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If I eat clonazepam benefits are gone

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Never happened before just started I guess when I started cutting down about 5 months ago. Even a chocolate and boom om nervous again. Now it's dinner time and I just won't ear because today somethings really effecting me. Maybe the clonodine maybe these vitamins Tmg and trimethylfolate.  God knows. I think for starters I have to end the sugar. Has anyone felt diet helps? Idk I just feel nervous about everything probably like most. Any input would help. Doctors knoe nothing about the food thing.

Also anyone think a prescription from another doctor would help?

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Hi, @[ba...], i'm not sure about a special diet, never tried one but i did notice i felt worse, more fits of anxiety and unease up to short panics with sweating after eating in general regardless what i ate. It started while benzo tapering and went on for the few first months of being benzo free. I also had all kinds of unexpected reactions to lots of usual seemingly harmless medication then. Doctors were completely at a loss.

I think if you feel nervous about some food, it's better to try to avoid it now. Just simple healthy food, not too much at once and not too hot. As for supplements, it's the same. Guess they may cause some symptoms just bc of our hyperactive nervous system being "suspicious" to something new. As soon as it calms down, everything will be ok.

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@[...] thanks and more specifically the cuts haven't been that big I'm still at 5.5 mg clonazepam but I have to eat first thing so a protein shake is all I can stir up as I'm so anxious in the morning. Then I have to wait and eat at night because I'm going to sleep so a sleeping pill gets me 5 hours of sleep. 

The medical community and the internet know nothing. I end up eating something usually and anxiety starts and clonazeppam gone. Withdrawal symptom of course. 

Upside is I stay fit enough lol. 

Thanks for your input and ya it seems that living with my 5 year old and wife and moving in with other family like my parents so they trust I don't cheat was the wrong move.

It's annoying and I need to be a dad as wife goes to work so feeding and putting to sleep etc is a big job. But others keep giving him shit food and all that and more spikes mine and anyone's anxiety.

They all play parent or they to. Six months plus if I tapered with wife and kid less stress less everything.

To late! But thanks @[...] and maybe there's a specialist out there but i dont know who. Lol a food doctor omg? Maybe someone can help. I mean in this forum about who to see. 


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@[ba...], i'm sure someone more knowledgeable about an appropriate diet or the right doctor/ specialist will look in here and answer more to the point) But i think it's very helpful to always remember that all the weird fits of anxiety are caused by the taper and you're not under a real threat. As for me, it's helped tremendously! When i'd got used to the post food uneasy fits, i didn't pay much attention to them and the "torture" stayed shorter and shorter.

Oh, yes, a 5 year old can be difficult to look after but, guess, he's also your best distraction during this sophisticated process)

Good luck to you and may the taper be as smooth and symptomless as possible!)

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Eating is the worst for me. Im about to start a log of what I eat and how it makes me feel. Someone did mention cutting sugar, processed foods, caffeine, seed oils. So we shall see

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Caffiene just about kills me.  Gives me a terrible headache, heart racing and makes me feel like I'm jumping out of my skin.  I don't eat a lot of sugar either.  I go through phases where sometimes a piece of candy is ok and other times it just really isn't.  

I think we all have foods that mess with us that are unique to us.  I've read a lot of posts here about "special diets"  that work for people, but I mean that they are unique to that person through trial and error.  I was reading one post recently were the person has to eat a carnivore diet to get relief.  But then someone else needed to go vegan for their symptoms.  I know trial and error is obnoxious, but it seems to be the only way to figure it out.  I know that I cannot eat any beef right now, but chicken, pork, turkey and several types of fish are fine. I can't eat fried foods or anything with a lot of fat.  But I can eat all the low fat dairy I want and I know a lot of people can't eat that. 

Anyway, my long-winded way of saying I think we all just have to try things and construct our own "special diets".

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Now I know I'm not alone on the food thing. I have one meal at night and a protein shake asap in the am. I wait an hour and take my meds.

I don't even get hungry for a while now. Worrying about what will happen is hard to control. But it will get better. Has to.

Thanks everyone!!!


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