginning but has become harder the lower I go. Hope this helps.




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You dont absolutely need a cylinder, A measuring cup with ml marked on the side is sufficent, you can use a baby dropper marked in ml to deduct from your solution. You have 60 pills left you can reduce to zero in aprox 60 days, a little fast but since you Doc wont help out Thats the way to go unless you can find another Doc. Oh he may be a genius but he doesnt know benzos


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I am saving the 5mg tabs I just got for the liquid titration


I should be able to do it in 60 days. I have about 20 of my 1 mg that I have cut in half, so I could always use them with the titration that Colin will give me when the freaking cylinder arrives. I am a type A, so I am going to use Colins schedule absolutely as he lays it out for me....


I am in a professional job in health care, where I cannot afford to be anxious and on the edge. That is why I am going to do the liquid titrate. I came off of Prozac that way and it was a piece of cake.


Thanks for the input




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Thats good , it changes my understanding, doing it as Colin suggests is perfect, you might want to use the 1mg to extend and ease the tapering process, but thats totally up to you.


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Ok, Colin, the cylinder arrived today.

I am ready to start the taper.

I know you need some time to get it planned.

If Wednesday, the 7th is good, let's shoot for that day.


To reiterate, I am only taking .5 mg 1 time a day at around 7:00 in the am

I take no other meds except GABA and some vitamins.



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Also tell Colin the total # of mgs you have left  as I understand you only have a limited supply
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Colin, I have  60 tablets of .5 mg.

I am taking .5 mg only 1 time a day.


I also have about 20 1 mg tabs that I split in half...I have not taken 1 mg for 5 months


hitman 60

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I canot find a post where you state the taper rate. Or is it that you have taper off within 60 days?

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Colin, I am starting to get frustrated.

I have posted this 12 times....What else could you possibly need.

I have done everything in preparation for this taper.


I take 1 tablet a day of a .50 klonopin 1 time a day at 7:00 am

I did take 1 mg a day until 4 months ago.

I have a new prescription for the .50 pills that YOU suggested to get as I was breaking the 1mg in half.

I just want a realistic taper off of the .50 Klonopin

All I need is a tapering schedule. If you are NOT willing to do this let me know and I will not bother you. But if you read this entire post, it is nothing but the same repeated verbiage. What could you be possibly missing?

I take NO other drugs




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