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Tapering onto Mirt


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Can anyone with experience of going onto mirt during withdrawl give me advice on the best way to do it? The depression I'm suffering is crushing and I may need to try something. I haven't decided for sure yet but would like to get clued up as much as possible. If I could take the edge off this then the rest would be more bareable. I'm almost 5 months of valium ct. Thanks in advance.

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I hope others familiar with Mirt chime in for you Jon. I know how much you have been debating this.

My guess is that most people will tell you they pretty much started at 7.5 or 15 and then increased their way up to 30 or 45 by weekly increments of 7.5 to 15. Before you even consider taking this med regularly, you might want to try a small dose to see how you handle it.

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19 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

I hope others familiar with Mirt chime in for you Jon. I know how much you have been debating this.

My guess is that most people will tell you they pretty much started at 7.5 or 15 and then increased their way up to 30 or 45 by weekly increments of 7.5 to 15. Before you even consider taking this med regularly, you might want to try a small dose to see how you handle it.

Cheers crono. Yeah I was thinking maybe even 3.5mg. I'm just worried about putting anything in there thats going to upset an already upset nervous system. Feeling fragile enough as it is. (y)

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32 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Cheers crono. Yeah I was thinking maybe even 3.5mg. I'm just worried about putting anything in there thats going to upset an already upset nervous system. Feeling fragile enough as it is. (y)

I hear ya! You can't imagine how stressed I was looking at that 12.5 mg sertraline pill (starting dose is usually 50). I was very worried about sending my already bad symptoms through the roof and then finally decided enough was enough and took it. To my surprise i didn't really notice any changes besides the crushing depression and anxiety I already had. If I chose to take 50mg that probably would have been another story.

If you debate this too long you will already be healed by the time you are mentally ready to try it. Then again that would be just fine as well :thumbsup:

You will probably recover just fine in regards to depression without any need for meds. The question is, how long will that take and can you withstand the emotional pain until then?

If you take your first dose tonight, that doesn't mean you have to commit to it, even if you tolerate it well. I stopped Lexapro after 1 day and Celexa after 4 or 5 days.

The AD catch 22 is that if you feel fine mentally, you don't need to start an AD. If you feel awful mentally, then it is harder to tolerate an AD start-up.  The only solution is to wait until you feel better... but then... well you see what the problem is.

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Yeah, there's part of me that wants to stick it out but it can get pretty rough. I keep thinking tommorow might be the day it eases up. As you stated there's a lot of conundrums to think about. I just need some relief. But I'm not even sure thats guaranteed. 

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Does mirt have any affect on anxiety? I'm getting both anxiety and depression now something bad. It really ramps up sometimes and I get quite desperate.

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7 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Does mirt have any affect on anxiety? I'm getting both anxiety and depression now something bad. It really ramps up sometimes and I get quite desperate.


There are over 530 easy to ready reviews specifically for mirt and anxiety. On a rating of 1 to 10 for effectiveness each review is rated by a user. So you have the option of looking at good, bad, and mixed reviews for a fuller picture.

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9 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Thanks Crono(y)

I really want to try it as I'm on an averadge of 2 hours bad sleep at the moment and waking up with cortisol rushes and bad anxiety. Just scared of having a reaction. Being very indecisive

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