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I have now ran into somany people on Zoloft...fo anxiety and panic attacks.... and they never had them b4 in their life.  Just yesterday anothre lady popped up in my world at the library...said it saved her life...she had done the benzo route..    Just wanted to share that with any one having anxiety after being off benzos or thats why they were put on them.  This lady also has a Mom with anxiety and 2 sisters with anxiety and allare on zoloft and she said she spent 3 years being ill.....all kinds of issues..alot even resembled benzo w/d....    My psychologist said our bodies change as we age....and the way we react to things...and that evey thought produces a chemical release in your brain....and inheriting chemical imbalances IS shown to be very true...  I have been skeptical....but will say ..Ihave ran into waaaaay too many people who have said Zoloft saved them....and they live now....work...go out...have fun....dont hurt and they arent zombies !!  They all said the first few weeks was tough....but then it all went uphill...  I am supposed to give an ssri a ry and have been very leary..and waiting....and praying,,,,  I feel God has placed these people in my life.....to show me...to let me know...  Not everyone has bad issues with the meds..    These are a few who have spoken to me......on anxiety and how ssri helped them...    Not pushing.....just sharing.... 


My best friends Mom


Lady at resell shop

lady at library

former co worker

friends daughter


They all got their lives back/...

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I have thought about trying Zoloft. My neighbour says it works wonders for her anxiety and depression.

She's way up on dose. I think 175mg (Not sure).


I'm not pushing either, just saying what she said.


She stays so calm and pleasant.



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Here is my two cents having been on Zoloft for years: it is like Benzos in that it can work very well for a time to change the way we feel but eventually it can start to lose its effectiveness.  Once upon a time I would stand on my soapbox and tell people how great Klonopin was. It did work for a while and so did Zoloft but the hell I have been going through is not worth those temporary "good" times. We need to be very careful about altering our brain chemistry . Here I am on the soapbox again, just facing the other direction.  Sorry, but I hate the idea of anyone feeling the way I have felt.  Good luck!  Scott
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You have to do what you think is best.  With my experience of AD's.....prozac caused agitation, and after taking it 6 months, I started feeling so depressed.  I stopped taking it after 1 year (couldn't stand feeling so down all the time), and the depression left, very quickly.  I felt much better off that drug.  Zoloft....really was a bad experience for me....but that could have been because I was already in withdrawal.

Don't they warn against taking these drugs for very long....just like benzos ?  I agree with Scott about altering our brain chemistry.  Once you start playing around with that.......I don't know !!!!!!!!!!!


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yep..every one is diferent... several have been on them for 10 and 15 years....all doing well....  who knows... just tossing it out there..  benzos are an entire different beast in my eyes....  and chemical imbalances..many believe not to be true....  well...  I used to wonder that myself... I am starting to believe that it is true...been digging around alot of medical journals too...  Benzos....BAD  :pokey:    Been sick 6 years.... I have had enough.....ready to take a different route....  Just placing it in Gods hands....    :angel: 
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The reason I put this under anxiety and not other Rx meds was b/c I was addressing " ANXIETY" ....not benzo w/d  8) 
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Just got off facebook with a gal I havent spoke to in a while.....was having bad anxiety and panic attacks that would not stop...guess what....she said she was put on Zoloft !!!! This was just like an hour ago.....  she said she is feeling much better...and is in school with 3 kids.... 
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Let us know how it works for you, Meljo.  I've heard both good and bad about Zoloft, but if it can help with the severe anxiety, it certainly would not hurt to try it.


Different meds work differently for people.  If you try it and it helps, that would be wonderful!

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You can also check out askapatient.com, and you can read of other's experience with Zoloft.


One thing to keep in mind - many of these people were not dependent on benzos when they took Zoloft.  I don't know if that can make a difference, but please weigh the pros and cons before trying any new medicine. :)


Edit for spelling  ::)

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Yeah and before I allowed my doc to put me on Lexapro 18 months ago for anxiety I could name a dozen women who were on it and swore by it (though I can name several who have since come off of it).  Took away the anxiety, but it nearly killed me.  You are playing Russian roulette with any psychotropic medication...they don't know how these things work.  Read the material and listen to the ads..."it is believed that...".  That's my 2 cents...certainly don't want to tell anyone what to do.
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I checked out askapatient.com earlier.. like yesterday!


A lot of good reviews.

On a Psych. Forum I go to, there's a lot of ppl who absolutely love it.


I'm about ready to take it in the day, and maybe the Elivil at night.


I don't care at this point what I'm on  :laugh:



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The reason I put this under anxiety and not other Rx meds was b/c I was addressing " ANXIETY" ....not benzo w/d   8)   


The title and content of this thread pertained to 'Other Prescribed Medications' irrespective of  what they were prescribed for.  Please read the first post in this tread by Jan for further clarification.

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Was just letting ya know why I posted it under anxiety....  I was posting for those who have anxiety...  not trying to post on benzo w/d only....or other Rx meds..... but whatever...  I just wanted to share.....    8)    I spent an hour on the phone last night speaking to my friend...she had used benzos also...  she is doing much better now on zoloft...  she said its all in her family....the anxiety etc....    same with mine  :-\     
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If you decide to that route really watch your body. I did because everyone I talked to swore by their meds. I went from Prozac to paxil to lexapro to celexa. They kept telling me to give it time. I got extremely suicidal until the celexa. Im getting off of it but again really watch your body. It can really go either way. 
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Anxiety is "in my family" too...much family sickness, dysfunction and stress that has compromised all of our central nervous systems.  But that doesn't mean we need to take anything to "fix" it.  I don't mean to be critical of anyone who chooses to do that, but I think physicians and pharmaceutical companies have duped us into believing that anxiety can be cured by drugs...drugs that they have no idea how they work or if they will work for us without making us 10 times sicker.  My experience with a/ds has been as horrific as with benzos. 
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You will find both horror stories and success stories with any kind of anti-depressant.


I urge you to do your homework, and then make a decision based on what you find.  Ad's have helped many people, they have also caused problems for others.  We never know how a medication will affect us until we take it ourselves.


Should you choose to go this route, I wish you success!


Please let us know what you decide to do, and know that we will be here to support you in whatever you decide. :hug:

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Hi there,


Well, my experience with an AD was bad during benzo w/d. I can say it will either work, won't, or you might have a negative experience. But you won't know unless you try. Some said it was a bit rough to start, then afterwards smooth sailing. You could start a very small dose and work your way up and if you have problems simply quit.




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yes I am sure its like any med.....  people can drop dead from an aspirin...where the majority tolerate it fine....  same with the Chantix to stop smoking....  My Dad took it and did great ! Hasnt smoked in 3 years...  :thumbsup:  yet there is new hype on it....    I will let yall know which way I go and how it turns out  8)   
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